Avens Health Dictionary

Avens: From 3 Different Sources

Exorcism, Purification, Love
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Author: Health Dictionary
Herb Bennet. Colewort. Geum urbanum L. German: Nelkenwurz. French: Herb de St Benoi?t. Italian: Ambretta salvatica. Spanish: Gariofilea. Dried leaves and stems.

Action: anti-haemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory to the intestines and bowel. Gentle astringent, stomachic, antiseptic.

Uses: Ulcerative colitis, diarrhoea, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease. Combines well with Agrimony for these complaints.

Preparations: Dosage: 1-2 teaspoons herb to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup 3-4 times daily. For fresh plant, double quantity of herb. Liquid Extract (herb or root), dose: 2-5ml. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
Geum urbanum. N.O. Rosaceae.

Synonym: Colewort, Herb Bennet.

Habitat: Hedges, woods and shady banks,

Features ? This slender, sparsely branched plant reaches a height of one to two feet. The stem leaves have two leaflets, with one margin-toothed terminal lobe. The root leaves are on long stalks with two small leaflets at the base. The yellow, erect flowers, with naked styles, appear between May and September. The root is short, hard and rough, with light brown rootlets.

Part used ? Herb and root.

Action: Astringent, tonic, antiseptic and stomachic.

The properties of Avens make for success in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. The tonic effect upon the glands of the stomach and alimentary tract point to its helpfulness in dyspepsia. In general debility continued use has had good results. The astringent qualities may also be utilized in cases of relaxed throat Although wineglass-ful doses three or four times daily of the 1 ounce to 1 pint infusion are usually prescribed, Avens may be taken freely, and is, indeed, used by country people in certain districts as a beverage in place of tea or coffee.
Health Source: Herbal Manual
Author: Health Dictionary

Geum Urbanum

auct. non Linn.

Family: Rosaceae.

Habitat: The temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon at 3,0003,700 m Grows wild in Europe and Great Britain.

English: Avens Root, Herb Bennet, Wood Avens.

Action: Astringent, styptic, stomachic, febrifuge.

The herb and root was used in Europe in chronic dysentery, diarrhoea and intermittent fevers. In India, an infusion of the rootstock is used as sudorific in fevers, ague, chills and catarrh.

Eugenol is present in the root stock in combination with vacianose as phenolic glycoside gein. The rootstock contains tannins (30-40%).

A related species, G. elatum Wall., is found in the Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim It is used for dysentery and diarrhoea.... geum urbanum


Agents that reduce the production of mucus. Angelica, Avens, Bayberry, Bistort, Blood root, Cayenne, Chamomile (German), Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Elderflowers, Elecampane, Eyebright, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger, Goldenseal, Gotu Kola, Ground Ivy, Hyssop, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss, Juniper, Liquorice, Marsh Cudweed, Marshmallow, Mountain Grape, Mouse Ear, Mullein, Myrrh, Parsley, Plantain, Poke root, Senega, Skunk Cabbage, White Horehound, Wild Cherry bark, Wild Indigo, Witch Hazel, Yarrow. Successful treatment of catarrh is often dependent upon efficient kidney, skin and bowel function which may require also, diuretics, alteratives and laxatives. ... anti-catarrhals


Herbs with an ability to arrest diarrhoea or soothe an irritable bowel. According to degree, an astringent may have a similar effect. A large group including:– Avens, Bistort, Catnep, Cinnamon, Hemlock Spruce, Holy Thistle, Kola nuts, Matico, Orris root, Rhatany root. ... anti-diarrhoeals


A group of powerful astringents clinical experience has shown to be effective in arresting mild to moderate internal bleeding.

Digestive tract: Marigold, Comfrey, Bur-Marigold, Matico, Shepherd’s Purse, Holy Thistle, American Cranesbill, Goldenseal.

Anal/Rectal: Pilewort, Plantain, Matico, Rhatany root, Witch Hazel.

Mouth: Tormentil.

Nose-bleeds: Nettles.

Uterus. Shepherd’s Purse, Ladies Mantle, Greater Periwinkle, Beth root, Avens, Goldenseal. Urinary system. Bistort, Plantain, Marigold, Stone root, Horsetail, Bur-Marigold.

Lungs. Bugleweed, Elecampane, Lungwort.

