Antihistamines Health Dictionary

Antihistamines: From 1 Different Sources

Agents that arrest production of histamine and which are useful in allergic conditions.

Herbal antihistamines may lessen severity of symptoms. Not limited by sedative, anticholinergic or central nervous system side effects. Nor do they impair psychomotor skills or potentiate the effect of alcohol. Non-sedating antihistamines are available for perennial allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis and other conditions normally responsive to antihistamines including allergic skin reactions.

Garlic has powerful antihistamine properties. It is a vaso-constrictor and thus reduces swelling of mucosa of the nose and conjunctiva of the eye. It is of special value for purulent discharge. According to the individual case it works well with Hyssop, Angelica and Peppermint. Herbal antihistamines include: Juniper, Marshmallow root, Burdock, Parsley root, Cudweed, Elder, Ephedra, Eyebright, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Peppermint, Sage, Lobelia, Chaparral. One in common use among herbalists is Marigold (calendula), directed particularly against staphylococcus.

Ayurvedic Medicine, specific: equal parts Ginger root, Black Pepper and Aniseed. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia


A drug that counteracts nausea and sickness. Some antihistamines and anticholinergics have an antiemetic e?ect. They are used to combat motion sickness or nausea and vomiting brought on by other drugs – in particular, drugs used in ANAESTHESIA and anticancer agents – and by RADIOTHERAPY.... antiemetic


An exogenous agent that inhibits the release of histamine, the amino acid derivative that stimulates vasodilation and permeability under many circumstances, particularly tissue irritation. The most common type of antihistamine, the H1 receptor antagonist, produces many moderate side effects, and the H2 receptor antagonist cimetidine is even more problematic. That they are so commonly used can lull both physician and patient into trivializing their iatrogenic potential. Histamines, which are most abundant in the skin, respiratory, and GI tract mucus membranes, help heal; using antihistamines to inhibit the healing response for the whole body simply in order to lessen the acute but physiologically superficial symptoms of something like hay fever is to risk many subtle side effects.... antihistamine

Antihistamine Drugs

Antihistamine drugs antagonise the action of HISTAMINE and are therefore of value in the treatment of certain allergic conditions (see ALLERGY). They may be divided into those with a central action (e.g. ?upheniramine and cyclizine) and those such as loratidine and terfenadine with almost no central action. Antihistamines are also of some value in the treatment of vasomotor RHINITIS (see also under NOSE, DISORDERS OF); they reduce rhinorrhoea and sneezing but are usually less e?ective in relieving nasal congestion. All antihistamines are useful in the treatment of URTICARIA and certain allergic skin rashes, insect bites and stings, as well as in the treatment of drug allergies. Chlorpheniramine or promethazine injections are useful in the emergency treatment of angio-oedema (see under URTICARIA) and ANAPHYLAXIS.

There is little evidence that any one antihistamine is superior to another, and patients vary considerably in their response to them. The antihistamines di?er in their duration of action and in the incidence of side-effects such as drowsiness. Most are short-acting, but some (such as promethazine) work for up to 12 hours. They all cause sedation but promethazine, trimeprazine and dimenhydrinate tend to be more sedating while chlorpheniramine and cyclizine are less so, as are astemizole, oxatomide and terfenadine. Patients should be warned that their ability to drive or operate machinery may be impaired when taking these drugs, and that the effects of ALCOHOL may be increased.... antihistamine drugs


The rash produced by the sudden release of HISTAMINE in the skin. It is characterised by acute itching, redness and wealing which subsides within a few minutes or may persist for a day or more. Depending upon the cause, it may be localised or widespread and transient or constantly recurrent over years. It has many causes.

External injuries to the skin such as the sting of a nettle (‘nettle-rash’) or an insect bite cause histamine release from MAST CELLS in the skin directly. Certain drugs, especially MORPHINE, CODEINE and ASPIRIN, can have the same e?ect. In other cases, histamine release is caused by an allergic mechanism, mediated by ANTIBODIES of the immunoglobulin E (IgE) class – see IMMUNOGLOBULINS. Thus many foods, food additives and drugs (such as PENICILLIN) can cause urticaria. Massive release of histamine may affect mucous membranes – namely the tongue or throat – and can cause HYPOTENSION and anaphylactic shock (see ANAPHYLAXIS) which can occasionally be fatal.

Physical factors can cause urticaria. Heat, exercise and emotional stress may induce a singular pattern with small pinhead weals, but widespread ?ares of ERYTHEMA, activated via the AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (CHOLINERGIC urticaria) may also occur.

Rarely, exposure to cold may have a smiilar e?ect (‘cold urticaria’) and anaphylactic shock following a dive into cold water in winter is occasionally fatal. The diagnosis of cold urticaria can be con?rmed by applying a block of ice to the arm which quickly induces a local weal.

Transient urticaria due to rubbing or even stroking the skin is common in young adults (DERMOGRAPHISM or factitious urticaria). More prolonged deep pressure induces delayed urticaria in other subjects. IgE-mediated urticaria is part of the atopic spectrum (see ATOPY, and SKIN, DISEASES OF – Dermatitis and eczema). Allergy to peanuts is particularly dangerous in young atopic subjects. Notwithstanding the many known causes, chronic urticaria of unknown cause is common and may have an autoimmune basis (see AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS).

Treatment Causative factors must be removed. Topical therapy is ine?ective except for the use of calamine lotion, which reduces itching by cooling the skin. Oral ANTIHISTAMINES are the mainstay of treatment and are remarkably safe. Rarely, injection of ADRENALINE is needed as emergency treatment of massive urticaria, especially if the tongue and throat are involved, following by a short course of the oral steroid, prednisolone.

