Auditory Canal: From 1 Different Sources
(auditory meatus) the canal leading from the pinna to the eardrum.
See VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE.... auditory nerve
See GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT.... alimentary canal
The passage that extends from the neck of the womb (UTERUS), known as the CERVIX UTERI, to the opening of the VAGINA. The baby passes along this passage during childbirth.... birth canal
Canaliculus means a small channel, and is applied to (a) the minute passage leading from the lacrimal pore on each eyelid to the lacrimal sac on the side of the nose; (b) any one of the minute canals in bone.... canaliculus
The ?ne canals in BONE which carry the blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves necessary for the maintenance and repair of bone.... haversian canals
A structure in the inner ear that plays a role in balance. There are 3 semicircular canals in each ear, at right angles to each other, and connected via a chamber called the vestibule. The fluid-filled canals contain small hairs that detect movement and acceleration, and transmit information to the brain via the vestibular nerve.... semicircular canal
the terminal portion of the large intestine, which is surrounded by the muscles of defecation (anal sphincters). The canal ends on the surface at the anal orifice (see anus).... anal canal
adj. relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing.... auditory
a device similar to a *cochlear implant except that the electrode stimulates the auditory parts of the *brainstem rather than the cochlea. It is used to restore hearing of profoundly deaf people who have had damage to both auditory nerves and are hence unsuitable for cochlear implantation. It consists of an electrode that is permanently implanted on the surface of the brainstem. An external device with a microphone and an electronic processing unit pass information to the electrode using radio-frequency waves. The implant is powered by batteries in the external part of the device. It is most commonly used in patients with *neurofibromatosis type II who have had bilateral *vestibular schwannomas.... auditory brainstem implant
(ABR audiometry, brainstem evoked response audiometry, BSER) an objective test of hearing that measures the electrical activity in the auditory nerve and *brainstem following sound stimulation using repeated clicks or brief tones.... auditory brainstem response audiometry
see auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.... auditory dyssynchrony
(auditory neuropathy, auditory dyssynchrony) a form of hearing loss characterized by normal cochlear function as measured by *otoacoustic emissions or detection of *cochlear microphonics but abnormal or absent *middle ear reflexes and abnormal *auditory brainstem responses.... auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
(APD, central auditory processing disorder, CAPD) a series of conditions characterized by difficulty in hearing and processing auditory information, especially in poor acoustic environments, despite normal or near-normal ear function. It may be due to genetic factors, maturational delay in the central nervous system, or focal abnormalities of the central nervous system (such as tumours). Treatments include *hearing therapy, *auditory skills training, educational support, use of *assistive listening devices, and training with computerized therapy tools.... auditory processing disorder
a method of teaching people to use their hearing to its best potential, undertaken in the treatment of *auditory processing disorder.... auditory skills training
(ASSR) an objective test of hearing that measures the electrical activity in the auditory nerve and *brainstem following sound stimulation using a modulated continuous tone.... auditory steady state response
(AVT) a technique for teaching deaf children to communicate that focuses on speech and residual hearing rather than sign language.... auditory verbal therapy
n. a tubular channel or passage; e.g. the *alimentary canal and the auditory canal of the ear.... canal
n. inflammation of a canaliculus, especially a lacrimal canaliculus (see lacrimal apparatus).... canaliculitis
n. a particle derived from *otoliths in the *utricle of the inner ear, displaced from its normal site and located within the canal portion of one of the semicircular canals. Canaliths are implicated in *benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.... canalith
see auditory processing disorder.... central auditory processing disorder
(CHAPS) a questionnaire designed to assess children’s hearing abilities in certain situations. It is used in the diagnosis of *auditory processing disorder.... children’s auditory performance scale
one of the small canals (diameter about 50 ?m) that ramify throughout compact *bone. See also Haversian system. [C. Havers (1650–1702), English anatomist]... haversian canal
a channel within the vitreous humour of the *eye. It extends from the centre of the optic disc, where it communicates with the lymph spaces of the optic nerve, to the posterior wall of the lens.... hyaloid canal
a bony canal in the *mandible on each side. It carries the inferior *dental nerve and vessels and for part of its length its outline is visible on a radiograph.... inferior dental canal
either of a pair of openings that connect the abdominal cavity with the scrotum in the male fetus. The inguinal canals provide a route for the descent of the testes into the scrotum, after which they normally become obliterated.... inguinal canal
(OAD, King–Kopetzky syndrome) hearing difficulty, especially in noisy environments, in an individual with a normal *audiogram: a form of *auditory processing disorder. Treatment includes *hearing therapy.... obscure auditory dysfunction
see apicectomy.... retrograde root canal treatment
a channel in the eye, at the junction of the cornea and the sclera, through which the aqueous humour drains. [F. Schlemm (1795–1858), German anatomist]... schlemm’s canal
three tubes that form part of the membranous *labyrinth of the ear. They are concerned with balance and each canal registers movement in a different plane. At the base of each canal is a small swelling (an ampulla), which contains a *crista. When the head moves the fluid (endolymph) in the canals presses on the cristae, which register the movement and send nerve impulses to the brain.... semicircular canals
(SCDS) a rare condition characterized by sound- or pressure-induced vertigo (see Tullio phenomenon), hearing loss, *autophony, and a sense of fullness in the affected ear. It is associated with absence of the bone that normally lies over the superior *semicircular canal. Diagnosis involves computerized tomography and *vestibular evoked myogenic potential testing. Treatment involves surgery to repair the bony defect.... superior canal dehiscence syndrome