Black teeth Health Dictionary

Black Teeth: From 1 Different Sources

Black Death

An old name for PLAGUE.... black death

Milk Teeth

The temporary teeth of children. (For the time of their appearance, see under TEETH.)... milk teeth

Black Eye

Bruise. Cold compress: pulped. Any one – Plantain, Houseleek, Slippery Elm, Comfrey, Rue. Juice or gel of Aloe Vera. ... black eye


Hard organs developed from the mucous membranes of the mouth and embedded in the jawbones, used to bite and grind food and to aid clarity of speech.

Structure Each tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cement, pulp and periodontal membrane. ENAMEL is the almost translucent material which covers the crown of a tooth. It is the most highly calci?ed material in the body, 96–97 per cent being composed of calci?ed salts. It is arranged from millions of long, six-sided prisms set on end on the dentine (see below), and is thickest over the biting surface of the tooth. With increasing age or the ingestion of abrasive foods the teeth may be worn away on the surface, so that the dentine becomes visible. The outer sides of some teeth may be worn away by bad tooth-brushing technique. DENTINE is a dense yellowish-white material from which the bulk and the basic shape of a tooth are formed. It is like ivory and is harder than bone but softer than enamel. The crown of the tooth is covered by the hard protective enamel and the root is covered by a bone-like substance called cement. Decay can erode dentine faster than enamel (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF – Caries of the teeth). CEMENT or cementum is a thin bone-like material which covers the roots of teeth and helps hold them in the bone. Fibres of the periodontal membrane (see below) are embedded in the cement and the bone. When the gums recede, part of the cement may be exposed and the cells die. Once this has happened, the periodontal membrane can no longer be attached to the tooth and, if su?cient cement is destroyed, the tooth-support will be so weakened that the tooth will become loose. PULP This is the inner core of the tooth and is

composed of a highly vascular, delicate ?brous tissue with many ?ne nerve-?bres. The pulp is very sensitive to temperature variation and to touch. If the pulp becomes exposed it will become infected and usually cannot overcome this. Root-canal treatment or extraction of the tooth may be necessary. PERIODONTAL MEMBRANE This is a layer of ?brous tissue arranged in groups of ?bres which surround and support the root of a tooth in a bone socket. The ?bres are interspersed with blood vessels and nerves. Loss of the membrane leads to loss of the tooth. The membrane can release and re-attach the ?bres to allow the tooth to move when it erupts, or (to correct dental deformities) is being moved by orthodontic springs.

Arrangement and form Teeth are present in most mammals and nearly all have two sets: a temporary or milk set, followed by a permanent or adult set. In some animals, like the toothed whale, all the teeth are similar; but in humans there are four di?erent shapes: incisors, canines (eye-teeth), premolars (bicuspids), and molars. The incisors are chisel-shaped and the canine is pointed. Premolars have two cusps on the crown (one medial to the other) and molars have at least four cusps. They are arranged together in an arch in each jaw and the

cusps of opposing teeth interdigitate. Some herbivores have no upper anterior teeth but use a pad of gum instead. As each arch is symmetrical, the teeth in an upper and lower quadrant can be used to identify the animal. In humans, the quadrants are the same: in other words, in the child there are two incisors, one canine and two molars (total teeth 20); in the adult there are two incisors, one canine, two premolars and three molars (total 32). This mixture of tooth-form suggests that humans are omnivorous. Anatomically the crown of the tooth has mesial and distal surfaces which touch the tooth next to it. The mesial surface is the one nearer to the centre line and the distal is the further away. The biting surface is called the incisal edge for the anterior teeth and the occlusal surface for the posteriors.

Development The ?rst stage in the formation of the teeth is the appearance of a down-growth of EPITHELIUM into the underlying mesoderm. This is the dental lamina, and from it ten smaller swellings in each jaw appear. These become bell-shaped and enclose a part of the mesoderm, the cells of which become specialised and are called the dental papillae. The epithelial cells produce enamel and the dental papilla forms the dentine, cement and pulp. At a ?xed time the teeth start to erupt and a root is formed. Before the deciduous teeth erupt, the permanent teeth form, medial to them. In due course the deciduous roots resorb and the permanent teeth are then able to push the crowns out and erupt themselves. If this process is disturbed, the permanent teeth may be displaced and appear in an abnormal position or be impacted.

Eruption of teeth is in a de?nite order and at a ?xed time, although there may be a few months’ leeway in either direction which is of no signi?cance. Excessive delay is found in some congenital disorders such as CRETINISM. It may also be associated with local abnormalities of the jaws such as cysts, malformed teeth and supernumerary teeth.

The usual order of eruption of deciduous teeth is:

Middle incisors 6–8 months Lateral incisors 8–10 months First molars 12–16 months Canines (eye-teeth) 16–20 months Second molars 20–30 months

The usual order of eruption of permanent teeth is:

First molars 6–7 years Middle incisors 6–8 years Lateral incisors 7–9 years Canines 9–12 years First and second premolars 10–12 years Second molars 11–13 years Third molars (wisdom teeth) 17–21 years

The permanent teeth of the upper (top) and lower (bottom) jaws.

