Acute kidney injury Health Dictionary

Acute Kidney Injury: From 1 Different Sources


A type of disease or disorder having a sudden onset with severe symptoms, and generally a short or self-limited duration (such as a head cold or sprain). The opposite of CHRONIC.... acute

Head Injury

Any injury to the head, whether associated with a skull fracture (see BONE, DISORDERS OF – Bone fractures) or not. Patients with head injuries should be assessed for signs of neurological damage, which may not develop at once. Patients who after a head injury are or have been UNCONSCIOUS or who are drowsy, vomiting, confused or have any focal neurological signs – for example, blurred vision or a motor or sensory malfunction – should be seen by a doctor. Particular care should be taken with individuals who have consumed alcohol and sustained a head injury in a ?ght, fall or vehicle accident. Symptoms indicative of a severe head injury may be attributed (wrongly) to the effects of alcohol, and crucial time thus lost in treating the injury.

In hospital the possible need for urgent action is monitored by use of the GLASGOW COMA SCALE.

People suffering the results of such injuries and their relatives can obtain help and advice from Headway – the brain injury association.... head injury

Horseshoe Kidney

See KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF.... horseshoe kidney

Whiplash Injury

An injury to the neck region caused by the neck being forcibly bent backwards and forwards (or the other way around). Car accidents are a common cause, when a driver or passenger is suddenly decelerated. The injury usually affects the ligaments, spinal joints and soft tissues of the neck. Subluxation (partial dislocation) of a cervical joint sometimes occurs and cervical vertebra may occasionally be fractured if the forces are severe. Pain and sti?ness of the neck result and these may worsen after a day or so. Treatment includes immobilisation of the neck in a collar, and analgesic and muscle-relaxing drugs. PHYSIOTHERAPY may be necessary. The patient usually recovers fully but may take several weeks to do so.... whiplash injury

Abdomen, Acute

See ABDOMEN, DISEASES OF.... abdomen, acute

Kidney Stone

Small, hard stone that may form in the kidneys and cause intense pain... kidney stone

Needle-stick Injury

Accidental perforation of the skin by an injection needle, commonly of the hand or ?nger and usually by a nurse or doctor administering a therapeutic injection. The term also refers to accidental injuries from injection needles discarded by drug abusers. Dangerous infections such as viral HEPATITIS or HIV may be acquired from needle-stick injuries, and there are strict procedures about the disposal of used syringes and needles in medical settings.... needle-stick injury

Kidney Disorders

The kidneys are responsible for the excretion of many waste products, chiefly urea from the blood. They maintain the correct balance of salts and water. Any of the individual kidney disorders may interfere with these important functions. See: ABSCESS (kidney). BRIGHT’S DISEASE. CARDIAC DROPS. RENAL FLUID RETENTION. GRAVEL. HYDRONEPHROSIS. NEPHROSIS. PROTEINURIA. PYELITIS. RENAL COLIC. RETENTION OF URINE. STONE IN THE KIDNEY. SUPPRESSION OF URINE. URAEMIA. ... kidney disorders

Bronchitis, Acute

Inflammatory condition of the bronchial tubes caused by cold and damp or by a sudden change from a heated to a cold atmosphere. Other causes: viral or bacterial infection, irritating dust and fumes, colds which ‘go down to the chest’.

Symptoms: short dry cough, catarrh, wheezing, sensation of soreness in chest; temperature may be raised. Most cases run to a favourable conclusion but care is necessary with young children and the elderly. Repeated attacks may lead to a chronic condition.

Alternatives. Teas – Angelica, Holy Thistle, Elecampane leaves, Fenugreek seeds (decoction), Hyssop, Iceland Moss, Mouse Ear, Mullein, Nasturtium, Plantain, Wild Violet, Thyme, White Horehound, Wild Cherry bark (decoction), Lobelia, Liquorice, Boneset. With fever, add Elderflowers.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Wild Cherry bark, Mullein, Thyme. Mix. 1 heaped teaspoon to cup water simmered 5 minutes in closed vessel. 1 cup 2-3 times daily. A pinch of Cayenne assists action.

Irish Moss (Carragheen) – 1 teaspoon to cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. It gels into a viscous mass. Cannot be strained. Add honey and eat with a spoon, as desired.

Tablets/capsules. Iceland Moss. Lobelia. Garlic. Slippery Elm.

Prescription No 1. Morning and evening and when necessary. Thyme 2; Lungwort 2; Lobelia 1. OR Prescription No 2. Morning and evening and when necessary. Iceland Moss 2; Wild Cherry bark 1; Thyme 2.

Doses:– Powders: one-third teaspoon (500mg) or two 00 capsules. Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons.

Practitioner. Alternatives:–

(1) Tincture Ipecacuanha BP (1973). Dose, 0.25-1ml.

(2) Tincture Grindelia BPC (1949). Dose, 0.6-1.2ml.

(3) Tincture Belladonna BP (1980). Dose, 0.5-2ml.

Black Forest Tea (traditional). Equal parts: White Horehound, Elderflowers and Vervain. One teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes; drink freely.

Topical. Chest rub: Olbas oil, Camphorated oil. Aromatherapy oils:– Angelica, Elecampane, Mullein, Cajeput, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Mint, Onion, Pine, Thyme.

Aromatherapy inhalants: Oils of Pine, Peppermint and Hyssop. 5 drops of each to bowl of hot water.

Inhale: head covered with a towel to trap steam.