Colon. Greater Burnet, Matico, Comfrey, Bistort, Wild Yam, Holy Thistle, Avens, Tormentil. Capillary haemorrhage. Buckwheat. ... anti-haemorrhagics

Arthritis – Bowel Related

A form of arthritis running concurrently with a bowel disorder arising from intestinal irritation. Acute Crohn’s disease or colitis may be related. Joint stiffness and inflammation subside on disappearance of the bowel condition.

Chronic bowel conditions are frequently responsible for heavy drainage of vitamins and minerals via excessive stool. Calcium may be pillaged from the bones to make up blood calcium levels which, if prolonged, may lead to rigid spine.

Treatment. Treatment of arthritis would be secondary, the primary object being to normalise the bowel. Alternatives:–

Teas or decoctions. Comfrey leaves, Calamus, Chamomile, Avens, Agrimony, Marshmallow root, Meadowsweet, Slippery Elm bark, Wild Yam.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Agrimony, Balm, Chamomile. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes; 1 cup freely.

Fenugreek seeds. Decoction. 1 cup freely.

Tablets/capsules. Calamus, Fenugreek, Goldenseal, Wild Yam.

Formula. Fenugreek 2; Wild Yam 1; Goldenseal quarter; Ginger quarter. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons.

Bamboo powder. Two 320mg capsules thrice daily. (Dr Max Rombi)

Biostrath Willow Formula.

Diet. Slippery Elm food. Vitamin B12. Low fat. Cider vinegar.

Supportive: high enemas. Natural lifestyle. Outlook good. ... arthritis – bowel related


One of the largest groups of herbs. Herbs that contract blood vessels and certain body tissues (mucous membranes) with the effect of reducing secretion and excretion. Binders. They are used for debility, internal and external bleeding, catarrhal discharges, etc, their action due to the tannins they contain. Main astringents: Agrimony, Avens, Bayberry, Beth root, Bistort, Black Catechu, Burr-Marigold, American Cranesbill, Eyebright, Golden Rod, Great Burnet, Ground Ivy, Hemlock Spruce bark, Kola, Ladies Mantle, Meadowsweet, Mouse Ear, Mullein, Nettles, Oak bark, Periwinkle, Pilewort, Plantain, Raspberry leaves, Sage, Rosemary, Shepherd’s Purse, Tormentil, Wild Cherry bark, Witch Hazel, Yarrow, White Pond Lily. ... astringents

Griping Pain

Acute pain in the abdominal cavity. Non-recurring.

Tea. Combine equal parts: Avens, Catmint, Thyme. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5 minutes. Half-1 cup freely.

Alternative: quarter of a teaspoon powdered Ginger, or Cinnamon in honey.

Enema: Catmint, Chamomile or Balm.


Persistent griping should be investigated. ... griping pain

Bad Breath

Aetiology: Infection of throat, lungs, gullet, or stomach. A common cause is bad teeth and gums. The rock-like scale (plaque) on or between teeth may be due to neglected mouth hygiene. Halitosis is the anti-social disease. Where stomach and intestines are at fault, charcoal biscuits have some reputation.

Bad breath is often indicative of toxaemia or defective elimination via liver, kidneys and skin which should be the focus of treatment. Palliatives such as Papaya fruit (or tablets), Peppermint or Chlorophyll may not reach the heart of the trouble which could demand deeper-acting agents.

Liver disorders (Blue Flag root); hyperacidity (Meadowsweet); excessive smoking and alcohol (Wormwood); bad teeth and septic tonsils (Poke root); diverticulitis (Fenugreek seeds); gastro-intestinal catarrh (Senna, Agrimony, Avens); smell of acetone as of diabetes (Goat’s Rue); constipation (Senna, Psyllium seed).

May be necessary for serious ear, nose and throat problems to be resolved by surgery. For blockage of respiratory channels, Olbas oil, Tea Tree oil or Garlic drops relieve congestion. Many cases have chronic gingivitis and arise from dental problems improved by 1 part Tea Tree oil to 20 parts water used as a spray. Alfalfa sprouts have a sweetening effect upon the breath. Chew Parsley or Peppermint. Alternatives. Teas. Dill seeds, Fennel seeds, Sage, Nettles, Mint, Liquorice root, Alfalfa, Wormwood. Dandelion (coffee). Parsley.

Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag root, Goldenseal, Echinacea. Wild Yam. Chlorophyll. Calamus.

Powders. Mix, parts: Blue Flag root 1; Myrrh half; Liquorice half. Dose: 250mg (one 00 capsule or one- sixth teaspoon) thrice daily before meals.

Gargle. 5 drops Tincture Myrrh to glass water, frequently.

Diet. Lacto-vegetarian. Lemon juice.

Supplements. Vitamins A, B-complex, B6, Niacin, C (500mg). ... bad breath


Bitters are stimulants to the autonomic nervous system. They stimulate ‘bitter’ taste buds in the mouth that reflexly initiate secretion of a special hormone into the blood stream increasing production of stomach and pancreatic juices and impelling the liver to release bile into the duodenum. Bitters increase acid production and are given about half an hour before meals. To sweeten them is to nullify their effect.

Bitters increase the appetite, assist assimilation, and are indicated for perverted or loss of the sense of taste (zinc). They reduce fermentation in the intestines and are of value in hypoglycaemia and diabetes mellitus. Bitters are not carminatives. Some, such as Gentian, Calumba and Chamomile are also sialogogues (increasing the flow of saliva). Another effect, little understood, is an increase in white corpuscles in the peripheral circulation.

Aletris, Angostura, Avens, Balmony, Barberry, Betony, Bogbean, Boneset, Calumba, Centuary, Chicory, Condurango, Feverfew, Gentian, Goldenseal, Holy Thistle, Hops, Quassia Chips, Rue, Southernwood, White Horehound, Wormwood.

Not used in presence of gastric ulcer. ... bitters

Cold Sore


COLI BACILLUS. Infections. Freshly-grated Horseradish root steeped in cup cold water for 2 hours.

Remove root. 1 cupful freely, as tolerated. Papaya fruit.

COLIC. Spasm of the bowels, particularly the colon. Severe pain under the navel with nausea, vomiting.

Patient writhes from side to side. Cause may be wind, acid bile, worms, constipation, food; aluminium, lead or other metal poisoning, strangulated hernia, appendicitis, adhesions.

Differential diagnosis: gallstones, menstrual difficulties, kidney stone.

Alternatives. Teas, any one. Roman Chamomile, Catmint, Fennel, Lovage, Caraway, Betony, Avens, Wormwood, Holy Thistle, Peppermint leaves, Aniseed, Tormentil.

Decoction, any one. Angelica root, Boldo, Calamus, Cardamom, Condurango, Coriander, Cramp bark, Ginger root, Liquorice, Wild Yam.

Tablets/capsules. Dandelion, Capsicum, Valerian, Wild Yam, Cramp bark, Blue Flag root.

Powders. Alternatives. (1) Calamus 2; Marshmallow root 1. Add pinch Cayenne. (2) Turkey Rhubarb plus pinch of Cayenne. (3) Wild Yam plus pinch of Cayenne. Dose: 500mg (one-third teaspoon or two 00 capsules) every 2 hours.

Tinctures. Formulae. Alternatives: (1) Angelica root 1; Wild Yam 1; Ginger half. Mix. (2) Dandelion 2; Wild Yam 1; few drops Tincture Capsicum. Mix. (3) Wild Yam 1; Galangal root half; Ginger half. Mix. Dose: 1 teaspoon in hot water every 2 hours.

Traditional German combination. Ginger, Gentian, Turkey Rhubarb.

Topical. Apply hot bran, oats, hops or Slippery Elm poultice, or Castor oil packs to abdomen. Aromatherapy. Any one oil: Aniseed, Fennel, Mint, Garlic, Bergamot. Adult: 6 drops to 2 teaspoons Almond oil: child, 2 drops in 1 teaspoon Almond oil, for abdominal massage.

Enema. 1oz Catmint, Boneset or Chamomile in 2 pints boiling water. Strain, inject warm.

Diet. 3-day fast, with fruit juices and herb teas.

See: RENAL COLIC, COLIC OF PREGNANCY, CHILDREN. Gripe water. ... cold sore


Haemorrhage. Bleeding from arteries is bright red, escaping in jerks; from the veins it is darker; steadier from the capillaries. There is an oozing of bright red blood from a cut. In an extravasation blood pours into lax tissues beneath the skin; the part becoming swollen with the appearance of a bruise.