Teeth, Disorders of

Teething, or the process of eruption of the teeth in infants, may be accompanied by irritability, salivation and loss of sleep. The child will tend to rub or touch the painful area. Relief may be obtained in the child by allowing it to chew on a hard object such as a toy or rusk. Mild ANALGESICS may be given if the child is restless and wakens in the night. A serious pitfall is to assume that an infant’s symptoms of ill-health are due to teething, as the cause may be more serious. Fever and ?ts (see SEIZURE) are not due to teething.

Toothache is the pain felt when there is in?ammation of the pulp or periodontal membrane of a tooth (see TEETH – Structure). It can vary in intensity and may be recurring. The commonest cause is caries (see below) when the cavity is close to the pulp. Once the pulp has become infected, this is likely to spread from the apex of the tooth into the bone to form an abscess (gumboil – see below). A lesser but more long-lasting pain is felt when the dentine is unprotected. This can occur when the enamel is lost due to decay or trauma or because the gums have receded. This pain is often associated with temperature-change or sweet foods. Expert dental advice should be sought early, before the decay is extensive. If a large cavity is accessible, temporary relief may be obtained by inserting a small piece of cotton wool soaked, for example, in oil of cloves.

Alveolar abscess, dental abscess or gumboil This is an ABSCESS caused by an infected tooth. It may be present as a large swelling or cause trismus (inability to open the mouth). Treatment is drainage of the PUS, extraction of the tooth and/or ANTIBIOTICS.

Caries of the teeth or dental decay is very common in the more a?uent countries and is most common in children and young adults. Increasing awareness of the causes has resulted in a considerable improvement in dental health, particularly in recent years; this has coincided with a rise in general health. Now more than half of ?ve-year-old children are caries-free and of the others, 10 per cent have half of the remaining carious cavities. Since the start of the National Health Service, the emphasis has been on preventive dentistry, and now edentulous patients are mainly found among the elderly who had their teeth removed before 1948.

The cause of caries is probably acid produced by oral bacteria from dietary carbohydrates, particularly re?ned sugar, and this dissolves part of the enamel; the dentine is eroded more quickly as it is softer (see TEETH – Structure). The exposed smooth surfaces are usually protected as they are easily cleaned during normal eating and by brushing. Irregular and overcrowded teeth are more at risk from decay as they are di?cult to clean. Primitive people who chew coarse foods rarely get caries. Fluoride in the drinking water at about one part per million is associated with a reduction in the caries rate.

Prolonged severe disease in infancy is associated with poor calci?cation of the teeth, making them more vulnerable to decay. As the teeth are formed and partly calci?ed by the time of birth, the diet and health of the mother are also important to the teeth of the child. Pregnant mothers and children should have a good balanced diet with su?cient calcium and vitamin

D. A ?brous diet will also aid cleansing of the teeth and stimulate the circulation in the teeth and jaws. The caries rate can be reduced by regular brushing with a ?uoride toothpaste two or three times per day and certainly before going to sleep. The provision of sweet or sugary juices in an infant’s bottle should be avoided.

Irregularity of the permanent teeth may be due to an abnormality in the growth of the jaws or to the early or late loss of the deciduous set (see TEETH – Development). Most frequently it is due to an imbalance in the size of the teeth and the length of the jaws. Some improvement may take place with age, but many will require the help of an orthodontist (specialist dentist) who can correct many malocclusions by removing a few teeth to allow the others to be moved into a good position by means of springs and elastics on various appliances which are worn in the mouth.

Loosening of the teeth may be due to an accident or in?ammation of the GUM. Teeth loosened by trauma may be replaced and splinted in the socket, even if knocked right out. If the loosening is due to periodontal disease, the prognosis is less favourable.

Discoloration of the teeth may be intrinsic or extrinsic: in other words, the stain may be in the calci?ed structure or stuck on to it. Intrinsic staining may be due to JAUNDICE or the antibiotic tetracycline. Extrinsic stain may be due to tea, co?ee, tobacco, pan (a mixture of chuna and betel nuts wrapped in a leaf), iron-containing medicines or excess ?uoride.

Gingivitis or in?ammation of the gum may occur as an acute or chronic condition. In the acute form it is often part of a general infection of the mouth, and principally occurs in children or young adults – resolving after 10–14 days. The chronic form occurs later in life and tends to be progressive. Various microorganisms may be found on the lesions, including anaerobes. Antiseptic mouthwashes may help, and once the painful stage is past, the gums should be thoroughly cleaned and any calculus removed. In severe conditions an antibiotic may be required.

Periodontal disease is the spread of gingivitis (see above) to involve the periodontal membrane of the tooth; in its ?orid form it used to be called pyorrhoea. In this, the membrane becomes damaged by the in?ammatory process and a space or pocket is formed into which a probe can be easily passed. As the pocket becomes more extensive, the tooth loosens. The loss of the periodontal membrane also leads to the loss of supporting bone. Chronic in?ammation soon occurs and is di?cult to eradicate. Pain is not a feature of the disease but there is often an unpleasant odour (halitosis). The gums bleed easily and there may be DYSPEPSIA. Treatment is largely aimed at stabilising the condition rather than curing it.

