An antiseptic agent used in the treatment of acne and fungal skin infections (see fungal infections). In acne, benzoyl peroxide also acts by removing the surface layer of skin, unblocking sebaceous glands.
a preparation used in the treatment of acne. It acts by removing the surface layers of the epidermis and unblocking skin pores and has an antiseptic effect on skin bacteria. Side-effects may include skin irritation.
A thick colourless liquid with the formula H2O2 (water is H2O, possessing only one oxygen atom in its molecule). Available in solution with water and as a cream, it is readily reduced to water – giving up oxygen in the process, which causes the characteristic frothing seen when used. H2O2 has antiseptic and deodorising properties; thus it is used as a mouthwash, to clean wounds and ulcers, and occasionally to disinfect body cavities at operation. It is also a bleach.... hydrogen peroxide