Achilles tendon contracture Health Dictionary

Achilles Tendon Contracture: From 1 Different Sources

Restriction of ankle movements due to shortening of Achilles tendon, with calf pain.

Treatment: Hot foot baths: Chamomile flowers. Paint with Liquid extract or tincture Lobelia. Gradual stretching by manipulation. Massage with Neat’s foot oil. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia


The permanent shortening of a muscle or of ?brous tissue. Contraction is the name given to the temporary shortening of a muscle.... contracture


A tendon – also known as sinew, or leader – is the cord of tissue that attaches the end of a muscle to the bone or other structure upon which the muscle acts when it contracts. Tendons are composed of bundles of white ?brous tissue arranged in a very dense manner, and are of great strength. Some are rounded, some ?attened bands, whilst others are very short – the muscle-?bres being attached almost directly to the bone. Most tendons are surrounded by sheaths lined with membrane similar to the SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE lining joint-cavities: in this sheath the tendon glides smoothly over surrounding parts. The ?bres of a tendon pass into the substance of the bone and blend with the ?bres composing it. One of the largest tendons in the body is the Achilles tendon, or tendo calcaneus, which attaches the muscle of the calf to the calcaneus or heel-bone.

Tendon injuries are one of the hazards of sports (see SPORTS MEDICINE). They usually result from indirect violence, or overuse, rather than direct violence.

Rupture usually results from the sudden application of an unbalanced load. Thus, complete rupture of the Achilles tendon is common in taking an awkward step backwards playing squash. There is sudden pain; the victim is often under the impression that he or she has received a blow. This is accompanied by loss of function, and a gap may be felt in the tendon.

Partial Rupture is also accompanied by pain, but there is no breach of continuity or complete loss of function. Treatment of a complete rupture usually means surgical repair followed by immobilisation of the tendon in plaster of Paris for six weeks. Partial rupture usually responds to physiotherapy and immobilisation, but healing is slow.... tendon

Tendon Transfer

Reconstructive surgery in which the TENDON from an unimportant muscle is removed and used to repair or replace a damaged tendon of a major muscle.... tendon transfer

Dupuytren’s Contracture

The Thatcher Finger. Fibrosis of the palm of the hand leading to deformity. Inability to straighten the ring and little finger due to fixed flexion. A tightened sinew. High serum fat levels are present, the disease affecting men from the age of 20 and women after the menopause.

“It is believed that oxidation of the lipids by free radicals (which are also present in high numbers in patients who have Dupuytren’s contracture) produces toxins which kill fibroblast cells in the palmar fascia. The surrounding tissue overreacts by producing many more fibroblasts, a bit like callous formation after a wound. The rapid increase in fibrous tissue leads to the contracture. This explains why the contracture is so common among patients with diabetes, epilepsy and alcoholism – serum lipid levels are raised in all these groups . . . However, the disorder occurs only if the patient has a genetic predisposition to the disease.” (Mr Paul Sanderson, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Wrightington Hospital, Wigan, in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Nov. 1992)

Treatment. Directed towards prevention. Same as for HYPERLIPIDAEMIA.


DWARF ELDER. Danewort. Ground Elder. Sambucus ebulus L. French: Petit sureau. German:

Attichwurzel. Spanish: Sauro enano. Italian: Ebbio. Part used: leaves. Action: expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, purgative.

Uses: Dropsy, kidney and bladder torpor, rheumatism.

Combine, equal parts Dwarf Elder, Greater Plantain and Parsley Piert for gravel.

Combine, equal parts Dwarf Elder, Wild Carrot, Broom and Motherwort for oedema of heart origin. Combine, equal parts Dwarf Elder and Celery seeds for polymyalgia and rheumatism. (W.T. Hewitt, FNIMH)

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Tea. 2 teaspoons leaves to each cup boiling water; infuse 10 minutes. Half-1 cup.

Tincture. 1 part in 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol. Macerate 8 days. Decant. 5-10ml (1-2 teaspoons). ... dupuytren’s contracture

Achilles Tendon

A thick tendon that joins the calf muscles to the heel bone (calcaneus) and pulls up that bone. The tendon is prone to rupture in middle-aged people playing vigorous sports such as squash or tennis. Named after the classical Greek hero Achilles, who was reputedly vulnerable to his enemies only in his heel.... achilles tendon

Volkmann’s Contracture

A disorder in which the wrist and fingers become permanently fixed in a bent position. It occurs because of an inadequate blood supply to the forearm muscles that control the wrist and fingers as a result of an injury. Initially, the fingers become cold, numb, and white or blue. Finger movements are weak and painful, and there is no pulse at the wrist. Unless treatment is started within a few hours, wrist and finger deformity develops.

Treatment is by manipulation back into position of any displaced bones, followed, if necessary, by surgical restoration of blood flow in the forearm.

If there is permanent deformity, physiotherapy may help to restore function.... volkmann’s contracture

Dupuytren’s Contracture

A condition of unknown aetiology in which there is progressive thickening and contracture of the FASCIA in the palm of the hand with adherence of the overlying skin. A clawing deformity of the ?ngers, particularly the little and ring ?ngers, develops. It is associated with liver disease, diabetes, epilepsy, and gout. Treatment is surgical to excise the affected fascia. Recurrence is not uncommon.... dupuytren’s contracture

Volkmann’s Contracture

A rare condition in which, as a result of too great a pressure from splint or bandage in the treatment of a broken arm, the ?exor muscles of the forearm contract and thus obstruct free ?ow of blood in the veins; the muscles then swell and ultimately become ?brosed.... volkmann’s contracture

Tendon Release

See tendolysis.... tendon release

Tendon Repair

Surgery to join the cut or torn ends of, or to replace, a tendon.... tendon repair

Tendon Rupture

A complete tear in a tendon.

A tendon may rupture when the muscle to which it is attached contracts suddenly and powerfully, such as during vigorous exercise.

Rupture may also be due to an injury or joint disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms include a snapping sensation, impaired movement, pain, and swelling.

Diagnosis is usually obvious from the symptoms.

Surgery to repair the tendon may be needed.

In some cases, the tendon may heal if immobilized in a plaster cast.... tendon rupture

Golgi Tendon Organ

see tendon organ.... golgi tendon organ

Tendon Organ

(Golgi tendon organ) a sensory *receptor found within a tendon that responds to the tension or stretching of the tendon and relays impulses to the central nervous system. Like stretch receptors in muscle, tendon organs are part of the *proprioceptor system.... tendon organ

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