Blood root Health Dictionary

Blood Root: From 2 Different Sources

Red Indian paint. Sanguinaria canadensis L. French: Sanguinaire. German: Kanadisches Blutkraut. Spanish: Sanguinaria. Italian: Sanguinaria del Canada.

Constituents: isoquinoline alkaloids.

Action. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, cardio-active, emetic (large doses), expectorant, escharotic, antibacterial, stimulant to the womb and general circulation. Mild local anaesthetic.

Though extensively used by pharmacy in the past, is no longer used internally. Traditional among Mohawk Indians.

Uses: Internal, drop doses for asthma, croup, whooping cough, pneumonia, bleeding of the lungs as in tuberculosis, emphysema.

External. Warts, ringworm. fungoid tumour. Nasal polypi (powder injected into nostril). Preparations. Thrice daily. Accurate dosage is not possible by infusion or decoction. Liquid extract BHP (1983) 0.06-0.3ml.

Tincture BHP (1983) 0.3-2ml.

Ointment: tumours. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
Sanguinaria canadensis. N.O. Papaveraceae.

Habitat: Widely distributed throughout North America.

Features ? Root reddish-brown, wrinkled lengthwise, about half-inch thick. Fracture short. Section whitish, with many small, red resin cells which sometimes suffuse the whole. Heavy odour, bitter and harsh to the taste.

Part used ? Root.

Action: Stimulant, tonic, expectorant.

Pulmonary complaints and bronchitis. Should be administered in whooping-cough and croup until emesis occurs. The powdered root is used as a snuff in nasal catarrh, and externally in ringworm and other skin eruptions. The American Thomsonians use it in the treatment of adenoids. Dose, 10 to 20 grains of the powdered root.
Health Source: Herbal Manual
Author: Health Dictionary

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is that pressure which must be applied to an artery in order to stop the pulse beyond the point of pressure. It may be roughly estimated by feeling the pulse at the wrist, or accurately measured using a SPHYGMOMANOMETER. It is dependent on the pumping force of the heart, together with the volume of blood, and on the elasticity of the blood vessels.

The blood pressure is biphasic, being greatest (systolic pressure) at each heartbeat and falling (diastolic pressure) between beats. The average systolic pressure is around 100 mm Hg in children and 120 mm Hg in young adults, generally rising with age as the arteries get thicker and harder. Diastolic pressure in a healthy young adult is about 80 mm Hg, and a rise in diastolic pressure is often a surer indicator of HYPERTENSION than is a rise in systolic pressure; the latter is more sensitive to changes of body position and emotional mood. Hypertension has various causes, the most important of which are kidney disease (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF), genetic predisposition and, to some extent, mental stress. Systolic pressure may well be over 200 mm Hg. Abnormal hypertension is often accompanied by arterial disease (see ARTERIES, DISEASES OF) with an increased risk of STROKE, heart attack and heart failure (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Various ANTIHYPERTENSIVE DRUGS are available; these should be carefully evaluated, considering the patient’s full clinical history, before use.

HYPOTENSION may result from super?cial vasodilation (for example, after a bath, in fevers or as a side-e?ect of medication, particularly that prescribed for high blood pressure) and occur in weakening diseases or heart failure. The blood pressure generally falls on standing, leading to temporary postural hypotension – a particular danger in elderly people.... blood pressure


Blood consists of cellular components suspended in plasma. It circulates through the blood vessels, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the organs and removing carbon dioxide and other waste products for excretion. In addition, it is the vehicle by which hormones and other humoral transmitters reach their sites of action.

Composition The cellular components are red cells or corpuscles (ERYTHROCYTES), white cells (LEUCOCYTES and lymphocytes – see LYMPHOCYTE), and platelets.

The red cells are biconcave discs with a diameter of 7.5µm. They contain haemoglobin

– an iron-containing porphyrin compound, which takes up oxygen in the lungs and releases it to the tissue.

The white cells are of various types, named according to their appearance. They can leave the circulation to wander through the tissues. They are involved in combating infection, wound healing, and rejection of foreign bodies. Pus consists of the bodies of dead white cells.

Platelets are the smallest cellular components and play an important role in blood clotting (see COAGULATION).

