Bedpan Health Dictionary

Bedpan: From 2 Different Sources

A metal, plastic, or fibre container into which a patient can defaecate or urinate without getting out of bed.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A container made of metal, ?bre or plastic into which a person con?ned to bed can defaecate and, in the case of a female, urinate. Men use a urinal – a ?ask-shaped container – to urinate. Hospitals have special cleaning and sterilising equipment for bedpans. They are much less used than in the past because patients are encouraged to be mobile as soon as possible, and also because bedside commodes are preferred where this is practical.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A container for urine, useful for bedridden men (women use a bedpan).... urinal

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