Substances that cause allergic reactions are known as allergens. Their number are limitless. Against these, the body produces antibodies to fight off invaders. If we are allergic, such defence mechanisms over-react. The reaction has the effect of releasing various chemicals such as histamine which causes irritation and swelling of mucous membranes. Removal of dental amalgam fillings sometimes relieves.
Perhaps the most common allergy is hay fever. It is now known that most sufferers have a family
history of the complaint. Asthma is a serious form, but with the aid of certain herbs (Lobelia, etc) sufferers may lead normal lives.
Premature babies fed on cow’s milk are at risk of cow’s milk allergy with increased histamine release. (Dunn Nutrition Unit, Cambridge)
Food allergies from shell fish and cereal grain fungi are difficult to detect. A large body of opinion favours Garlic (corm, tablets or capsules), being observed that Garlic eaters seldom suffer allergies. Agrimony tea.
Skin reactions may be severe. Hives, dermatitis and blisters can be the result of allergies triggered off by insect stings or animal bites, drugs, food additives, colourings, monosodium glutamate, chocolate, wines, aspirin, penicillin and other drugs. Cytotoxic tests are made to discover foods to which a person may be allergic.
Heredity predisposes, but forms vary. A ‘nettle rash’ father may have a ‘hay fever’ son. Stress is an important factor. While allergy is not a psychosomatic disturbance, there is general agreement that emotional distress – fright, fury or fatigue – can be related. An allergy can also be due to a flaw in the immune system, the body over-reacting to an allergen. Some allergies are treated with the antihistamines of orthodox pharmacy but which may induce drowsiness.
Treatment. The phytotherapist’s primary agent is Ephedra.
Teas. Chamomile, Centuary, Elderflowers, Ground Ivy, Lime flowers, Nettles, Plantain, Red Sage. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup 1 to 3 times daily.
Liquid Extract. Ephedra sinica BHP (1983): Dose – 1-3ml. Thrice daily.
Tincture. Ephedra sinica BHP (1983) 1:4 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 6-8ml thrice daily.
A Vogel. Devil’s Claw, thrice daily.
J. Christopher. Burdock, Marshmallow root, Parsley root.
Valerian. Add to prescription in cases of nervous hyperactivity.
Diet. Low salt, low fat, high fibre. Eggs and dairy products are known to cause allergies. Raw salad once daily. Add more protein, cooked and raw vegetables. Rice is not known to cause any allergic reactions. Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A, B-complex, Vitamin C. Bromelain, Selenium, Zinc.
Note: No animals or birds in the house.