To strengthen veins – Gentian. To enhance resistance – Echinacea. To counter failing strength – Ginseng. To promote granulation – Comfrey. To restore lacerated nerves – St John’s Wort. Nettles are a well-known traditional anti-haemorrhagic.

If bleeding is serious, control with firm finger pressure. Any one of the following may be used in the form of teas, tinctures, powders, etc.

Bowels. Ladies Mantle, Avens, Horsetail, Shepherd’s Purse, Tormentil, Raspberry leaves, Yarrow, Cranesbill, Bilberry.

Gums. Tea. Equal parts: Horsetail, St John’s Wort. (Maria Treben) Or:– Paint gums with Tincture Myrrh, Blood root, Goldenseal or Marigold.

Post-partum. (After child-birth) Goldenseal BHP (1983); Lady’s Mantle BHP (1983).

Lungs. Haemoptysis. Blood spitting. Blood root, Beth root, Lungwort, Mullein, Horsetail, St John’s Wort, Cranesbill. Bur-Marigold. Sage. Mouse Ear, Bugleweed. Nettle tea is a good stand-by.

Post-menopausal bleeding: Internal: Raspberry leaves, Ladies Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse. Plantain tea as an injection. Plugs of cotton wool saturated with Witch Hazel. To be investigated by a competent authority.

Mucous surfaces: tongue, mouth, throat, gullet. Marigold, Yarrow, Rue, Clematis erecta, Life root.

Blood root (tincture: 10-15 drops in water). Ice to suck.

Nose. Witch Hazel. Nettles. Vinegar water: to snuff into nostrils. Apply sponge soaked in cold water to back of the neck. Or: plug nose with Witch Hazel saturated cotton wool.

Hymen. See entry.

Skin. Superficial. Buckwheat, Marigold, Daisy, Tormentil, Witch Hazel, Blood root (tincture),.

Stomach. Haematemesis. The vomit of blood has the appearance of coffee grounds and is a symptom of gastric ulcer. Teas: Avens, Meadowsweet, Yarrow, Bur-Marigold, Cranesbill, Mullein.

Decoctions: Cranesbill root, Beth root, Oak bark.

After Surgery. After tissue excisions, blood clotting or wound-healing disorders for safe haemostasis: Beth root, Cranesbill root, Lady’s Mantle, St John’s Wort.

Blood in the urine. See: HAEMATURIA.

Bleeding of menses: See: MENSTRUATION.

IUD bleeding. Bleeding from intra-uterine devices: Injection: teas – Lady’s Mantle, Cranesbill, Tormentil, Marigold.

Vitamin E supplementation (International Journal of Fertility, Vol 28. 1983) Suggested dose: One 500iu capsule morning and evening.

Retinal haemorrhage. Buckwheat tea. Vitamin C: 1-3g daily. Evening Primrose oil.

Red cell stimulators: Yellow Dock root, Red Clover, Gentian.

White cell stimulators: Liquorice, Ginseng (Siberian) and Korean, Goldenseal, Echinacea.

Vitamins. C. D. K. P.

Minerals. Calcium, Iron, Selenium, Zinc.

Note: Any new episode of bleeding (rectal, gastric, etc) in those 45 and over should be investigated in hospital. Alteration of bowel habit, with bleeding, in young people should lead to referral to a doctor. ... bleeding


Weakness of the colonic wall due to “Western” diet responsible for dry, hardened and less bulky stools. Characterised by pouchings or “blow-outs” of the mucosa (diverticula) which when inflamed and under pressure (as from straining at stool) lead to a condition known as diverticulitis.

Two types: (1) multiple pockets with no pain. (2) hypertrophy of muscles of the colon with chronic spasmodic pain. Also an occupational hazard of saxophone players.

Symptoms. Continuous cramp-like pain in the left abdomen (iliac fossa), distension, flatulence, incomplete emptying of rectum. Colon is tender to touch and mass may be palpated. Constipation and left- sided pain are the hallmarks. Complications include abscess, faecal peritonitis from burst pouch. Differential diagnosis. On rectal examination, ulcerative colitis has fever, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhoea.

Alternatives. Tea. Equal parts, herbs: Agrimony (to stimulate a healthy flow of bile). Avens (to check excessive secretion by toning-up of bowel tissue). Hops (an alvine nervine for strengthening the walls). Liquorice (to support the immune system). Red Clover (anti-neoplastic to discourage malignancy).

