Affinity Health Dictionary

Affinity: From 1 Different Sources

A term used to describe the attraction between chemicals that causes them to bind together, as, for example, between an antigen and an antibody (see immune response).

In microbiology, affinity describes physical similarity between organisms.

In psychology, it refers to attraction between 2 people.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association


An affinity for a particular organ or body system (e.g. neurotropic).... tropism

Addison’s Disease

A disease causing failure of adrenal gland function, in particular deficiency of adrenal cortical hormones, mainly cortisol and aldosterone. Commonest causes are tuberculosis and auto- immune disease.

Symptoms: (acute) abdominal pain, muscle weakness, vomiting, low blood pressure due to dehydration, tiredness, mental confusion, loss of weight and appetite. Vomiting, dizzy spells. Increased dark pigmentation around genitals, nipples, palms and inside mouth. Persistent low blood pressure with occasional low blood sugar. Crisis is treated by increased salt intake. Research project revealed a craving for liquorice sweets in twenty five per cent of patients.

Herbs with an affinity for the adrenal glands: Parsley, Sarsaparilla, Wild Yam, Borage, Liquorice, Ginseng, Chaparral. Where steroid therapy is unavoidable, supplementation with Liquorice and Ginseng is believed to sustain function of the glands. Ginseng is supportive when glands are exhausted by prolonged stress. BHP (1983) recommends: Liquorice, Dandelion leaf.

Alternatives. Teas. Gotu Kola, Parsley, Liquorice root, Borage, Ginseng, Balm.

Tea formula. Combine equal parts: Balm and Gotu Kola. Preparation of teas and tea mixture: 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water: infuse 5-10 minutes; 1 cup 2 to 3 times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Ginseng, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Wild Yam, Liquorice. Dosage as on bottle. Formula. Combine: Gotu Kola 3; Sarsaparilla 2; Ginseng 1; Liquorice quarter. Doses. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons 2 to 3 times daily.

Formula. Alternative. Tinctures 1:5. Echinacea 20ml; Yellow Dock 10ml; Barberry 10ml; Sarsaparilla 10ml; Liquorice (liquid extract) 5ml. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Supplementation. Cod liver oil. Extra salt. B-Vitamins. Folic acid. ... addison’s disease


A seaweed. A large group of lower plants in various forms, some of which are single-celled. Unlike fungi, they contain chlorophyll – an active healing agent. Algae has an affinity for heavy metals; mercury, lead, cadmium, etc, and is therefore useful as a detoxicating agent in the body. See: SPIRULINA. ... algae


Herbs with an affinity for the liver and gallbladder, prescribed for inflammation of those organs and promotion of bile.

Balmony, Barberry, Betony, Bitter root, Black root, Centuary, Chamomile, Dandelion, Fringe Tree, Fumitory, Goldenseal, Holy Thistle, Hops, Mountain Grape, Mugwort, Pomegranate bark, Vervain, Wahoo, Wild Yam, Wormwood. ... anti-bilious


Wood Betony. Stachys betonica. Betonica officinalis L. German: Betonien. French: Be?toine. Spanish: Beto?nica. Italian: Betonica. Dried herb.

Action: Affinity for liver and nervous system. General tonic (emphasis on circulation of the brain). Bitter. Stomachic, Sedative (mild).

Uses: Headache, nervous debility, lack of energy, loss of memory, weak digestion, sciatica, chronic rheumatism, sinus congestion, temporal arteritis (temporary relief), dizziness, hiatus hernia, low back pain (to reduce). Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Nightmare.

Combinations. With Valerian for anxiety states. With equal parts Agrimony and Raspberry leaves as a substitute for domestic tea. With Vervain to enhance its relaxing properties.

Caution. Avoid over-dosing in pregnancy.

Preparations: Tea: 1-2 teaspoons to cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup freely. Liquid Extract: 1 teaspoon in water.

Tincture BHP (1983) 1 in 5 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose 30-90 drops (2-6ml). ... betony

Cancer – Spleen

Chronic enlargement with tumour. Cannot lie on the left side for pain. A common cause is the use of vaccines for which Thuja would be indicated.

Where irradiation and chemotherapy are not possible, any of the following alternatives may be taken with profit as secondary to medical treatment.