Angio-oedema is a variant of urticaria where massive OEDEMA involves subcutaneous tissues rather than the skin. It may have many causes but bee and wasp stings in sensitised subjects are particularly dangerous. There is also a rare hereditary form of angio-oedema. Acute airway obstruction due to submucosal oedema of the tongue or larynx is best treated with immediate intramuscular adrenaline and antihistamine. Rarely, TRACHEOSTOMY may be life-saving. Patients who have had two or more episodes can be taught self-injection with a preloaded adrenaline syringe.... urticaria


Hypersensitiveness to a foreign protein which produces a violent reaction taking the form of asthma, hay fever, urticaria, eczema, migraine, catarrh, irritable bowel. Sensitivity covers a wide range of irritants including animal odours, pollens, insect bites. All kinds of food may be responsible: milk, eggs, pork, tomatoes, strawberries, coffee, tea, etc, also preservatives and artificial colourings.

Substances that cause allergic reactions are known as allergens. Their number are limitless. Against these, the body produces antibodies to fight off invaders. If we are allergic, such defence mechanisms over-react. The reaction has the effect of releasing various chemicals such as histamine which causes irritation and swelling of mucous membranes. Removal of dental amalgam fillings sometimes relieves.

Perhaps the most common allergy is hay fever. It is now known that most sufferers have a family

history of the complaint. Asthma is a serious form, but with the aid of certain herbs (Lobelia, etc) sufferers may lead normal lives.

Premature babies fed on cow’s milk are at risk of cow’s milk allergy with increased histamine release. (Dunn Nutrition Unit, Cambridge)

Food allergies from shell fish and cereal grain fungi are difficult to detect. A large body of opinion favours Garlic (corm, tablets or capsules), being observed that Garlic eaters seldom suffer allergies. Agrimony tea.

Skin reactions may be severe. Hives, dermatitis and blisters can be the result of allergies triggered off by insect stings or animal bites, drugs, food additives, colourings, monosodium glutamate, chocolate, wines, aspirin, penicillin and other drugs. Cytotoxic tests are made to discover foods to which a person may be allergic.

Heredity predisposes, but forms vary. A ‘nettle rash’ father may have a ‘hay fever’ son. Stress is an important factor. While allergy is not a psychosomatic disturbance, there is general agreement that emotional distress – fright, fury or fatigue – can be related. An allergy can also be due to a flaw in the immune system, the body over-reacting to an allergen. Some allergies are treated with the antihistamines of orthodox pharmacy but which may induce drowsiness.

Treatment. The phytotherapist’s primary agent is Ephedra.

Teas. Chamomile, Centuary, Elderflowers, Ground Ivy, Lime flowers, Nettles, Plantain, Red Sage. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup 1 to 3 times daily.

Liquid Extract. Ephedra sinica BHP (1983): Dose – 1-3ml. Thrice daily.

Tincture. Ephedra sinica BHP (1983) 1:4 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 6-8ml thrice daily.

A Vogel. Devil’s Claw, thrice daily.

J. Christopher. Burdock, Marshmallow root, Parsley root.

Valerian. Add to prescription in cases of nervous hyperactivity.

Diet. Low salt, low fat, high fibre. Eggs and dairy products are known to cause allergies. Raw salad once daily. Add more protein, cooked and raw vegetables. Rice is not known to cause any allergic reactions. Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A, B-complex, Vitamin C. Bromelain, Selenium, Zinc.

Note: No animals or birds in the house. ... allergy

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, Or Hyperplasia

(BPH) The benign buildup in the prostate of “warts” or epithelial neoplasias that can block or interrupt urination, and which are usually concurrent with moderate prostate enlargement. They cause a dull ache on urination, ejaculation, and/or defecation. The diagnosis is medical, since the same subjective conditions can result from cancer of the prostate. BPH is common in men over fifty and can be the result either of diminished production of complete testosterone or poor pelvic circulation. Alcohol, coffee, speed, and antihistamines can all aggravate the problem.... benign prostatic hypertrophy, or hyperplasia


Nutritional Profile Energy value (calories per serving): Low Protein: Trace Fat: Trace Saturated fat: None Cholesterol: None Carbohydrates: Trace Fiber: Trace Sodium: Low Major vitamin contribution: None Major mineral contribution: None

About the Nutrients in This Food Coffee beans are roasted seeds from the fruit of the evergreen coffee tree. Like other nuts and seeds, they are high in proteins (11 percent), sucrose and other sugars (8 percent), oils (10 to 15 percent), assorted organic acids (6 percent), B vitamins, iron, and the central nervous system stimulant caffeine (1 to 2 percent). With the exceptions of caffeine, none of these nutrients is found in coffee. Like spinach, rhubarb, and tea, coffee contains oxalic acid (which binds calcium ions into insoluble compounds your body cannot absorb), but this is of no nutritional consequence as long as your diet contains adequate amounts of calcium-rich foods. Coffee’s best known constituent is the methylxanthine central ner- vous system stimulant caffeine. How much caffeine you get in a cup of coffee depends on how the coffee was processed and brewed. Caffeine is Caffeine Content/Coffee Servings Brewed coffee 60 mg/five-ounce cup Brewed/decaffeinated 5 mg/five-ounce cup Espresso  64 mg/one-ounce serving Instant  47 mg/rounded teaspoon

The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food In moderation, with high-calcium foods. Like spinach, rhubarb, and tea, coffee has oxalic acid, which binds calcium into insoluble compounds. This will have no important effect as long as you keep your consumption moderate (two to four cups of coffee a day) and your calcium consumption high.

Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food Bland diet Gout diet Diet for people with heart disease (regular coffee)

Buying This Food Look for: Ground coffee and coffee beans in tightly sealed, air- and moisture-proof containers. Avoid: Bulk coffees or coffee beans stored in open bins. When coffee is exposed to air, the volatile molecules that give it its distinctive flavor and richness escape, leaving the coffee flavorless and/or bitter.

Storing This Food Store unopened vacuum-packed cans of ground coffee or coffee beans in a cool, dark cabinet—where they will stay fresh for six months to a year. They will lose some flavor in storage, though, because it is impossible to can coffee without trapping some flavor- destroying air inside the can. Once the can or paper sack has been opened, the coffee or beans should be sealed as tight as possible and stored in the refrigerator. Tightly wrapped, refrigerated ground coffee will hold its freshness and flavor for about a week, whole beans for about three weeks. For longer storage, freeze the coffee or beans in an air- and moistureproof container. ( You can brew coffee directly from frozen ground coffee and you can grind frozen beans without thawing them.)

Preparing This Food If you make your coffee with tap water, let the water run for a while to add oxygen. Soft water makes “cleaner”-tasting coffee than mineral-rich hard water. Coffee made with chlorinated water will taste better if you refrigerate the water overnight in a glass (not plastic) bottle so that the chlorine evaporates. Never make coffee with hot tap water or water that has been boiled. Both lack oxygen, which means that your coffee will taste flat. Always brew coffee in a scrupulously clean pot. Each time you make coffee, oils are left on the inside of the pot. If you don’t scrub them off, they will turn rancid and the next pot of coffee you brew will taste bitter. To clean a coffee pot, wash it with detergent, rinse it with water in which you have dissolved a few teaspoons of baking soda, then rinse one more time with boiling water.

What Happens When You Cook This Food In making coffee, your aim is to extract flavorful solids (including coffee oils and sucrose and other sugars) from the ground beans without pulling bitter, astringent tannins along with them. How long you brew the coffee determines how much solid material you extract and how the coffee tastes. The longer the brewing time, the greater the amount of solids extracted. If you brew the coffee long enough to extract more than 30 percent of its solids, you will get bitter compounds along with the flavorful ones. (These will also develop by let- ting coffee sit for a long time after brewing it.) Ordinarily, drip coffee tastes less bitter than percolator coffee because the water in a drip coffeemaker goes through the coffee only once, while the water in the percolator pot is circulated through the coffee several times. To make strong but not bitter coffee, increase the amount of coffee—not the brewing time.

How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food Drying. Soluble coffees (freeze-dried, instant) are made by dehydrating concentrated brewed coffee. These coffees are often lower in caffeine than regular ground coffees because caffeine, which dissolves in water, is lost when the coffee is dehydrated. Decaffeinating. Decaffeinated coffee is made with beans from which the caffeine has been extracted, either with an organic solvent (methylene chloride) or with water. How the coffee is decaffeinated has no effect on its taste, but many people prefer water-processed decaf- feinated coffee because it is not a chemically treated food. (Methylene chloride is an animal carcinogen, but the amounts that remain in coffees decaffeinated with methylene chloride are so small that the FDA does not consider them hazardous. The carcinogenic organic sol- vent trichloroethylene [TCE], a chemical that causes liver cancer in laboratory animals, is no longer used to decaffeinate coffee.)

Medical Uses and/or Benefits As a stimulant and mood elevator. Caffeine is a stimulant. It increases alertness and concentra- tion, intensifies muscle responses, quickens heartbeat, and elevates mood. Its effects derive from the fact that its molecular structure is similar to that of adenosine, a natural chemical by-product of normal cell activity. Adenosine is a regular chemical that keeps nerve cell activ- ity within safe limits. When caffeine molecules hook up to sites in the brain when adenosine molecules normally dock, nerve cells continue to fire indiscriminately, producing the jangly feeling sometimes associated with drinking coffee, tea, and other caffeine products. As a rule, it takes five to six hours to metabolize and excrete caffeine from the body. During that time, its effects may vary widely from person to person. Some find its stimu- lation pleasant, even relaxing; others experience restlessness, nervousness, hyperactivity, insomnia, flushing, and upset stomach after as little as one cup a day. It is possible to develop a tolerance for caffeine, so people who drink coffee every day are likely to find it less imme- diately stimulating than those who drink it only once in a while. Changes in blood vessels. Caffeine’s effects on blood vessels depend on site: It dilates coronary and gastrointestinal vessels but constricts blood vessels in your head and may relieve headache, such as migraine, which symptoms include swollen cranial blood vessels. It may also increase pain-free exercise time in patients with angina. However, because it speeds up heartbeat, doc- tors often advise patients with heart disease to avoid caffeinated beverages entirely. As a diuretic. Caffeine is a mild diuretic sometimes included in over-the-counter remedies for premenstrual tension or menstrual discomfort.

