In recent years persistent child abuse in some children’s homes has come to light, with widespread publicity following o?enders’ appearances in court. Local communities have also protested about convicted paedophiles, released from prison, coming to live in their communities.
In England and Wales, local-government social-services departments are central in the prevention, investigation and management of cases of child abuse. They have four important protection duties laid down in the Children Act 1989. They are charged (1) to prevent children from suffering ill treatment and neglect; (2) to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in need; (3) when requested by a court, to investigate a child’s circumstances; (4) to investigate information – in concert with the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) – that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer signi?cant harm, and to decide whether action is necessary to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare. Similar provisions exist in the other parts of the United Kingdom.
When anyone suspects that child abuse is occurring, contact should be made with the relevant social-services department or, in Scotland, with the children’s reporter. (See NONACCIDENTAL INJURY (NAI); PAEDOPHILIA.)... child abuse
Alternatives: Teas. Hops, Angelica, German Chamomile, or Skullcap. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. 1 cup 3-4 times daily.
Tablets/capsules. Cramp bark, Black Cohosh, Valerian.
Formula. Equal parts: Cramp bark and Valerian. Dose – powders: 250mg, or one 00 capsule; liquid extracts: 15-30 drops; bark tinctures: 30-60 drops; in honey or water 3-4 times daily.
Cold infusion. 1 teaspoon Oak bark cut, in cup cold water. Infuse 1 hour. Dose: sips during the day. Tincture Cinchona, BPC (1949), 15-30 drops, 2-3 times daily.
Tincture Myrrh BPC (1973) 5-10 drops in half glass water 2-3 times daily.
Oil of Evening Primrose improves brain function in cases of withdrawal (Efamol Can Improve Alcohol Recovery, General Practitioner, p11, Sept 18, 1987).
Milk Thistle. Good responses observed. Dose: 80-200mg, thrice daily.
Chinese Medicine. Kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata) can effectively reduce the cravings of alcohol. The flowers are used in China for alcoholic poisoning. Used for reforming alcoholics. (Herbarium Dec 1993) Supplements. B-complex, A, C, E. Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc. For bone-loss of alcoholism: see: OSTEOPOROSIS.
Information. Alcoholics Anonymous, Stonebow House, Stonebow, York YO1 2NJ. ... alcohol abuse
Child abuse may take the form of physical injury, sexual abuse, emotional mistreatment, and/or neglect; it occurs at all levels of society.
Being deprived or ill-treated in childhood may predispose people to repeat the pattern of abuse with their own children.
Children who are abused or at risk of abuse may be placed in care while the health and social services decide on the best course of action.... they generally heal without treatment child abuse
Problems resulting from drug abuse may arise from the adverse effects of the drug, accidents that occur during intoxication, or from the habit-forming potential of many drugs, which may lead to drug dependence.... drug abuse
Heroin addiction has many adverse effects on the user, including injection scars, skin abscesses, weight loss, impotence, and the risk of infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV through sharing needles.
Death commonly occurs from accidental overdose.... heroin abuse
Inhalation of solvent fumes produces a feeling of intoxication similar to that produced by alcohol. Solvent abuse can cause headache, vomiting, confusion, and coma. Death may occur due to a direct toxic effect on the heart, a fall, choking on vomit, or asphyxiation. Longterm effects include erosion of the lining of the nose and throat, and damage to the kidneys, liver, and nervous system.
Acute symptoms resulting from solvent abuse require urgent medical attention. Counselling may be helpful in discouraging the behaviour.... solvent abuse