Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.
Habitat: The western Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon.
English: Wormseed, Santonica.
Ayurvedic: Chauhaara, Kirmaani Yavaani, Chuhaari Ajawaayin; not related to Ajawaayin.
Unani: Dirmanah, Kirmaalaa, Afsanteen-ul-bahar. (Dirmanah Turki is equated with A. stechmani- ana Besser.)
Folk: Kirmaani Ajawaayin, Kirmaani-owaa, Kirmaani-ajmo.
Action: Deobstructant, stomachic, anthelmintic (effective against roundworms), antifungal.
A decoction of the fresh plant is given in cases of intermittent and remittent fever.A. maritima var. thomsoniana C. B. Clarke is a santonin-yielding var.; A. maritima var. fragrans (Willd.) Ledeb. is a non-santonin var.Immature flowerheads and leaves contain santonin. Roots, stems and twigs are devoid of santonin. Santonin, a sesquiterpene lactone, is used for the treatment of ascaris and oxyuris infections. Large doses (0.3 g is adults and 0.06 in children) are toxic.Beta-santonin is less anthelmintic in action than santonin; pseudosantonin is devoid of anthelmintic property.Studies is albino mice revealed that santonin had no androgenic, estro- genic, antiestrogenic, progestational and antiprogestational effects.Santonin is toxic at 60 mg in children; 200 mg in adults. (Francis Brinker.)
Dosage: Whole plant—3-6 g powder. (CCRAS.)
Linn. var. nilagirica Clarke.
Synonym: A. nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp.
Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.
Habitat: The hilly regions of India, also in Mount Abu in Rajasthan, in western Ghats, and from Konkan southward to Kerala.
English: Indian Wormwood, Fleabane, Dungwort, Mugwort, Wild Wormwood.
Ayurvedic: Damanaka, Pushpachaa- mara, Gandhotkata. (Related sp.: A. siversiana Ehrh. ex Willd.)
Unani: Afsanteen-e-Hindi. (National Formularly of Unani Medicine clubbed it with Baranjaasif.)
Siddha/Tamil: Maasipattiri.
Folk: Daunaa, Damanaa.
Action: Leaf—emmenagogue, menstrual regulator, nervine, stomachic (in anorexia and dyspepsia), an- thelmintic, choleretic, diaphoretic.
An infusion of flower tops is administered in nervous and spasmodic affections. The herb is also used as an antilithic. Oil from leaves— antibacterial, antifungal in 1:1000 dilution.
Key application: As emmenagogue. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)The plant yields about 0.34% of an essential oil. Plants at lower altitude had more percentage of cineol, thu- jone, thujyl and citral, whereas from higher altitude terpenes are in higher percentage. The highest amount of cineol was reported to be 30%.The plant is also used as an inferior substitute for cinchona in fevers.... artemisia vulgaris