Dental abscess is an infection that arises in or around a tooth and spreads to involve the bone. It may occur many years after a blow has killed the pulp of the tooth, or more quickly after caries has reached the pulp. At ?rst the pain may be mild and intermittent but eventually it will become severe and a swelling will develop in the gum over the apex of the tooth. A radiograph of the tooth will show a round clear area at the apex of the tooth. Treatment may be by painting the gum with a mild counter-irritant such as a tincture of aconite and iodine in the early stages, but later root-canal therapy or apicectomy may be required. If a swelling is present, it may need to be drained or the o?ending teeth extracted and antibiotics given.

Injuries to teeth are common. The more minor injuries include crazing and the loss of small chips of enamel, and the major ones include a broken root and avulsion of the entire tooth. A specialist dental opinion should be sought as soon as possible. A tooth that has been knocked out can be re-implanted if it is clean and replaced within a few hours. It will then require splinting in place for 4–6 weeks.

Prevention of dental disease As with other disorders, prevention is better than cure. Children should be taught at an early age to keep their teeth and gums clean and to avoid re?ned sugars between meals. It is better to ?nish a meal with a drink of water rather than a sweetened drink. Fluoride in some of its forms is useful in the reduction of dental caries; in some parts of the UK natural water contains ?uoride, and in some areas where ?uoride content is low, arti?cial ?uoridation of the water supply is carried out. Overcrowding of the teeth, obvious maldevelopment of the jaw and persistent thumbsucking into the teens are all indications for seeking the advice of an orthodontist. Generally, adults have less trouble with decay but more with periodontal disease and, as its onset is insidious, regular dental inspections are desirable.... teeth

Black Haw

Viburnum prunifolium. N.O. Caprifoliaceae.

Synonym: American Sloe, Stagbush.

Habitat: Dry woods, throughout Central and Southern States of North America. Features ? A tree-like shrub, ten to twenty feet high. Fruit shiny black, sweet and

edible. Young bark glossy purplish-brown, with scattered warts. Old bark greyish-

brown, inner surface white. Fracture short. Root bark cinnamon colour. Taste bitter,


Part used ? Root bark (preferred); also bark of stem and branches.

Action: Uterine tonic, nervine, anti-spasmodic.

Uterine weaknesses, leucorrhaea, dysmenorrhea. Prevention of miscarriage—given four or five weeks before. Infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water—table-spoonful doses.... black haw

Cohosh, Black

Cimicifuga racemosa. N.O. Ranunculaceae.

Synonym: Known also as Black Snakeroot.

Habitat: The dried rhizome and roots are imported from the U.S.A., to which country and Canada the plant is indigenous.

Features ? Thick, hard and knotty, the root is bitter and acrid in taste, and gives off a rather nauseating smell.

Part used ? Rhizome and roots.

Action: Astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue and alterative.

The decoction of 1 ounce to 1 pint (reduced from 1 1/2 pints) of water, is administered in wineglassful doses. Its chief importance lies in the treatment of rheumatism, and the root figures frequently in herbal prescriptions for this complaint. In small doses it is useful in children's diarrhoea, and is reputed to be a remedy for St. Vitus' Dance (chorea), although its efficacy here is dubious.

Cimicifuga should be taken with care, as overdoses produce nausea and vomiting.... cohosh, black

Horehound, Black

Ballota nigra. N.O. Labiateae.

Synonym: Crantz, Marrubium nigrum.

Habitat: Hedgerows, waste ground.

Features ? Stem stiff, erect, freely branched, up to four feet high. Leaves greyish-

green, upper ovate, lower cordate, in pairs, each pair pointing in opposite direction to next pair, crenate, hairy, stalked. Flowers (July and August) purplish, labiate, in rings just above leaves. Disagreeable odour.

Part used ? Herb.

Action: Stimulant, expectorant, diaphoretic, antispasmodic.

Coughs, colds and bronchial complaints generally. Hool prefers this herb to the white Horehound (Marrubium vulgare), and makes wide claims on its behalf. He recommends it in the treatment of consumption, various menstrual troubles, and parturition—in the last-named instance combined with Motherwort. "In chronic coughs, accompanied by spitting of blood," he tells us, "it will be found most excellent, either of itself or combined with other reliable remedies such as Lobelia, Marshmallow, Hyssop, etc."... horehound, black


See under TEETH, DISORDERS OF.... teething

Deciduous Teeth

See primary teeth.... deciduous teeth

Primary Teeth

The 1st teeth (also known as milk teeth), which usually start to appear at age 6 months and are replaced by the permanent teeth from about age 6 years. There are 20 primary teeth, 10 in each jaw. (See also teeth; eruption of teeth; teething.)... primary teeth

