Artemisia maritima Health Dictionary

Artemisia Maritima: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: The western Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon.

English: Wormseed, Santonica.

Ayurvedic: Chauhaara, Kirmaani Yavaani, Chuhaari Ajawaayin; not related to Ajawaayin.

Unani: Dirmanah, Kirmaalaa, Afsanteen-ul-bahar. (Dirmanah Turki is equated with A. stechmani- ana Besser.)

Folk: Kirmaani Ajawaayin, Kirmaani-owaa, Kirmaani-ajmo.

Action: Deobstructant, stomachic, anthelmintic (effective against roundworms), antifungal.

A decoction of the fresh plant is given in cases of intermittent and remittent fever.

A. maritima var. thomsoniana C. B. Clarke is a santonin-yielding var.; A. maritima var. fragrans (Willd.) Ledeb. is a non-santonin var.

Immature flowerheads and leaves contain santonin. Roots, stems and twigs are devoid of santonin. Santonin, a sesquiterpene lactone, is used for the treatment of ascaris and oxyuris infections. Large doses (0.3 g is adults and 0.06 in children) are toxic.

Beta-santonin is less anthelmintic in action than santonin; pseudosantonin is devoid of anthelmintic property.

Studies is albino mice revealed that santonin had no androgenic, estro- genic, antiestrogenic, progestational and antiprogestational effects.

Santonin is toxic at 60 mg in children; 200 mg in adults. (Francis Brinker.)

Dosage: Whole plant—3-6 g powder. (CCRAS.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Artemisia Absinthium


Synonym: Absinthium vulgare Gaertn.

A. officinale Lam.

Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: Kashmir at altitudes of 1500-2100 m.

English: Wormwood, Maderwood.

Unani: Afsanteen, Vilaayati Afsan- teen.

Siddha/Tamil: Machipatri.

Folk: Mastiyaaraa (Punjab), Titween (Kashmir).

Action: Choleretic (bile and gastric juice stimulant), anthelmintic, stomachic, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, emme- nagogue, mild antidepressant; used in chronic fevers.

Key application: In loss of appetite, dyspepsia, biliary dyskinesia. (German Commission E.) In anorexia, for example, after illness, and dyspeptic complaints. (ESCOP.) It is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers. Excessive doses may cause vomiting, severe diarrhoea, retention of urine or dazed feeling and central nervous system disturbances. (ESCOP.)

The herb contains a volatile oil of variable composition, with alpha- and beta-thujone as the major component, up to about 35%; sesquiterpene lactones (artabasin, absinthin, anab- sinthin); azulenes; flavonoids; phenolic acids; lignans.

Thujone is a toxic constituent which shows hallucinogenic and addictive activity found in Indian hemp. It stimulates the brain; safe in small doses, toxic in excess. The azulenes are anti- inflammatory. The sesquiterpene lac- tones exhibit an antitumour effect and are insecticidal and anthelmintic.

Essential oil from leaves—antibacterial, antifungal. The oil is toxic at 10 ml.... artemisia absinthium

Artemisia Vestita

Wall. ex DC.

Family: Compositae, Asteraceae.

Habitat: Western Himalayas at 2,100-3,000 m.

Ayurvedic: Gangaa Tulasi.

Folk: Kundiyaa, Chamariyaa.

Action: Leaf—haemostatic. Essential oil—antibacterial, antifungal (in 1:1000 dilution).

The major components ofthe essential oil from leaves and flowering tops are alpha-terpinene, thujyl alcohol, ter- penyl acetate, nerol, phellandrene, ci- neol, neral, thujyl acetate, beta-thujone and artemisol.

Related sp., known as Gangaa Tu- lasi, are Artemisia lacrorum Ledeb. and A. parviflora Wight.... artemisia vestita

Artemisia Vulgaris

Linn. var. nilagirica Clarke.

Synonym: A. nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp.

Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: The hilly regions of India, also in Mount Abu in Rajasthan, in western Ghats, and from Konkan southward to Kerala.

English: Indian Wormwood, Fleabane, Dungwort, Mugwort, Wild Wormwood.

Ayurvedic: Damanaka, Pushpachaa- mara, Gandhotkata. (Related sp.: A. siversiana Ehrh. ex Willd.)

Unani: Afsanteen-e-Hindi. (National Formularly of Unani Medicine clubbed it with Baranjaasif.)

Siddha/Tamil: Maasipattiri.

Folk: Daunaa, Damanaa.

Action: Leaf—emmenagogue, menstrual regulator, nervine, stomachic (in anorexia and dyspepsia), an- thelmintic, choleretic, diaphoretic.

An infusion of flower tops is administered in nervous and spasmodic affections. The herb is also used as an antilithic. Oil from leaves— antibacterial, antifungal in 1:1000 dilution.

Key application: As emmenagogue. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The plant yields about 0.34% of an essential oil. Plants at lower altitude had more percentage of cineol, thu- jone, thujyl and citral, whereas from higher altitude terpenes are in higher percentage. The highest amount of cineol was reported to be 30%.

The plant is also used as an inferior substitute for cinchona in fevers.... artemisia vulgaris

Cineraria Maritima

Dusty Miller. Senecio maritimus L. German: Aschenpflanze. French: Cendriette. Spanish: Cineraria. Italian: Cenerina. Originally an American plant. Now grows freely in Britain and the Continent. For affections of the anterior chamber of the eye. One or two drops of fresh sterilised juice instilled into the eye 2-3 times daily for several weeks have been known to remove cataract. Not used internally because of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. ... cineraria maritima

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