Bauhinia purpurea Health Dictionary

Bauhinia Purpurea: From 1 Different Sources


Habitat: The Himalayas, and distributed in Northern India, Assam, Khasi Hills. Also cultivated in gardens.

English: Camel's Foot tree, Pink Bauhinia, Butterfly tree, Geramium tree, Orchid tree.

Ayurvedic: Kovidaara, Rakta Kaanchanaara.

Unani/Siddha: Sivappu mandaarai.

Siddha: Mandarai.

Folk: Koilaara, Khairwaal, Kaliaar, Rakta Kanchan.

Action: Bark—astringent, antidiar- rhoeal. Flower buds and flowers, fried in purified butter, are given to patients suffering from dysentery. Extract of stems are used internally and externally for fractured bones. Plant is used in goitre. It exhibited antithyroid-like activity in experimental animals.

The flowers contain astragalin, iso- quercitrin and quercetin, also antho- cyanins. Seeds contain chalcone gly- cosides.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary


Bauhinia variegata


San: Kancanarah, Kovidarah;

Hin: Kancanar;

Ben: Rakta Kanchan;

Tam: Sigappu-mandarai

Mal: Mandaram, Chuvannamandaram, Malayakatti, Kongu, Kongumandaram;

Tel: Daeva Kanchanamu, Mandara;

Kan: Ullipe, Kanchavala, Kempu Mandara

Importance: In traditional medicine, Bauhinia is extensively used in glandular diseases and as an antidote to poison. The drug is also reported to be useful in dysentery, diarrhoea, piles and worms (Kurup et al, 1979; Sharma et al, 1983). They are useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and pitta, diarrhoea, dysentery, skin diseases, leprosy, intestinal worms, tumours, wounds, ulcers, inflammations, scrofula, protoptosis, haemorrhoids, haemoptysis, cough, menorrhagia and diabetics. Usirasavam and Candanasavam are some of the preparations using the drug. An important Ayurvedic preparation, “Kanchnar Guggal” contains bark of this plant. In Unani system, the flowers are used in “Hab Mussafi Khun”, for skin diseases, the bark is used in “Sufuf Kalan”-an aphrodisiac.

Distribution: The plant is distributed in the Sub-Himalayan tracts from the Indus eastwards and throughout the dry forests of India, ascending to 1300m. It is also cultivated throughout the plains.

Botany: Bauhinia variegata Linn. syn. B.

candida Roxb. belonging to the family Caesalpiniaceae is a moderate sized deciduous tree with vertically cracked grey bark, wood moderately hard, greyish brown with irregular darker patches. Leaves are of 2 leaflets, connate for about two-thirds up. Leaflets are ovate with rounded apex, 10-15cm long, pubescent beneath when young and coriaceous. Flowers are white or pink, the uppermost petal darker and variegated usually appearing before the leaves in short axillary or terminal racemes. Stamens are 5 and stamenodes absent. Fruits are flat dehiscent pods with 10-15 seeds (Warrier et al, 1993).

Other important species of the genus Bauhinia are as follows.

1. B. tomentosa Linn.

It is the yellow or golden flowered one, commonly known as Manja Mandaram. It is found in Africa and Asia. In India it is found wild in dry deciduous forests and often cultivated. The plant is antidysenteric, antidote for snakebite and scorpion sting and also used in liver complaints. The bark is astringent. Root bark is vermifuge. Fruit is diuretic. Seed is tonic, wound healing and aphrodisiac.

2. B. purpurea Linn.

Pink Bauhinia or Camel’s Foot tree is found in South and S. E. Asia. In India, it is found in deciduous forests. Root is carminative and tonic. Bark is astringent and antidiarrhoeal and is used in ulcer and goitre. Flowers are laxative. The experimental studies conducted by Sijoria and Prasad (1979) on animals indicate that B. purpurea is very effective in normalising the thyroid gland.

3. B. racemosa Lam.

The plant is found in Sub-Himalayan tracts, in U.P, West Bengal, Central and South India. The leaf is anticephalalgic and antimalarial. Bark is astringent, antidiarrhoeal. The seeds are antibacterial. Stem-bark is CVS and CNS active, hypothermic and anticancerous.

4. B. malabarica Roxb.

Malabar Mountain Ebony is found in Sub-Himalayan tracts, from Kumaon to West Bengal, ascending to 1350m, Assam, Bihar and South India. The flowers of this plant are antidysenteric.