For local sepsis. Suggested by high white cell count. Echinacea, Wild Indigo or Goldenseal. Where general toxaemia co-exists: Myrrh. For the chronic case with a silent abdomen, Fenugreek seeds relieve in most cases.

Fenugreek Seeds. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 10 minutes. Dose: 1 cup 2-3 times daily, seeds consumed as well as the liquor.

For constipation. Ispaghula seeds, (psyllium) in the form of Isogel, Normacol, Regulan or other brand. To increase bulk, soften and render stools easier to pass.

For abdominal discomfort. Peppermint oil: 1-2 drops in honey or milk.

Tinctures. Formula. Wild Yam 2; Marshmallow 1; Elderflowers (to reduce inflammation) 1; Ginger quarter. Dose: one teaspoon before meals thrice daily; every two hours acute cases.

Aloe Vera. Good responses observed.

Diet. The Hay Diet. Fluid intake important. For acute inflammatory cases food should be bland. Little muesli without bran. Bran makes an irritable bowel worse, fibre husk increasing irritability. Oatmeal porridge oats with mashed banana, molasses and honey. Arrowroot, Slippery Elm drinks. Fruit juices, grapes (no seeds), papaya fruit.

Avoid: ham, bacon, fried foods, pickles, caffeine drinks and alcohol. In chronic, non-inflammatory cases, bran relieves, producing soft easy-passing stool. On passing of the acute inflammatory stage the patient should gradually take into the diet fibre-rich foods with sufficient protein. See: DIET: HIGH- FIBRE.

Supplementation. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, folic acid, Bromelain enzymes. Bioflora, Lactoflora. Surgical operative measures may be necessary. ... diverticulosis


Inflammation of the mucous membrane (lining membrane) which becomes boggy and discharges excessive mucus. Aetiology: infection, allergy or toxaemia. May arise from lack of fresh air, stagnant atmosphere, irritation by dust, inflammation of the middle ear, tonsils or nasal sinuses, but chiefly from auto-toxaemia when it is a natural reaction to toxic matter – an effort to expel through the mucous membrane wastes that would otherwise leave the body via the skin, kidneys or bowel. Constipation worsens the condition.

It is often caused by a heavy intake of starches, salt, sugar, white flour products, and especially dairy products including milk. Some cases are due to poor diet, low blood calcium, vitamin and mineral deficiency. May manifest as catarrh of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, bronchi or bladder. Alternatives:–Teas made from any of the following: Angelica, Avens, Coltsfoot, Comfrey leaves, German Chamomile, Elderflowers, Eyebright, Garlic, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Ground Ivy, Hyssop, Marshmallow leaves, Mullein, Mouse-ear, Parsley, Plantain, Marsh Cudweed, White Horehound, Yarrow.

Garlic. Good results reported.

Traditional combination. Equal parts, herbs: Angelica, Eyebright, Yarrow. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup of boiling water.

Fenugreek seeds. 2 teaspoons to each cup water simmered 5 minutes; 1 cup thrice daily. Or grind to a powder in a blender to sprinkle on salads or cereals.

Tablets/capsules. Garlic, Iceland Moss, Lobelia, Poke root, Goldenseal (Gerard). Horseradish and Garlic (Blackmore).

Tinctures. Alternatives. (1) Goldenseal: 3-5 drops. Formulae: (2) Angelica 2; Ginger 1. (3) Lobelia 1; Goldenseal 1; Juniper 1. One teaspoon – thrice daily.

Tincture Myrrh, BPC 1973. 3-5 drops in water thrice daily.

Tea Tree oil. 2-3 drops on teaspoon honey, or in water, thrice daily.

Heath and Heather Catarrh pastilles. Squills, Menthol, Pine oil, Eucalyptus oil.

Antifect. (Potter’s) Germicidal for blocked sinuses, etc.

Eric Powell. Liquid extracts: Angelica 1oz; Juniper 1oz; Peppermint half an ounce; Root Ginger half an ounce. 1-2 teaspoons in water thrice daily.

BHP (1983). (Bronchial) Irish Moss, Cinnamon, Liquorice.

Gargle. 3 drops Tincture Myrrh in half glass water.