Astragalus. Popular spleen protective in Chinese medicine. Reduces toxicity of chemotherapy.

New Jersey tea. (Ceanothus americanus) has an affinity for the spleen and may sustain that organ under stress.

Chinese medicine. Ho-Shou-wu (Polygonum multiflorum).

Decoction, Red root. 1 teaspoon to each cup water simmered gently 10 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup 3-4 times daily.

Formula. Red root 2; Barberry 1; Bayberry 1. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. 3-4 times daily in water or honey. Formula. Alternative. Tinctures. Fringe Tree 1; Goldenseal 2; Red root 3. Mix. Dose: 15-30 drops before meals and at bedtime.

Diet: See: DIET – CANCER.

Vinchristine: use in orthodox medicine reported.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital oncologist. ... cancer – spleen


The abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus. is a retrovirus (see virus) and is the cause of AIDS. There are 2 closely related viruses: -1, which is the most common cause of throughout the world; and -2, which is largely confined to West Africa.

gains access to the body through contaminated blood transfusions, nonsterile needles, or sexual intercourse. A fetus may be infected via the placenta. has an affinity for the T-lymphocytes, in which the virus multiplies and, in some cases, destroys function. People with infection should have regular monitoring in order to determine when specific treatments, such as antiretroviral drugs, are necessary.... hiv


n. 1. a property of a microscopic structure whereby it shows an affinity for basic dyes. 2. an increase in the number of certain white blood cells (*basophils) in the blood, which may occur in a variety of blood diseases.... basophilia


adj. growing towards or having an affinity for neural tissue. The term may be applied to viruses, chemicals, or toxins.... neurotropic


adj. describing a virus that can invade and affect many different tissues of the body, for example the nerves, skin, or liver, without showing a special affinity for any one of them.... pantropic


An invasive growth which gradually emerges into life and, undisciplined, eats its way into neighbouring tissues. Malignancy is the growth of abnormal cells with the ability to form a primary lesion from which cells may be bloodborne to other parts of the body (metastasis). Growth usually follows the line of the lymph vessels (Violet leaves have an affinity for lymph vessels).

Course of the disease is unpredictable, cases surviving for many years on primary or supportive herbal treatment. Suspected malignancy should be referred to modern hospital treatment immediately. Early detection is vital.

Common signs calling attention are: (1) Unusual bleeding or discharge. (2) Tired feeling all the time. (3) Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. (4) Sudden change in hair texture and colour. (5) Irritable cough or hoarseness. (6) Extreme mental depression. (7) Obvious change in a mole or wart. (8) Muscle weakness and cramps. (9) A sore that does not heal. (10) Change in bowel or bladder habit. (11) Sudden weakness of the eyes. (12) Difficulties in swallowing; indigestion. (13) Excess wind in stomach or bowel.

Tumour-killing effect of chemotherapy may be intensified and side-effects minimised (loss of weight, and of white blood cells) when certain neoplastic herbs are prescribed. Cytotoxic drugs inhibit the ability of Vitamin C to stimulate the body’s defences. Herbs enhance the body’s self-healing ability to eliminate. An inoperable cancer would appear to be good grounds for herbal medication which often relieves pain and preserves a man’s dignity in his hour of extremity.

A series of medical trials in Finland revealed that terminal cases had 12 per cent lower mean serum selenium concentration than controls. Other similar trials point to the need for selenium supplements. Those with both low selenium and low Vitamin E levels are especially at risk.


Exercise. High levels of fitness are associated with lower death rates. (American study)

Plants with a special reference to cancer include: Blue Flag, Burdock, Clivers, Condurango, Echinacea, Guaiacum, Houseleek, Poke root. There are many more referred to in medical literature.

Poke Root. John Bartram reported in the late 18th century that from his experience among the Mohawk Indians, Poke root (Phytolacca decandra) was a “cure” for cancer. (American Indian Medicine, Virgil J. Vogel)

Blood Root. For internal or external bleeding of cancer.

Calendula (Marigold). For the same purpose.

Mistletoe. Dr Alfred Vogel advises an extract of the plant (Loranthus europaeus) as grown on the Oak tree: dose: 10-15 drops.

Almonds. Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach, USA, with some successes to his credit, advised eating three almonds a day to counter any tendency towards the disease.