Erythrocytes are produced by the bone marrow in adults and have a life span of about 120 days. White cells are produced by the bone

marrow and lymphoid tissue. Plasma consists of water, ELECTROLYTES and plasma proteins; it comprises 48–58 per cent of blood volume. Plasma proteins are produced mainly by the liver and by certain types of white cells. Blood volume and electrolyte composition are closely regulated by complex mechanisms involving the KIDNEYS, ADRENAL GLANDS and HYPOTHALAMUS.... blood

Blood Clot

A blood clot arises when blood comes into contact with a foreign surface – for example, damaged blood vessels – or when tissue factors are released from damaged tissue. An initial plug of PLATELETS is converted to a de?nitive clot by the deposition of FIBRIN, which is formed by the clotting cascade and erythrocytes. (See COAGULATION.)... blood clot

Blood Count

The number of each of the cellular components per litre of blood. It may be calculated using a microscope or by an automated process.... blood count

Blood Transfusion

See TRANSFUSION – Transfusion of blood.... blood transfusion


See SEPTICAEMIA.... blood-poisoning

Abo Blood Groups

See BLOOD GROUPS.... abo blood groups

Bitter Root

Apocynum androsaemifolium. N.O. Asclepiadaceae.

Synonym: Dogsbane, Milkweed.

Habitat: Indigenous to North America.

Features ? Root is nearly three-quarters of an inch thick, light brown, transversely- wrinkled bark, easily parting from white, woody centre ; groups of stone cells in outer bark. Whole plant gives a gelatinous, milky juice when wounded.

Part used ? Root.

Action: Cathartic, diuretic, detergent, emetic, tonic.

2-5 grains thrice daily as a general tonic, useful in dyspepsia. 5-15 grain doses in cardiac dropsy. Has been recommended in the treatment of Bright's disease. Large doses cause vomiting. Tendency to gripe can be eliminated by adding Peppermint, Calamus or other carminative.... bitter root

Blood Bank

A department in which blood products are prepared, stored, and tested prior to transfusion into patients.... blood bank

Blood Brain Barrier

A functional, semi-permeable membrane separating the brain and cerebrospinal ?uid from the blood. It allows small and lipid-soluble molecules to pass freely but is impermeable to large or ionised molecules and cells.... blood brain barrier

Blood Corpuscle

See ERYTHROCYTES and LEUCOCYTES.... blood corpuscle

Blood Donor

An individual who donates his or her own blood for use in patients of compatible blood group who require transfusion.... blood donor

Blood Gases

Speci?cally, this describes the measurement of the tensions of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood. However, it is commonly used to describe the analysis of a sample of heparinised arterial blood for measurement of oxygen, carbon dioxide, oxygen saturation, pH, bicarbonate, and base excess (the amount of acid required to return a unit volume of the blood to normal pH). These values are vital in monitoring the severity of illness in patients receiving intensive care or who have severe respiratory illness, as they provide a guide to the e?ectiveness of oxygen transport between the outside air and the body tissues. Thus they are both a guide to whether the patient is being optimally ventilated, and also a general guide to the severity of their illness.... blood gases

Blood Test

Removal of venous, capillary or arterial blood for haematological, microbiological or biochemical laboratory investigations.... blood test

Blood Vessel

Tube through which blood is conducted from or to the heart. Blood from the heart is conducted via arteries and arterioles through capillaries and back to the heart via venules and then veins. (See ARTERIES and VEINS.)... blood vessel

Blood Groups

People are divided into four main groups in respect of a certain reaction of the blood. This depends upon the capacity of the serum of one person’s blood to cause the red cells of another’s to stick together (agglutinate). The reaction depends on antigens (see ANTIGEN), known as agglutinogens, in the erythrocytes and on ANTIBODIES, known as agglutinins, in the serum. There are two of each, the agglutinogens being known as A and B. A person’s erythrocytes may have (1) no agglutinogens, (2) agglutinogen A, (3) agglutinogen B, (4) agglutinogens A and B: these are the four groups. Since the identi?cation of the ABO and Rhesus factors (see below), around 400 other antigens have been discovered, but they cause few problems over transfusions.

In blood transfusion, the person giving and the person receiving the blood must belong to the same blood group, or a dangerous reaction will take place from the agglutination that occurs when blood of a di?erent group is present. One exception is that group O Rhesus-negative blood can be used in an emergency for anybody.

Agglutinogens Agglutinins Frequency
in the in the in Great
Group erythrocytes plasma Britain
AB A and B None 2 per cent
A A Anti-B 46 per cent
B B Anti-A 8 per cent
O Neither Anti-A and 44 per cent
A nor B Anti-B

Rhesus factor In addition to the A and B agglutinogens (or antigens), there is another one known as the Rhesus (or Rh) factor – so named because there is a similar antigen in the red blood corpuscles of the Rhesus monkey. About 84 per cent of the population have this Rh factor in their blood and are therefore known as ‘Rh-positive’. The remaining 16 per cent who do not possess the factor are known as ‘Rh-negative’.