Inhalation. Small handful Chamomile flowers or Eucalyptus leaves to 2 pints boiling water in washbasin. Cover head with towel and inhale 10 minutes. Or – see: FRIAR’S BALSAM.

Aromatherapy. Essential oils, diluted with 20 parts water, as injection for nasal catarrh: Eucalyptus, Thyme, Pine, Garlic, Hyssop, Tea Tree.

For catarrh of the womb and vagina: see LEUCORRHOEA.

Diet. Refer: GENERAL DIET. Commence with 3-day fast.

Supplementation. Vitamins A and D as in Cod Liver oil. Vitamins B-complex, C and E.

General. Cold sponge-down, deep-breathing exercises. Sea-bathing. Smoking promotes congestion.

Note: However inconvenient, catarrh has one useful protective role – it helps prevent bacteria and toxins reaching tissue. For instance, when present in the nasal organs it may prevent mercury vapour from teeth- amalgam reaching the brain. ... catarrh


Anti-fever. Anti-pyretic. Herbs used for reduction of an abnormally high body temperature. Alternatives to aspirin, antibiotics and salicylates. Agents such as Elderflowers, Pleurisy root and Yarrow lower temperature by dilating blood vessels of the skin thus allowing heat to escape. Some febrifuges are also diaphoretic which promote sweating and elimination of cell wastes – a further aid to temperature reduction. Given at the commencement of a fever, a febrifuge may effectively abort high temperature and severity of attack. Febrifuges are usually anti-stressors, sleep-inducing and mild analgesics.

Angelica, Avens, Balm, Boneset, Borage, Catmint, Cayenne, Elderflowers, Eucalyptus, Holy Thistle, Hyssop, Lobelia, Marigold, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Peruvian bark, Pleurisy root, Prickly Ash, Raspberry leaves, Sage, Thyme, White Willow bark, Wild Indigo, Yarrow.

“It is wonderful what an enema does to bring down a child’s temperature.” (Dr Han Suyin) ... febrifuge


Inflammation of the gums. Chiefly caused by build-up of plaque or bacterial invasion from the teeth.

Etiology. Poor dental hygiene, diabetes, pregnancy, leukaemia, Vitamin C deficiency, drugs, debilitating diseases. The condition has spread rapidly due to oral sex. Untreated, teeth may loosen and fall out. Symptoms. Bleeding gums, pain, swelling, possible ulceration (Trench mouth). Breath reminiscent of stale cabbage.

Alternatives. Formula. Equal parts tinctures Goldenseal and Myrrh: dose – 5-10 drops in water thrice daily.

Tablets/Capsules. Echinacea – dosage as on bottle; plus Blue Flag root on retiring.

Old Dorset, combination of herbs. Equal parts: Marjoram, Chamomile, Garden Sage. Mix. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes in a covered vessel. Dose – half-1 cup freely. Used also as a mouth wash.

Topical. Mouth washes: Avens, Bayberry, Black Catechu, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Ladies Mantle, Myrrh, Poke root, Rhatany root, Sage, Silverweed, Tormentil, Wild Indigo.

Tea Tree oil, mouth wash. 1 drop to each cup of warm water. May be diluted many times yet still be effective.

Bilberry tea. Special reference to this condition. Good results reported.

Aloe Vera. Brush gums with fresh juice, or gel, to firm-up loose teeth.

Diet. Avoid sugar, refined foods, dairy products and hot spicy foods. Low-salt.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin C 1-2g, Vitamin Q10 60mg, Vitamin E 200iu, Selenium 50mcg, Zinc 15mg. ... gingivitis


The world’s biggest killer of children. Inflammation of the bowel by production of too much mucous secretion.

Causes: faulty absorption of fats, bacterial or viral infection, nervous bowel, anxiety or psychosomatic disturbance, malfunction of the thyroid gland, etc.

Looseness of the bowels may sometimes occur as an acute cleansing eliminative effort by Nature to expel wastes and impurities. Dehydration can be serious in children. For presence of mucous or blood in the stool refer to DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.

Differential diagnosis. Crohn’s disease, Gastroenteritis, Diverticulosis, Ulcerative colitis, Dysentery, Salmonella.

Travel diarrhoea: ‘blight of holiday and business trips abroad’ due to E. Coli. Acute, usually non- persistent self-limiting condition. Ginger, crystallised or powder in capsules or tablets is known to reduce the incidence in high risk areas.

