Beriberi Health Dictionary

Beriberi: From 4 Different Sources

A nutritional disorder resulting from a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the diet. Without thiamine, the brain, nerves, and muscles (including the heart muscle) are unable to function properly. In developed countries, the illness is seen only in people who are starving or on an extremely restricted diet, such as alcoholics. There are 2 forms of the illness. In dry beriberi, thiamine deficiency mainly affects the nerves and skeletal muscles. Symptoms include numbness, a burning sensation in the legs, and muscle wasting. In severe cases, the patient becomes virtually paralysed, emaciated, and bedridden. In wet beriberi, the main problem is heart failure, which leads to oedema (swelling caused by fluid accumulation) in the legs, and sometimes also in the trunk and face. Other symptoms of wet beriberi include poor appetite, rapid pulse, and breathlessness.

Beriberi is treated with thiamine, given orally or by injection.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A deficiency disease caused by imbalance of carbohydrate and vitamin B
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
(Singhalese: beri = extreme weakness.) Formerly a major health problem in many Asian countries, beriberi is a nutritional de?ciency disease resulting from prolonged de?ciency of the water-soluble vitamin, THIAMINE (vitamin B1). It is often associated with de?ciencies of other members of the the vitamin B complex (see APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS). A major public-health problem in countries where highly polished rice constitutes the staple diet, beriberi also occurs sporadically in alcoholics (see WERNICKE’S ENCEPHALOPATHY) and in people suffering from chronic malabsorptive states. Clinical symptoms include weakness, paralysis – involving especially the hands and feet (associated with sensory loss, particularly in the legs) – and ‘burning sensations’ in the feet (dry beriberi). Alternatively, it is accompanied by oedema, palpitations and a dilated heart (wet beriberi). Death usually results from cardiac failure. Thiamine de?ciency can be con?rmed by estimating erythrocyte transketolase concentration; blood and urine thiamine levels can be measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography.

Treatment consists of large doses of vitamin B1 – orally or intramuscularly; a diet containing other vitamins of the B group; and rest.

Infantile beriberi This is the result of maternal thiamine de?ciency; although the mother is not necessarily affected, the breast-fed baby may develop typical signs (see above). Optic and third cranial, and recurrent laryngeal nerves may be affected; encephalopathy can result in convulsions, coma and death.

Health Source: Medicinal Plants Glossary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a nutritional disorder due to deficiency of *vitamin B1 (thiamine). It is widespread in rice-eating communities in which the diet is based on polished rice, from which the seed coat (which is rich in thiamine) has been removed. Beriberi takes two forms: wet beriberi, in which there is an accumulation of tissue fluid (*oedema), and dry beriberi, in which there is extreme emaciation. There is nervous degeneration in both forms of the disease and death from heart failure is often the outcome.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A term applied to a group of substances which exist in minute quantities in natural foods, and which are necessary to normal nutrition, especially in connection with growth and development. Some – A, D, E and K – are fat-soluble and can be stored in the body. The remainder – C, B12 and other members of the B complex – are water-soluble and are quickly excreted. Most vitamins have now been synthesised. When they are absent from the food, defective growth takes place in young animals and children, and in adults various diseases arise; whilst short of the production of actual disease, persistent deprivation of one or other vitamin is apt to lead to a state of lowered general health. Certain de?ciencies in DIET have long been known to be the cause of SCURVY, BERIBERI, and RICKETS. A diet containing foods such as milk, eggs, butter, cheese, fat, ?sh, wholemeal bread, fresh vegetables and fruit should contain su?cient vitamins. Details of the various vitamins are given in APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS.... vitamin

Indian Beech

Pongamia pinnata


San: Karanj;

Hin: Karanja, Dittouri;

Ben: Dehar karanja;

Mal: Ungu, Pongu; Guj, Mar, Pun: Karanj;

Kan: Hongae;

Tel: Kangu;

