Arza Health Dictionary

Arza: From 1 Different Sources

(Hebrew) Cedar panels Ariza, Arzice, Arzit
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Sambucus Ebulus


Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Native of Baluchistan. (Used in Unani medicine.)

Unani: Kanochaa, Marv. Seeds— Tukhm Kanochaa, Tukhm Marv. (National Formulary of Unani Medicine equated Kanochaa with Phyllanthus maderaspatensis Linn.)

Action: Used for colic and as an intestinal tonic, deobstruent and disinfectant. Roasted or processed seeds are prescribed in diarrhoea and dysentery.

Synonym: S. wightiana Wall. ex W. & A.

Family: Caprifoliaceae.

Habitat: Kashmir at 2,000-3,600 m.

English: Dwarf Elder.

Unani: Khamaan Saghir, Khamaan- ul-Arzaa, (Nabli) Khamaan.

Siddha/Tamil: Mushkiyaara (Punjab), Khamman, Ganhulaa.

Action: Diuretic, expectorant. Used for kidney and bladder torpor.

Lipid fraction of drupes contains unsaturated fatty acids, sterols, aliphatic alcohols, triterpenic alcohols, alpha- and beta-amyrin; also anthocyanin pigments, phenolic acids. The root contains beta-sitosterol and alpha- amyrin. Aqueous extracts induced diuresis in rats and exhibited hypotensive activity in cats. The extract of flowering herb showed significant anti- ulcerogenic activity. cyanogenic glycosides; berries contain flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamin A and C.

Anti-inflammatory activity of the flowers has been attributed to ursolic acid. Elder flowers and peppermint is an old remedy for influenza in the Western herbal.

The berry is used against influenza virus A and B. (J Alt Compliment Med, 1(4), 1995.)... sambucus ebulus

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