Diet: Low salt, low fat, high fibre. Halibut liver oil. Wholefoods. Avoid all dairy products. Supplements. Vitamins A, C, D, E. ... bronchitis, acute

Nonaccidental Injury

See child abuse.... nonaccidental injury

Repetitive Strain Injury

(RSI) An overuse injury that affects keyboard workers and musicians, causing weakness and pain in the wrists and fingers.... repetitive strain injury


Either of the 2 organs that filter the blood and excrete waste products and excess water as urine. The kidneys are situated at the back of the abdominal cavity, on either side of the spine. Each kidney is surrounded by a fibrous capsule and is made up of an outer cortex and an inner medulla.

The cortex contains specialized capillaries called glomeruli, which, together with a series of tubules, make up the nephrons, the filtering units of the kidney. The nephrons filter blood under pressure and then selectively reabsorb water and certain other substances back into the blood. Urine is formed from substances that are not reabsorbed. The urine is conducted through tubules to the renal pelvis (the central collecting area of the kidney) and then through tubes called ureters to the bladder.

The kidneys also regulate the body’s fluid balance.

To do this, the kidneys excrete excess water, and when water is lost from the body (for example as a result of sweating), they conserve it (see ADH).

In addition, the kidneys control the body’s acid–base balance by adjusting urine acidity.

The kidneys are also involved in hormonal regulation of red blood cell production and blood pressure.... kidney

Acute Care / Acute Health Care

Care that is generally provided for a short period of time to treat a new illness or a flare-up of an existing condition. This type of care may include treatment at home, short-term hospital stays, professional care, surgery, X-rays and scans, as well as emergency medical services.... acute care / acute health care

Acute Disease / Illness

A disease which is characterized by a single or repeated episode of relatively rapid onset and short duration from which the patient usually returns to his/her normal or previous state or level of activity. An acute episode of a chronic disease (for example, an episode of diabetic coma in a patient with diabetes) is often treated as an acute disease.... acute disease / illness

Acute Life-threatening Event (alte)

See ALTE.... acute life-threatening event (alte)

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ards)

Formerly known as adult respiratory distress syndrome. A form of acute respiratory failure in which a variety of di?erent disorders give rise to lung injury by what is thought to be a common pathway. The condition has a high mortality rate (about 70 per cent); it is a complex clinical problem in which a disproportionate immunological response plays a major role. (See IMMUNITY.)

The exact trigger is unknown, but it is thought that, whatever the stimulus, chemical mediators produced by cells of the immune system or elsewhere in the body spread and sustain an in?ammatory reaction. Cascade mechanisms with multiple interactions are provoked. CYTOTOXIC substances (which damage or kill cells) such as oxygen-free radicals and PROTEASE damage the alveolar capillary membranes (see ALVEOLUS). Once this happens, protein-rich ?uid leaks into the alveoli and interstitial spaces. SURFACTANT is also lost. This impairs the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs and gives rise to the clinical and pathological picture of acute respiratory failure.

The typical patient with ARDS has rapidly worsening hypoxaemia (lack of oxygen in the blood), often requiring mechanical ventilation. There are all the signs of respiratory failure (see TACHYPNOEA; TACHYCARDIA; CYANOSIS), although the chest may be clear apart from a few crackles. Radiographs show bilateral, patchy, peripheral shadowing. Blood gases will show a low PaO2 (concentration of oxygen in arterial blood) and usually a high PaCO2 (concentration of carbon dioxide in arterial blood). The lungs are ‘sti?’ – they are less e?ective because of the loss of surfactant and the PULMONARY OEDEMA.

Causes The causes of ARDS may be broadly divided into the following:... acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards)

Artificial Kidney

See DIALYSIS.... artificial kidney

Iatrogenic Illness (or Injury)

Negative effect resulting from a medical treatment.... iatrogenic illness (or injury)

Kidney, Artificial

See DIALYSIS.... kidney, artificial

Non-accidental Injury (nai)

(See also CHILD ABUSE). Though NAI has traditionally been seen as abuse against children – and they are still the main victims – such injuries can also be in?icted on vulnerable adults. Adults with learning diffculties, dementias or physical disabilities su?ciently serious as to require institutional care (or who make heavy demands on relatives) are sometimes the victims of NAI. Health professionals, social workers and relatives should bear this possibility in mind when discovering unusual, severe or repeated bruising or fractures in vulnerable adults, even in circumstances where NAI may seem unlikely. (See also MUNCHAUSEN’S SYNDROME; PAEDOPHILIA.)... non-accidental injury (nai)

Polycystic Disease Of The Kidney

An inherited disease in which the KIDNEYS contain many cysts. These grow in size until normal kidney tissue is largely destroyed. Cysts may also occur in other organs such as the liver. In adults, the disease will cause HYPERTENSION and kidney failure. There is also a juvenile form. There is no e?ective treatment, although symptoms can be alleviated by DIALYSIS and sometimes kidney transplant (see TRANSPLANTATION).... polycystic disease of the kidney

Post-acute Care

See “transitional care”.... post-acute care

Renal Failure (acute)

Inefficient functioning of the kidney, leading to death unless acute medical attention is available. Envenomation (especially snake bite) is a common cause, as well as a range of medical conditions, including infection..... renal failure (acute)

Repetitive Strain Injury (rsi)

See UPPER LIMB DISORDERS.... repetitive strain injury (rsi)

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (sars)

See SARS.... severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars)

Structure Each Kidney Is About 10 Cm Long,

6.5 cm wide, 5 cm thick, and weighs around 140 grams.

