Habitat: Native to Central Asia. Cultivated all over India.
English: Garlic.Ayurvedic: Lashuna, Rasona, Yavaneshta, Ugragandha, Ma- haushadh, Arishta.Unani: Seer, Lahsun.Siddha/Tamil: Ullippoondu, Vellaip- pondu.Action: Antibiotic, bacteriostatic, fungicide, anthelmintic, antithrom- bic, hypotensive, hypoglycaemic, hypocholesterolaemic. Also used for upper respiratory tract infections and catarrhal conditions.
Key application: As a supportive to dietary measures for elevated levels of lipids in blood; as a preventive measure for age-dependent vascular changes. (German Commission E, ESCOP, WHO, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) Also as an antimicrobial. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia). Garlic has been shown to be effective in respiratory infections and catarrhal conditions. (The British Herbal Compendium.)The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia indicates the use of the bulb as a brain tonic in epilepsy and psychic disorders.Heavy consumption of garlic prior to surgery led to increased clotting time or reduced platelet aggregation (in human case reports). Garlic tablets at a dose of 400 mg twice daily for 12 weeks reduced platelet aggregation 59% compared with placebo in 80 patients (in human clinical study). (Francis Brinker.)Garlic cloves are high in sulphur- containing amino acids known as al- liin (no taste, no smell, no medicinal action). With crushing or chewing alli- in comes into contact with the enzyme alliinase. Alliinase, in less than 6 s, transforms alliin into allicin (strongly medicinal), which breaks down into a number of sulphur compounds including ajoene, vinyldithin and diallyl disulfide, and trisulfide. The antibiotic effect is attributed to allicin; hypogly- caemic effect to allicin and allylpro- phyldisulphide (also to S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide); anticarcinogenic activity to diallyl monosulfide; platelet aggregation inhibitory effect to diallyl-di- and tri-sulphides. Ajoene inactivated human gastric lipase, which is involved in digestion and absorption of dietary fats.Diallyltetra, penta-, hexa- and hep- tasulphides are potential antioxidants.Allium leptophyllum Wall. is equated with Vana Lashuna, Jangali Lahsun.Dosage: Bulb—3 g (API Vol. III.)... allium sativumHabitat: Arabia, Somaliland.
Ayurvedic: Bola, Hiraabola, Surasa, Barbara, Gandharasa.Unani: Murmakki, Bol.Siddha/Tamil: Vellaibolam.Action: Oleo-gum-resin—em- menagogue (used for irregular menstruation and painful periods), anti-inflammatory (on pharyngitis and gingivitis), antiseptic, bacteriostatic, antiviral, astringent, stimulant, expectorant, stomachic, carminative (in dyspepsia), a leuco- cytogenic agent (increases number of white cells in the blood). Used externally for treating acne, boils and pressure sores, internally as a blood purifier.
Key application: In topical treatment of mild inflammations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa. (German Commission E.) As a gargle or mouth rinse for the treatment of aphthous ulcers, tonsillitis, common cold and gingivitis. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, ESCOP.)The gum (30-60%) contains acidic polysaccharides, volatile oil (2-10%) including other constituents, heer- abolene, eugenol, furanosequiterpenes and monoterpenes.Myrrh is taken as a powder or a tincture, rather than as an infusion; used generally externally or as a gargle.Aqueous suspension of the gum resin decreased ethanol-induced and indomethacin-induced ulcer in rats. (JEthnopharmacol, 1997, Jan 55(2), 141150.)Dosage: Gum-resin—3-5 g (CCRAS.)... balsamodendron myrrhaHabitat: Deccan Peninsula; common in the forest areas of Western Ghats.
Unani: Desi Ushbaa.Siddha/Tamil: Mahali kizhangu.Action: Root—appetizer, blood purifier, bacteriostatic. Used as a substitute for Shveta Saarivaa (Hemidesmus indicus). Sold as Saarivaa in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The root powder is given to diabetics.