Black Cohosh Tea: Benefic In Menopause

Black Cohosh tea is recommended to people who want to prevent bone ailments or just to enhance their immune system. Black Cohosh Tea description Black Cohosh is a woodland plant, found in the New England region of the United States, as well as eastern Canada. Its roots and rhizomes are used for medicinal properties, particularly for female hormonal balance and arthritis. It also has acknowledged anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Black cohosh can be consumed as a fresh or dry root or as a supplement in liquid or tablet forms. The daily dosage should not exceed 80 mg Black cohosh in tablet form or 2 to 4 ml Black Cohosh tincture two to three times a day. Black Cohosh tea is the resulting beverage from brewing the abovementioned plant. Black Cohosh Tea brewing To make Black Cohosh tea, use the roots of the plant. Black Cohosh roots should be boiled for about 20 to 30 minutes in water. Strain it and drink it slowly. Black Cohosh Tea benefits Studies revealed Black Cohosh tea to be efficient in treating:
  • the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort (hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness)
  • infertility
  • rheumatism
  • cough
  • high cholesterol levels, as well as hardening of the arteries
  • osteoporosis
  • muscle aches
Black Cohosh side effects Black Cohosh tea is not recommended during pregnancy, as large doses may induce a miscarriage. An overdose can cause dizziness, nausea and increased perspiration. Also, Black Cohosh tea may cause gastrointestinal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. People intaking  this type of tea may experience dizziness, headaches, tremors and a slow heart rate. Individuals with an allergy to buttercup or crowfoot should avoid Black Cohosh tea because they are from the same plant family. People who are allergic to aspirin should not consume the tea because it contains small amounts of salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin. Also people with a history of blood clots, seizures and high blood pressure should avoid Black Cohosh tea. Black Cohosh tea is known for its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action, being successfully used to treat women health issues such as menopause and menstrual discomfort.... black cohosh tea: benefic in menopause

Black Dragon Pearl Tea

Black Dragon Pearl tea is a type of black tea that provides a full range of benefits to consumers of all ages, worldwide. It distinguishes itself through its chocolate taste and therapeutical benefits. Black Dragon Pearl Tea description Black Dragon Pearl tea, originating from the Chinese province Yunnan, is a type of unsteady black tea, well-known in the area. Each tea pearl contains thirty hand-picked leaves and buds which are immediately rolled to prevent leaves from drying. A morning or afternoon cup of Black Dragon Pearl tea together served with fruits may be a pleasant way to relax oneself. How to prepare Black Dragon Pearl Tea Black Dragon Pearl Black tea can be infused up to three times and still keeps its malty flavor. In case of steeping too long, like any black tea, it can get bitter. When brewed, it has a reddish-brown color, whose aroma makes it identifiable for the senses and, when drunk it has a very delicate and chocolaty taste. Black Dragon Pearl Black tea can be served with or without sugar (or honey) and milk. It contains a relatively low caffeine level. When preparing Black Dragon Pearl tea:
  • Use 1 teaspoon of tea for 8 ounces of water ( 2ounces of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons)
  • Heat water until it is almost boiling (195 degrees).
  • Pour over the pearls.
  • Steep them for 3 or 4 minutes.
Black Dragon Pearl Tea benefits Studies revealed the important qualities of Black Dragon Pearl tea. Like any type of black tea, this luxurious beverage contains antioxidants - proven adjuvants in treating cancer and stopping tumors growth. This type of tea has been associated to lowering the risk of stomach, colon and breast cancer, although the connection is not fully scientifically proven. Researchers claim that a compound in Black Dragon Pearl tea caused colorectal cancer cells to disappear, whereas normal cells were not affected by it. Black Dragon Pearl tea is also recommended in dealing with:
  • poor arterial functioning that can cause heart attacks and strokes
  • inflammation
  • viruses
  • cholesterol reduction
  • teeth decay
  • blood toxins removing
  • aging effects
Black Dragon Pearl Tea side effects In case of intaking more than 3 cups of tea per day, headaches and dizziness can sometimes appear. Rarely, symptoms of upset stomach may follow Black Dragon Pearl tea consumption. A diet based on Black Dragon Pearl tea plays an important part in one’s life because it renders the sufficient quantity of antioxidants needed by human body to fight against a large array of diseases.... black dragon pearl tea

Black Nightshade

See Hierba mora.... black nightshade

Canine Teeth

... canine teeth

Hellebore, Black

Protection ****TOXIC*** ... hellebore, black

Hutchinson’s Teeth

The term applied to the narrowed and notched permanent incisor teeth which occur in congenital SYPHILIS. They are so-named after Sir Jonathan Hutchinson (1828–1913), the London physician who ?rst described them.... hutchinson’s teeth

Molar Teeth

The last three TEETH on each side of the JAW.... molar teeth

Or Eye-teeth – See Teeth.

... or eye-teeth – see teeth.


Love, Lust, Money... snakeroot/black


See also BRUXISM. Teeth-grinding occurs in children during sleep and is of no signi?cance unless really persistent. During the day it may be an attention-seeking device. There is no treatment for it.