Laetrile. From Apricot kernels that contain cyanogenic glucosides. Though competent physicians have reported positive results in some terminal cases without prior surgery or radiation, the remedy has been withdrawn from general practice because of possible toxicity.

Much needless suffering may be incurred because of out-moded resistance of doctors and governments against prescribing morphine early in cancer patients. It is estimated that 50-80 per cent of patients do not receive satisfactory pain-relief because doctors fear tolerance of the drug would increase, necessitating a higher dosage. From the beginning of time the Opium Poppy has been the most effective analgesic for the terminal condition. Morphine is a respiratory depressant and some authorities believe it should be given before the final stages in continuous doses for adequate pain control. Risks must be balanced with benefits. Dangerous in asthmatics.

Way of Life. Herbal medication of malignant disease involves the patient with his treatment. Here is something he or she can do to regain some control over their life. It can give them the satisfaction of knowing that in some way they are ‘fighting back’ thus influencing the quality of life and a sense of well- being.

If improvement in cancer is not possible maybe the condition can be stabilised and the patient helped to cope with the very unpleasant side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Thus, may be restored the body’s natural balance and a possible extension of lifespan.

For this, patients and practitioners may need information and support. That is why suggestions for malignant disease are included in this book. Moreover, well-meaning friends and relatives may exert pressure on the patient ‘to leave no stone unturned’ in search of a cure. Thus every possible secondary treatment should be considered since any one may prove to contribute towards recovery. It is hoped that this book will invite a therapeutic alliance with members of the medical profession as well as with other practitioners.

Macmillan nurses help alleviate physical pain and the psychological distress that can accompany this illness. They are trained to help people with cancer and their families fight cancer with more than medicine.

All forms of cancer should be treated by or in liaison with a qualified medical practitioner or an oncologist. ... cancer


n. a substance that increases the sensitivity of cells to radiation. The presence of oxygen and other compounds with a high affinity for electrons will increase radiosensitivity. Chemotherapy drugs such as fluorouracil and cisplatin can be used concurrently with radiotherapy as radiosensitizers (see chemoradiotherapy).... radiosensitizer


n. a type of *antibody, formed against an allergen, that has special affinity for cell membranes and remains fixed in various tissues. Subsequent contact with the allergen causes damage to the tissues when the antigen-antibody reaction occurs. The damaged cells, particularly *mast cells, release histamine and serotonin, which are responsible for the local inflammation of an allergy or the very severe effects of anaphylactic shock (see anaphylaxis). Reagins belong to the IgE class of *immunoglobulins.... reagin


combining form denoting 1. turning towards. 2. having an affinity for; influencing.

Example: inotropic (muscle).... tropic


An edible single-cell marine algae (a sea-moss, sea-lettuce) which contains more chlorophyll than many known foods, more Vitamin B12 than liver, producing protein 50 times more efficiently than other crops, including Soya and rice. Has the potential to solve the world’s protein problems in the undeveloped countries. Contains: beta-carotene, polyunsaturated fatty acids; and 19 of the 22 amino acids, including the 8 essentials. A rich source of DNA/RNA, and of calcium, iron, selenium and zinc.

Action: Liver detoxifier, hypotensive, antibiotic, metabolic stimulant. Bowel cleanser and nutrient for friendly flora. Immune sustainer. Antiviral. Anti-candida. Anti-ageing. Blood oxidant for production of red cells. Anti-cholesterol. Fat mobiliser.

Uses: High blood pressure, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, radiation sickness, high cholesterol levels, constipation, immune system insecurity, anaemia and nutrient deficiencies, bone maintenance, regeneration of tissue, asthma, the fatigue of old age. Shown to have a high binding affinity for poisonous substances in the gut and liver.

Inhibitory effect on growth of tumour cells. (21st Japanese Bacteriology Convention, 1984)

Reduces pain in peptic and duodenal ulcer. (“The Treatment of Peptic Ulcer by Chlorella”, by Dr Yoshio Yamagishi)

Cases of arsenical poisoning due to contaminated Taiwan water supply were successfully detoxified.

Dramatic height and weight increases in children and animals recorded. Appears to increase production of interferon, a body chemical that protects against harmful viruses. Of value for lead poisoning and heavy metal toxaemia.

