Banana and lemon signs Health Dictionary

Banana And Lemon Signs: From 1 Different Sources

ultrasound features of the *Arnold–Chiari malformation in fetuses with spina bifida. The banana sign refers to the shape of the cerebellum owing to caudal displacement; the lemon sign refers to the lemon-shaped head resulting from scalloping of the frontal bones. See illustration.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


See Limón.... lemon


Fertility, Potency, Prosperity... banana

Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm tea is fragrant to drink and is a very effective tonic to calm nerves and anxiety. Cold lemon balm tea bags help relieve cold sores, or genital sores caused by the herpes simplex virus. Mix lemon balm leaves with valerian to treat anxiety, stress and insomnia. Lemon Balm contains several properties, which control herpes and also regulate the thyroid. Lemon balm when mixed with peppermint can calm an upset stomach, sooth the digestive track and reduce flatulence. Drink lemon balm tea if you suffer from nerve pain. Drinking lemon balm tea also helps strengthen memory and brain functions and also uplifts one’s mood.... lemon balm tea

Vital Signs

The pulse, respiration, temperature and blood pressure.... vital signs

Balm, Lemon

Love, Success, Healing... balm, lemon

Banana And Plantain

Musa species

Description: These are treelike plants with several large leaves at the top. Their flowers are borne in dense hanging clusters.

Habitat and Distribution: Look for bananas and plantains in open fields or margins of forests where they are grown as a crop. They grow in the humid tropics.

Edible Parts: Their fruits are edible raw or cooked. They may be boiled or baked. You can boil their flowers and eat them like a vegetable. You can cook and eat the rootstocks and leaf sheaths of many species. The center or “heart” or the plant is edible year-round, cooked or raw.

Other Uses: You can use the layers of the lower third of the plants to cover coals to roast food. You can also use their stumps to get water (see Chapter 6). You can use their leaves to wrap other foods for cooking or storage.... banana and plantain

Clinical Signs

The physical manifestations of an illness elicited by a doctor when examining a patient – for example, a rash, lump, swelling, fever or altered physical function such as re?exes.... clinical signs

Death, Signs Of

There are some minor signs, such as: relaxation of the facial muscles (which produces the staring eye and gaping mouth of the ‘Hippocratic countenance’), as well as a loss of the curves of the back, which becomes ?at by contact with the bed or table; discoloration of the skin, which takes on a wax-yellow hue and loses its pink transparency at the ?nger-webs; absence of blistering and redness if the skin is burned (Christison’s sign); and failure of a ligature tied round the ?nger to produce, after its removal, the usual change of a white ring, which, after a few seconds, becomes redder than the surrounding skin in a living person.

The only certain sign of death, however, is that the heart has stopped beating. To ensure that this is permanent, it is necessary to listen over the heart with a stethoscope, or directly with the ear, for at least ?ve minutes. Permanent stoppage of breathing should also be con?rmed by observing that a mirror held before the mouth shows no haze, or that a feather placed on the upper lip does not ?utter.

In the vast majority of cases there is no dif?culty in ensuring that death has occurred. The introduction of organ transplantation, however, and of more e?ective mechanical means of resuscitation, such as ventilators, whereby an individual’s heart can be kept beating almost inde?nitely, has raised diffculties in a minority of cases. To solve the problem in these cases the concept of ‘brain death’ has been introduced. In this context it has to be borne in mind that there is no legal de?nition of death. Death has traditionally been diagnosed by the irreversible cessation of respiration and heartbeat. In the Code of Practice drawn up in 1983 by a Working Party of the Health Departments of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, however, it is stated that ‘death can also be diagnosed by the irreversible cessation of brain-stem function’. This is described as ‘brain death’. The brain stem consists of the mid-brain, pons and medulla oblongata which contain the centres controlling the vital processes of the body such as consciousness, breathing and the beating of the heart (see BRAIN). This new concept of death, which has been widely accepted in medical and legal circles throughout the world, means that it is now legitimate to equate brain death with death; that the essential component of brain death is death of the brain stem; and that a dead brain stem can be reliably diagnosed at the bedside. (See GLASGOW COMA SCALE.)

