Abdominoperineal resection Health Dictionary

Abdominoperineal Resection: From 1 Different Sources

surgical excision of the anal sphincter, rectum, and part of the sigmoid colon because of cancer involving the anal canal or the lower third of the rectum. The remaining length of sigmoid colon is brought through the abdominal wall (see colostomy; stoma). This procedure may be performed using abdominal and perineal incisions or laparoscopically; it is indicated for tumours close to the anal canal and in patients with poor sphincter function.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


The surgical removal of tissue.... resection

Transcervical Resection Of Endometrium (tcre)

An operation, usually done under local anaesthetic, in which the lining membrane of the UTERUS (womb) is excised using a type of LASER or DIATHERMY surgery that utilises a hysterescope (a variety of ENDOSCOPE) through which the operator can visualise the inside of the uterus. The operation is done to treat MENORRHAGIA (heavy blood loss during MENSTRUATION) and its introduction has reduced the need to perform HYSTERECTOMY for the condition.... transcervical resection of endometrium (tcre)

Transurethral Resection

The use of a special CYSTOSCOPE (a resectoscope) inserted through the URETHRA to resect the PROSTATE GLAND or bladder tumours. (See also RESECTION.)... transurethral resection

Submucous Resection

An operation to correct a deviated nasal septum.... submucous resection

Root End Resection

see apicectomy.... root end resection

Transcervical Resection Of The Endometrium

(TCRE) an operation, which is performed under local anaesthetic, in which the membrane lining the uterus (see endometrium) is cut away by a form of *electrosurgery using a *resectoscope, which is introduced through the cervix. Like *endometrial ablation, TCRE is used as an alternative to hysterectomy to treat abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding as it results in fewer complications and shorter stays in hospital.... transcervical resection of the endometrium

Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

(TURP) see resection.... transurethral resection of the prostate

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