In adults it is usually associated with stress or anxiety, but may be due to some local condition in the mouth such as an unsatisfactory ?lling. It may also be caused by certain drugs, including fen?uramine and LEVODOPA. If not controlled, it produces excessive wear of the enamel covering of the teeth. Treatment consists of alleviation of any condition in the mouth and any anxiety and stress.... teeth-grinding

Black Haw Tea For The Use Of Women

Black haw tea is made by brewing the bark of the plant. It is largely used for its healing properties in medical issues like menstrual cramps. Black Haw Tea description Black haw is a small deciduous shrub, originating from North America. It grows in moist woods, thickets, and along stream banks. It has red brown bark, flat-topped white flowers, and grooved branches. Black haw possesses edible red berries typically ripen in August. Its berries can be eaten or made into jams or preserves. During the pre-Civil War days in America, the black haw was believed to boost fertility. It is also said that Black haw tea has been drunk by slave women (at the behest of slave owners) to increase their ability to bear more children. Most of the health properties of this plant are derived from its bark. Black haw tea is the resulting beverage from brewing the abovementioned plant. Black Haw Tea brewing To make Black haw tea:
  • Boil two teaspoonfuls of dried Black haw bark in a cup of water (Bring water to a gentle boil).
  • Allowed it to simmer for ten minutes and then cool it and strain it.
The Black haw tea can be taken twice a day during the treatment period. Black Haw Tea benefits Black haw tea has been successfully used to:
  • help in alleviating symptoms of menopause and menstrual cramps in women
  • help prevent a miscarriage in women
  • alleviate labor pains
  • help in easing uterine disorders in women
  • help in the treatment of migraine headaches
  • help lower blood pressure
Black Haw Tea side effects Black haw tea is not recommended to pregnant and nursing women until further studies are conducted. Black haw tea is a medicinal beverage used for years to induce fertility and to alleviate labor pains, but not only.... black haw tea for the use of women

Black Radish

Raphanus sativus L., var nigra. Roots.

Action: cholagogue, digestive, hepatic.

Uses: Indigestion. To increase bile production in liver disorders and to increase intestinal peristalsis. Dyskinesias. Gall bladder disorders. Constipation. Dyspepsia.

Preparations: Powder. 230mg capsules; 3 capsules midday and evening 15 minutes before meals. (Arkocaps)

Freshly pressed Juice: half-1 cup daily. If too pungent mix with a little Slippery Elm powder. ... black radish

Black Stools

May be due to melaena or to colours left from bismuth, iron, charcoal, liquorice and certain fruits. Chocolate sandwich may sometimes induce a pseudo-melaena. Treat: as for MELAENA. ... black stools

Buck Teeth

Prominent upper incisors (front teeth), which protrude from the mouth. Orthodontic treatment involves repositioning the teeth with a removable brace (see brace, dental) or a fixed orthodontic appliance.... buck teeth

Irish Breakfast - A Well Known Type Of Black Tea

Black tea is popular since ancient times when it was used even for meditation. Irish Breakfast black tea has lots of benefits if you drink it moderately and follow the storage instructions. Short description of Irish Breakfast tea Irish breakfast tea is a mixture of strong Indian black teas grown in Assam region. As a black tea, it has a strong flavour and higher caffeine content than green teas but considerably less than coffee. This type of tea is obtained allowing the tea leaves to fully oxidize naturally before being dried. The leaves are left to dry in wooden boxes, then rolled and stretched damp and cold. This process gives black leaves. In Chinese tradition it is also named Hongcha. This type of black tea keeps its flavor better and longer than green tea. Infusion color goes from dark red to brown and may have many intense flavors like almonds, wild flowers, fruits or malt. Due to its strength, Irish breakfast tea is usually served with milk, but may also be consumed plain or with lemon or sugar. This type of tea is often drunk in the morning. When it comes to storage, it is advisable to keep Irish Breakfast tea in ceramic, porcelain containers or in metal airtight boxes in a clean dry air light place. Don’t keep the tea in the refrigerator as it will lose its flavor because of too much moisture. Ingredients of Irish Breakfast tea Like most teas, the Irish breakfast tea version contains flavanoids, which contain anti-oxidative properties when consumed. Recent studies have shown that this type of tea also contains more caffeine than other teas. How to prepare the Irish Breakfast tea If you are using tea bags, usually use 1 tea bag per cup of water. Pour boiling water, in order to cover the leaves. Allow the Irish Breakfast tea to infuse for 3-5 minutes allowing the steam to release the leaves’ flavor. After that, remove the leaves, blend, let it cool for a few moments and enjoy. Your specific tea may come with a recommendation for preparation and brewing as well. Benefits of Irish Breakfast tea Like other black teas, consumption of Irish Breakfast tea has many health benefits. Drinking Irish Breakfast tea strengthens teeth and bones and helps boost the immune system keeping the viruses away. It also prevents tooth decay. It blocks LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol, which improves artery function. The essential oils in tea leaves help digestion. Caffeine contained in this type of tea has many positive functions like relieving headaches, improving mood and helping concentration. It is also considered an old remedy for asthma symptoms. It also eliminates tiredness. Irish Breakfast tea reduces tumor growth. Some studies showed that TF-2 substance contained in tea, cause destruction of colon and rectum cancer cells, contributing to tumor reduction. Researchers also found that the benefits of black tea may include lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke. According to their findings, certain compounds found in the tea help relax and expand the arteries, thus increasing blood flow to the heart and minimizing clogging of the arteries. It is said that 4 cups of Irish Breakfast tea daily lower with 50% the risk of heart attack. Side effects of Irish Breakfast tea The side effect of Irish Breakfast tea may arise if you drink too much. They are mostly associated with caffeine may cause restlessness, palpitations, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, irritability, increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure. Caffeine is also diuretic. Due to its interesting flavors and benefits, Irish Breakfast teas are suitable for regular consumption, but always remember to keep your moderation when you drink it.... irish breakfast - a well known type of black tea