Four points are important in determining the time that has elapsed since death. HYPOSTASIS, or congestion, begins to appear as livid spots on the back, often mistaken for bruises, three hours or more after death. This is due to the blood running into the vessels in the lowest parts. Loss of heat begins at once after death, and the body has become as cold as the surrounding air after 12 hours – although this is delayed by hot weather, death from ASPHYXIA, and some other causes. Rigidity, or rigor mortis, begins in six hours, takes another six to become fully established, remains for 12 hours and passes o? during the succeeding 12 hours. It comes on quickly when extreme exertion has been indulged in immediately before death; conversely it is slow in onset and slight in death from wasting diseases, and slight or absent in children. It begins in the small muscles of the eyelid and jaw and then spreads over the body. PUTREFACTION is variable in time of onset, but usually begins in 2–3 days, as a greenish tint over the abdomen.... death, signs of

Lemon Verbena

Purification, Love... lemon verbena

Olive Oil And Lemon Treatment

See: GALL-STONES. ... olive oil and lemon treatment

Lemon Sign

see banana and lemon signs.... lemon sign

Lemon Thyme Tea

Lemon Thyme Tea is popular for treating infections, congestion problems, calming and relaxing the senses.  Lemon thyme (thymus citriodorus) can be recognized by its lace-shaped, light green colored leaves and lemon scent. Due to its aromatic leaves, lemon thyme is used as a flavoring agent for many dishes, especially those involving fish, chicken and vegetables. The constituents of lemon thyme tea include geraniol, esters, nerol, citronellol, citral and thymol. The essential oil that is extracted from the leaves contains a higher level of these constituents than the actual leaves. How To Make Lemon Thyme Tea You can brew Lemon Thyme Tea by placing small dried leaves in a kettle of boiled water. Let the mix steep for about 5-7 minutes. Then, using a strainer to catch the leaves, pour the tea into your cup. Lemon Thyme Tea Benefits
  • Helps fight asthma in children.
  • Prevents infections caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria.
  • Provides relaxation.
  • It can be gargled and used as a deodorizing mouthwash.
  • Facilitates good digestion.
  • Boosts your immune system.
Lemon Thyme Side Effects Like in the case of Lemon Verbena Tea , there are a few side effects that you sould keep in mind when drinking Lemon Thyme Tea:
  • If you suffer from allergies, avoid drinking Lemon Thyme Tea.
  • Do not drink Lemon Thyme Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Avoid over-consumption
Lemon Thyme Tea is a wonderful tea with a tasty lemon flavor. Make sure you read the side effects listed above and stay away from them!... lemon thyme tea

Lemon Verbena Tea

Lemon Verbena Tea has been known for many years as being an incredible natural remedy for many disorders, especially the ones in the nervous and digestive systems. Lemon verbena (aloysia tryphilla) is native to South America, mainly in Argentina, Brazil and Peru. The herb can grow up to 1-3 meters and it can be recognized by its lancet shaped green leaves and tiny white or lavender-colored flowers. The constituents of lemon verbena are found in its specific oil which contains methyl heptenone, borneol, geraniol and dipentene. How To Make Lemon Verbena Tea To really experience its health benefits, you can make Lemon VerbenaTea by infusing 2 teaspoons of dried lemon verbena herbs into one cup of boiling water. Let the mix boil for a few minutes and then let it steep for about 5 minutes. Lemon verbena has a strong lemony scent and taste. Add some honey to really enhance its taste! Lemon Verbena Tea Benefits
  • Lemon VerbenaTea strengthens the nervous system.
  • Alleviates colon and stomach spasms.
  • Helps reduce fever.
  • Acts as a cough remedy.
  • Helps with digestion.
  • Calms menstrual cramps.
Lemon Verbena Tea Side Effects
  • Make sure you do not suffer from any allergies, since Lemon Verbena Tea can cause skin irritation in some people.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women must avoid drinking Lemon Verbena Tea and other herbal teas.
  • Drinking large amounts of Lemon Verbena Tea may irritate the kidneys. Avoid drinking this tea if you suffer from kidney stones or any other kidney problems.
Lemon Verbena Tea is a healthy tea with many health benefits. Make sure you keep in mind its side effects and avoid over-consumption!... lemon verbena tea


Eucalyptus citriodora

FAMILY: Myrtaceae

SYNONYMS: Lemon-scented gum, citron-scented gum, scented gum tree, spotted gum, ‘boabo’.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An attractive, tall, evergreen tree with a smooth dimpled bark, blotched in grey, cream and pink, cultivated as an ornamental. The trunk grows fast, straight and to considerable height, and is used for timber. The young leaves are oval, the mature leaves narrow and tapering.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to Australia; cultivated mainly in Brazil and China.