The root contains quercetin, kaempferol, coumarin and rutin. It has a sweet sarsaparilla-like taste; contains 92% fleshy matter and 8% woody core.The root can be stored for longer periods and remains unaffected by microorganisms and insects, apparently due to the presence of the volatile principle which possesses bacteriostat- ic and toxic properties.The root, on steam distillation, gave 4-O-methyl-resorcylaldehyde in a concentration of 0.8%. (The growth of E. coli was arrested by the aldehyde in 0.041% concentration; fish died within 4 min in 0.02% solution.) The sterols consists mainly of stagma and brassica sterols. Alpha-amyrin and lupeol, both free and as esters are also present in the root.The plant contains lupeol, beta- amyrin 2-hydroxy, 4-methoxy benzaldehyde, and ferulic acid.... decalepis hamiltoniiHabitat: Throughout India; common in Bengal, Maharashtra and extending to Travancore.
English: Indian Sarsaparilla (white var.). Sarsaparilla root is equated with Smilax sp. in Western herbal.Ayurvedic: Shveta Saarivaa, Anant- muula, Gopi, Gopaa, Gopakanyaa, Gopavalli, Gopasutaa, Krishodari, Sphotaa, Utpalsaarivaa, Kapuuri, Dugdhgarbhaa.Unani: Ushbaa Hindi.Siddha/Tamil: Nannaari, Sugan- thipala.Action: Blood purifier, antisyphilitic, antileucorrhoeic, galactogenic, antidiarrhoeal, antirheumatic, febrifuge, alterative. Roots used against gonorrhoea, leucoderma, bleeding piles, jaundice and dysentery.
Key application: Smilax sp.—in skin diseases and urinary infections. (German Commission E included Smilax sp. among unapproved herbs.)Hemidesmus indicus does not contain the same saponins or other principal constituents which are found in sarsaparilla. (Tyler's Honest Herbal.)The root contains coumarino-lig- noids, hemidesmine, hemidesmin-1, 2. The stem contains pregnane glyco- sides, hemidine, hemidescine, emidine and indicine, a triterpene lactone, a lu- panone, besides lupeol acetate, sitos- terol and hexadecanoic acid and several hydroxy- methoxybenzaldehydes.Aqueous extract of the root is bacteriostatic against Mycobacterium leprae.Dosage: Root—20-30 g for decoction. (API Vol. I.) palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic. Pyrocatechol, tannins, fla- vonoids and amino acids were also present.... hemidesmus indicusHabitat: Native to Central America; introduced into India and grown for its fruit in Bangalore, Nandi Hills, Courtallam, Nagarcoil, Shevaroys, lower Palnis and the foothills of the Nilgiris; also in Pune.
English: Avocado, Alligator Pear, Butter Fruit.Action: Fruit—hypocholestero- laemic. Leaf—bacteriostatic; potentially toxic to goats and sheep.
The fruit is highly nutritious. The fruit from Nilgiris contains 22.8% fat, 1.7% protein; also manganese, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene, thiamine, ri- boflavin, nicotinic acid and foliate. It is relatively low in sodium and simple sugars.American Avocado is rich in oil (1530 g/100 g fresh fruit) that is mainly monounsaturated and a good source of linoleic acid. Its high fiber content might be responsible for its cholesterol lowering effects.Preliminary evidence suggests that unsaponifiable fractions of Avocado and soybean oils (combination) can inhibit cartilage degradation and promote cartilage repair in osteoarthritic chondrocytes. (Properties of Avocado cited in Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.) Avocado oil is used in cosmetic preparations, soaps and pharmaceuticals. The peel of immature fruit contains antifungal compounds. The fruit pulp is used topically to promote hair growth.... persea americanaHabitat: Cold temperate regions extending from Himalayas to northern Asia and Europe.
English: European Black Currant.Folk: Nabar.Action: Dried leaves and twigs— a home remedy for coughs. Leaves—diuretic, hypotensive, refrigerant. An infusion is used for inflammatory conditions, sore throat, hoarseness. Fruits— refrigerant, mildly spasmolytic, vasoprotective, anti-inflammatory.