Imported bloody diarrhoeas – salmonella, shigella or amoebic infections should receive special investigation by a competent authority, a consultant in infectious diseases. First-aid until the practitioner comes: 2-5 drops oil of Peppermint in water.

Children’s diarrhoea. Re-hydration after severe loss of fluids – glass of water containing 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons sugar.

Over 13,000 children die from this preventable disease every day, many in the developing countries. This simple combination of sugar and salt prevents dehydration, the most common cause of death from acute diarrhoea, and has helped save tens of thousands of lives.

Alternatives. Rest. Avoid caffeine and alcohol drinks. Plenty of astringent herb teas to reduce the associated hyperperistalsis. Children – half-dose.

Teas. Any one of the following: Agrimony, Avens, Burmarigold, Black Walnut leaves, Burnet (greater or garden), Ground Ivy, Ladysmantle, Hops (nervous bowel), Plantain, Peppermint, Periwinkle (vinca major), Meadowsweet, Silverweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Tormentil. Sage. Formulae: (1) equal parts; Raspberry leaves, Agrimony, Avens. Or (2) equal parts; Raspberry leaves, Plantain, Silverweed. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely. For nerve exhaustion: add a sprinkle of Valerian.

Seeds. Coriander, Caraway or Fenugreek. Half a teaspoon to each cup water, brought to boil; vessel removed as soon as boiling point is reached. Half-1 cup freely.

Decoctions. Any one of the following: Bayberry, Cranesbill (American), Rhatany root, Sweet Chestnut leaves, Oak bark, Wild Yam, Iceland Moss.

Powders. Any one: Calamus, Bayberry, Oak bark, Cinnamon, Black Catechu, Wild Yam. Add pinch of Ginger.

Tinctures. (1) Combine Bayberry 2; Ginger 1. Or (2) Combine Bayberry 1; Raspberry leaves 2. One to two 5ml teaspoons thrice daily after meals.

Tincture, or spirits of Camphor: 5-10 drops in water every 3-4 hours for severe depletion of body fluids. Adults only.

Aloe Vera. Scientific papers confirm efficacy.

Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Castor oil: 5 drops every 2 hours.

Bilberry juice. Half-1 cup freely.

Goldenseal. Antibacterial. 5-10 drops, tincture, 3-4 times daily. Adults only.

Diet. Avoid cow’s milk. 3-day fast on fruit juices and herb teas alone, followed by gruel made from Slippery Elm, Oatmeal or Arrowroot. Yoghurt. Bilberry fruit. Carob bean products: chocolate or other preparations. Ensure adequate fluid intake.

Supplementation. Vitamins A, B12, C, D. Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc. Preventative. 2 drops oil of Peppermint morning and evening. ... diarrhoea

Lady’s Mantle

Lion’s foot. Alchemilla vulgaris L. Dried herb (oral), root (topical). Keynote: bleeding.

Constituents: tannins.

Action: powerful styptic and astringent because of its high tannin content. Haemostatic. Alterative. Drying and binding. Menstrual regulator.

Uses: Excessive menstruation. Non-menstrual bleeding of the womb between periods. Children’s summer diarrhoea, colitis with bleeding. Gastric and duodenal ulcer. Children’s convulsions. (Swedish traditional)

Not used in pregnancy.

Combinations. (1) with Avens for gastritis and mucous colitis. (2) with Agnus Castus for menstrual disorders.

Preparations: Average dose: 2-4g. Thrice daily. Tea: 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. One cup.

Liquid extract BHP (1983) 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose: 2-4ml.

Powdered root. Dose, 2-4g.

Vaginal douche: 2oz to 2 pints (60g to 1 litre) boiling water. Infuse 30 minutes. Inject warm for leucorrhoea, Candida, inflammation; or as a lotion for pruritus.

Decoction (roots) offer a powerful deterrant to passive bleeding. ... lady’s mantle


Low blood sugar. Hyperinsulinism. “The 20th Century Epidemic.” Low blood sugar levels brought about by overstimulation of insulin production by the pancreas.

From food we eat, sugar (glucose) is converted into glycogen which is stored in the liver and muscles. To ensure its removal from the bloodstream to storage areas a balancing mechanism causes the pancreas to produce insulin for this purpose. Exhaustion of the pancreas may follow too frequent release of insulin for reducing high levels of sugar. All symptoms are temporarily relieved by eating sweet foods, chocolate, etc, or by drinking stimulating beverages: tea, coffee, cola, alcohol, etc.

