Becquerel Health Dictionary

Becquerel: From 2 Different Sources

A unit of radioactivity (see radiation units).
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
n. the *SI unit of activity of a radioactive source, being the activity of a radionuclide decaying at a rate of one spontaneous nuclear transition per second. It has replaced the curie. Symbol: Bq.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Si Units

The international system of measurement-units used throughout the sciences. SI units, which derive from metres, kilograms, and seconds, comprise seven basic units and two supplementary ones. Among the other base units are ampere (electric current) and mole (amount of a substance at molecular level). Derived SI units include joule (energy), pascal (pressure), becquerel (activity), and newton (force). (See APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS IN MEDICINE.)... si units

Radiation Unit

Several different internationally agreed units (called units) are used to measure ionizing radiation. For example, the roentgen (R) measures the amount of radiation in the air, and the becquerel is the unit of spontaneous activity of a radioactive source such as uranium. For medical purposes, the most commonly used units are the gray (Gy) and the sievert (Sv).

The gray is the unit of radiation that is actually absorbed by any tissue or substance as a result of exposure to radiation. 1 Gy is the absorption of 1 joule of energy (from gamma radiation or X-rays) per kilogram of irradiated matter. The gray supersedes an older unit called the rad (1 Gy = 100 rads).

Because some types of radiation affect biological organisms more than others, the sievert is used as a measure of the impact of an absorbed dose. It uses additional factors, such as the kind of radiation and its energy, to quantify the effects on the body of equivalent amounts of different types of absorbed energy. The sievert replaces an older unit, the rem (1 Sv=100 rems).... radiation unit


n. a former unit for expressing the activity of a radioactive substance. It has been replaced by the *becquerel. Symbol: Ci.... curie

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