Band ligation Health Dictionary

Band Ligation: From 1 Different Sources


Tying-o? – for example, of a blood vessel – by completely encircling it with a tight band, usually of catgut or some other suture material.... ligation

Tubal Ligation

See sterilization, female.... tubal ligation

Band Keratopathy

the deposition of calcium in the superficial layers of the cornea, usually as a horizontal band starting peripherally and moving centrally. It is associated with chronic eye disease, e.g. chronic *uveitis, particularly juvenile chronic uveitis. It is treated by application of EDTA (see edetate) or with an *excimer laser.... band keratopathy

Matrix Band

a flexible metal or plastic strip that is placed round a tooth to restore a wall, thus aiding the insertion of a dental filling to restore anatomical form and function.... matrix band

Sphenopalatine Artery Ligation

(SPA) a surgical procedure to identify and occlude the sphenopalatine artery in the nose using endoscopic surgery. It is used in the treatment of severe epistaxis (nosebleed).... sphenopalatine artery ligation

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