Adult kidneys have a smooth exterior, enveloped by a tough ?brous coat that is bound to the kidney only by loose ?brous tissue and by a few blood vessels that pass between it and the kidney. The outer margin of the kidney is convex; the inner is concave with a deep depression, known as the hilum, where the vessels enter. The URETER, which conveys URINE to the URINARY BLADDER, is also joined at this point. The ureter is spread out into an expanded, funnel-like end, known as the pelvis, which further divides up into little funnels known as the calyces. A vertical section through a kidney (see diagram) shows two distinct layers: an outer one, about 4 mm thick, known as the cortex; and an inner one, the medulla, lying closer to the hilum. The medulla consists of around a dozen pyramids arranged side by side, with their base on the cortex and their apex projecting into the calyces of the ureter. The apex of each pyramid is studded with tiny holes, which are the openings of the microscopic uriniferous tubes.

In e?ect, each pyramid, taken together with the portion of cortex lying along its base, is an independent mini-kidney. About 20 small tubes are on the surface of each pyramid; these, if traced up into its substance, repeatedly subdivide so as to form bundles of convoluted tubules, known as medullary rays, passing up towards the cortex. One of these may be traced further back, ending, after a tortuous course, in a small rounded body: the Malpighian corpuscle or glomerulus (see diagram). Each glomerulus and its convoluted tubule is known as a nephron, which constitutes the functional unit of the kidney. Each kidney contains around a million nephrons.

After entering the kidney, the renal artery divides into branches, forming arches where the cortex and medulla join. Small vessels come o? these arches and run up through the cortex, giving o? small branches in each direction. These end in a tuft of capillaries, enclosed in Bowman’s capsule, which forms the end of the uriniferous tubules just described; capillaries with capsule constitute a glomerulus.

After circulating in the glomerulus, the blood leaves by a small vein, which again divides into capillaries on the walls of the uriniferous tubules. From these it is ?nally collected into the renal veins and then leaves the kidney. This double circulation (?rst through the glomerulus and then around the tubule) allows a large volume of ?uid to be removed from the blood in the glomerulus, the concentrated blood passing on to the uriniferous tubule for removal of parts of its solid contents. Other arteries come straight from the arches and supply the medulla direct; the blood from these passes through another set of capillaries and ?nally into the renal veins. This circulation is con?ned purely to the kidney, although small connections by both arteries and veins exist which pass through the capsule and, joining the lumbar vessels, communicate directly with the aorta.

Function The kidneys work to separate ?uid and certain solids from the blood. The glomeruli ?lter from the blood the non-protein portion of the plasma – around 150–200 litres in 24 hours, 99 per cent of which is reabsorbed on passing through the convoluted tubules.

Three main groups of substances are classi?ed according to their extent of uptake by the tubules:

(1) SUBSTANCES ACTIVELY REABSORBED These include amino acids, glucose, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine (for more information, see under separate entries).

(2) SUBSTANCES DIFFUSING THROUGH THE TUBULAR EPITHELIUM when their concentration in the ?ltrate exceeds that in the PLASMA, such as UREA, URIC ACID and phosphates.

(3) SUBSTANCES NOT RETURNED TO THE BLOOD from the tubular ?uid, such as CREATINE, accumulate in kidney failure, resulting in general ‘poisoning’ known as URAEMIA.... structure each kidney is about 10 cm long,

Sub-acute Care

Sub-acute care is a bridge between acute care and home care. It is medical and skilled nursing services provided to persons who are not in the acute phase of an illness but who require a level of care higher than that provided in a long-term care setting.... sub-acute care

Liver – Acute Yellow Atrophy

Necrosis. Fatal disease in which the substance of the liver is destroyed. Incidence is rare since the public has been alerted to the dangers of certain chemical toxins, fumes from synthetic glues, solvents, and poisonous fungi.

Symptoms: jaundice, delirium and convulsions.

As it is the work of the liver to neutralise incoming poisons it may suffer unfair wear and tear, alcohol and caffeine being common offenders.

Treatment for relief of symptoms only: same as for abscess of the liver.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – acute yellow atrophy

Artificial Kidney

The common name for the machine used in dialysis.... artificial kidney

Birth Injury

Damage sustained during birth. Minor injuries, such as bruising and swelling of the scalp during a vaginal delivery (see cephalhaematoma) are common. More serious injury can occur, particularly if the baby is excessively large and has difficulty in passing through the birth canal. A breech delivery may result in injury to nerves in the shoulder, causing temporary paralysis in the arm. The face may be paralysed temporarily if the facial nerve is traumatized by forceps. Fractured bones are another hazard of difficult deliveries, but the bones usually heal easily. (See also birth defects; brain damage.)... birth injury