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food Stimulation of acid secretion in the stomach. Both regular and decaffeinated coffees increase the secretion of stomach acid, which suggests that the culprit is the oil in coffee, not its caffeine. Elevated blood levels of cholesterol and homocysteine. In the mid-1990s, several studies in the Netherlands and Norway suggested that drinking even moderate amounts of coffee (five cups a day or less) might raise blood levels of cholesterol and homocysteine (by-product of protein metabolism considered an independent risk factor for heart disease), thus increas- ing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Follow-up studies, however, showed the risk limited to drinking unfiltered coffees such as coffee made in a coffee press, or boiled coffees such as Greek, Turkish, or espresso coffee. The unfiltered coffees contain problematic amounts of cafestol and kahweol, two members of a chemical family called diterpenes, which are believed to affect cholesterol and homocysteine levels. Diterpenes are removed by filtering coffee, as in a drip-brew pot. Possible increased risk of miscarriage. Two studies released in 2008 arrived at different conclusions regarding a link between coffee consumption and an increased risk of miscar- riage. The first, at Kaiser Permanente (California), found a higher risk of miscarriage among women consuming even two eight-ounce cups of coffee a day. The second, at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine (New York), found no such link. However, although the authors of the Kaiser Permanente study described it as a “prospective study” (a study in which the research- ers report results that occur after the study begins), in fact nearly two-thirds of the women who suffered a miscarriage miscarried before the study began, thus confusing the results. Increased risk of heartburn /acid reflux. The natural oils in both regular and decaffeinated coffees loosen the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscular valve between the esopha- gus and the stomach. When food is swallowed, the valve opens to let food into the stomach, then closes tightly to keep acidic stomach contents from refluxing (flowing backwards) into the esophagus. If the LES does not close efficiently, the stomach contents reflux and cause heartburn, a burning sensation. Repeated reflux is a risk factor for esophageal cancer. Masking of sleep disorders. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem associated not only with automobile accidents but also with health conditions such as depression and high blood pres- sure. People who rely on the caffeine in a morning cup of coffee to compensate for lack of sleep may put themselves at risk for these disorders. Withdrawal symptoms. Caffeine is a drug for which you develop a tolerance; the more often you use it, the more likely you are to require a larger dose to produce the same effects and the more likely you are to experience withdrawal symptoms (headache, irritation) if you stop using it. The symptoms of coffee-withdrawal can be relieved immediately by drinking a cup of coffee.

Food/Drug Interactions Drugs that make it harder to metabolize caffeine. Some medical drugs slow the body’s metabolism of caffeine, thus increasing its stimulating effect. The list of such drugs includes cimetidine (Tagamet), disulfiram (Antabuse), estrogens, fluoroquinolone antibiotics (e.g., ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, norfloxacin), fluconazole (Diflucan), fluvoxamine (Luvox), mexi- letine (Mexitil), riluzole (R ilutek), terbinafine (Lamisil), and verapamil (Calan). If you are taking one of these medicines, check with your doctor regarding your consumption of caf- feinated beverages. Drugs whose adverse effects increase due to consumption of large amounts of caffeine. This list includes such drugs as metaproterenol (Alupent), clozapine (Clozaril), ephedrine, epinephrine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, phenylpropanolamine, and theophylline. In addition, suddenly decreasing your caffeine intake may increase blood levels of lithium, a drug used to control mood swings. If you are taking one of these medicines, check with your doctor regarding your consumption of caffeinated beverages. Allopurinol. Coffee and other beverages containing methylxanthine stimulants (caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine) reduce the effectiveness of the antigout drug allopurinol, which is designed to inhibit xanthines. Analgesics. Caffeine strengthens over-the-counter painkillers (acetaminophen, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories [NSAIDS] such as ibuprofen and naproxen). But it also makes it more likely that NSAIDS will irritate your stomach lining. Antibiotics. Coffee increases stomach acidity, which reduces the rate at which ampicillin, erythromycin, griseofulvin, penicillin, and tetracyclines are absorbed when they are taken by mouth. (There is no effect when the drugs are administered by injection.) Antiulcer medication. Coffee increases stomach acidity and reduces the effectiveness of nor- mal doses of cimetidine and other antiulcer medication. False-positive test for pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocytoma, a tumor of the adrenal glands, secretes adrenalin, which is converted to VM A (vanillylmandelic acid) by the body and excreted in the urine. Until recently, the test for this tumor measured the levels of VM A in the patient’s urine and coffee, which contains VM A, was eliminated from patients’ diets lest it elevate the level of VM A in the urine, producing a false-positive test result. Today, more finely drawn tests make this unnecessary. Iron supplements. Caffeine binds with iron to form insoluble compounds your body cannot absorb. Ideally, iron supplements and coffee should be taken at least two hours apart. Birth control pills. Using oral contraceptives appears to double the time it takes to eliminate caffeine from the body. Instead of five to six hours, the stimulation of one cup of coffee may last as long as 12 hours. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are drugs used to treat depression. They inactivate naturally occurring enzymes in your body that metabolize tyra- mine, a substance found in many fermented or aged foods. Tyramine constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. Caffeine is a substance similar to tyramine. If you consume excessive amounts of a caffeinated beverage such as coffee while you are taking an M AO inhibitor, the result may be a hypertensive crisis. Nonprescription drugs containing caffeine. The caffeine in coffee may add to the stimulant effects of the caffeine in over-the-counter cold remedies, diuretics, pain relievers, stimulants, and weight-control products containing caffeine. Some cold pills contain 30 mg caffeine, some pain relievers 130 mg, and some weight-control products as much as 280 mg caffeine. There are 110 –150 mg caffeine in a five-ounce cup of drip-brewed coffee. Sedatives. The caffeine in coffee may counteract the drowsiness caused by sedative drugs; this may be a boon to people who get sleepy when they take antihistamines. Coffee will not, however, “sober up” people who are experiencing the inebriating effects of alcoholic beverages. Theophylline. Caffeine relaxes the smooth muscle of the bronchi and may intensif y the effects (and/or increase the risk of side effects) of this antiasthmatic drug.... coffee


