Family: Gramineae; Poaceae.
Habitat: Native to Mediterranean region; found in Kashmir, Assam and the Nilgiris, also grown in hedges.
English: Great Reed, Spanish- Bamboo-Reed, Giant-Bamboo- Reed.
Ayurvedic: Nala, Potgala, Shuunya- madhya, Dhamana.
Siddha/Tamil: Korukkai.
Action: Rhizome—sudorific, emollient, diuretic, antilactant, antidropsical; uterine stimulant (stimulates menstrual discharge), hypotensive.
The rhizome yields indole-3-alkyl- amine bases, including bufotenidine and dehydro-bufontenine. The leaves yield sterols and triterpenoids.Bufotenidine possesses antiacetyl- choline properties, histamine release activity and is a uterine stimulant. Alkaloids from the flowers produced cu- rarimetic effect of the non-polarizing type.
Dosage: Root—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.) 4.5%) with methyl eugenol (an important constituent of A. europaeum), and also aristolochic acid. (Aristolochic acid is carcinogenic and nephrotoxic.) Asarum sp. are not used as a substitute for ginger.
(L.) Voss.
Synonym: B. arundinaceae (Retz.) Roxb.Arundo bambos L.
Family: Gramineae; Poaceae.
Habitat: Wild throughout India, especially in the hill forests of Western and Southern India.
English: Spiny or Thorny Bamboo.
Ayurvedic: Vansha, Venu, Kichaka, Trinadhwaj, Shatparvaa, Yavphala. Vanshalochana, Vansharochanaa, Shubhaa, tugaa, Tugaakshiri, Tvak- kshiri (Bamboo-manna). Starch of Curcuma angustifolia Roxb., Zingiberaceae, was recommended a substitute for Vanshalochana (Ayurvedic Formularly of India, Part I, First edn).
Unani: Qasab, Tabaashir (Bamboo- manna).
Siddha/Tamil: Moongil; Moongilup- pu, (Bambo-manna.)
Action: Leaf bud and young shoots—used in dysmenorrhoea; externally in ulcerations. Leaf—em- menagogue, antileprotic, febrifuge, bechic; used in haemoptysis. Stem and leaf—blood purifier (used in leucoderma and inflammatory conditions). Root—poisonous. Burnt root is applied to ringworm, bleeding gums, painful joints. Bark—used for eruptions. Leaf and Bamboo-manna—emmena- gogue. Bamboo-manna—pectoral, expectorant, carminative, cooling, aphrodisiac, tonic (used in debilitating diseases, urinary infections, chest diseases, cough, asthma).
The plant gave cyanogenic glu- coside—taxiphyllin. Bamboo-manna contains silicious crystalline substances.The starch obtained from Maranta arundinacea Linn., Marantaceae, is also used as Bamboo-manna (known as Koovai Kizhangu, Kookaineer and Araroottu Kizangu in Siddha medicine).
Dosage: Manna—1-3 g (CCRAS.)... bambusa bambos