Black Cohosh

Macrotys actaeae. Black Snakeroot. Actaearacemosa. Cimicifuga racemosa Nutt. German: Schwarzes Wanzenkraut. French: Cimicaire. Chinese: She?ng-ma-jou. Root and rhizome.

Action: relaxing nervine, sedative, spasmolytic, vaso-dilator, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, anti- rheumatic, anti-cough, regulates autonomic system, emmenagogue, natural source of salicylic acid which has an aspirin-like effect. The agent works powerfully upon the female reproductive organs. Analgesic (mild).

Constituents: triterpine glycosides.

Uses: Cramps, sciatica, low back pain, facial and intercostal neuralgia, stiff neck, aches after strenuous exercise. Painful menstruation and menopausal symptoms, breast pains, threatened abortion, migraine of hormonal origin and pain in the ovaries. Tinnitus. Oestrogen-deficiency. Scarlet fever. Fatty heart.

Combines, equal parts with Bogbean for rheumatism; with Blue Cohosh for ovaries and womb; with Elecampane for whooping cough. Psychological: of value for melancholia, hysteria and nervous depression. Peter Smith, 19th century explorer, claimed the Indians used it with success for yellow fever. Contra-indicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Preparations: Unless otherwise prescribed, daily dose: dried rhizome and root, 40-200mg or by decoction; tincture (1:10, 60 per cent ethanol), 0.4-2ml. (British Herbal Compendium, Vol 1). Antispasmodic tincture (Potter’s) Used in traditional Chinese medicine. ... black cohosh

Eye Teeth

A common name for canine teeth.... eye teeth

False Teeth

See denture.... false teeth

Permanent Teeth

The 2nd teeth, which usually start to replace the primary teeth at about the age of 6. There are 32 permanent teeth: 16 in each jaw. Each set of 16 consists of 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars and 6 molars. (See also eruption of teeth.)... permanent teeth

Supernumerary Teeth

One or more teeth in excess of the usual number.

These teeth are usually extracted.... supernumerary teeth

Keemun Tea - The Black Tea With An Orchid Fragrance

Keemun tea is a popular Chinese black tea produced in Qimen County in the Anhui Province of China. It is classified as being a top quality black tea around the globe, especially in the British market whereKeemun tea is considered a delicacy. The tea gained popularity very quickly in England where it has become an important ingredient in English Breakfast tea blends. Keemun tea comes from a sub-variety of the Chinese tea plant Camellia Sinensis, named Zhu-ye-zhing which grows in a mountainous area covered by forest in Anhui Province. In that area, the lack of sun, high humidity and low temperature allow the growth of perfect thin black tea leaves which are withered, rubbed, twirled and then baked dry. There are many Keemun tea varieties such as:
  • Keemun Gongfu or Congou which has thin, dark and tight shaped leaves.
  • Keemun Mao Feng which has slightly twisted leaf buds and a smoother flavor. For a proper taste, it is recommended to brew a smaller quantity of this type of tea and let it steep for 7 minutes.
  • Keemun Xin Ya - a type of tea with a less bitter taste.
  • Keemun Hao Ya
Keemun Tea brewing If it is properly brewed, you will obtain a clear red color cup of Keemun tea with a fruity, exotic and floral (but not as floral as Darjeeling tea ) aroma. To get a perfect cup of tea, add 1-2 teaspoons of tea leaves per 8 oz cup into the teapot. Boil the water, pour it over the tea leaves and let it steep between 2 - 3 minutes. In China, people drink Keemun tea without any kind of sweetener or milk. Keemun tea benefits Keemun tea has many benefits even though it does not contain as many antioxidants as green or white tea. The caffeine in the Keemun tea helps enhancing your memory and gives you energy during the day. Since this tea is a type of black tea, it has many benefits for the human body:
  • Accelerates your metabolism and allows you to burn fat much easier and faster. With a balanced diet and regular exercise,Keemun tea is a strong allied in the process of weight loss.
  • Keemun tea can be a good alternative for coffee. The caffeine in the black tea will give you the energy that you need in the morning and will make you feel full of energy all day long.
  • Improves your digestion by dissolving the excess acidity.
  • Inhibits the growth of cancer cells and the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Keemun tea side effects Being a black tea, Keemun tea has a significant amount of caffeine which can cause anxiety, insomnia or irritability if you drink it before bed. Pregnant women are not advised to drink black tea during the pregnancy since it has been related to spontaneous abortions and birth defects. Also, if you are breastfeeding you should consider reducing the amount of black tea. People who suffer from anemia are strongly recommended not to drink Keemun tea since it can cause dizziness, blurred vision or headaches. It is often said that Keemun tea has an orchid fragrance that leaves a lasting impression in people`s memory.  It has a reputation for being a truly exquisite tea with its fruity and wine-like flavor that, combined with the wonderful health benefits, make the tea drinking a delightful experience.... keemun tea - the black tea with an orchid fragrance