Black currents are very rich in vitamin C (average 150 mg/100g) and contain 0.9-1.7% pectin as calcium pec- tate, also minerals, potassium (372 mg/ 100 g). The acidity of the fruit is mainly due to citric acid; malic acid is present in small amounts. Glucose and fructose are principal sugars; sucrose is a minor component.The flavonoids in the fruits include kaempferol, quercetin and myricetin. About 0.3% anthocyanosides, concentrated mainly in the skin, consist of glycosides of cyanidol and delphinidol.The anthocyanosides are reportedly bacteriostatic and exhibit vasopro- tective and anti-inflammatory activity. They are antisecretory against cholera toxin-induced intestinal fluid secretion in vitro.The leaves contain an anti-inflammatory principle, pycnometol and minute quantities of an essential oil composed mostly of terpenes.Polyphenolic extract of buds inhibited lipid peroxidation by rat liver mi- crosomes.Polyphenols present in R. nigrum and R. rubrum (Red Current, Western Himalayas from Kumaon to Kashmir) exhibit free radical scavenging activity. The seed oil lowers VLDL and total cholesterol.Contraindicated in bleeding disorders. (Sharon M. Herr.)... ribes nigrumHabitat: Dry regions of Peninsular India from Vindhya mountains southwards, especially in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
English: White Sandalwood.Ayurvedic: Chandana, Shvetachan- dana, Shrikhanda, Bhadra-Shree, Gandhsaara, Malayaja, Hima, Ekaangi.Unani: Sandal Safed, Sandal-e- Abyaz.Siddha/Tamil: Chandanam, Sandana, Ingam.Action: Cooling, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, antiseptic and bacteriostatic against Gram positive bacteria. Used as a urinary antiseptic in chronic cystitis and sexually transmitted diseases. A paste is applied to temples in headache, during fevers and on burns, local inflammations and skin diseases (to allay pruritus). Essential oil—antibacterial, antifungal. Used as urinary antiseptic in dysuria, urethral discharges and diseases of gallbladder.
Key application: In adjuvant therapy of infections of the lower urinary tract. Contraindicated in the diseases of the parenchyma of the kidney. (German Commission E.)The bark contains a triterpene—urs- 12-en-3 butyl-palmitate. Chief constituents of the essential oil from heart- wood are alpha-and beta-santalol. Other constituents include sesquiterpene hydrocarbons—alpha-, beta-, epi- beta-santalene and alpha-and beta- curcumene and beta-farnesene. Dihy- droagarofuran is also present in the essential oil.Dosage: Heartwood—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. III.)... santalum albumConstituents: sesquiterpene lactones, inulin, resin.
Action: antispasmodic, alterative, stimulating expectorant, diaphoretic, antiseptic, stomachic, anticatarrhal.
“Performs a double action (1) as a bacteriostatic in chronic bronchitis and (2) its biochemical action in alleviating rheumatism.” (Hamdard Foundation, Pakistan).
Helenin inhibits growth of tubercle bacillus. (Ellingwood, 12.4. Apr 18. 126)
Uses: Has a long record for old coughs, especially of tuberculosis. Haemoptysis, whooping cough, croup. Advanced chest diseases to facilitate removal of mucous. Silicosis, pneumoconiosis, emphysema. Chronic catarrh. Night sweats. Leucorrhoea. To strengthen a feeble digestion. Stitches in the side (spleen). Hyperventilation.
Combines well with Yarrow and Marshmallow. Popular combination. Decoction: mix equal parts; Yarrow, Marshmallow root and Elecampane root. 1oz (30g) in 1 pint (500ml) water simmered 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup, 2-3 times daily. In the absence of any one ingredient, substitute Wild Cherry bark.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Powder: quarter to half a teaspoon.
Decoction, root. Quarter to half a teaspoon to each cup of water; simmer gently 10 minutes in a covered vessel. Dose: 1 cup.
Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. (1:1, in 25 per cent ethanol). Dose: 1-2ml. Not used in pregnancy and lactation.
Note: Difficult to maintain chemical stability of the root which may explain why best results have followed pulping or decoction of the fresh root. Dosage of pulp: 2-4 teaspoons. ... elecampane
Action: antibiotic, bacteriostatic, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-carcinogen, antispasmodic, antiseptic, fungicide, anti-thrombic, cholagogue, diaphoretic, hypoglycaemia, hypotensor, expectorant, anthelmintic. A wide range of anti-infection activity reported. Hypolipidaemic. Non-sedating antihistamine. Anticoagulant – reduces blood platelet clumping, raises HDL. Lowers total cholesterol after a fatty meal in normal subjects. As a vasodilator tends to reduce blood pressure. Bacteria do not become resistant to it. (Dr Stephen Fulder) Detoxifier.
Uses: Prevents build-up of cholesterol in the blood. Lowers a too high blood pressure and raises one too low. Beneficial in thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.
“Helps clear fat accumulating in blood vessels, reducing the tendency to heart disease: also can drastically reduce the level of sugar in the blood, which could help diabetics.” (Lancet i 607, 1979)
Bronchitis (loosening phlegm), asthma, cough, whooping cough and as a preventative of influenza and colds. Sinusitis; catarrh of the stomach, throat and nose. Catarrhal discharge from the eyes returning every night; catarrhal deafness. Intestinal worms. To stimulate bile for digestion of fats. Mucous colitis, allergies including hay fever, ear infections, paroxysmal sneezing, candida and some other fungus infections, vaginal trichomoniasis.
“Anti-tumour activity reported.” (Y. Kimura and K. Yamamoto, Gann, 55, 325 (1964); Chem. Abstra, 63, 1089d 919650)
The therapeutically active ingredients of Garlic are the smelly ones. Deodorised Garlic has not the efficacy of the odoriferous. (Dr Stephen Fulder, JAM Feb. 1986) Chewed Parsley may mask the odour of Garlic on the breath.
Preparations: Fresh clove: eaten at meals.
Fresh juice: half-1 teaspoon in honey or water.
Capsules: one before meals or three at night to prevent infection.
Powder: 300mg capsules; 5-10 capsules twice daily during meals.
Tincture BHP (1983): 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose, 2-4ml in water.
Compress: mashed clove or oil on suitable material.
Ear or nasal drops: pierce Garlic capsule and squeeze oil into ear or nose for infection. Notes. Source of the important trace element, Germanium. Combines well with Echinacea. ... garlic
Constituents: berberine, hydrastine, canadine, resin.
Action: alterative, choleretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, bacteriostatic against staphyococcus. (Complementary Medical Research Vol 2, No 2, p.139) Bitter, diuretic, haemostatic, laxative, oxytocic, powerful stomach and liver tonic, detoxifier. Increases blood supply to the spleen. Uses. Mucous membranes generally. Ulceration of mouth, throat, intestines. Heartburn, chronic dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcer, diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, liver damage. To assist function of old age. Drying to mucous surfaces and therefore indicated in all forms of catarrh (respiratory, vaginal etc). Proteinuria. Painful, excessive menstruation and bleeding from the womb for which the addition of Beth root (equal parts) enhances action. Itching of anus and genitals. Ear infections: internal and topical medication. Prostatitis. Bleeding gums. Tinnitus. Has a long history for use in sexually transmitted diseases. Once used to stimulate contractions of the womb to hasten delivery.
Preparations: Standard dose: half-1 gram. Thrice daily.
Decoction. Quarter to half a teaspoon dried rhizome to each cup water simmered gently in a covered vessel 20 minutes. Dose: half a cup.
Liquid Extract, BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 60 per cent ethanol; 0.3-1ml, (5-15 drops).
Tincture, BHC Vol 1. 1:10, 60 per cent ethanol; 2-4ml, (15-60 drops).