5. B. retusa Roxb.

The plant is distributed in north-western Himalayas from the Beas eastwards, Himachal Pradesh, U.P., Orissa, M.P. and A.P. The gum of the plant is emmenagogue, diuretic and can be used externally in sores. The seed is hypoglycaemic and hypocholesterolaemic. The aerial part is CVS active and has effect on respiration.

6. B. vahlii W.&A.

Camel’s Foot climber is found in Punjab, Bihar, Assam, Madhy Pradesh, Andra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Leaf is demulcent. Seed is tonic and aphrodisiac. Stem is CVS active, antiarrhythmic and spasmolytic.

Agrotechnology: Well drained hilly areas are ideal for the cultivation of Bauhinia. The plant is seed propagated. Seeds are formed in February-March. Seeds are to be collected from the dried pods, soaked in water for 12 hours before sowing in seedbeds. At four-leaved stage they are to be transferred to polybags. Two month old seedlings from polybags are used for field planting. Pits of size 60cm cube are to be taken and filled with 10kg dried cowdung mixed with topsoil and formed into a mound. On these seedlings are to be planted at a distance of 6-7.5m. Irrigation is to be given in the first year. Two weedings and application of organic manure once is required in a year. The plant is not attacked by any serious pests and diseases. The plant flowers on the third year. At the end of tenth year the tree can be cut and wood used for medicinal purposes (Prasad et al, 1997).

Properties and activity: Flowers contain flavanoids-kaempferol-3-galactoside and kaempferol-3- rhamnoglucoside. Stem bark yields hentriacontane, octacosanol and stigmasterol. Stem yields -sitisterol, lupiol and a flavanone glycoside-5, 7-dimethoxy flavanone 4-O- -L- rhamnopyranoside- -D-glucopyranoside. Seeds possess human blood agglutinating activity. Stem bark is hypothermic, CNS active and depressant. Bud, flower, leaf and stembark are antibacterial. Stem possesses juvenoid activity. Bark is alterative, tonic, antileprotic and antirheumatic. Bud is antidysenteric. Root is carminative and antidote for snakebite. Bark, flower and root promote suppuration. Bark and bud are astringent and vermifuge (Husain et al, 1992).... bauhinia

Bauhinia Acuminata


Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Central India.

English: Dwarf White Bauhinia.

Ayurvedic: Kaanchnaara, Kovidaara (white-flowered var.)

Unani: Kachnaal.

Siddha/Tamil: Vellaimandarai.

Action: Bark and leaves—a decoction is given in biliousness, stone in bladder, venereal diseases, leprosy and asthma. Root—boiled with oil is applied to burns.... bauhinia acuminata

Bauhinia Malabarica


Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: South India, Assam and Bengal.

English: Malabar Mountain Ebony.

Ayurvedic: Ashmantaka var., Kaanchanaara var. (in the South).

Siddha/Tamil: Malaiyatti.

Folk: Aapataa (Maharashtra), Amli, Amlosaa.

Action: Antidysenteric.

The plant contains flavonoid gly- cosides—quercitroside, iso-quercitro- side, rutoside, taxifoline rhamnoside, kaempferol glycosides and quercetol glycoside.... bauhinia malabarica

Bauhinia Racemosa


Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Sub-Himalayan tracts from Ravi eastwards, ascending to 1,000 m. in the Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Central and South India.

Ayurvedic: Ashmantaka, Kanchini.

Unani: Kachnaar.

Folk: Aapataa (Maharashtra), Kachnaala.

Action: Bark—highly astringent, anti-inflammatory (used in glandular inflammations, skin diseases, ulcers), cholagogue. Leaves—anthelmintic; with onion for diarrhoea. Flowers—used in haemorrhages, piles; also in cough. Seed—antibacterial.

Octacosane, beta-amyrin and beta- sitosterol have been isolated from the bark. EtOH (50%) extract of seeds exhibited anticancer activity.... bauhinia racemosa

Bauhinia Retusa


Synonym: B. semla Wunderlin.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Northwestern Himalayas up to 1500 m, also in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.

Siddha: Nirpa (Telugu).

Folk: Semalaa, Kathmahuli. Gum— Thaur

Action: Gum—emmenagogue, diuretic. (Gum resembles Gum arabic; used as an external application for sores). Protein isolated from seeds—hypoglycaemic, hypoc- holesterolaemic in young, normal as well as alloxan-induced diabetic albino rats.

