Artificial rupture of the amniotic membranes (breaking the “waters”) performed for induction of labour.
(artificial rupture of membranes, ARM) n. a method of surgically inducing labour by puncturing the *amnion surrounding the baby in the uterus using an *amnihook or similar instrument.
n. the *amniotic fluid that escapes from the uterus through the vagina when that part of the amnion lying in front of the presenting part of the fetus ruptures, either spontaneously or by *amniotomy. Spontaneous rupture is usual in labour but rupture may occur before labour starts (premature rupture of membranes).... forewaters
n. 1. (in obstetrics) the starting of labour by artificial means. It is carried out using such drugs as *prostaglandins to prime the cervix and/or *amniotomy prior to synthetic *oxytocin (Syntocinon), which stimulate uterine contractions. Induction of labour is carried out if the wellbeing or life of mother or child is threatened by continuance of the pregnancy. 2. (in anaesthesia) initiation of *anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is usually induced by the intravenous injection of short-acting *anaesthetics, e.g. thiopental.... induction