Tea For Kidney

Consumption of tea can lead to many health benefits, as it is a natural beverage. There are various types of tea which help with kidney problems, as well. Find out more about teas for kidney! Why drink tea for kidney Damage of kidney (nephropathy) can lead to various problems. Some of the more common ones include kidney failure (also known as renal failure), kidney tumors (Wilms tumor or renal cell carcinoma), and kidney stones. Consumption of tea can help treat these problems, prevent them or slow down their progress. They also help maintain the kidneys in a healthy condition, which leads to other health benefits, such as regulating the blood pressure. Teas for kidney There are several types of tea which help with kidney problems. Most of them are herbal teas. Club moss tea, elderberry tea, saw palmetto tea, and cleavers tea have a cleansing effect, helping with the detoxification process. In the case of kidney failures, you can add centaury tea and Ceylon tea to your treatment. For other kidney problems, as well as the ones mentioned before, drink fenugreek tea, burdock tea, sassafras tea, banaba tea, sage tea, juniper tea, privet tea, orris tea, or milk thistle tea. Also, in order to have a pair of healthy kidneys, you can drink cranberry tea, goji tea, rehmannia tea, dandelion tea, lemongrass tea, or kukicha tea. Tea for kidney stones Kidney stones are some of the most common kidney problems. They are solid concretions or crystal aggregations which are formed in the kidneys and eliminated through urine. Black tea is one type of tea that can help with kidney stones. Other teas, herbal ones this time, are butterbur tea, corn silk tea, uva ursi tea, stone root tea, triphala tea, marshmallow tea, alfalfa tea, pipsissewa tea, and abuta tea. Tea for kidney side effects Side effects vary from one tea to another. Generally, it is recommended to speak to your doctor first, before consuming one of these teas, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, you have to be careful with black tea, which has a pretty high caffeine content. If your body can’t take caffeine, it might lead to unwanted side effects: headaches, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeats, tremors, dizziness, or ringing in the ears. Teas you shouldn’t drink If you’ve got kidney problems, there are a few types of tea you should not drink. The list includes oolong tea, horse chestnut tea, lovage tea, wu yi tea, lemon verbena tea, rue tea, and periwinkle tea. Also, you might get kidney problems (even kidney stones) if you drink a high amount of boneset tea, yohimbe tea, yerba mate tea, essiac tea, parsley tea, osha tea, and meadowsweet tea. However, juniper tea and horsetail tea are part of a special class. They both help with kidney problems, but they have to be consumed properly. Over consumption can lead to kidney pains in the case of juniper tea, or kidney stones in the case of horsetail tea. You can protect your kidney, as well as treat various kidney problems, by drinking tea. Besides this, you’ll discover that, based on the type of tea you drink, you’ll get plenty of health benefits, as well. Have a cup of tea for kidney!... tea for kidney

Urethra, Diseases Of And Injury To

Trauma Injury to the urethra is often the result of severe trauma to the pelvis – for example, in a car accident or as the result of a fall. Trauma can also result from catheter insertion (see CATHETERS) or the insertion of foreign bodies into the urethra. The signs are the inability to pass urine, and blood at the exit of the urethra. The major complication of trauma is the development of a urethral stricture (see below).

Urethritis is in?ammation of the urethra from infection.

Causes The sexually transmitted disease GONORRHOEA affects the urethra, mainly in men, and causes severe in?ammation and urethritis. Non-speci?c urethritis (NSU) is an in?ammation of the urethra caused by one of many di?erent micro-organisms including BACTERIA, YEAST and CHLAMYDIA.

Symptoms The classic signs and symptoms are a urethral discharge associated with urethral pain, particularly on micturition (passing urine), and DYSURIA.

Treatment This involves taking urethral swabs, culturing the causative organism and treating it with the appropriate antibiotic. The complications of urethritis include stricture formation.

Stricture This is an abrupt narrowing of the urethra at one or more places. Strictures can be a result of trauma or infection or a congenital abnormality from birth. Rarely, tumours can cause strictures.

Symptoms The usual presenting complaint is one of a slow urinary stream. Other symptoms include hesitancy of micturition, variable stream and terminal dribbling. Measurement of the urine ?ow rate may help in the diagnosis, but often strictures are detected during cystoscopy (see CYSTOSCOPE).

Treatment The traditional treatment was the periodic dilation of the strictures with ‘sounds’

– solid metal rods passed into the urethra. However, a more permanent solution is achieved by cutting the stricture with an endoscopic knife (optical urethrotomy). For more complicated long or multiple strictures, an open operation (urethroplasty) is required.... urethra, diseases of and injury to


Harm to any part of the body.

It may arise from many causes, including physical influences (for example, force, heat, cold, electricity, vibration, and radiation), chemical causes (for example, poisons), bites, or oxygen deprivation.... injury

Kidney Biopsy

A procedure in which a small sample of kidney tissue is removed and examined under a microscope.

Kidney biopsy is performed to investigate and diagnose serious kidney disorders, such as glomerulonephritis, proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome, and acute kidney failure, or to assess the kidneys’ response to treatment.

There are 2 basic techniques: percutaneous needle biopsy, in which a hollow needle is passed through the skin into the kidney under local anaesthesia; and open surgery under general anaesthesia.... kidney biopsy

Kidney Cyst

A fluid-filled sac in the kidney. Most kidney cysts are noncancerous. Cysts commonly develop in people over 50 and may occur singly or multiply in 1 or both kidneys. Most cysts occur for no known reason and do not usually produce symptoms unless they become large enough to cause pain in the lower back due to pressure. However, large numbers of cysts in the kidneys may be associated with polycystic kidney disease (see kidney, polycystic), which often leads to kidney failure. Treatment of simple cysts is not usually necessary, but aspiration (withdrawal of fluid) or surgical removal may be carried out if a cyst is painful or recurs.... kidney cyst

