Action. Diffusive circulatory stimulant, Deobstruent, Tonic. Astringent (local). Diaphoretic (in hot infusion). Bactericidal, Spermatocidal.
Uses: Mucous colitis, diarrhoea. Congestive catarrhal conditions of mucous membranes. Leucorrhoea, prolapse of the womb. Tuberculosis diathesis. To stimulate a sluggish circulation. Colds and fevers to promote sweating. Nasal polypi (powdered bark snuff). Bleeding from lungs, stomach and bowels. Candidiasis (douche). Leg ulcers (dusting powder). Diphtheria (local application to throat).
An essential ingredient of Dr Thomson’s Composition powder. Combination: with Turkey Rhubarb, Goldenseal, Slippery Elm or Fenugreek seeds for chronic stomach/intestine disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Decoction: 1 teaspoon powdered bark to each cup water; remove vessel when boiling point is reached: dose, quarter to half a cup.
Liquid extract BHP (1983). 1:1 in 45 per cent alcohol: dose, 0.6-2ml. Powdered bark, dose 0.6-2g.
Poultices, powdered bark for ulceration.
Peerless Composition Essence (Potter’s). Ingredient.