Tam: Puggam; Ass: Karchaw; Ori: Koranjo

Importance: Indian beech, Pongam oil tree or Hongay oil tree is a handsome flowering tree with drooping branches, having shining green leaves laden with lilac or pinkish white flowers. The whole plant and the seed oil are used in ayurvedic formulations as effective remedy for all skin diseases like scabies, eczema, leprosy and ulcers. The roots are good for cleaning teeth, strengthening gums and in gonorrhoea and scrofulous enlargement. The bark is useful in haemorhoids, beriberi, ophthalmopathy and vaginopathy. Leaves are good for flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, leprosy, gonorrhoea, cough, rheumatalgia, piles and oedema. Flowers are given in diabetes. Fruits overcomes urinary disease and piles. The seeds are used in inflammations, otalgia, lumbago, pectoral diseases, chronic fevers, hydrocele, haemorrhoids and anaemia. The seed oil is recommended for ophthalmia, haemorrhoids, herpes and lumbagoThe seed oil is also valued for its industrial uses. The seed cake is suggested as a cheap cattle feed. The plant enters into the composition of ayurvedic preparations like nagaradi tailam, varanadi kasayam, varanadi ghrtam and karanjadi churna.

It is a host plant for the lac insect. It is grown as a shade tree. The wood is moderately hard and used as fuel and also for making agricultural implements and cart- wheels.

Distribution: The plant is distributed throughout India from the central or eastern Himalaya to Kanyakumari, especially along the banks of streams and rivers or beach forests and is often grown as an avenue tree. It is distributed in Sri Lanka, Burma, Malaya, Australia and Polynesia.

Botany: Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre syn. P. glabra Vent., Derris indica (Lam.) Bennet, Cystisus pinnatus Lam. comes under family Papilionaceae. P. pinnata is a moderate sized, semi -evergreen tree growing upto 18m or more high, with a short bole, spreading crown and greyish green or brown bark. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, leaflets 5-7, ovate and opposite. Flowers lilac or pinkish white and fragrant in axillary recemes. Calyx cup-shaped, shortly 4-5 toothed, corolla papilionaceous. Stamens 10 and monadelphous, ovary subsessile, 2-ovuled with incurved, glabrous style ending in a capitate stigma. Pod compressed, woody, indehiscent, yellowish grey when ripe varying in size and shape, elliptic to obliquely oblong, 4.0-7.5cm long and 1.7-3.2cm broad with a short curved beak. Seeds usually 1, elliptic or reniform, wrinkled with reddish brown, leathery testa.

Agrotechnology: The plant comes up well in tropical areas with warm humid climate and well distributed rainfall. Though it grows in almost all types of soils, silty soils on river banks are most ideal. It is tolerant to drought and salinity. The tree is used for afforestation, especially in watersheds in the drier parts of the country. It is propagated by seeds and vegetatively by rootsuckers. Seed setting is usually in November. Seeds are soaked in water for few hours before sowing. Raised seed beds of convenient size are prepared, well rotten cattle manure is applied at 1kg/m2 and seeds are uniformly broadcasted. The seeds are covered with a thin layer of sand and irrigated. One month old seedlings can be transplanted into polybags, which after one month can be planted in the field. Pits of size 50cm cube are dug at a spacing of 4-5m, filled with top soil and manure and planted. Organic manure are applied annually. Regular weeding and irrigation are required for initial establishment. The trees flower and set fruits in 5 years. The harvest season extends from November- June. Pods are collected and seeds are removed by hand. Seed, leaves, bark and root are used for medicinal purposes. Bark can be collected after 10 years. No serious pests and diseases are reported in this crop.