Tea For Kidney Problems

If you’re experiencing abdominal pain and you’re sure it’s not a digestive tract ailment, it’s very possible that you’re suffering from a kidney disorder. The same if the pain is localized in the back or on one side of your body. Usually, kidney problems appear when there’s something wrong with your urinary tract and not only. Overexposing your body to low temperatures may cause urinary infections, impurity accumulations lead to kidney stones. Also, kidney problems can be caused by other health complaints, such as pulmonary edema and cancers. However, it’s best to schedule an appointment with your doctor in order to find out what’s actually going on with your body. How a Tea for Kidney Problems Works A Tea for Kidney Problems’ main goal is to purify your body by triggering a positive response from it. Once the main substances of these teas reach the affected areas, your organism produces enough endorphins (which are cells specialized in making you feel a lot better by bringing relief to your wounds) and antibodies to reconstruct the damaged tissue. Efficient Tea for Kidney Problems In order to work properly, a Tea for Kidney Problems needs to be both efficient and one hundred percent safe. Also, it must contain the right amount of nutrients, natural enzymes, volatile oils, antioxidants and minerals (sodium, magnesium, iron and manganese). This way, that tea will make your body eliminate the unwanted impurities and improve your kidney function. If you don’t know which teas would be appropriate for your condition, here’s a list to choose from: - Dandelion Tea – can be prepared from dandelion roots and it’s also a great adjuvant in diarrhea and urinary infection cases. This Tea for Kidney Problems has a bitter taste, but you can add ginger, lemon, mint or honey in order to make it more adequate for you. Avoid it at all costs if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding: due to its strong purgative and diuretic properties, Dandelion Tea can cause uterine contractions which may lead to miscarriages. - Marshmallow Root Tea – this lovely tea with a hint of Christmas is useful for a large variety of problems, from infertility to gastrointestinal and digestive complaints. Take a sip at every 5 minutes for an hour and enjoy the wonderful health benefits! - Buchu Tea – contains antioxidants and antibacterial agents, being a great help in cases of cystitis, urethritis and kidney failure. This Tea for Kidney acts like a natural diuretic and should not be taken by pregnant women. - Green Tea – as the scientists have proved, this decoction contains all the ingredients necessary to sustain life, so it’s useful for many problems, not just kidney disorders. However, don’t take it if you’re experiencing menstrual and menopausal symptoms (it can cause uterine contractions and stomach acidity). Tea for Kidney Problems Side Effects When taken properly, these teas are generally safe. However, exceeding the number of cups recommended per day might lead to a number of health problems such as miscarriages, hallucinations, headaches and skin rash. If you’ve been taking one of these teas and something doesn’t feel quite right, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Don’t take a Tea for Kidney Problems if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners or anticoagulants. The same advice if you’re preparing for a surgery. If you have the medical approval and there’s nothing that could interfere with your treatment, choose a Tea for Kidney problems that fits best your needs and give it a try today!  ... tea for kidney problems

Bright’s Disease (acute)

Glomerulonephritis. Recognised by slight puffiness of the eyes and a dropsical accumulation of fluid in body cavities. Blood pressure rises. Appetite disappears. Digestion is deranged, urine may be blood-stained and a variety of symptoms present as dizziness, headache, nausea. Commonly caused by post streptococcal throat infection circulating in the blood, yet it is now known that the condition may arise from exposure to common garden insecticides and toxic substances of commercial importance that alter the body’s immune system and affect kidney function.

Acute toxic nephritis is possible in the convalescent stage of scarlet and other infectious fevers, even influenza. Causes are legion, including septic conditions in the ear, nose, throat, tonsils, teeth or elsewhere. Resistance to other infections will be low because of accumulation of toxins awaiting elimination. When protein escapes from the body through faulty kidneys general health suffers.

This condition should be treated by or in liaison with a qualified medical practitioner.

Treatment. Bedrest essential, with electric blanket or hot water bottle. Attention to bowels; a timely laxative also assists elimination of excessive fluid. Diuretics. Diaphoretics. Abundant drinks of bottled water or herb teas (3-5 pints daily). Alkaline drinks have a healing effect upon the kidneys. Juniper is never given for active inflammation.

Useful teas. Buchu, Cornsilk, Couchgrass, Clivers, Bearberry, Elderflowers, Marshmallow, Mullein, Marigold flowers, Wild Carrot, Yarrow.

Greece: traditional tea: equal parts, Agrimony, Bearberry, Couchgrass, Pellitory.

Powders. Equal parts: Dandelion, Cornsilk, Mullein. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half teaspoon) every 2 hours. In water or cup of Cornsilk tea.

Tinctures. Equal parts: Buchu, Elderflowers, Yarrow. Mix. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons in water or cup of Cornsilk tea, every two hours.

Topical. Hot poultices to small of the back; flannel or other suitable material saturated with an infusion of Elderflowers, Goldenrod, Horsetail or Yarrow. Herbal treatment offers a supportive role. ... bright’s disease (acute)

Kidney Function Tests

Tests performed to investigate kidney disorders.

Urinalysis is a simple test in which a urine sample is examined under a microscope for blood cells, pus cells, and casts (cells and mucous material that accumulate in the tubules of the kidneys and pass into the urine).

Urine may be tested for substances, such as proteins, that leak into the urine when the kidneys are damaged.

Kidney function can be assessed by measuring the concentration in the blood of substances, such as urea and creatinine, that the kidneys normally excrete.

Kidney function may also be assessed by kidney imaging techniques.... kidney function tests

Cancer – Kidney

Cancer of the kidney may appear in the renal pelvis, the area where urine is collected, or as a hypernephroma in the kidney itself. Not common. Symptoms include blood in the urine but with little pain. Herbal anti-neoplastics may enable the body to tolerate and reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy, the following being subordinate to conventional treatment.

Formula. Corn Silk 3; Plantain (Plantago major L) 2; Golden Rod 1; Hydrangea 1; Valerian half. Dosage: thrice daily before meals. Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon. This may be used as a basic combination to be adapted to a changing clinical picture.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or oncologist. ... cancer – kidney

Laryngitis, Acute

 Inflammation of the vocal cords. May be associated with the common cold, influenza, and other viral or bacterial infections.

Causes: smoking, mis-use of the voice in talking or singing (Ginseng).

Symptoms: voice husky or absent (aphonia). Talking causes pain. Self-limiting.

Treatment. Stop talking for 2 days. Care is necessary: neglect or ineffective treatment may rouse infection and invade the windpipe and bronchi resulting in croup.

Differential: croup is alerted by high fever and characteristic cough, requiring hospital treatment. Alternatives. Teas: Red Sage. Garden Sage. Thyme, wild or garden.

Effective combination: equal parts, Sage and Raspberry leaves. Used also as a gargle.