Black Currant

Ribes nigrum L. German: Schwarze Ribsel. French: Bassis. Spanish: Grosellero. Italian: Grosularia nera. Garden fruit. Leaves, fruit.

Action: febrifuge (mild), astringent, diuretic, anti-rheumatic. Fruits are a rich source of Vitamin C, and have a Vitamin P effect. Anti-inflammatory for rheumatic disorders and gout. Nerve tonic. Hypotensor. Mild antispasmodic. Cooling.

Uses: As a tea in early stages of fevers until deeper-acting and more specific treatment is prescribed. Capillary fragility. High blood pressure (fruit). Sore throat (tea used as a gargle). Irritable bowel. Renal calculi, oliguria, renal colic.

Combination: equal parts: with Agrimony and German Chamomile for diverticulosis.

Preparations: Leaves: 1oz to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. One-half-1 cup freely.

Fruits: Black currant syrup, BPC.

Note: Seeds are twice as rich in gamma linolenic acid than an equivalent amount in Evening Primrose oil. Assists production of prostaglandins that control blood pressure and regulate metabolism. ... black currant

Black Root

Culver’s root. Leptandra. Veronicastrum virginicum L. Part used: root, dried rhizome. Constituents: saponins and volatile oil.

Action. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, mild liver relaxant, promotes flow of bile, a laxative that acts without griping.

Uses: Chronic indigestion associated with liver disorder BHP (1983). Chronic liver congestion, non- obstructive jaundice, inflammation of the gall bladder.

Combination: with Dandelion (2) and Black root (1) an aid to liver function in cirrhosis.

History. Used by the Menominee Indians for internal purification.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Decoction: 1oz (30g) to 1 pint (500ml) water gently simmered 20 minutes: One-third to half a cup. Liquid extract: 10-60 drops in water.

Tincture BHP (1983): 2.5ml-10ml.

Powder. Mix sifted powder with pinch Cayenne: 1-4g. ... black root

Teeth, Care Of

See oral hygiene.... teeth, care of

Black Heel

a black area, sometimes called a ‘talon noir’, resulting from the rupture of capillaries in the skin in those who play basketball, squash, etc. It may be mistaken for malignant melanoma.... black heel

Hutchinson’s Teeth

narrowed and notched permanent incisor teeth: a sign of congenital *syphilis. [J. Hutchinson (1828–1913), British surgeon]... hutchinson’s teeth

Natal Teeth

teeth that are present at the time of birth.... natal teeth

Neonatal Teeth

teeth that emerge through the gingiva (gums) during the first month of life.... neonatal teeth

Pepper, Black

Piper nigrum

FAMILY: Piperaceae

SYNONYMS: Piper, pepper.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A perennial woody vine up to 5 metres high with heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers. The berries turn from red to black as they mature – black pepper is the dried fully grown unripe fruit.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to south west India; cultivated extensively in tropical countries. Major producers are India, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Madagascar. It is also distilled in Europe and America from the imported dried fruits.

OTHER SPECIES: The so-called white pepper is the dried ripe fruit with the outer pericarp removed. Not to be confused with cayenne pepper or paprika from the capsicum species, which are used to make an oleoresin.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Both black and white pepper have been used in the East for over 4000 years for medicinal and culinary purposes. In Chinese medicine, white pepper is used to treat malaria, cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, stomach ache and other digestive problems. In Greece it is used for intermittent fever and to fortify the stomach. ‘The mendicant monks of India who cover daily considerable distances on foot, swallow 7–9 grains of pepper a day. This gives them remarkable endurance.’.

ACTIONS: Analgesic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aperitif, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, laxative, rubefacient, stimulant (nervous, circulatory, digestive), stomachic, tonic.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the black peppercorns, dried and crushed. (‘Light’ and ‘heavy’ oils are produced by the extraction of the low or high boiling fractions respectively.) An oleoresin is also produced by solvent extraction, mainly for flavour use.

CHARACTERISTICS: A water-white to pale olive mobile liquid with a fresh, dry-woody, warm, spicy scent. It blends well with frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, rosemary, marjoram, spices and florals (in minute quantities).

