Apheresis Health Dictionary

Apheresis: From 1 Different Sources

A procedure in which blood is withdrawn from a donor and is reinfused after one or more selected components have been separated and removed. In plasmapheresis, antibodies that are causing a disease are removed; and in leukapheresis, white blood cells are removed.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association

Blood Donation

The process of giving blood for use in blood transfusion.

Donated blood is tested for a range of infectious agents such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C and antibodies to HIV. After being classified into blood groups, the blood is stored in a blood bank, either whole or separated into its different components (see blood products). Apheresis is a type of blood donation in which only a specific blood component, such as plasma, platelets, or white cells, is withdrawn from the donor. blood film A test that involves smearing a drop of blood on to a glass slide for examination under a microscope. The blood film is stained with dyes to make the blood cells show up clearly.

The test allows the shape and appearance of blood cells to be checked for any abnormality, such as the sickleshaped red blood cells characteristic of sickle cell anaemia.

The relative proportions of the different types of white blood cells can also be counted.

This examination, called a differential white cell count, may be helpful in diagnosing infection or leukaemia.

Blood films are also used in diagnosing infections, such as malaria, in which the parasites can be seen inside the red blood cells.

Blood films are usually carried out together with a full blood count.... blood donation

Nhs Blood And Transplant

(NHSBT) a *special health authority established in 2005 to provide a safe and reliable supply of blood, organs, stem cell services, and diagnostics to hospitals. NHSBT also provides specialist therapeutic apheresis services, which remove or replace a single component of blood (e.g. malignant white cells or low-density lipoprotein), at six sites in England.

NHS Blood and Transplant website... nhs blood and transplant

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