The bark contains quercetin-3-O- beta-D-glucoside and rutin.... bauhinia retusa

Bauhinia Tomentosa


Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Southern India, Assam and Bihar.

English: Yellow Bauhinia, St. Thomas tree, Bell Bauhinia.

Ayurvedic: Pita Kovidaara (yellow- flowered var.), Pita Kanchana.

Siddha/Tamil: Kokkumandarai, Tiruvaatti, Kanjani.

Folk: Kachnaar.

Action: Antidysenteric. Fruit— diuretic. Bark—astringent. Root bark—vermifuge. A decoction of the root bark is prescribed for liver diseases. Seed—used for wound healing.

Seeds yield a fatty oil called ebony oil, a water soluble mucilage and saponins. Flowers gave isoquercitrin (6%), rutin (4.6%) and quercetin (small amounts).... bauhinia tomentosa

Bauhinia Variegata


Synonym: B. candida Roxb.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Punjab, Western Peninsula and Assam. Also cultivated in gardens.

English: Mountain Ebony, Buddhist Bauhinia.

Ayurvedic: Kaanchanaara, Kaan- chanaaraka, Kanchanak, Kaan- chana, Gandhaari, Sonapushpaka, Ashmantaka.

Siddha/Tamil: Sivappumanchori.

Action: Buds—a decoction is given in piles (also used against tumours), haematuria, menorrhagia. Dried buds are used in diarrhoea, dysentery, worm infestation, piles and tumours. Root— carminative, used in dyspepsia and flatulence (a decoction is reported to prevent obesity). Bark—astringent, anthelmintic; used externally in scrofula and skin diseases. Seeds—possess human blood agglutinating activity. Leaf— antifungal.

Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of the stem bark in lymphadenitis and goitre. (Ka- anchnaar Guggulu is prescribed for glandular swellings and goitre.)

Water-soluble portion of alcoholic extract of the plant showed preventive effect against goitre in rats.

Flowers gave flavonoids, kaempfe- rol-3-galactoside and kaempferol-3- rhamnoglucoside. The stem bark yields hentriacontane, octacosanol and stigmasterol. Stem contains beta-sitos- terol, lupeol and a flavanone glyco- side.

Dosage: Stem bark—20-30 g for decoction. (API Vol. I.)... bauhinia variegata

Claviceps Purpurea

(Fr.) Tul.

Family: Hypocreaceae.

Habitat: A fungous parasite on a number of grasses particularly in rye, cultivated in the Nilgiris and at Chakrohi farm in Jammu.

English: Ergot of Rye. Fungus of Rye.

Ayurvedic: Annamaya, Sraavikaa.

Unani: Argot.

Siddha/Tamil: Ergot.

Action: Uterine stimulant. Oxy- tocic, abortifacient, parturient, vasoconstrictor, haemostatic. Used in obstetrics (difficult childbirth, for exciting uterine contractions in the final stages of parturition). Also used after abortion for removal of the placenta. It is no more employed in internal haemorrhages, as it has been found to raise blood pressure in pulmonary and cerebral haemorrhage. Included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E.

The fungus gave indole alkaloids. The ergometrine or ergonovine group includes ergometrine and ergometri- nine. The ergotamine group includes ergotamine and ergotaminine. The er- gotoxine group includes ergocristine, ergocristinine, ergocryptine, ergo- cryptinine, ergocornine and ergo- corninine. The fungus also contains histamine, tyramine and other amines, sterols and acetylcholine.

The alkaloids of ergot are being used independently (not as a herbal medicine). Ergotamine is used to relieve migrainous headaches as it is a vasoconstrictor and has antisero- tonin activity. Ergometrine is used after childbirth in the third stage of labour and for post-partum haemorrhage, as it is a powerful uterine stimulant, particularly of the puerperal uterus. (Both the constituents are used under medical supervision). Er- gocornine significantly inhibited the development of induced mammary tumours in rats. The derivatives of ergot alkaloids are known to have suppressing effect on human breast cancer in initial stages. This activity is linked to prolactin inhibitory action.

The extract is toxic at 1.0-3.9 g, ergot alkaloids at 1 g in adults, 12 mg in infants. (Francis Brinker).

Dosage: Whole plant—10-30 ml infusion. (CCRAS.)... claviceps purpurea

Digitalis Purpurea


Family: Scrophulariaceae.