(Ugli fruit)

Nutritional Profile Energy value (calories per serving): Low Protein: Low Fat: Low Saturated fat: Low Cholesterol: None Carbohydrates: High Fiber: Moderate Sodium: Low Major vitamin contribution: Vitamin A, vitamin C Major mineral contribution: Potassium

About the Nutrients in This Food Grapefruit and ugli fruit (a cross between the grapefruit and the tangerine) have moderate amounts of dietary fiber and, like all citrus fruits, are most prized for their vitamin C. Pink or red grapefruits have moderate amounts of vitamin A. One-half medium (four-inch diameter) pink grapefruit has 1.4 g dietary fiber, 1,187 IU vitamin A (51 percent of the R DA for a woman, 40 percent of the R DA for a man), and 44 mg vitamin C (59 percent of the R DA for a woman, 49 percent of the R DA for a man). One half medium (3.75-inch diameter) white grapefruit has 1.3 g dietary fiber, 39 IU vitamin A (2 percent of the R DA for a woman, 1 percent of the R DA for a man), and 39 mg vitamin C (52 percent of the R DA for a woman, 43 percent of the R DA for a man). Pink and red grapefruits also contain lycopene, a red carotenoid (plant pigment), a strong antioxidant that appears to lower the risk of cancer of the prostate. The richest source of lycopene is cooked tom atoes.

The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food Fresh fruit or fresh-squeezed juice.

Buying This Food Look for: Firm fruit that is heavy for its size, which means that it will be juicy. The skin should be thin, smooth, and fine-grained. Most grapefruit have yellow skin that, depending on the variety, may be tinged with red or green. In fact, a slight greenish tint may mean that the grapefruit is high in sugar. Ugli fruit, which looks like misshapen, splotched grapefruit, is yellow with green patches and bumpy skin. Avoid: Grapefruit or ugli fruit with puff y skin or those that feel light for their size; the flesh inside is probably dry and juiceless.

Storing This Food Store grapefruit either at room temperature (for a few days) or in the refrigerator. Refrigerate grapefruit juice in a tightly closed glass bottle with very little air space at the top. As you use up the juice, transfer it to a smaller bottle, again with very little air space at the top. The aim is to prevent the juice from coming into contact with oxygen, which destroys vitamin C. (Most plastic juice bottles are oxygen-permeable.) Properly stored and protected from oxygen, fresh grapefruit juice can hold its vitamin C for several weeks.

Preparing This Food Grapefruit are most flavorful at room temperature, which liberates the aromatic molecules that give them their characteristic scent and taste. Before cutting into the grapefruit, rinse it under cool running water to flush debris off the peel. To section grapefruit, cut a slice from the top, then cut off the peel in strips—starting at the top and going down—or peel it in a spiral fashion. You can remove the bitter white membrane, but some of the vitamin C will go with it. Finally, slice the sections apart. Or you can simply cut the grapefruit in half and scoop out the sections with a curved, serrated grapefruit knife.

What Happens When You Cook This Food Broiling a half grapefruit or poaching grapefruit sections reduces the fruit’s supply of vitamin C, which is heat-sensitive.

How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food Commercially prepared juices. How well a commercially prepared juice retains its vitamin C depends on how it is prepared, stored, and packaged. Commercial flash-freezing preserves as much as 95 percent of the vitamin C in fresh grapefruit juices. Canned juice stored in the refrigerator may lose only 2 percent of its vitamin C in three months. Prepared, pasteurized “fresh” juices lose vitamin C because they are sold in plastic bottles or waxed-paper cartons that let oxygen in. Commercially prepared juices are pasteurized to stop the natural enzyme action that would otherwise turn sugars to alcohols. Pasteurization also protects juices from potentially harmful bacterial and mold contamination. Following several deaths attributed to unpas- teurized apple juices containing E. coli O157:H7, the FDA ruled that all fruit and vegetable juices must carry a warning label telling you whether the juice has been pasteurized. Around the year 2000, all juices must be processed to remove or inactivate harmful bacteria.

Medical Uses and/or Benefits Antiscorbutic. All citrus fruits are superb sources of vitamin C, the vitamin that prevents or cures scurvy, the vitamin C-deficiency disease. Increased absorption of supplemental or dietary iron. If you eat foods rich in vitamin C along with iron supplements or foods rich in iron, the vitamin C will enhance your body’s ability to absorb the iron. Wound healing. Your body needs vitamin C in order to convert the amino acid proline into hydroxyproline, an essential ingredient in collagen, the protein needed to form skin, ten- dons, and bones. As a result people with scurvy do not heal quickly, a condition that can be remedied with vitamin C, which cures the scurvy and speeds healing. Whether taking extra vitamin C speeds healing in healthy people remains to be proved. Possible inhibition of virus that causes chronic hepatitis C infection. In Januar y 2008, research- ers at Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Engineering in Medicine (Boston) published a report in the medical journal Hepatology detailing the effect of naringenin, a compound in grapefruit, on the behavior of hepatitis viruses in liver cells. In laborator y studies, naringenin appeared to inhibit the ability of the virus to multiply and/or pass out from the liver cells. To date, there are no studies detailing the effect of naringenin in human beings with hepatitis C.