Preparations: Available as tablets, capsules and health supplement granules.

Diet. Highly nutritional; yield 65 per cent protein; desirable for vegetarians and vegans. ... chlorella

Haemolytic-uraemia Syndrome (hus)

An uncommon cause of kidney failure in children. The association of three processes: reduced platelets, haemolytic anaemia and kidney failure. Foodborne infection is spread by micro-organisms (E. coli, etc) with an affinity for the alimentary canal. The central nervous system is involved.

Onset: diarrhoea with streaks of blood, vomiting, breathlessness, feverishness, dizziness, jaundice and enlargement of the spleen.

Other causes may be mismatched food transfusion, environmental chemicals, nitrite food preservatives and analgesic drugs.

Alternatives. Tea. Combine herbs: Red Clover (to increase platelets) 3; Yarrow (kidneys) 2; Hops (cerebrospinal supportive) 1. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely.

Formula: Combine, Tinctures. Red Clover 2; Fringe Tree 1; Hops half. Dose: one 5ml teaspoon. Babies: 2 drops in feed; infants 3-5 years 10 drops in water and honey thrice daily.

Supplementation. Vitamin B-complex. C.

To be treated by or in liaison with a qualified medical practitioner. ... haemolytic-uraemia syndrome (hus)


Wild Wormwood, Felon herb. Artemisia vulgaris L. German: Mugwurz. French: Herbe de St Jean. Spanish: Artemisia. Arabian: Afsantin-e-hindi. Iranian: Artemassaya. Indian: Duna murwa. Chinese: Ai-hao-ai. Part used: leaves.

Constituents: vulgarin, flavonoids, coumarin derivatives, oil.

Action. Menstrual regulator, nervine, diuretic, choleretic, stomachic, diaphoretic, orexigenic, bitter, anti- diabetic. Has an affinity for the womb, stomach and nerves. Re-mineraliser.

Uses: menstrual obstruction, pain or delay. Menopause. To temporarily allay the tremor of Parkinsons; reduce excitability of epileptics before an attack, convulsions in children; early stages of colds, influenza and other fevers. To stimulate the appetite in anorexia nervosa. Pin worms, sleep-walking, abdominal cramp. Malaria. (China)

Combination: with Helonias, Pennyroyal and Southernwood for menstrual irregularity BHP (1983). Preparations. Average dose, half-2 grams, or equivalent, thrice daily.

Tea: half an ounce to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Liquid Extract BHP (1983). 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose: half to 2ml in water.

Powder, capsules: 250mg. 3 capsules at meals, morning and evening. (Arkocaps) Contra-indications: pregnancy, lactation, large doses. ... mugwort


(adrenoreceptor, adrenergic receptor) any cell *receptor that binds with the catecholamines adrenaline or noradrenaline, the neurotransmitters of the *sympathetic nervous system. There are two principal types of adrenoceptor, alpha (?) and beta (?), with various subtypes of each. Alpha adrenoceptors have a slightly higher affinity for adrenaline than for noradrenaline; they can be divided into subtypes ?1 and ?2. ?1-adrenoceptors mediate contraction of smooth muscle; in the walls of arteries, for example, their stimulation causes constriction of arteries and a rise in blood pressure. ?2-adrenoceptors occur in the presynaptic membranes of neurons in the sympathetic nervous system, where they restrict the release of catecholamines from these neurons. Beta adrenoceptors also have two subtypes. ?1-adrenoceptors have an equal affinity for adrenaline and noradrenaline and are found mainly in cardiac muscle; their stimulation causes an increase in heart rate. ?2-adrenoceptors have a slightly higher affinity for adrenaline. They mediate relaxation of smooth muscle in the blood vessels, bronchi, bladder, uterus, and other organs and thus cause widening of the airways and *vasodilatation.

Drugs that stimulate these receptors (alpha agonists and beta agonists) are described as *sympathomimetic. Drugs that block their effects are the *alpha blockers and *beta blockers.... adrenoceptor

Mercury Poisoning

The toxic effect of mercury has been known since days of the medieval alchemists. Charles II presented all the symptoms we now recognise as mercurial poisoning, presumably the result of medication received over many years. Its symptoms simulate multiple sclerosis, when chronic. They are: constant fatigue, pins and needles in the limbs, resting tremor, nausea, dizziness, ataxia, pains in the bones and joints, drooling (excessive salivation), blue line along the gums. In children they may include all kinds of vague aches and pains, chorea, hyperthyroidism and facial neuralgia. Weakness, walking difficulties, metallic taste in the mouth, thirst, mental deterioration. It is now known to cause a number of serious nerve dystrophies.