Formula. Popular. All BHP (1983) standard powders:– Marshmallow root 100mg; Goldenseal 10mg; Cranesbill 30mg; Dandelion root 60mg. Traditional for the relief of indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, nausea and gastric irritation.
Powder. Dose: half-1g.
Lotion. Equal parts, Tincture Goldenseal and glycerine. For painting mouth, throat and lesions elsewhere. Goldenseal solution. 250mg powder shaken in 3oz Rosewater or Witch Hazel: filter. 5-10 drops in eyebath half-filled with water; douche 3 or more times daily.
Goldenseal ointment. 1 teaspoon (5ml) tincture in 1oz Vaseline; dissolve in gentle heat.
Mouth Wash. 5-10 drops tincture in glass water.
Vaginal douche or enema. 10 drops tincture to 2 pints boiled water; inject warm.
Notes. Liquid extract may be used instead of tincture, in which case half quantity is used. Not given in pregnancy, lactation or high blood pressure Not given with Eucalyptus to which it is antagonistic.
GSL, schedule 1
“GONE ALL TO PIECES” SYNDROME. Nervous disarray and weakness from severe emotional or physical shock.
Tablet: 45mg each, Skullcap, Lupulin, Hydrocotyle; and the aqueous extractive from: 90mg Gentian, 75mg Jamaica Dogwood. ... goldenseal
Constituents: sesquiterpene lactones, mucilage, lignans, oil.
Action: Febrifuge, anti-haemorrhage, antibiotic, bacteriostatic, bitter, splenic tonic, expectorant, galactagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, carminative. Externally as an antiseptic. Antidiarrhoeal. Anti- flatulent.
Uses: Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, gastro-enteritis, liver and gall-bladder disorders. To increase a mother’s milk after pregnancy. Migraine, painful menstruation, sluggish circulation.
Combination, with Agrimony (equal parts) for anorexia nervosa.
Used in the production of Benedictine.
Externally, as a cleaning wash for discharging ulcers.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea. Dried flowerheads 1 teaspoon in each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose: 1 cup. Liquid extract. 1-3ml (15-45 drops).
Tincture, BHC Vol 1. 1:5, in 25 per cent ethanol.
Dose: 3-6ml.
Poultice. Flowerheads.
Diet. Flowerheads cooked as artichokes.
Large doses emetic. Avoid in pregnancy or hyperacidity. ... holy thistle
Action. Many bacteria cannot live in the presence of honey since honey draws from them the moisture essential to their existence. It is a potent inhibitor of the growth of bacteria: salmonella, shigella and E. coli. Taken internally and externally, hastens granulation and arrests necrotic tissue. A natural bacteriostatic and bactericide.
Of an alkaline action, honey assists digestion, decreasing acidity. It has been used with success for burns, frostbite, colic, dry cough, inflammations, involuntary twitching of eyes and mouth; to keep a singer’s throat in condition. Some cases of tuberculosis have found it a life-preserver.
A cooling analgesic: dressings smeared with honey and left on after pain has subsided to prevent swelling – for cuts, scratches, fistula, boils, felon, animal bites; stings of mosquitoes, wasps, bees, fleas, etc. May be applied to any kind of wound: dip gauze strips in pure honey and bind infected area; leave 24 hours.
Insomnia: 2 teaspoons to glass of hot milk at bedtime.
Arterio-sclerosis: with pollen, is said to arrest thickening of the arteries.
2, 3 or more teaspoons daily to prevent colds and influenza.
2 teaspoons in water or tea for renewed vitality when tired.
Rheumatism and arthritis: 2 teaspoons honey and 2 teaspoons Cider vinegar in water 2-3 times daily.