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food Contact dermatitis. The essential oils in the peel of citrus fruits may cause skin irritation in sensitive people.

Food/Drug Interactions Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and others. Taking aspirin or NSAIDs with acidic foods such as grapefruit may intensif y the drug’s ability to irritate your stomach and cause gastric bleeding. Antihistamines, anticoagulants, benzodiazepines (tranquilizers or sleep medications), calcium channel blockers (blood pressure medication), cyclosporine (immunosuppressant drug used in organ transplants), theophylline (asthma drug). Drinking grapefruit juice with a wide variety of drugs ranging from antihistamines to blood pressure medication appears to reduce the amount of the drug your body metabolizes and eliminates. The “grapefruit effect” was first identified among people taking the antihypertensive drugs felodipine (Plendil) and nifedip- ine (Adalat, Procardia). It is not yet known for certain exactly what the active substance in the juice is. One possibility, however, is bergamottin, a naturally occurring chemical in grapefruit juice known to inactivate cytochrome P450 3A4, a digestive enzyme needed to convert many drugs to water-soluble substances you can flush out of your body. Without an effective supply of cytochrome P450 3A4, the amount of a drug circulating in your body may rise to dangerous levels. Reported side effects include lower blood pressure, increased heart rate, headache, flushing, and lightheadedness. Some Drugs Known to Interact with Grapefruit Juice* Drug Class  Generic (Brand name) Antianxiety drug  Diazepam ( Valium) Antiarrhythmics  Amiodarone (Cordarone) Blood-pressure drugs  Felodipine (Plendil), nicardipine (Cardene), nimodipine (Nimotop), nisoldipine (Sular), verapamil ( Verelan) Cholesterol-lowering drugs  Atorvastatin (Lipitor), lovastatin (Mevacor), simvastatin (Zocor), simvastatin/ezetimibe ( Vytorin) Immune Suppressants  Cyclosporine (Neoral), tacrolimus (Prograf ) Impotence Drug  Sildenafil ( Viagra) Pain Medication Methadone (Dolophine, Methadose) * This list may grow as new research appears.... grapefruit


An agent that acts to suppress the body’s natural immune response. This is totally understandable in tissue and organ transplants, and in some dangerous inflammatory conditions, but nearly all anti-inflammatory medications are immunosuppressant, including cortisone, antihistamines, and even aspirin. Some medical radicals are convinced that the chronic viral and fungal disorders of our age are partially facilitated by such medications.... immunosuppressant

Bites And Stings

Animal bites are best treated as puncture wounds and simply washed and dressed. In some cases ANTIBIOTICS may be given to minimise the risk of infection, together with TETANUS toxoid if appropriate. Should RABIES be a possibility, then further treatment must be considered. Bites and stings of venomous reptiles, amphibians, scorpions, snakes, spiders, insects and ?sh may result in clinical effects characteristic of that particular poisoning. In some cases speci?c ANTIVENOM may be administered to reduce morbidity and mortality.

Many snakes are non-venomous (e.g. pythons, garter snakes, king snakes, boa constrictors) but may still in?ict painful bites and cause local swelling. Most venomous snakes belong to the viper and cobra families and are common in Asia, Africa, Australia and South America. Victims of bites may experience various effects including swelling, PARALYSIS of the bitten area, blood-clotting defects, PALPITATION, respiratory di?culty, CONVULSIONS and other neurotoxic and cardiac effects. Victims should be treated as for SHOCK – that is, kept at rest, kept warm, and given oxygen if required but nothing by mouth. The bite site should be immobilised but a TOURNIQUET must not be used. All victims require prompt transfer to a medical facility. When appropriate and available, antivenoms should be administered as soon as possible.

Similar management is appropriate for bites and stings by spiders, scorpions, sea-snakes, venomous ?sh and other marine animals and insects.

Bites and stings in the UK The adder (Vipera berus) is the only venomous snake native to Britain; it is a timid animal that bites only when provoked. Fatal cases are rare, with only 14 deaths recorded in the UK since 1876, the last of these in 1975. Adder bites may result in marked swelling, weakness, collapse, shock, and in severe cases HYPOTENSION, non-speci?c changes in the electrocardiogram and peripheral leucocytosis. Victims of adder bites should be transferred to hospital even if asymptomatic, with the affected limb being immobilised and the bite site left alone. Local incisions, suction, tourniquets, ice packs or permanganate must not be used. Hospital management may include use of a speci?c antivenom, Zagreb®.

The weever ?sh is found in the coastal waters of the British Isles, Europe, the eastern Atlantic, and the Mediterranean Sea. It possesses venomous spines in its dorsal ?n. Stings and envenomation commonly occur when an individual treads on the ?sh. The victim may experience a localised but increasing pain over two hours. As the venom is heat-labile, immersion of the affected area in water at approximately 40 °C or as hot as can be tolerated for 30 minutes should ease the pain. Cold applications will worsen the discomfort. Simple ANALGESICS and ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS may be given.

Bees, wasps and hornets are insects of the order Hymenoptera and the females possess stinging apparatus at the end of the abdomen. Stings may cause local pain and swelling but rarely cause severe toxicity. Anaphylactic (see ANAPHYLAXIS) reactions can occur in sensitive individuals; these may be fatal. Deaths caused by upper-airway blockage as a result of stings in the mouth or neck regions are reported. In victims of stings, the stinger should be removed as quickly as possible by ?icking, scraping or pulling. The site should be cleaned. Antihistamines and cold applications may bring relief. For anaphylactic reactions ADRENALINE, by intramuscular injection, may be required.... bites and stings


Alcohol is a chemical with definite physical and chemical properties. It may be used as the alcohol of pharmacy (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) for the making of tinctures, extracts, etc. Strength of alcohol used depends upon the phytochemistry of the plant. The weakest spirit is always chosen to serve the purpose.