Mercury has an affinity for the central nervous system. Soon it concentrates in the kidney causing tubular damage. A common cause is the mercurial content (50 per cent) in the amalgam fillings in teeth which, under certain conditions, release a vapour. Fortunately, its use in dentistry is being superceded by an alternative composite filling.

A common cause of poisoning was demonstrated in 1972 when 6,000 people became seriously ill (600 died) from eating bread made from grain treated with a fungicide containing methylmercury. For every fungus in grain there is a mercuric compound to destroy it. The seed of all cereal grain is thus treated to protect its power of germination.

Those who are hypersensitive to the metal should as far as possible avoid button cells used in tape recorders, cassette players, watch and camera mechanisms. As the mercury cells corrode, the metal enters the environment and an unknown fraction is converted by micro organisms to alkylmercury compounds which seep into ground waters and eventually are borne to the sea. When cells are incinerated, the mercury volatilises and enters the atmosphere. (Pharmaceutical Journal, July 28/1984)

Mercury poisoning from inhalation of mercury fumes goes directly to the brain and pituitary gland. Autopsies carried out on dentists reveal high concentrations of mercury in the pituitary gland. (The Lancet, 5-27-89,1207 (letter))

Treatment. For years the common antidote was sulphur, and maybe not without reason. When brought into contact sulphur and mercury form an insoluble compound enabling the mercury to be more easily eliminated from the body. Sulphur can be provided by eggs or Garlic.

Old-time backwoods physicians of the North American Medical School used Asafoetida, Guaiacum and Echinacea. German pharmacists once used Bugleweed and Yellow Dock. Dr J. Clarke, USA physician recommends Sarsaparilla to facilitate breakdown and expulsion from the body.

Reconstructed formula. Echinacea 2; Sarsaparilla 1; Guaiacum quarter; Asafoetida quarter; Liquorice quarter. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Chelation therapy.

Formula. Tinctures. Skullcap 2-15 drops; Pleurisy root 20-45 drops; Horehound 5-40 drops. Mercurial salivation. Thrice daily. (Indian Herbology of North America, by Alma Hutchens) Dental fillings: replace amalgam with safe alternative – ceramic, etc. Evidence of a link between tooth fillings containing mercury and ME has caused the use of dental amalgam to be banned in Sweden. ... mercury poisoning


n. a pattern of involuntary movements induced by medication, for example *antipsychotic drugs or (more rarely) antidepressants. An affected person is driven to restless overactivity, which can be confused with the agitation for which the drug was originally prescribed. Akathisia is mostly felt as restless legs (see restless legs syndrome) rather than generalized agitation or anxiety. Antipsychotics are the main cause of akathisia but the severity depends on their affinity to *dopamine receptors. In a recent systematic review haloperidol, zotepine, and chlorpromazine were most likely to cause akathisia, with olanzapine least likely, and clozapine causing no akathisia at all. See also extrapyramidal effects.... akathisia


n. the process of gaseous exchange between an organism and its environment. This includes both external respiration, which involves *breathing, in which oxygen is taken up by the capillaries of the lung *alveoli and carbon dioxide is released from the blood, and internal respiration, during which oxygen is released to the tissues and carbon dioxide absorbed by the blood. Blood provides the transport medium for the gases between the lungs and tissue cells. In addition, it contains a pigment, *haemoglobin, with special affinity for oxygen. Once inside the cell oxygen is utilized in metabolic processes resulting in the production of energy (see ATP), water, and waste materials (including carbon dioxide). See also lung. —respiratory adj.... respiration

Greenland Moss

Rhododendron groenlandicum

FAMILY: Ericaceae

SYNONYMS: Ledum, Labrador tea, marsh tea, swamp tea, bog Labrador tea, rusty Labrador tea, Hudson’s Bay tea (formerly Ledum groenlandicum).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This beautiful, hardy plant is a shrub belonging to the heather family, which can reach one metre in height. It is recognizable by its thick, leathery evergreen leaves whose edges coil under and are quite unique, being deep green on top with a downy-fuzz beneath. New leaves have a woolly mat of white hairs underneath; mature leaves have reddish hairs. All leaves are dotted with resinous glands and are fragrant, with a pungent scent, when crushed. The fluffy white flowers, which are borne in spring, are also strongly aromatic.

