Habitat: The mountainous regions from Asia Minor to Iraq and Iran.
English: Sarcocola.Ayurvedic: Rudanti (substitute).Unani: Anzaroot, Kohal Kirmaani (Gum).Action: Gum—antirheumatic, aperient, anthelmintic, emollient.
The rootbark yields alkaloids, atala- phylline and its N-methyl derivatives and atalaphyllidine, which have close structural similarities with the antitu- mour alkaloid, acronycine, and its co- geners. The rootbark also contains the limonoid, atalantin.The leaf juice forms an ingredient of a compound liniment used in hemiplegia. The essential oil is used in paralysis. The oil contains higher terpene esters belonging to azulene group (29%). (Azulenes impart anti-inflammatory activity.)