Arch: From 1 Different Sources
(arche-, archi-, archo-) combining form denoting first; primitive; ancestral. Example: archinephron (first-formed embryonic kidney).
Weakness in the muscles that support the bony arches of the foot. The result is ?at feet, a condition that can adversely affect a person’s ability to walk and run normally.... fallen arches
The arch of bone, commonly known as the cheek bone, on either side of the skull just below the eye socket. The zygomatic arch is formed of the zygomatic and temporal bones.... zygomatic arch
The use of digital imaging systems to replace conventional X-ray pictures and other imaging techniques. Though expensive to operate, digital imaging and storage systems o?er promising possibilities for transmission of clinical images within and between hospitals and community health-care units, providing fast access and remote working that will bene?t patients and health-care sta? alike. When security and con?dentiality are assured, images could be transferred via the Internet and teleradiology. In future, hospitals might be able to eliminate the costly physical transfer and storage of X-ray ?lms. The integration of PACS with hospital information systems in the NHS will (hopefully) facilitate the introduction of electronic radiology.... picture archiving and communications system (pacs)
that part of the aorta that extends from the ascending aorta, upward over the heart and then backward and down as far as the fourth thoracic vertebra. *Stretch receptors in its outer wall monitor blood pressure and form part of the system maintaining this at a constant level.... aortic arch
n. a cavity that forms in the very early embryo as the result of gastrulation (see gastrula). In humans it forms a tubular cavity, the archenteric canal, which connects the amniotic cavity with the yolk sac. —archenteric adj.... archenteron
n. (in Jungian psychology) an inherited idea or mode of thought supposed to be present in the *unconscious mind and to derive from the experience of the whole human race (the collective unconscious), not from the life experience of the individual. Anima is the feminine component of a male’s personality; animus is the masculine component of a female’s personality.... archetype
n. the *hippocampal formation of the cerebrum. The term is seldom used.... archipallium
see pharyngeal arch.... branchial arch
see vertebra.... neural arch
(branchial arch, visceral arch) any of the paired segmented ridges of tissue in each side of the throat of the early embryo that correspond to the gill arches of fish. Each arch contains a cartilage, a cranial nerve, and a blood vessel. Between each arch there is a *pharyngeal pouch.... pharyngeal arch
see PACS.... picture archiving and communication system
the arch in the sole of the foot formed by anastomosing branches of the plantar arteries.... plantar arch
see pharyngeal arch.... visceral arch