Properties and activity: The plant is rich in flavonoids and related compounds. Seeds and seed oil, flowers and stem bark yield karanjin, pongapin, pongaglabrone, kanugin, desmethoxykanugin and pinnatin. Seed and its oil also contain kanjone, isolonchocarpin, karanjachromene, isopongachromene, glabrin, glabrachalcone, glabrachromene, isopongaflavone, pongol, 2’- methoxy-furano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone and phospholipids. Stem-bark gives pongachromene, pongaflavone, tetra-O-methylfisetin, glabra I and II, lanceolatin B, gamatin, 5-methoxy- furano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone, 5-methoxy-3’,4’-methelenedioxyfurano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone and - sitosterol. Heartwood yields chromenochalcones and flavones. Flowers are reported to contain kanjone, gamatin, glabra saponin, kaempferol, -sitosterol, quercetin glycocides, pongaglabol, isopongaglabol, 6-methoxy isopongaglabol, lanceolatin B, 5-methoxy-3’,4’- methelenedioxyfurano 8,7:4”,5” -flavone, fisetin tetramethyl ether, isolonchocarpin, ovalichromene B, pongamol, ovalitenon, two triterpenes- cycloart-23-ene,3 ,25 diol and friedelin and a dipeptide aurantinamide acetate.

Roots and leaves give kanugin, desmethoxykanugin and pinnatin. Roots also yield a flavonol methyl ether-tetra-O-methyl fisetin. The leaves contain triterpenoids, glabrachromenes I and II, 3’-methoxypongapin and 4’-methoxyfurano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone also. The gum reported to yield polysaccharides (Thakur et al, 1989; Husain et al, 1992).

Seeds, seed oil and leaves are carminative, antiseptic, anthelmintic and antirheumatic. Leaves are digestive, laxative, antidiarrhoeal, bechic, antigonorrheic and antileprotic. Seeds are haematinic, bitter and acrid. Seed oil is styptic and depurative. Karanjin is the principle responsible for the curative properties of the oil. Bark is sweet, anthelmintic and elexteric.... indian beech


n. any chronic disorder affecting the muscle of the heart. It may be inherited but can be caused by various conditions, including virus infections, alcohol abuse, beriberi (vitamin B1 deficiency), and amyloidosis. The cause is often unknown. It may result in enlargement of the heart, *heart failure, *arrhythmias, and *thromboembolism. Modern drug treatment improves symptoms and prognosis. See also hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.... cardiomyopathy

Scaevola Frutescens

auct. non-Krause.

Synonym: S. koenigii Vahl. S. taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb.

Family: Goodeniaceae.

Habitat: Sea coasts all around India and in the Andaman Islands.

English: Fan Flower, Malay Rice Paper Plant.

Siddha/Tamil: Vella-muttangam.

Folk: Bhadraka, Bhadraaksha.

Action: Leaves—digestive, carminative; applied externally on tumours and swollen legs. Fruit—juice, internally for inducing menstruation. Roots—used for dysentery.

A decoction of the leaves and the bark is reported to combat tachycardia, one of the principal symptoms of beriberi. The drug reduces the frequency of heartbeat, slows down pulse rate and at the same time stimulates the heart to normal contraction (does not possess cumulative action of digitalis). The drug acts as a diuretic by increasing the tension in the renal arteries without causing irritation of the kidney parenchyma; and is used for dropsy.

The aerial parts gave loganin, sylve- stroside III, its dimethyl acetal, cant- leyoside and its dimethyl acetal.... scaevola frutescens


The British Pharmacopoeia name for vitamin B1. Also known as ANEURINE, it is found in the husks of cereal grains. Its de?ciency may be produced by too careful milling of rice, or by a diet of white bread to the exclusion of brown bread and other cereal sources of this vitamin. The resulting disease is a form of NEURITIS with muscular weakness and heart failure known as BERIBERI. The best sources of this vitamin are wholemeal ?our, bacon, liver, egg-yolk, yeast and the pulses. The daily requirement is dependent, among other things, upon the total food intake, and has been estimated to be in the region of 0·5 mg of thiamine per 1,000 calories, increased during pregnancy to 2 mg daily as a minimum. (See APPENDIX 5: VITAMINS.)... thiamine