Tablets/capsules. Poke root. Lobelia. Iceland Moss.

Cinnamon. Tincture, essence or oil of: 3-5 drops in teaspoon honey.

Horseradish. 1oz freshly scraped root to steep in cold water for two hours. Add 2 teaspoons runny honey. Dose: 2-3 teaspoons every two hours.

Topical. Equal parts water/cider vinegar cold pack round throat. Renew when dry.

Traditional: “Rub soles of the feet with Garlic and lard well-beaten together, overnight. Hoarseness gone in the morning.” (John Wesley) Friar’s balsam.

Aromatherapy. Steam inhalations. Oils: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Niaouli, Geranium, Lavender, Sandalwood.

Diet. Three-day fruit fast.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A (7500iu). Vitamin C (1 gram thrice daily). Beta carotene 200,000iu. Zinc 25mg. ... laryngitis, acute

Needlestick Injury

Accidental puncture of the skin by a contaminated hypodermic needle. Hospital staff are most likely to be at risk. Needlestick injuries carry the risk of serious infections, such as HIV and hepatitis, and need immediate attention. The wound should be cleaned thoroughly; blood tests may be needed to determine whether infection has been transmitted.... needlestick injury

Polycystic Kidney

See kidney, polycystic.... polycystic kidney


The act of deliberately injuring oneself. Self-mutilation most often occurs in young adults, many of whom are also drug or alcohol abusers, and is 3 times more common in women. It may take the form of cutting the wrists or burning the forearms with cigarettes. In some, it is a means of dealing with stress, such as that caused by child abuse.

More unusual forms of self-harm, such as mutilating the genitals, are usually due to psychosis. Self-destructive biting is a feature of Lesch–Nyhan syndrome, a rare metabolic disorder.... self-injury

Soft-tissue Injury

Damage to the tissues (see ligament; tendon; muscle) that surround bones and joints.... soft-tissue injury

Urethral Syndrome, Acute

A set of symptoms, usually affecting women, that are very similar to cystitis but which occur in the absence of infection.... urethral syndrome, acute

Liver – Acute Infectious Hepatitis

Inflammation of the liver from virus infection. As the commonest form of liver disorder, it is often without jaundice or marked liver symptoms apart from general malaise and abdominal discomfort, ‘Gippy tummy’, ‘chill on the liver’. For feverishness, add a diaphoretic.

Treatment. Bitter herbs keep the bile fluid and flowing.

Alternatives. Teas. Agrimony, Lemon Balm, Boldo, Bogbean, Centuary, Dandelion, Hyssop, Motherwort, Wormwood, Yarrow.

Maria Treben. Equal parts: Bedstraw, Agrimony, Woodruff. 2 teaspoons to cup boiling water.

Cold tea: 2 teaspoons Barberry bark to each cup cold water. Infuse overnight. Half-1 cup freely. Tablets/capsules: Blue Flag. Dandelion. Wild Yam. Liquorice.

Formula. Equal parts: Turkey Rhubarb, Dandelion, Meadowsweet. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 2-3 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). 3-4 times daily. Alfred Vogel. Dandelion, Devil’s Claw, Artichoke.

Antonius Musa, physician to Emperor Augustus Caesar records: “Wood Betony preserves the liver and bodies of men from infectious diseases”.

Preventative: Garlic. (Old Chinese)

Milk Thistle: good responses observed.

General. Bedrest until motions are normal. Enema with any one of above herb teas.

Diet. Fat-free. Fasting period from 1-3 days on fruit juices and herb teas only. Artichokes. Dandelion coffee. Lecithin.


Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – acute infectious hepatitis

Cold Injury

Localized tissue damage caused by chilling, the most serious form of which is frostbite. Cold injury is distinct from hypothermia, which refers to chilling of the whole body.

In frostbite, an area of skin and flesh becomes frozen, hard, and white as a result of exposure to very cold, dry air.

Sometimes there is restriction of the blood supply to the affected area.

Another type of cold injury, immersion foot, occurs when the legs and feet are kept cold and damp for hours or days.

The main risk of both conditions is that blood flow will be slowed so much that the tissues will die, leading to gangrene.

Less serious forms of cold injury include chilblains and chapped skin.... cold injury

Electrical Injury

Damage to the tissues caused by the passage of an electric current through the body and by its associated heat release. The internal tissues of the body, being moist and salty, are good conductors of electricity. Dry skin provides a high resistance to current flow, but moist skin has a low resistance and thus allows a substantial current to flow into the body. Serious injury or death from domestic voltage levels is thus more likely to occur in the presence of water.

All except the mildest electric shocks may result in unconsciousness. Alternating current (AC) is more dangerous than direct current (DC) because it causes sustained muscle contractions, which may prevent the victim from letting go of the source of the current. A current as small as 0.1 of an amp passing through the heart can cause a fatal arrhythmia. The same current passing through the brainstem may cause the heart to stop beating and breathing to cease. Larger currents, generated by high voltages, may cause charring of tissues, especially where the current enters and exits the body. ... electrical injury

Gingivitis, Acute Ulcerative

Painful infection and ulceration of the gums due to abnormal growth of bacteria that usually exist harmlessly in small numbers in gum crevices. Predisposing factors include poor oral hygiene, smoking, throat infections, and emotional stress. In many cases the disorder is preceded by gingivitis or periodontitis. The condition is uncommon, primarily affecting people aged 15–35.

The gums become sore and bleed at the slightest pressure. Crater-like ulcers develop on the gum tips between teeth, and there may be a foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, and swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes, the infection spreads to the lips and cheek lining (see noma).

A hydrogen peroxide mouthwash can relieve the inflammation.

Scaling is then performed to remove plaque.

