Artha Health Dictionary

Artha: From 1 Different Sources

(Hindi) One who is prosperous; wealthy Arthah, Arthi, Arthea
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Ayurveda Medicine

System of sacred medicine originating from Ancient India, dating from 1000 to 3000BC. Most likely it goes back to Babylonian times. It is generally believed that Western medicine has grown out of Greek medicine which, in turn scholars claim to have come from India.

Ayur (“life”) and veda (“science”), the science of life, is part of the Hindu writings – the Artharva- veda. By 500BC many of these writings, including a vast collection of ‘Materia medica’ gravitated to the University of Benares, to be joined 700 years later with another huge volume of medical literature which together formed the basis of the Ayurveda system. In rural India where Western medicine is absent it is still practised by 80 per cent of the population. Like the medical culture of China, that of India is among the oldest in the world. Today, its practitioners are skilled in gynaecology, obstetrics and other specialties.

It is a branch of Holistic medicine whereby body imbalances are restored by a natural regime, baths, fasting, enemas, cleansing diets and herbs. Time is given up to meditation and prayer for which many mantras exist. Those who practise it support the role of preventive medicine, insisting it is not only a system of cure but a metaphysical way of life touching body, mind and spirit. A strict daily discipline embraces yoga and special foods to maintain a sound and wholesome life. Ayurvedic medicine regards the herb Valerian as important for epilepsy.

Important Ayurvedic medicines include Borage, Liquorice, Cinnamon, Garlic, Gotu Kola and Wild Yam, renowned for their versatility. Of special importance to this system of medicine is the hypoglycaemic plant, Gymnema sylvestre, used since the 6th century for a condition known as “honey urine”, which today grows in popularity in the West for the treatment of diabetes. ... ayurveda medicine

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