Tropical Diseases

Technically, those diseases occurring in the area of the globe situated between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn: pertaining to the sun. They include many ‘exotic’ infections – many of them parasitic in origin – which fall under the umbrella of ‘TROPICAL MEDICINE’. However, disease in the tropics is far broader than this and includes numerous other infections, many of them with a viral or bacterial basis: for example, the viral hepatidises, streptococcal and pneumococcal infections, and tuberculosis. The prevalence of other diseases, such as rheumatic cardiac disease, cirrhosis, heptocellular carcinoma (‘hepatoma’), and various nutrition-related problems, is also much increased in most areas of the tropics. With people from developed countries increasingly travelling to worldwide destinations for business and holiday, the ‘importation’ of tropical diseases to temperate climates should be borne in mind when people fall ill.


Alcohol-related Disorders

A wide variety of physical and mental disorders associated with heavy, prolonged consumption of alcohol.

High alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, tongue, pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), and oesophagus, especially if combined with smoking. Incidence of liver cancer, as well as the liver diseases alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis, is higher among alcoholics. High alcohol consumption increases the risk of cardiomyopathy, hypertension, and stroke. Alcohol irritates the digestive tract and may cause gastritis. Heavy drinking in pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and fetal alcohol syndrome. Alcoholics are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression and to develop dementia.

Many alcoholics have a poor diet and are prone to diseases caused by nutritional deficiency, particularly of thiamine (see vitamin B complex). Severe thiamine deficiency, called beriberi, disturbs nerve function, causing cramps, numbness, and weakness in the legs and hands. Its effects on the brain can cause confusion, disturbances of speech and gait, and eventual coma (see Wernicke– Korsakoff syndrome). Severe thiamine deficiency can also cause heart failure.

A prolonged high level of alcohol in the blood and tissues can disturb body chemistry, resulting in hypoglycaemia (reduced glucose in the blood) and hyperlipidaemia (increased fat in the blood).

These may damage the heart, liver, blood vessels, and brain; irreversible damage may cause premature death.... alcohol-related disorders

Heart, Disorders Of

A wide range of disorders can disrupt the heart’s action.

In general, genetic factors do not play a large part in causing heart disorders, however they do contribute to the hyperlipidaemias that predispose a person to atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Structural abnormalities in the heart are among the most common birth defects (see heart disease, congenital).

Infections after birth may result in endocarditis or myocarditis. Tumours arising from the heart tissues are rare. They include noncancerous myxomas and cancerous sarcomas.

The heart muscle may become thin and flabby from lack of protein and calories. Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, common in alcoholics, causes beriberi with congestive heart failure. Alcohol poisoning over many years may cause a type of cardiomyopathy. Obesity is an important factor in heart disease, probably through its effect on other risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol.

The coronary arteries may become narrowed due to atherosclerosis, depriving areas of heart muscle of oxygen. The result may be angina pectoris or, eventually, a myocardial infarction.

Some drugs, such as the anticancer drug doxorubicin, tricyclic antidepressants, and even drugs used to treat heart disease, may disturb the heartbeat or damage the heart muscle.

Many common and serious heart disorders may be a complication of an underlying condition, such as cardiomyopathy or a congenital defect. Such disorders include cardiac arrhythmia, some cases of heart block, and heart failure. Cor pulmonale is a failure of the right side of the heart as a consequence of lung disease.... heart, disorders of

Vitamin B Complex

A group of watersoluble vitamins comprising thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin (vitamin H), and folic acid. Vitamin B12 is discussed above.

Thiamine plays a role in the activities of various enzymes involved in the utilization of carbohydrates and thus in the functioning of nerves, muscles, and the heart. Sources include whole-grain cereals, wholemeal breads, brown rice, pasta, liver, kidney, pork, fish, beans, nuts, and eggs.

Those susceptible to deficiency include elderly people on a poor diet, and people who have hyperthyroidism, malabsorption, or severe alcohol dependence. Deficiency may also occur as a result of severe illness, surgery, or injury.