In severe cases, the antibacterial drug metronidazole may be given to control infection.... gingivitis, acute ulcerative

Hepatitis, Acute

Short-term inflammation of the liver, which usually recovers in 1–2 months. In some cases, acute hepatitis may progress to chronic hepatitis (see hepatitis, chronic), but it rarely leads to acute liver failure.

Acute hepatitis is fairly common.

The most frequent cause is infection with one of the hepatitis viruses (see hepatitis, viral), but it can arise as a result of other infections such as cytomegalovirus infection or Legionnaires’ disease.

It may also occur as a result of overdose of halothane or paracetamol or exposure to toxic chemicals including alcohol (see liver disease, alcoholic).

Symptoms range from few and mild to severe with pain, fever, and jaundice.

Blood tests, including liver function tests, may be used for diagnosis.

In most cases of acute viral hepatitis, natural recovery occurs within a few weeks.

If the disorder is caused by exposure to a chemical or drug, detoxification using an antidote may be possible.

Intensive care may be required if the liver is badly damaged.

Rarely, a liver transplant is the only way of saving life.

In all cases, alcohol should be avoided.... hepatitis, acute

Abbreviated Injury Scale

a quick method for determining the severity of a case of serious trauma. It can be used for purposes of *triage and *clinical audit.... abbreviated injury scale

Acute Abdomen

the sudden uncontrolled development of severe abdominal symptoms secondary to disease or injury. Failure to establish a prompt diagnosis may lead to rapid clinical decline. Perforation of a peptic ulcer, an inflamed appendix or colonic diverticulum, or rupture of the liver or spleen following a crush injury all produce an acute abdomen requiring urgent treatment.... acute abdomen

Acute Coronary Syndrome

a combination of angina (unstable or stable), non-S–T elevation *myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and S–T elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). It implies the presence of coronary artery disease.... acute coronary syndrome

Acute Fatty Liver Of Pregnancy

a rare and life-threatening complication of pregnancy that usually presents in the third trimester with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, malaise, and abdominal pain. Liver function tests are abnormal and the features of *pre-eclampsia and often *HELLP syndrome are present. *Hepatic encephalopathy, *disseminated intravascular coagulation, and renal failure may develop, and the condition is associated with a high maternal and fetal mortality. Treatment involves a multidisciplinary approach, usually in an intensive care unit.... acute fatty liver of pregnancy

Kidney Cancer

A cancerous tumour of the kidney. Most kidney cancers originate in the kidney itself, but in rare cases cancer spreads to the kidney from another organ. There are 3 main types of kidney cancer. The most common, renal cell carcinoma, usually occurs in people over 40. Nephroblastoma (also called Wilms’ tumour) is a fast-growing tumour that mainly affects children under 5. Transitional cell carcinoma arises from cells lining the renal pelvis; it is more common in smokers or those who have taken analgesic drugs for a long time.Symptoms of kidney cancer vary. It is often symptomless in the early stages, although later there may be blood in the urine. All types require surgical removal of the kidney and sometimes also of the ureter. For nephroblastoma, surgery is followed by treatment with anticancer drugs. Kidney cancer is likely to be fatal if it has spread to other organs before treatment is started.... kidney cancer

Kidney Imaging

Techniques for visualizing the kidneys, usually performed for diagnosis. Ultrasound scanning can be used to identify kidney enlargement, a cyst or tumour, and the site of any blockage. Conventional X-rays show the outline of the kidneys and most kidney stones. Intravenous urography shows the internal anatomy of the kidney and ureters. Angiography is used to image blood circulation through the kidneys. CT scanning and MRI provide detailed cross-sectional images and can show abscesses or tumours. Two types of radionuclide scanning are used for the kidney: DMSA and DTPA scanning. DMSA is a substance given by intravenous injection that binds to cells in the kidney tubule, giving a single, static picture of the kidneys. DTPA, also given intravenously, is filtered in the kidneys and passes out in the urine. Pictures taken at intervals record its passage through the urinary tract and show kidney function. ... kidney imaging

Kidney, Polycystic

An inherited disorder in which both kidneys are affected by numerous cysts that gradually enlarge until most of the normal kidney tissue is destroyed.

Polycystic kidney disease is distinguished from multiple simple kidney cysts, which occur commonly with age.

There are 2 types of polycystic disease.

The most common usually becomes apparent in middle age, producing abdominal swelling, pain, and blood in the urine.

As the disease progresses, hypertension and kidney failure may result.

The rare type causes enlargement of the kidneys and kidney failure in infants and young children.

There is no effective treatment for preserving kidney function in either type, but symptoms of kidney failure can be treated by dialysis and kidney transplant.... kidney, polycystic

Leukaemia, Acute

A type of leukaemia in which excessive numbers of immature white blood cells called blasts are produced in the bone marrow. If untreated, acute leukaemia can be fatal within a few weeks or months. The abnormal cells may be of 2 types: lymphoblasts (immature lymphocytes) in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and myeloblasts (immature forms of other types of white cell) in acute myeloblastic leukaemia.

Exposure to certain chemicals (such as benzene and some anticancer drugs) or high levels of radiation may be a cause in some cases. Inherited factors may also play a part; there is increased incidence in people with certain genetic disorders (such as Fanconi’s anaemia) and chromosomal abnormalities (such as Down’s syndrome). People with blood disorders such as chronic myeloid leukaemia (see leukaemia, chronic myeloid) and primary polycythaemia are at increased risk, as their bone marrow is already abnormal.