Habitat: Native to West Europe. Cultivated in Tangmarg and Kishtawar in Kashmir, Darjeeling and the Nilgiris.

English: Digitalis, Foxglove.

Ayurvedic: Hritpatri, Tilapushpi (non-classical). (Purple var.)

Action: Main source of digoxin for the pharmaceutical industry. Digitalis glycosides increase the force of contraction of heart without increasing the oxygen consumption and slow the heart rate when auricular fibrillation is present. To be used only under strict medical supervision.

Not used as a herbal drug.... digitalis purpurea

Ipomoea Purpurea

(Linn.) Roth.

Family: Convolvulaceae.

Habitat: Native of tropical America; found throughout greater part of India, grown in gardens.

English: Tall Morning-Glory.

Folk: Karakatiyaa (seeds).

Action: Purgative. Seed extract— antibacterial.

The stem contains a soft resin (4.8%), essential oil (0.08%) and tannin. The resin is the active principle, it contains ipuranol, which is identical with sitosterol glucoside, ipurolic acid, d- methyl acetic acid, hydroxylauric acid and glucose.... ipomoea purpurea

Tephrosia Purpurea

(L.) Pers.

Synonym: T. hamiltonii Drumm.

Family: Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.

Habitat: All over India; also grown as green manure and as cover crop.

English: Purple Tephrosia, Wild Indigo.

Ayurvedic: Sharapunkhaa, Vishikha-punkhaa, Sarphokaa.

Unani: Sarponkhaa, Sarphukaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Kattu-kolingi, Kolingi, Paavali, Mollukkay, Kollukkayvelai.

Action: The drug is considered specific for the treatment of inflammation of spleen and liver (is known as Plihaa-shatru, Plihaari in Indian medicine).

Dried herb—diuretic, deobstruent, laxative. Given for the treatment of cough, bronchitis, bilious febrile attacks, insufficiency of the liver, jaundice (not effective in infantile cirrhosis), kidney disorders and for the treatment of bleeding piles, boils, pimples. Also used as a gargle. Root—decoction used in dyspepsia, diarrhoea, cough, bronchitis, adenoids, asthma and rheumatism. Juice is applied to skin eruptions. A liniment prepared from the root is employed in elephantiasis. Oil from seeds—specific against eruptions of the skin, eczema, scabies, leprosy. Seed extract—hypoglycaemic.

Powdered aerial parts prevented elevation of SGOP, SGPT and bilirubin levels.

Hepatoprotective effect of aerial parts was evaluated against (+)-galac- tosamine-induced and carbon tetra- chloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.

The leaves contain rutin and rote- noids (0.65-0.80% on dry basis). Rote- noid content is highest in the seed (1.60-1.80%).

The leaves also contain a triterpe- noid, lupeol, and beta-sitosterol.

Seeds contain a diketone-pongamol; a dimethylchromene flavanone iso- lonchocarpin; furanoflavones karan- jin and kanjone; a flavanone purpurin; and sitosterol. A flavonoid, lanceolarin B, is also present in seeds.

The plant extract led to marked lowering of blood glucose level in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. In diabetic rabbits the extract exerted 60-70% hypoglycaemic effect as compared to tolbutamide.

Shveta Sharapunkhaa (stems: covered with white hair; flowers: pale pink or pale violet) is equated with T. villosa Pers.

The roots gave a prenylated fla- vanone 7-methylglabranin; pods contain rotenoids—villosin, villon, vil- losol, villosinol, villinol and villosone.

The fresh root is credited with hy- poglycaemic properties, but leaves did not show any such effect. The juice of the leaf is given in dropsy. Ayurve- dic classical texts describe it as a special drug for treating sterility in women.

Boiled leaves of T. uniflora subspecies petrosa (Kant-punkhaa) are used for the treatment of syphilis. The medicinal properties of the plant are more or less similar to those of T. purpurea, but to a milder degree.

T. spinosa Pers. (South India, ascending to 400 m in hills) is also known as Kant-punkhaa (Mulukolingi in Tamil Nadu).

The root is applied to inflammations and swellings of joints; a decoction is given in rheumatism.

Chalcones, spinochalones A and B and flemistrictin A have been isolated from the root. Spinochalone C and spinoflavonones A and B, and fulvin- ervin A have been isolated from the plant.

Dosage: Plant, root, seed—3-5 g powder. (CCRAS.)... tephrosia purpurea

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