Adrenalectomy Health Dictionary

Adrenalectomy: From 1 Different Sources


Hydrocortisone has the chemical formula, 17hydroxycorticosterone. It is closely allied to CORTISONE both in its structure (cortisone is an oxidation product of hydrocortisone) and in its action. Available in tablet, topical or injection form, hydrocortisone is used in adrenocortical insu?ciency, for the suppression of local and systemic in?ammatory and allergic disorders, and in the treatment of shock. Its mineralocorticoid effects – control of salt and water balance – mean that the drug should not be used long term except as replacement therapy in the treatment of ADDISON’S DISEASE or following adrenalectomy when hydrocortisone should be given with the mineral corticoid

?udrocortisone (see ADRENAL GLANDS; CORTICOSTEROIDS).... hydrocortisone

Nelson’s Syndrome

a condition in which an *ACTH-producing pituitary tumour expands after loss of negative *feedback following bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing’s disease. (see Cushing’s syndrome) Hyperpigmentation due to excess pituitary MSH secretion is a prominent feature. Nelson’s syndrome has become rare because the standard treatment for Cushing’s disease is now surgical removal of the tumour; bilateral adrenalectomy is used only in extreme circumstances. [D. H. Nelson (1925–2009), US physician]... nelson’s syndrome

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