Bagassosis Health Dictionary

Bagassosis: From 3 Different Sources

A rare disease affecting the lungs of workers who handle mouldy bagasse (the fibrous residue of sugarcane after juice extraction). Bagassosis is one cause of allergic alveolitis. Symptoms develop 4–5 hours after inhaling dust and include shortness of breath, wheezing, fever, headache, and cough. Repeated dust exposure may lead to permanent lung damage.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
An industrial lung disease occurring in those who work with bagasse, which is the name given to the broken sugar cane after sugar has been extracted from it. Bagasse, which contains 6 per cent silica, is used in board-making. The inhalation of dust causes an acute lung affection, and subsequently in some cases a chronic lung disease. (See ALVEOLITIS.)
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a form of external allergic *alveolitis caused by exposure to the dust of mouldy bagasse, the residue of sugar cane after the sugar has been extracted, which is used in the production of hardboard and other thermal boards. Symptoms usually appear in the evening after exposure during the day and include fever, malaise, irritant cough, and respiratory distress.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


In?ammation of the alveoli (see ALVEOLUS) of the lungs caused by an allergic reaction. When the in?ammation is caused by infection it is called PNEUMONIA, and when by a chemical or physical agent it is called pneumonitis. It may be associated with systemic sclerosis or RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.

Extrinsic allergic alveolitis is the condition induced by the lungs becoming allergic (see ALLERGY) to various factors or substances. It includes BAGASSOSIS, FARMER’S LUNG and BUDGERIGAR-FANCIER’S LUNG, and is characterised by the onset of shortness of breath, tightness of the chest, cough and fever. The onset may be sudden or gradual. Treatment consists of removal of the affected individual from the o?ending material to which he or she has become allergic. CORTICOSTEROIDS give temporary relief.

Fibrosing alveolitis In this disease there is di?use FIBROSIS of the walls of the alveoli of the lungs. This causes loss of lung volume with both forced expiratory volume and vital capacity affected, but the ratio between them remaining normal. The patient complains of cough and progressive DYSPNOEA. Typically the patient will be cyanosed (blue – see CYANOSIS), clubbed (see CLUBBING), and have crackles in the mid- and lower-lung ?elds. Blood gases will reveal HYPOXIA and, in early disease, hypocapnia (de?ciency of carbon dioxide in the blood due to hyperventilation). There is an association with RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (about one-eighth of cases), systemic lupus erythematosus (see under LUPUS), and systemic SCLEROSIS. Certain drugs – for example, bleomycin, busulphan and hexamethonium – may also cause this condition, as may high concentrations of oxygen, and inhalation of CADMIUM fumes.... alveolitis

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