Weak. 20-25 per cent. For water soluble ingredients and small amounts of volatile oils, i.e., Infusion Buchu Cone. A white wine (approximately 25 per cent) may prove adequate for most leaves, flowers and stems (i.e., Agrimony, Balm or Chamomile.

Medium Strength. 45 per cent. This is the strength, on average, used by the herbal practitioner. For tannins and small amounts of volatile oils, etc (i.e., Extract of Witch Hazel Liquid).

Moderately Strong. 60-70 per cent. Water soluble glycosides, (Tincture Digitalis, Squills, etc.).

Strong alcohols. 70-80 per cent. For alkaloids present in many plants.

Very Strong Alcohols. 90-99 per cent. For gums and resins (Myrrh), essential and volatile oils (Spirit Menth Pip., etc.).

Without alcohol, extraction of active constituents of plants would not be possible. Glycerine has not proved to be a satisfactory menstruum. For simple home-made tinctures Vodka offers a useful alternative provided it is of the strength specified.

Alcohol is not only a reliable solvent and preservative. It may be used effectively in the treatment of disease. In the form of wine it is one of the oldest drugs known to medicine. It appears in the pharmacopoeias and medical text-books of every civilised culture in the world. It may be used as an analgesic for the control of pain. It is an effective anaesthetic, vasodilator, sedative, and diuretic to stimulate kidney function. It was probably the first tranquilliser discovered. See: PRESCRIPTIONS.

Alcohol is the commonest substance to be incriminated in drug interactions. It can potentiate soporific effects in antidepressants, pain-killers and antihistamines and increase irritation of the stomach by aspirin. It can change the action of hypoglycaemic and anticoagulant remedies. ... alcohol

Jelly Fish Sting

Antihistamines indicated: (topical). Plant juices: pulp of leaves of any one – Plantain, Aloe Vera, Houseleek, Garlic, Marigold, Comfrey. Oil Eucalyptus. Witch Hazel water. Neat Cider vinegar.

Internal: Echinacea. Acid tincture of Lobelia (10-20 drops). Wounds may be severe enough to require surgical exploration, herbal antibiotic therapy or tetanus prophylaxis. Pain control is essential (Black Willow, Black Cohosh) as pain may be intense and patient restless from respiratory and cardiac distress. Wash with strong spirit (methylated, whiskey, etc). ... jelly fish sting

Antiallergy Drugs

Drugs that are used to treat or prevent allergic reactions (see allergy). There are several groups, including corticosteroids, antihistamines, leukotriene receptor antagonists, and sodium cromoglicate.... antiallergy drugs

Antipruritic Drugs

Drugs that are used to relieve persistent itching (pruritus).

Antipruritics may be applied as creams and emollients and may contain corticosteroid drugs, antihistamine drugs, or local anaesthetics.

Oral antihistamines may also be used to relieve itching.... antipruritic drugs


Severe throbbing pain inside the ear, usually due to pressure from a blocked Eustachian tube or a respiratory infection. The condition may be treated by herbal antibiotics, antihistamines or nasal decongestants. Simple earache may resolve itself without inflammation from the inside and pus formation. Where pai persists more than 24 hours a practitioner’s opinion should be sought.

Before the practitioner comes: instil into the ear: few drops Onion or Garlic juice, Houseleek, Aloe Vera or Plantain juice; oils of Mullein, St John’s Wort or Almond. Moistened Chamomile flower sachet; apply to ear to ease pain.

Feverfew. A traditional way to relieve was to hold the ear over hot steaming Feverfew tea.

Supportive: A number of strong yawns while pinching the nostrils and blowing the nose vigorously may free obstruction and normalise pressure on both sides of the drum. Hot foot baths divert blood from the head and reduce pain. ... earache

Iatrogenic Disease

A most likely reaction to occur from a complication arising from therapeutic endeavour. A red angry irritant skin reaction which later scales off. May be due to drugs (antihistamines, aspirin, and chemical medicine). Special offenders are binders, artificial colourings and other ingredients added to medicines for cosmetic or preservation purposes. Urticaria and toxic erythema are common.

BCG innoculation may produce tuberculous ulceration; deep X-ray therapy a characteristic rash; steroids a redness of the face, thinning of the skin and easy bruising.

Sufferers from psoriasis and other chronic skin disorders experience a worsening of the condition with possible pus formation. “The Pill” has been responsible for erythema nodosum (red patches and nodules) as well as vaginal candidiasis. Some drugs cause shingles. Skin looks as if it is scalded. Internally, the mucous membranes may be seriously eroded.

As the liver is responsible for breaking down foreign substances in the body, most prescriptions contain at least one liver remedy. One for the lymphatic system is also advised. Effective antidote to drug intoxication: Nux vomica, which is given by a practitioner.

By their specific action on liver, spleen and glandular system certain plant medicines stimulate those vital organs to eliminate drug poisons. They include alteratives: Yellow Dock, Echinacea, Blue Flag. Carefully combined herbal medicine can offer something constructive before it is too late.