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly monoterpenes (70–80 per cent): thujene, pinene, camphene, sabinene, carene, myrcene, limonene, phellandrene, and sesquiterpenes (20–30 per cent) and oxygenated compounds.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-sensitizing, irritant in high concentration due to rubefacient properties. Use in moderation only.


Skin care: Chilblains.

Circulation muscles and joints: Anaemia, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, poor circulation, poor muscle tone (muscular atonia), rheumatic pain, sprains, stiffness.

Respiratory system: Catarrh, chills.

Digestive system: Colic, constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, heartburn, loss of appetite, nausea.

Immune system: Colds, ’flu, infections and viruses.

OTHER USES: Used in certain tonic and rubefacient preparations. Used for unusual effects in perfumery work; for example, with rose or carnation in oriental or floral fragrances. The oil and oleoresin are used extensively in the food industry, as well as in alcoholic drinks.... pepper, black

Bryony, Black

Blackeye root. Tamus communis L. French: Bryone douce a? fruits et a? racine noirs. German: Schwarzwurzel. Italian: Tamarro. Root. Not used internally.

Contains steroidal spirostane glycosides.

Action: rubefacient, bruise-healer. Resolvent.

Uses: Traditional: scraped root used externally as a rub for gout, rheumatism, and painful joints; and as a cold poultice for blackeye and bruises generally. Steeped in strong wine (teaspoon to 8oz wine) for 8 days – a lotion for chilblains. Berries steeped in gin used for the same purpose.

Preparations: Tincture: 1 part pulp to 5 parts alcohol. Macerate 8 days, strain, for external use.

Cream: Tamus cream or ointment. (Weleda, Nelson)

Pulped fresh root: as a poultice for chilblains or gout. ... bryony, black

Catechu, Black

 Acacia catechu Wild. dried extract from heartwood chips.

Action: antibacterial, antiseptic, haemostatic, powerful astringent to stomach and intestines.

Uses: Irritable bowel, dysentery, mucous colitis, chronic catarrh, haemorrhage, mouth ulcer, spongy and bleeding gums (mouth wash), sore throat (gargle). A wash for varicose ulcer. Nosebleed. “Indigestion in children.” (Chinese Traditional)

Reported use in cancer (J.L. Hartwell, Lloydia, 33, 97, 1970)

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Powder: 0.3 to 1 gram in honey or banana mash.

Tincture BHP (1983) 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose half-1 teaspoon (2.5-5ml) in water. ... catechu, black

Discoloured Teeth

Teeth that are abnormally coloured or stained. Extrinsic stains, on the tooth’s surface, are common, but are usually easily removed by polishing. They can be prevented by regular tooth cleaning. Smoking tobacco produces a brownish-black deposit. Pigment-producing bacteria can leave a visible line along the teeth, especially in children. Some dyes in foodstuffs can cause yellowing; dark brown spots may be due to areas of thinned enamel stained by foods. Some bacteria produce an orange-red stain. Stains may also follow the use of drugs containing metallic salts.

Intrinsic stains, within the tooth’s substance, are permanent. Causes include death of the pulp or the removal of the pulp during root-canal treatment and the use of the antibiotic tetracycline in children. Mottling of the tooth enamel occurs if excessive amounts of fluoride are taken during development of the enamel (see fluorosis). Hepatitis during infancy may cause discoloration of the primary teeth. The teeth of children with congenital malformation of the bile ducts may be similarly affected.

Many stains can be covered or diminished with cosmetic dental procedures.... discoloured teeth

Eruption Of Teeth

The process by which developing teeth move upwards through the jawbone and break through the gum to project into the mouth.

Deciduous teeth (milk teeth) usually begin to appear at about 6 months of age. All 20 deciduous teeth have usually erupted by 3 years (see teething).

Permanent teeth (also known as secondary teeth) usually begin to appear at about 6 years of age. The first permanent molars erupt towards the back of the mouth and appear in addition to the deciduous teeth. The eruption of permanent teeth nearer the front of the mouth is preceded by reabsorption of the roots of the deciduous teeth, which become loose and detach. Eventually, permanent teeth replace all the deciduous ones. Wisdom teeth (the backmost, or 3rd, molars) usually erupt between ages 17 and 21, but, in some people, they never appear.... eruption of teeth

Black Fly

a small widely distributed bloodsucking insect of the genus Simulium. Black flies are also known as buffalo gnats from their humpbacked appearance. Female flies can inflict painful bites and constitute a serious pest at certain times of the year. S. damnosum in Africa and S. ochraceum in Central America and Venezuela transmit the parasites causing *onchocerciasis.

black hairy tongue (BHT) a harmless condition characterized by the appearance of elongated filiform *papillae on the upper surface of the tongue. The usual cause is an overgrowth of bacteria that accumulate on the papillae and create pigments giving the tongue a black appearance. Known predisposing factors include smoking, excessive consumption of tea and/or coffee, poor oral hygiene, trigeminal *neuralgia, and *dry mouth.... black fly

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