Anus Health Dictionary

Anus: From 4 Different Sources

The end of the alimentary tract through which faeces are expelled from the body. The orifice at the end of the anal canal is open only during defaecation; at other times it is kept closed by the muscles of the anal sphincter. (See also digestive system.)
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
The anus is the opening at the lower end of the bowel. It is kept closed by two muscles, the external and internal sphincters. The latter is a muscular ring which extends about 25 mm (1 inch) up the bowel, is nearly 6 mm (••• inch) thick, and is kept constantly contracted by the action of a nerve centre in the spinal cord. In disease of the spinal cord the muscle may be paralysed, resulting in inability to retain the motions or stools.
Health Source: Dictionary of Tropical Medicine
Author: Health Dictionary
In nematodes, an opening of the alimentary system on the ventral side at the posterior end of the female nematodes.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. the opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal, through which the faeces are discharged. It opens out from the *anal canal and is guarded by two sphincters. The anus is closed except during defecation. —anal adj.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Anus, Diseases Of

See under RECTUM, DISEASES OF.... anus, diseases of


(Indian) A pretty woman Anusry, Anusrey, Anusri, Anusrie, Anusrea, Anusreah, Anusrye... anusree

Anus, Cancer Of

A rare cancer of the skin of the anus. Possible early signs are development of swelling or an ulcer at the anus accompanied by bleeding and discomfort. Treatment is by surgical removal and/or radiotherapy.... anus, cancer of

Anus, Disorders Of

Most anal disorders affect adults and are minor, but they may cause discomfort.

Rarely, the anus may fail to develop normally and surgical treatment is needed (see anus, imperforate).

In anal stenosis, the anus is too narrow to allow the passage of faeces.

Anal fissures originate from tears in the lining of the anus, usually as a result of straining to pass faeces.

Cancer of the skin around the anus is rare (see anus, cancer of).

Haemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels under the anal lining.

An anal fistula is an abnormal channel connecting the anal canal with the skin surrounding the anus.

Itching of the anus is common and may be due to haemorrhoids or other disorders such as threadworm infestation.... anus, disorders of

Anus, Imperforate

A rare congenital abnormality in which the anal opening is missing or covered over. The severity of the condition varies from complete absence of the anal canal to only a layer of skin covering the anal opening.

Treatment involves surgery.

A colostomy may be needed initially before definitive surgery to construct an anus.... anus, imperforate

Imperforate Anus

(proctatresia) partial or complete obstruction of the anus: a congenital malformation in which the anal canal fails to develop correctly and the rectum ends blindly above the muscles of the perineum. Many types exist, including developmental anal stenosis, persistent anal membrane, and covered anus (due to fused genital folds). Most mild cases of imperforate anus can be treated by a simple operation. If the defect is extensive a temporary opening is made in the colon (see colostomy), with later surgical reconstruction of the rectum and anus.... imperforate anus

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