Alternatives. Teas. Alfalfa, Nettles, Figwort, Violet leaves, Betony, Mullein. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup of boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes; dose, 1 cup thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules. As available: Echinacea, Blue Flag root, Dandelion, Devil’s Claw, Red Clover, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Burdock, Queen’s Delight, Garlic.

Formula. Goldenseal quarter; Poke root half; Echinacea 2. Doses. Powders: one-third teaspoon. Liquid extracts 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In water or honey thrice daily; 2-hourly for acute cases. Topical. Evening Primrose oil, Aloe Vera gel or fresh juice, Jojoba. Ointments: Chickweed, Comfrey or Marshmallow. Use of lanolin-based ointments is discouraged.

Diet. Accept: whole grains, meat, organ meats, molasses, wheatgerm, dessicated liver, green leafy vegetables, legumes, citrus fruits, broccoli, green peppers, cold-pressed vegetable oils, sweet potato. Reject: red meat, ham, pork, bacon, white sugar, alcohol, nuts.

Supplements. Vitamin A, B-complex, B2, B6, B12, Folic acid, C, D, E (500iu). ... iatrogenic disease

Sleeping Drugs

A group of drugs used to treat insomnia.

They include benzodiazepines, antihistamines, antidepressants, and chloral hydrate.

Sleeping drugs may cause drowsiness and impaired concentration on waking.

Long-term use may induce tolerance and dependence.... sleeping drugs

Lichen Planus

An inflammatory skin eruption with small shiny pimples starting from the wrists and spreading towards the trunk. Associated with lesions on mucous surfaces – vulva, penis, mouth. Cause is unknown but sometimes related to tuberculosis or drug poisoning. Usually over front of wrists, trunk and shins.

Symptoms: Severe itching. Thickened skin with shiny red patches which later become brown and scaly. Distinguish from psoriasis. Nails ridged and split.

Alternatives. Relief from itching by use of antihistamines: Garlic, Goldenseal, Ephedra, Lobelia.

Teas. Nettles, Boneset, Chickweed, Heartsease, Yucca.

Decoctions. (1) Combine: equal parts: Burdock, Sarsaparilla, Passion flower. OR (2) Combine: equal parts: Echinacea, Blue Flag root, Sarsaparilla. Half an ounce (14g) to 1 pint (500ml) water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup thrice daily.

Cold infusion. One heaped teaspoon Barberry (Berberis Vul) to cup cold water. Steep overnight. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Powders, Liquid Extracts or Tinctures. Equal parts: Wild Yam, Blue Flag root, Fringe Tree bark. Powders: 500mg. Liquid Extracts: 30-60 drops in water. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons in water. Thrice daily before meals.

Mouth ulcers: Rinse mouth with Goldenseal and Myrrh drops, in water.

Topical. Ointment or pulp from any one: Aloe Vera, Comfrey, Chickweed, Houseleek, Marshmallow. Vaginal lesion. Aloe Vera pulp or gel.

Diet. Avoid citrus fruits and milk.

Vitamins. A. B-complex, B12, C. E. F. PABA.

Minerals. Dolomite. Zinc. Cod Liver oil: one dessertspoon daily. ... lichen planus


Also called alimemazine. An antihistamine drug used to relieve itching in allergic conditions, and as a premedication in children. Side effects are typical of antihistamines.... trimeprazine


n. an emergency condition resulting from an abnormal and immediate allergic response to a substance to which the body has become intensely sensitized. It results in flushing, itching, nausea and vomiting, swelling of the mouth and tongue and airway enough to often cause obstruction, wheezing, a sudden drop in blood pressure, and even sudden death. In this extreme form it is called anaphylactic shock. Common causes are peanuts, latex, and wasp or bee stings. Treatment, which must be given immediately, consists of adrenaline (epinephrine) injection, oxygen with possible advanced support of the airway, intravenous fluids, intravenous corticosteroids, and antihistamines. —anaphylactic adj.... anaphylaxis


1. adj. describing a drug that reduces *inflammation. The various groups of anti-inflammatory drugs act against one or more of the mediators that initiate or maintain inflammation. Some groups suppress only certain aspects of the inflammatory response. The main groups of anti-inflammatory drugs are the *antihistamines, the glucocorticoids (see corticosteroid), and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (see NSAID). 2. n. an anti-inflammatory drug.... anti-inflammatory


n. a common local reaction caused by stroking the skin, which develops itchy *weals. People with such highly sensitive skin can ‘write’ on it with a finger or blunt instrument. A rare delayed form exists. Dermographism can be confirmed with a calibrated instrument called a dermographometer. Antihistamines are first-line treatment.... dermographism

Hay Fever

a form of *allergy due to the pollen of grasses, trees, and other plants, characterized by inflammation of the membrane lining the nose and sometimes of the conjunctiva (see conjunctivitis). The symptoms of sneezing, running or blocked nose, and watering eyes are due to histamine release and often respond to treatment with *antihistamines. If the allergen is identified, it may be possible to undertake *desensitization. Medical name: allergic rhinitis.... hay fever


n. a condition caused by *mast cell proliferation due to KIT *proto-oncogene mutations. It most commonly manifests in the skin but also affects other organs. Maculopapular variants were formerly known as urticaria pigmentosa. Systemic involvement is common in adult cases, with bone marrow examination essential for accurate diagnosis. It may be associated with haematological abnormalities, including leukaemias. Resolution is common in children with skin involvement only. Treatment includes antihistamines, mast-cell stabilizers (such as sodium *cromoglicate), and *tyrosine kinase inhibitors.... mastocytosis

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