Aphonia Health Dictionary

Aphonia: From 5 Different Sources

Complete loss of the voice, which may result from surgery to the larynx, or it may be sudden in onset and due to emotional stress. (See also dysphonia.)
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
Loss of voice, usually sudden. Commonly caused by emotional stress with no detectable physical abnormality in the LARYNX. Damage or disease of the larynx usually results in dysphonia (partial voice loss). Where no physical cause can be identi?ed, reassurance and, if the voice does not quickly return, PSYCHOTHERAPY are the treatment.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. absence or loss of the voice caused by disease of the larynx or mouth or by disease of the nerves and muscles involved in the generation and articulation of speech. If loss of speech is due to a language defect in the cerebral hemispheres, the disorder is *aphasia.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Inflammation of the larynx, usually implying hoarseness or aphonia.... laryngitis

Voice And Speech

Terms applied to the sounds produced in the upper AIR PASSAGES which form one of the means of communication between human beings. Air passes through the LARYNX to produce the fundamental notes and tones known as voice. This is then modi?ed during its passage through the mouth so as to form speech or song.

Voice This has three varying characteristics: loudness, pitch, and quality or timbre. Loudness depends on the volume of air available and therefore on the size of the chest and the strength of its muscles. Pitch is determined by larynx size, the degree of tenseness at which the vocal cords are maintained, and whether the cords vibrate as a whole or merely at their edges.

In any given voice, the range of pitch seldom exceeds two and a half octaves. Typically, the small larynx of childhood produces a shrill or treble voice; the rapid growth of the larynx around PUBERTY causes the voice to ‘break’ in boys. Changes in the voice also occur at other ages as a result of the secondary action of the SEX HORMONES. Generally speaking, the adult voice is bass and tenor in men, contralto or soprano in women. Timbre is due to di?erences in the larynx, as well as to voluntary changes in the shape of the mouth.

Speech Rapid modi?cations of the voice, produced by movements of the PALATE, tongue and lips. Infants hear the sounds made by others and mimic them; hence the speech centres in the BRAIN are closely connected with those of hearing.

Defects of speech See below, and also SPEECH DISORDERS. MUTISM, or absence of the power to speak, may be due to various causes. LEARNING DISABILITY that prevents the child from mimicking the actions of others is most common; in other cases the child has normal intelligence but some neurological disorder, or disorder of the speech organs, is responsible. Alternatively, complete DEAFNESS or early childhood ear disease may be the cause. STAMMERING is a highly individual condition, but is basically a lack of coordination between the di?erent parts of the speech mechanism. (See also main entry on STAMMERING.) DYSPHASIA is the inability to speak or understand speech, most commonly following brain disease, such as STROKE. APHONIA or loss of voice may be caused by LARYNGITIS or, rarely, a symptom of conversion and dissociative mental disorders – traditionally referred to as HYSTERIA. It is generally of short duration.... voice and speech

Laryngitis, Acute

 Inflammation of the vocal cords. May be associated with the common cold, influenza, and other viral or bacterial infections.

Causes: smoking, mis-use of the voice in talking or singing (Ginseng).

Symptoms: voice husky or absent (aphonia). Talking causes pain. Self-limiting.

Treatment. Stop talking for 2 days. Care is necessary: neglect or ineffective treatment may rouse infection and invade the windpipe and bronchi resulting in croup.

Differential: croup is alerted by high fever and characteristic cough, requiring hospital treatment. Alternatives. Teas: Red Sage. Garden Sage. Thyme, wild or garden.

Effective combination: equal parts, Sage and Raspberry leaves. Used also as a gargle.

Tablets/capsules. Poke root. Lobelia. Iceland Moss.

Cinnamon. Tincture, essence or oil of: 3-5 drops in teaspoon honey.

Horseradish. 1oz freshly scraped root to steep in cold water for two hours. Add 2 teaspoons runny honey. Dose: 2-3 teaspoons every two hours.

Topical. Equal parts water/cider vinegar cold pack round throat. Renew when dry.

Traditional: “Rub soles of the feet with Garlic and lard well-beaten together, overnight. Hoarseness gone in the morning.” (John Wesley) Friar’s balsam.

Aromatherapy. Steam inhalations. Oils: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Niaouli, Geranium, Lavender, Sandalwood.

Diet. Three-day fruit fast.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin A (7500iu). Vitamin C (1 gram thrice daily). Beta carotene 200,000iu. Zinc 25mg. ... laryngitis, acute

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