Aerobics Health Dictionary

Aerobics: From 1 Different Sources

Exercises, such as swimming and cycling, that allow muscles to work at a steady rate with a constant, adequate supply of oxygen-carrying blood, and that can therefore be sustained for long periods. Oxygen is used to release energy from the body’s stores. To fuel aerobic exercise, the muscles use fatty acid, burning it completely to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

When performed regularly, aerobic exercises improve stamina and endurance. They encourage the growth of capillaries, improving blood supply to the cells. Aerobic exercises also improve body cells’ capacity to use oxygen and increase the amount of oxygen the body can use in a given time. The condition of the heart also improves. (See also exercise; fitness.)

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association


The capacity for performing physical activities without exhaustion.

Fitness depends on strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Because cardiovascular fitness is the precondition for all other forms of fitness, regular aerobic exercise (see aerobics), which makes the body’s use of oxygen more efficient, is the basis of any fitness programme.

Specific activities, such as weight training or yoga, can help develop strength and flexibility when included in a programme (see exercise).

When the body is fit, the maximum work capacity and endurance are increased.

A fit person has a better chance of avoiding coronary artery disease and preventing the effects of age and chronic disease.... fitness

Fitness Testing

A series of exercises designed to determine an individual’s level of fitness, primarily cardiovascular fitness and muscle performance. Fitness testing is often carried out before a person starts an exercise programme to evaluate its safety and suitability or to monitor progress thereafter.

A physical examination is usually performed, including measurement of body fat, height, and weight. Blood and urine tests may be done, including an analysis of blood cholesterol. The performance of the heart is measured by taking the pulse before, during, and after aerobic exercise. Another test involves measuring a person’s overall performance in a standard exercise. (See also aerobics; exercise.)... fitness testing

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