Contains aucubin and agnuside (iridoid glycosides), flavonoids, castin (bitter), fatty and ethereal oils. Action: acts on the anterior pituitary gland, reducing FSH (follicle-stimulating-hormone) and increasing LSH (luteum-stimulating-hormone). Stimulates production of progesterone but reducing that of oestrogen. “Has a corpus luteum hormone effect” (Dr Weiss 1974 322. New herbal Practitioner, March 1977). Alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Uses: Symptoms caused by excess FSH and low progesterone output. used as substitution therapy for primary and secondary corpus luteum deficiency. Pre-menstrual symptoms, especially nervous tension, irritability, mood-swings, depression, anxiety, crying, forgetfulness, insomnia. Amenorrhoea (by regulating sex hormones). Pain in breasts. To promote breast milk in nursing mothers; assist bust development. Acne vulgaris (to restore sex hormone balance). Water-retention (pre-menstrual) caused by oestrogen excess or progesterone deficiency. “Regular bleeding between periods decreased following temporary increase” (Dr W. Amann, Bundesanzeiger, No 90, 15/5/1985). Premature old age from sexual excess and masturbation. Agnus lowers sexual vitality; reduces nervous excitability. By opposing excess oestrogen it lessens the risk, however small, of endometrial carcinoma. For symptoms of the menopause and of withdrawal on giving-up The Pill.
Preparations: Extracts made from crushed roots.
Tablets: 300mg; 2 tablets after meals thrice daily.
Liquid Extract: 1:1 in 25% alcohol. Dose: 2-4ml.
Caution: Not taken in the presence of progesterone drugs.
Contra-indications and interaction with other drugs: None known.
Tincture: 10-20 drops daily morning dose during second half of menstrual cycle.