Habitat. Native to Asia but now found in temperate zones.
Constituents. Alkaloids, isoflavones, coumarins, sterols. Contains eight essential enzymes:– amylase (digests starches), coagulase (coagulates milk), invertase (converts sugar into dextrose), emulsin (acts upon sugars), peroxidase (oxidases blood), lipase (fat-splitting enzyme), pectinase (forms a vegetable jelly from pectin), protase (digests protein). Together with its rich content of vitamins and minerals, Alfalfa offers an effective aid to cover a wide range of diverse conditions.
Vitamin content: pro-Vitamin A (B-carotene), B6, C, D, E, K, P. Yields 20,000 to 40,000 units Vitamin K to every 100 grams, and is therefore a useful preventative of high blood pressure.
Minerals. Alfalfa yields 10 times more mineral value than average grains. Roots penetrate subsoil as far as 125 feet, thus enabling it to absorb vital mineral nutrients beyond the reach of other vegetation. Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium.
Action. Anti-cholesterol, anti-haemorrhagic, anti-anaemia, anti-coagulant. Traditional anti-diabetic activity (South Africa).
Uses: To promote strong bones and rebuild decayed teeth. Nutrient to increase weight and vitality. Lumbago, rheumatism, dyspepsia, back ache, fistula, chronic ulcer, infections of sinus, ear, nose and throat. Affections of respiratory tract, certain forms of insulin-dependent diabetes. Rich in chlorophyll, it stimulates growth of supportive connective tissue and is useful for collagen disease – arthritis etc. Assists granulation of tissue in healing of wounds, abscesses. Relieves constipation by gently activating peristalsis of the bowels. Frequent cups of tea have a diuretic effect relieving dropsy, kidney, bladder and prostate disorders. Fattens thin people. Builds up after surgical operation. Hyperlipidaemia. Repair of radiotherapy damage.
Preparations: Tea: 2-3 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. Drink freely.
Diuretic tea. Herbs: Alfalfa 3, Couchgrass 2, Buchu 1, Wild Carrot 1. Mix. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.
Liquid extract, BHP (1983), 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose: 5-10ml thrice daily.
Green drink. Fresh Alfalfa passed through a blender; juice drunk in wineglassful doses. Alfalfa ‘sprouts’ are grown from seed in a shallow tray and contain 150 per cent more protein than wheat or corn. Daily rinsed with water, they are allowed to germinate to about half inch in height when they are chopped and used in salads. See: SPROUTS.
Any one of these preparations favourably influences nutrition in cases of anorexia nervosa, neurasthenia, insomnia, feeble appetite, and to increase the flow of milk in young nursing mothers. Taken regularly, it is believed to dispose to mental and physical well-being.
Capsules (powder). 250mg: 2 capsules thrice daily during meals. (Arkocaps) Tablets. 500mg. (Meadowcroft)
Note: Alfalfa should not be taken with Vitamin E, the action of which it vitiates.