(Latin) One who blesses others Beatrix, Beatriz, Beatriss, Beatrisse, Bea, Beatrize, Beatricia, Beatrisa, Beate, Beata, Beat, Bee, Beitris, Betrys, Bettrys, Bice
(Latin) Form of Beatrice, meaning “one who blesses others” Trissi, Trissy, Trissey, Trissee, Trissia, Trissiya, Trissea... trissie
(English) Form of Beatrice, meaning “one who blesses others” Trixi, Trixy, Trixey, Trixee, Trixye, Trix, Tryx, Tryxie, Tryxy, Trixea, Tryxea... trixie