OTHER SPECIES: There are numerous other species of eucalyptus – see entry on eucalyptus blue gum. See also Botanical Classification section.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Used traditionally for perfuming the linen cupboard by enclosing the dried leaves in a small cloth sachet. During the last century it was regarded as a good insect repellent, especially for cockroaches and silverfish.

ACTIONS: Antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, deodorant, expectorant, fungicidal, insecticide.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the leaves and twigs.

CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless or pale yellow mobile liquid with a strong, fresh, citronella-like odour and sweet balsamic undertone.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Citronellal (80–95 per cent), citronellol, geraniol and pinene, among others. (The gum or ‘kino’ contains the antibiotic substance ‘citriodorol’.)

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Eucalyptus oil is toxic when taken internally, see Eucalyptus blue gum entry.


Skin Care: Athlete’s foot and other fungal infections (e.g. candida), cuts, dandruff, herpes, insect repellent, scabs, sores, wounds.

Respiratory System: Asthma, laryngitis, sore throat.

Immune System: Colds, fevers, infectious skin conditions such as chickenpox, infectious disease. ‘The essential oil contained in the leaves appears to have bacteriostatic activity towards Staphylococcus aureus; this is due to synergism between the citronellol and citronellal present in the oil’..

OTHER USES: Used as a fragrance component (in place of E. globulus) in soaps, detergents and perfumes; also used in room sprays and insect repellents Employed for the isolation of natural citronellal.... lemon-scented

Verbena, Lemon

Aloysia triphylla

FAMILY: Verbenaceae

SYNONYMS: A. citriodora, Verbena triphylla, Lippia citriodora, L. triphylla, verbena, herb Louisa.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A handsome deciduous perennial shrub up to 5 metres high with a woody stem, very fragrant, delicate, pale green, lanceolate leaves arranged in threes, and small, pale purple flowers. Often grown as an ornamental bush in gardens.

DISTRIBUTION: Native of Chile and Argentina; cultivated (and found semi-wild) in the Mediterranean region – France, Tunisia, Algeria – as well as Kenya and China. The oil is mainly produced in southern France and North Africa.

OTHER SPECIES: Botanically related to the oregano family – see Botanical Classification section. Not to be mistaken for the so-called ‘Spanish verbena’ or ‘verbena’ oil (Spanish) (Thymus hiamalis), nor confused with the herb ‘vervain’ (Verbena officinalis). This is further confused since the French name for verbena is verveine (Verveine citronelle, Verveine odorante).

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: ‘The uses of lemon verbena are similar to those of mint, orange flowers and melissa.’. It is indicated especially in nervous conditions which manifest as digestive complaints. The dried leaves are still used as a popular household tea especially on the Continent, both as a refreshing, uplifting ‘pick-me-up’ and to help restore the liver after a hang-over.

ACTIONS: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, detoxifying, digestive, febrifuge, hepatobiliary stimulant, sedative (nervous), stomachic.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the freshly harvested herb.

CHARACTERISTICS: A pale olive or yellow mobile liquid with a sweet, fresh, lemony, fruity-floral fragrance. It blends well with neroli, palmarosa, olibanum, Tolu balsam, elemi, lemon and other citrus oils.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Citral (30–35 per cent), nerol and geraniol, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Possible sensitization; phototoxicity due to high citral levels. Other safety data is unavailable at present – however, true verbena oil is virtually non-existent. Most so-called ‘verbena oil’ is either from the Spanish verbena (an inferior oil), or a mix of lemongrass, lemon, citronella, etc.


Digestive system: Cramps, indigestion, liver congestion.

Nervous system: Anxiety, insomnia, nervous tension and stress-related conditions.

OTHER USES: Used in perfumery and citrus colognes – ‘eau de verveine’ is still popular in France, Europe and America.... verbena, lemon

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