“The taking of honey each day is advised in order to keep the lymph flowing at its normal tempo and thus avoid degenerative disease which shortens life. The real value of honey is to maintain a normal flow of the tissue fluid called lymph. When this flow-rate slows down, then calcium and iron are precipitated as sediment. When the lymph flow is stagnant, then harmful micro-organisms invade the body and sickness appears.” (D.C. Jarvis MD)
Where sweetening is required to ensure patient compliance, honey is better than sugar. Its virtues deteriorate in open sunlight. Should not be heated above 40°C. ... honey
Constituents: asparagine, B vitamins, Vitamin C, sinigrin and other glucosinolates, resin.
Action: efficient alternative to Cayenne pepper, Diuretic, urinary antispetic, diaphoretic, carminative; liver, spleen and pancreatic stimulant. Bacteriostatic action on Gram-negative bacilli. (Rudat K.D. (1957) Journal Hyg. Epidem. Microbiol. Immunol. Prague 1213)
To raise vital force in the elderly. Antibiotic. Circulatory stimulant with warming effect. Digestive aid. Anti-thyroid.
Uses: Feeble circulation, hypothermia, hyperthyroidism, frostbite, chilblains, absence of stomach acid in the elderly, dropsy following fevers, proteinuria (albuminuria), to arrest vaginal discharge. Hoarseness (1 teaspoon juice in honey). Rheumatic joints (poultice). Common cold, influenza and early stages of fever: cup of Horse Radish tea every 2-3 hours. Combine with Juniper berries (equal parts) for dropsy and kidney stone. Purulent wounds: cold decoction used as a lotion.
Preparations: Average dose: 1-2 grams; thrice daily.
Tea: 1 teaspoon grated fresh root in each cup boiling water; infuse 20 minutes. Half-1 cup in sips, freely. Horse Radish vinegar. 1oz scraped fresh root to 1 pint cider vinegar. 1-2 teaspoons in water for catarrh, sinusitis, poor circulation or as a male tonic.
Steeping slices of the fresh root in cider produces a copious discharge of urine in dropsy.
Tablets, Blackmore’s Labs: Horse Radish powder 350mg; Dolomite 140mg; Gum Acacia 20mg; Magnesium stearate 10mg.
Diet: Mayonnaise: whip double cream until stiff and fold in fresh grated root, flaked almonds, lemon juice and seasoning, with a little Paprika.
Note: One of the five bitter herbs eaten by the Jews during the Passover Festival. ... horse radish
Constituents: mucilage, triterpenes, alkaloids.
Action: gentle bulk laxative without irritation; antidiarrhoeal, demulcent, bacteriostatic. Increases stool output while decreasing transit time in healthy people. Anti-inflammatory.
Uses: Chronic constipation, particularly in the elderly. Irritable bowel syndrome, mucous colitis. Amoebic dysentery. (Indian traditional) To assist management of diverticular disease. To reduce incidence of bowel complaints. An alternative to constant use of purgatives that decrease sensitivity of alimentary mucous membranes. Useful in pregnancy. Hyperlipaemia. Lowers cholesterol level by eliminating excess bile salts. To assist slimming regime in obesity.
Preparations: Average dose: 3-5 grams (2 grams, children).
Seeds: 1-2 teaspoons once or twice daily, helped down with sips of water. (May be soaked overnight in warm water.) In the intestines seeds swell into a gelatinous mass many times their normal size thus ‘lubricating’ contents of the bowel for easy defecation. Isogel.
“Regulan” Ispaghula husk BP. Sachets containing 3-6 grams. Average dose: 1 sachet thrice daily. Psyllium seed husks, plus pectin, Vitamin C and Guar gum to cleanse the colon while leaving behind important nutrients. Aids detoxification and absorption of iron. Regulates blood sugar levels and nutrient absorption. (JAM. Nov 86, p.23) Poultice. With Slippery Elm for boils, abscesses, etc. ... ispaghula seeds
Constituents: Myrrhol (volatile oil).