Mild deficiency may cause tiredness, irritability, and loss of appetite. Severe deficiency may cause abdominal pain, constipation, depression, memory impairment, and beriberi; in alcoholics, it may cause Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. Excessive intake is not known to cause harmful effects.

Riboflavin is necessary for the activities of various enzymes involved in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; the production of energy in cells; the utilization of other B vitamins; and hormone production by the adrenal glands. Liver, whole grains, milk, eggs, and brewer’s yeast are good sources. People who are susceptible to riboflavin deficiency include those taking phenothiazine antipsychotic drugs, tricyclic antidepressant drugs, or oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives, and those with malabsorption or severe alcohol dependence. Riboflavin deficiency may also occur as a result of serious illness, surgery, or injury.

Prolonged deficiency may cause soreness of the tongue and the corners of the mouth, and eye disorders such as amblyopia and photophobia.

Excessive intake of riboflavin is not known to have any harmful effects.

Niacin plays an essential role in the activities of various enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, the manufacture of sex hormones, and the maintenance of healthy skin. The main dietary sources are liver, lean meat, fish, nuts, and dried beans. Niacin can be made in the body from tryptophan (an amino acid). Most cases of deficiency are due to malabsorption disorders or to severe alcohol dependence. Prolonged niacin deficiency causes pellagra. Excessive intake is not known to cause harmful effects.

Pantothenic acid is essential for the activities of various enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, the manufacture of corticosteroids and sex hormones, the utilization of other vitamins, the functioning of the nervous system and adrenal glands, and growth and development. It is present in almost all vegetables, cereals, and animal foods. Deficiency of pantothenic acid usually occurs as a result of malabsorption or alcoholism, but may also occur after severe illness, surgery, or injury. The effects include fatigue, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, numbness and tingling, muscle cramps, and susceptibility to respiratory infections. In severe cases, a peptic ulcer may develop. Excessive intake has no known harmful effects.Pyridoxine aids the activities of various enzymes and hormones involved in the utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, in the manufacture of red blood cells and antibodies, in the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems, and in the maintenance of healthy skin. Dietary sources are liver, chicken, pork, fish, whole grains, wheatgerm, bananas, potatoes, and dried beans. Pyridoxine is also manufactured by intestinal bacteria. People who are susceptible to pyridoxine deficiency include elderly people who have a poor diet, those with malabsorption or severe alcohol dependence, or those who are taking certain drugs (including penicillamine and isoniazid). Deficiency may cause weakness, irritability, depression, skin disorders, inflammation of the mouth and tongue, anaemia, and, in infants, seizures. In very large amounts, pyridoxine may cause neuritis.

Biotin is essential for the activities of various enzymes involved in the breakdown of fatty acids and carbohydrates and for the excretion of the waste products of protein breakdown. It is present in many foods, especially liver, peanuts, dried beans, egg yolk, mushrooms, bananas, grapefruit, and watermelon. Biotin is also manufactured by bacteria in the intestines. Deficiency may occur during prolonged treatment with antibiotics or sulphonamide drugs. Symptoms are weakness, tiredness, poor appetite, hair loss, depression, inflammation of the tongue, and eczema. Excessive intake has no known harmful effects.

Folic acid is vital for various enzymes involved in the manufacture of nucleic acids and consequently for growth and reproduction, the production of red blood cells, and the functioning of the nervous system. Sources include green vegetables, mushrooms, liver, nuts, dried beans, peas, egg yolk, and wholemeal bread. Mild deficiency is common, but can usually be corrected by increasing dietary intake. More severe deficiency may occur during pregnancy or breastfeeding, in premature or low-birthweight infants, in people undergoing dialysis, in people with certain blood disorders, psoriasis, malabsorption, or alcohol dependence, and in people taking certain drugs. The main effects include anaemia, sores around the mouth, and, in children, poor growth. Folic acid supplements taken just before conception, and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, have been shown to reduce the risk of a neural tube defect.... vitamin b complex

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