Action. Liver stimulant, cholagogue, antiseptic, alterative. Tonic to spleen and pancreas, antemetic, digestive tonic. Hypotensive. Mild sedative and anticonvulsant. Uterine stimulant. Anti-haemorrhagic, Febrifuge, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-diarrhoeal, Amoebicidal, Bactericidal.
Uses: Sluggish liver, jaundice, biliousness, gastritis, gallstones, itching anus, ulcerated mouth, malaria, sandfly fever, toxaemia from drugs and environmental chemicals. Shingles, bladder disorders, leucorrhoea, renal colic. Old gouty constitutions react favourably. Cholera (animals). Leukopaenia due to chemotherapy.
Combinations. With Yarrow for malaria. With Gelsemium for pain in the coccyx (tailbone). With Fringe Tree bark for skin disorders.
Contra-indications: pregnancy, diarrhoea.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Decoction: 1 teaspoon to each cup cold water left to steep overnight. Half-1 cup. Liquid Extract: BHP (1983) 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose (1-3ml).
Tincture: BHP (1983) 1:10 in 60 per cent alcohol. Dose (2-4ml).
Powdered bark, dose, 1-2g.