A leuco-cytogenic agent – increases number of white cells in the blood. “From the days of Moses to the time of Christ and since then to the 20th century, Myrrh has proven over and over again to be one of the finest antibacterial and antiviral agents placed on earth.” (John Heinerman, in Science of Herbal
Action: bacteriostatic against staphylococcus aureus and other gram-positive bacteria. Perhaps the most widely used herbal antiseptic. Bitter, astringent, anti-inflammatory, carminative, vulnerary, antifungal, expectorant, diaphoretic, deodorant, emmenagogue, anti-thrush.
Uses: The whole body feels its influence. Internal and external ulceration; especially of mouth, throat, pharynx, spongy gums, pyrrhoea, etc (mouth wash and gargle). Candida – 5-10 drops emulsified in yoghurt. Suppurating wounds that refuse to heal, boils, abscesses. Fungal infections. Myrrh is effective in lowering blood fats and therefore useful for reducing deposits of cholesterol and triglycerides in coronary heart disease. Powerful antiseptic combination: equal parts powders or tinctures: Echinacea, Goldenseal and Myrrh.
Capsicum and Myrrh. Capsicum enhances its action. The two are synergistic and capillary stimulants. Both may be used with impressive effect for chronic conditions along the alimentary canal.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tincture Myrrh BPC 1973: 1:5, 90 per cent alcohol. Dose: 5 to 15 drops.
Thomson’s Tincture of Myrrh Co (as once used by members of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists). 1 part Tincture Capsicum BPC to 4 parts Tincture Myrrh. Dose: 1 to 2 and a half ml. Powders: Fill number 00 capsules. 1 capsule thrice daily. May be used as a dusting powder on wounds. Enema. Add 20-30 drops Tincture Myrrh to 2 pints boiling water; allow to cool, inject warm. Contra- indications: pregnancy. ... myrrh
A variety of side-effects may occur with sulphonamide treatment, including nausea, vomiting, headache, and loss of appetite; more severe effects include *cyanosis, blood disorders, skin rashes, and fever. Because of increasing bacterial resistance to sulphonamides, and with the development of more effective less toxic antibiotics, the clinical use of these drugs has declined. Those still used include *sulfadiazine, *sulfasalazine, and sulfamethoxazole (combined with trimethoprim in *co-trimoxazole).... sulphonamide
FAMILY: Myrtaceae
SYNONYMS: Lemon-scented gum, citron-scented gum, scented gum tree, spotted gum, ‘boabo’.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An attractive, tall, evergreen tree with a smooth dimpled bark, blotched in grey, cream and pink, cultivated as an ornamental. The trunk grows fast, straight and to considerable height, and is used for timber. The young leaves are oval, the mature leaves narrow and tapering.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to Australia; cultivated mainly in Brazil and China.
OTHER SPECIES: There are numerous other species of eucalyptus – see entry on eucalyptus blue gum. See also Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Used traditionally for perfuming the linen cupboard by enclosing the dried leaves in a small cloth sachet. During the last century it was regarded as a good insect repellent, especially for cockroaches and silverfish.
ACTIONS: Antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, deodorant, expectorant, fungicidal, insecticide.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the leaves and twigs.
CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless or pale yellow mobile liquid with a strong, fresh, citronella-like odour and sweet balsamic undertone.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Citronellal (80–95 per cent), citronellol, geraniol and pinene, among others. (The gum or ‘kino’ contains the antibiotic substance ‘citriodorol’.)
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Eucalyptus oil is toxic when taken internally, see Eucalyptus blue gum entry.
Skin Care: Athlete’s foot and other fungal infections (e.g. candida), cuts, dandruff, herpes, insect repellent, scabs, sores, wounds.
Respiratory System: Asthma, laryngitis, sore throat.
Immune System: Colds, fevers, infectious skin conditions such as chickenpox, infectious disease. ‘The essential oil contained in the leaves appears to have bacteriostatic activity towards Staphylococcus aureus; this is due to synergism between the citronellol and citronellal present in the oil’..
OTHER USES: Used as a fragrance component (in place of E. globulus) in soaps, detergents and perfumes; also used in room sprays and insect repellents Employed for the isolation of natural citronellal.... lemon-scented