Convincing evidence shows how large amounts of refined and concentrated sugars overwork the pancreas, causing wide swings in blood sugar levels. This is the reverse of diabetes which occurs from a lack of insulin.

Another factor is over-stimulation of the adrenal glands that produce adrenalin which has the power to release stored sugars. When adrenalin is discharged too frequently into the bloodstream the conversion of glycogen to glucose is impaired. This leads to a craving for sweet foods and stimulating beverages.

Symptoms are numerous and often confuse the doctor: constant hunger, tightness in the chest, dizziness, headaches, twitching of limbs, digestive disorders, fatigue, weakness in legs, irritability, migraine, nervous tension, nervous mannerisms, insomnia, memory lapses, phobia – sense of panic, cold sweats. Cold hands and feet, visual disturbances, vague aches and pains and depression.

Life becomes a succession of erratic rises and falls of the blood sugar. Symptoms are worse when the person is passing through a ‘low’ period. All this is reflected upon the sympathetic nervous system and affects the emotional life. A special blood test is carried out to assess the situation; the Glucose Tolerance Test.

Alternatives. To raise low blood sugar levels: Avens, Balmony, Bayberry, Calamus, Centuary, Chamomile (German), Dandelion root, Echinacea, Feverfew, Gentian (Yellow), Ginger, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Holy Thistle, Hops, Horehound (White), Liquorice, Quassia, Southernwood, Betony.

Teas. Chamomile (German), Ginseng, Avens, Centuary, Hops, Betony.

Decoctions. Yellow Gentian (cold infusion), Calamus (cold infusion), Dandelion root (hot infusion), Angustura bark (hot infusion).

Tablets/capsules. Calamus, Dandelion, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Liquorice, Kelp.

Powders. Formula. Balmony 2; Bayberry 2; White Poplar 1; Ginger 1. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily, before meals.

Liquid Extracts. Formula. Goldenseal 10ml; Dandelion root 20ml; Holy Thistle 20ml; Cayenne 1ml. 30- 60 drops thrice daily in water before meals.

Tinctures. Same formula, double dose.

Angostura wine. Wineglassful daily.

Diet: Herb teas, juices and mineral water instead of tea, coffee and other drinks containing caffeine. Honey. Wholefoods. Adequate protein intake. Small meals throughout the day. Avoid: alcohol, sugary snacks, white flour and white sugar products.

Supplementation. Daily. B-complex, B6 50mg, E 200iu, C 1g, Chromium 125mcg, Calcium Pantothenate 500mg, Kelp, Lecithin, Zinc.

Notes: Brewer’s yeast tablets contain chromium which assists sugar metabolism. Smoking causes both glucagon and insulin to be released thus aggravating the condition. Diabetics should carry in their pocket some form of sugar against emergency. ... hypoglycaemia


Whites. A whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina due to inflammation of the mucus membrane. Infection of the womb is a common cause, either by trichomonas or sexually transmitted disease. Often a symptom of general debility and toxic state.

Alternatives. General use: Aletris, Avens, Bayberry, Beth root, Bistort, Black Catechu, Cranesbill, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Helonias, Life root, Marigold, Mountain Grape, Myrrh, Nasturtium, Yarrow, Oak bark, Periwinkle (greater), White Pond Lily, Wild Indigo, Horsetail, Deadnettle, Ladies Mantle, Raspberry leaves.

Internal. Tea. Combination. Equal Parts: Ladies Mantle, Raspberry leaves. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Tablets/capsules. Raspberry leaves, Helonias, Cranesbill, Echinacea. Goldenseal.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Myrrh half. Doses – Liquid Extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: one to two 5ml teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

BHP (1983) combination: Helonias and Beth root. Vaginal douche. 1oz Raspberry leaves to 1 pint boiling water. Allow to cool. Add: 5-10 drops Tincture Goldenseal. Inject warm. Alternative: 1oz Marigold flowers (or herb) to 1 pint boiling water. Allow to cool. Add: 5-10 drops Tincture Myrrh. Tampon may be immersed and inserted into the vagina, after douching. ... leucorrhoea

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