The symptoms and signs of acute leukaemia include bleeding gums, easy bruising, headache, bone pain, enlarged lymph nodes, and symptoms of anaemia, such as tiredness, pallor, and breathlessness on exertion. There may also be repeated chest or throat infections. The diagnosis is based on a bone marrow biopsy. Treatment includes transfusions of blood and platelets, the use of anticancer drugs, and possibly radiotherapy. A bone marrow transplant may also be required. The outlook depends on the type of leukaemia and the age of the patient. Chemotherapy has increased success rates and 6 in 10 children with the disease can now be cured, although treatment is less likely to be completely successful in adults.... leukaemia, acute

Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis

(toxic pustuloderma) a reaction to a medication, resulting in the appearance of fine sterile *pustules on inflamed skin; the pustules may easily be overlooked. Common causes include penicillins, and pustular psoriasis must be excluded from the diagnosis.... acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis

Acute Renal Failure

acute kidney injury (see AKI).... acute renal failure

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

see adult respiratory distress syndrome.... acute respiratory distress syndrome

Acute Respiratory Failure

(ARF) a primary disorder of gaseous exchange (as distinct from failure of the mechanical process of breathing). The prototype of ARF is *adult respiratory distress syndrome, but the term sometimes also refers to disruption of any other part of the respiratory system, including the respiratory control centre in the brain with its *efferent and *afferent pathways.... acute respiratory failure

Occupational Disease And Injury

Illnesses, disorders, or injuries that result from exposure to chemicals or dust, or are due to physical, psychological, or biological factors in the workplace.

Pneumoconiosis is fibrosis of the lung due to inhalation of industrial dusts, such as coal. Asbestosis is associated with asbestos in industry. Allergic alveolitis is caused by organic dusts (see farmer’s lung).

Industrial chemicals can damage the lungs if inhaled, or other major organs if they enter the bloodstream via the lungs or skin. Examples include fumes of cadmium, beryllium, lead, and benzene. Carbon tetrachloride and vinyl chloride are causes of liver disease. Many of these compounds can cause kidney damage. Work-related skin disorders include contact dermatitis and squamous cell carcinoma. Rare infectious diseases that are more common in certain jobs include brucellosis and Q fever (from livestock), psittacosis (from birds), and leptospirosis (from sewage). People who work with blood or blood products are at increased risk of viral hepatitis (see hepatitis, viral) and AIDS, as are healthcare professionals. The nuclear industry and some healthcare professions use measures to reduce the danger from radiation hazards. Other occupational disorders include writer’s cramp, carpal tunnel syndrome, singer’s nodes, Raynaud’s phenomenon, deafness, and cataracts.... occupational disease and injury

Overuse Injury

Also called repetitive strain injury, a term, for any injury caused by repetitive movement of part of the body. Symptoms include pain and stiffness in the affected joints and muscles.

Examples include epicondylitis: painful inflammation of one of the bony prominences at the elbow, caused by the pull of the attached forearm muscles during strenuous activities (see golfer’s elbow; tennis elbow).

Overuse injuries of the fingers, thumb, and wrist joints may affect assembly-line and keyboard workers, and musicians; injuries of the neck may affect violinists.

Rest relieves the symptoms.

A change in the technique used during the activity may prevent recurrence.... overuse injury

Acute Retinal Necrosis

(ARN) severe inflammation and necrosis of the retina associated with inflammation and blockage of retinal blood vessels, haemorrhage and death of retinal tissue, and retinal detachment. It may affect both eyes (bilateral acute retinal necrosis, BARN), and visual prognosis is poor. ARN is thought to be due to viral infection.... acute retinal necrosis

Acute Rheumatism

see rheumatic fever.... acute rheumatism

Acute Tubular Necrosis

(ATN) a condition caused by acute renal injury from either ischaemia or toxins and associated with tubular damage that is usually reversible. The earliest feature is *isosthenuria, which may occur while there is still a high urine flow rate. This is followed by a reduction in *glomerular filtration rate. *Oliguria is common and dialysis often needed for survival. If the cause of the initial damage can be removed, recovery of renal function within six weeks can be expected in most cases.... acute tubular necrosis

Injury Scoring System

(injury severity scale, ISS) a system used, particularly in *triage, for grading the severity of an injury. See also abbreviated injury scale.... injury scoring system

Myeloma Kidney

see cast nephropathy.... myeloma kidney

Myoglobinuric Acute Renal Failure

acute kidney injury caused by myoglobin that is released from damaged skeletal muscle (*rhabdomyolysis). This is usually the result of trauma and the condition was first recognized in victims trapped and crushed during the London Blitz. Muscle injury can also occur with pressure necrosis, particularly in the unconscious or immobile patient, or with a *compartment syndrome. Rarely it may complicate intensive muscular exercise or extensive viral myositis and it is a recognized complication of modest overexertion in some inherited disorders of muscle metabolism, such as *McArdle’s disease.... myoglobinuric acute renal failure

Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury

(OASIS) a spectrum of injuries that encompasses both third- and fourth-degree *perineal tears. Injury to the anal sphincter mechanism during childbirth may arise secondarily to direct disruption of the sphincter muscles and/or traction of the pudendal nerves. Disruption of the anal sphincter muscles is best assessed by anal ultrasound examination. This is usually performed using a high-frequency (10 MHz) endoanal probe. In selected cases with complex injury and/or suspected rectovaginal *fistula, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be employed.... obstetric anal sphincter injury

Ski-stick Injury

a penetrating injury by a ski stick.... ski-stick injury

Sports Injury

any injury related to the practice of a sport, often resulting from the overuse and stretching of muscles, tendons, and ligaments.... sports injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

(TBI) injury to the brain due to external force, such as occurs following falls, road traffic accidents, and violence. It is a major cause of death and chronic disability worldwide, especially in young males.... traumatic brain injury

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