Apex Beat: From 3 Different Sources
A normal hearbeat felt through the chest wall. As the heart contracts, its tip hits the chest wall and can be felt between the 5th and 6th ribs on the left side of the chest. The apex beat is displaced when the heart is enlarged.
This is the beat of the APEX of the HEART, which can be felt through the skin to the left of the breastbone between the ?fth and sixth ribs.
the impact of the heart against the chest wall during *systole. It can be felt to the left of the breastbone, in the space between the fifth and sixth ribs.
The pointed portion of any organ which has a conical shape. The apex of each lung reaches about 3·5–5 cm (1••• or 2 inches) above the collar-bone into the neck. In health, the apex of the heart can be felt below the ?fth rib immediately inside the nipple.... apex
A heart muscle contraction that is outside the normal sequence of the cardiac cycle (see HEART). The impulse is generated outside the usual focus of the SINOATRIAL NODE. Also known as extrasystoles, ectopic beats are called ventricular if they arise from a focus in the ventricles and supraventricular if they arise in the atria. They may cause no symptoms and the affected subject may be unaware of them. The beat may, however, be the result of heart disease or may be caused by NICOTINE or CAFFEINE. If persistent, the individual may suffer from irregular rhythm or ventricular ?brillation and need treatment with anti-arrhythmic drugs.... ectopic beat
See ECTOPIC BEAT.... premature beat
(Celtic) One who gives life Betha, Beathah, Bethah... beatha
(Hebrew) One who serves God... beathag
(Scottish) Having great wisdom... beathas
(Latin) One who blesses others Beatrix, Beatriz, Beatriss, Beatrisse, Bea, Beatrize, Beatricia, Beatrisa, Beate, Beata, Beat, Bee, Beitris, Betrys, Bettrys, Bice... beatrice
See: TACHYCARDIA.... heart, rapid beat