DISTRIBUTION: The plant is native to North America, from Greenland and Labrador across to Alaska, as far north as the treeline. It is absent from the far North and the dry prairies. The Latin name groenlandicum refers to the fact that it grows in Greenland where it is still widespread, often growing in dense colonies.

OTHER SPECIES: Ledum is a genus name, which includes 8 species of evergreen shrubs native to cool temperate and sub-arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, commonly known as Labrador tea. The common name Ledum is also applied to Rhododendron tomentsum subsp. subarcticum (formerly L. decumbens) which is known as Northern Labrador tea. This species, which is similar but slightly smaller, grows farther north on tundra at up to 1,800 metres and contains toxic alkaloids known to be poisonous to livestock. It lacks the characteristic fuzz on the underside of the mature leaves and the flowers of L. groenlandicum.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: This strongly aromatic herb has been used in folk medicine for centuries. Brewed as a medicinal beverage known as Labrador tea, it was used by practically all Canada’s First Nations peoples as a tonic and to treat certain respiratory, digestive and kidney ailments; as a remedy for headaches and various types of rheumatism; and to facilitate childbirth. The herbal tea also served to clean wounds and was applied to insect bites. It is said that the plant was used for over 5,000 years by the native people of North America, to protect themselves from scurvy, and the Cree used it for fevers and colds: indeed it was regarded as a ‘cure-all’ by the indigenous people. In the fur-trading era, the French Canadian coureurs-de-bois used Labrador tea to extend their supplies of black tea: it thus became a substitute for unaffordable Chinese tea during times of economic crisis. However, like other plants in the heather family, Greenland moss contains an andromedo-toxin that can cause poisoning if used in excess.

According to recent clinical trials, Greenland moss essential oil has a natural affinity for the immune system and can be an effective immune system supporter. The oil also helps counteract blood toxicity and aids liver regeneration, valuable in cases of liver intoxication originating from circulation disorders, viral hepatitis, enteritis and cirrhosis (fatty liver). Clinical research suggests that the essential oil functions like an enzyme in the liver, digesting toxic waste and fat molecules. It is also indicated for obesity, oedema, water retention and thyroid regulation. The oil has also been studied at the University of Quebec, and was found to be a strong antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory: it also showed anticancer activity against colon carcinoma and lung carcinoma cells.

ACTIONS: Analgesic, antibacterial, anticancerous, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, antispasmodic, antioxidant, anti-infectious, antiseptic, carminative, cicatrizing, decongestant, digestive tonic, immune support, liver support, stomachic, tonic.

EXTRACTION: Greenland moss oil is extracted by steam distillation from the leaves.

CHARACTERISTICS: A clear, pale-yellow liquid, with a fresh-herbaceous, medicinal and slightly sweet aroma and earthy-woody undertones.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: The main chemical constituents are limonene (up to 35 per cent), sabinene, selinene, bornyl acetate with other monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.

SAFETY DATA: Possible skin sensitization: always dilute for topical use. Avoid during pregnancy and by children. NB: Abusive consumption of the tea derived from its leaves may cause indigestion, and may even have a toxic effect due to the high level of tannins that it contains.


Skin Care: Allergies, skin problems.

Circulation Muscles And Joints: Aching muscles and joints.

Respiratory System: Colds, coughs, bronchitis, hoarseness, influenza, laryngitis.

Digestive System: Addictions, alcoholism, allergies, cellulite, fatty liver, hepatitis (viral), hypothyroid, liver problems (toxic liver, support and detoxifier), lymph nodes (inflamed), obesity, thyroid regulation and water retention.

Immune System: Tonic and immune support.

Nervous System: Anxiety, nervous debility tension.

OTHER USES: The plant is still used as a local ‘tea plant’ in parts of the Northern Hemisphere.... greenland moss

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