The practical importance of the Rh factor is that, unlike the A and B agglutinogens, there are no naturally occurring Rh antibodies. However, such antibodies may develop in a Rh-negative person if the Rh antigen is introduced into his or her circulation. This can occur (a) if a Rh-negative person is given a transfusion of Rh-positive blood, and (b) if a Rh-negative mother married to a Rh-positive husband becomes pregnant and the fetus is Rh-positive. If the latter happens, the mother develops Rh antibodies which can pass into the fetal circulation, where they react with the baby’s Rh antigen and cause HAEMOLYTIC DISEASE of the fetus and newborn. This means that, untreated, the child may be stillborn or become jaundiced shortly after birth.

As about one in six expectant mothers is Rh-negative, a blood-group examination is now considered an essential part of the antenatal examination of a pregnant woman. All such Rh-negative expectant mothers are now given a ‘Rhesus card’ showing that they belong to the rhesus-negative blood group. This card should always be carried with them. Rh-positive blood should never be transfused to a Rh-negative girl or woman.... blood groups

Fetal Blood Sampling

A procedure performed during a mother’s labour in which a blood sample is taken from a vein in the scalp of the FETUS. This enables tests to be performed that indicate whether the fetus is, for example, suffering from a shortage of oxygen (HYPOXIA). If so, the obstetrician will usually accelerate the baby’s birth.... fetal blood sampling

Orris Root

Love, Protection, Divination... orris root

Red Blood Cell

See ERYTHROCYTES; BLOOD.... red blood cell

Root Filling

Also called root-canal therapy, this is the treatment given when the nerve of a tooth (see TEETH) has been exposed while the tooth is being prepared for a ?lling, or if it has died or become infected. The nerve debris is removed and, when the chamber is clear of infection, an inert material is inserted to seal o? the root.... root filling

Gravel Root

Eupatorium purpureum. N.O. Compositae.

Synonym: Eupatorium purpureum is also called Gravel Weed and Queen of the

Meadow, from which the medicinal "Gravel Root" is obtained.

Habitat: Gravel Root is a native of the United States, and must not be confused with the English Queen of the Meadow or Meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria).

Features ? Our present subject is a member of the Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) family, and sometimes reaches six feet in height at full growth. It is peculiar for a purple band about an inch broad round the leaf joint. Pale purple to white flowers bloom in August and September. The rhizome, as the medicinal "root" should more properly be termed, is hard and tough, up to an inch thick, with a nearly white wood and thin grey-brown bark. Short, lateral branches give off thin, tough root several inches long.

Part used ? Root.

Action: Diuretic and stimulant.

Gravel root is much prescribed for cases of stone in the bladder and certain other troubles of the kidneys and urinary apparatus. A decoction of 1 ounce of the root to 1 pint (reduced from 1 1/2 pints) of water is made, and taken in wineglass doses. Gravel root is also met with in nervine formulae, in which its tonic properties are recognised.

The American physio-medical or "Thomsonite" M.D., F. H. England, has said that Gravel Root "induces very little stimulation. It expends nearly all its influence on the kidneys, bladder and uterus. It probably influences the whole sympathetic nervous system. Its use promotes the flow of urine as scarcely anything else will."... gravel root

White Blood Cell

See LEUCOCYTES.... white blood cell

Blood Sugar

See blood glucose.... blood sugar

Blood Clotting

The process of blood solidification. Clotting is important in stemming bleeding from damaged blood vessels. However, unwanted blood clotting can occur inside major blood vessels and cause a myocardial infarction (heart attack) or stroke (see thrombosis).

When a blood vessel is damaged, it constricts immediately to reduce blood flow to the area. The damage sets off a series of chemical reactions that lead to the formation of a clot to seal the injury. First, platelets around the injury site are activated, becoming sticky and adhering to the blood-vessel wall. Then, the activated platelets release chemicals, which, in turn, activate blood clotting factors. These factors, together with vitamin K, act on fibrinogen and convert it to fibrin. Strands of fibrin form a meshwork, which traps red blood cells to form a clot.

There are several anticlotting mechanisms to prevent the formation of unwanted clots. These include prostacyclin (a prostaglandin), which prevents platelet aggregation, and plasmin, which breaks down fibrin (see fibrinolysis). Blood flow washes away active coagulation factors; and the liver deactivates excess coagulation factors.

Defects in blood clotting may result in bleeding disorders.

Excessive clotting (thrombosis) may be due to an inherited increase or defect in a coagulation factor (see factor V), the use of oral contraceptives, a decrease in the level of enzymes that inhibit coagulation, or sluggish blood flow through a particular area.

Treatment is usually with anticoagulant drugs such as heparin or warfarin.... blood clotting

Root-canal Treatment

A dental procedure performed to save a tooth in which the pulp (see pulp, dental) has died or become untreatably diseased, usually as the result of extensive dental caries.

The pulp is removed through a hole drilled in the crown. An antibiotic paste and a temporary filling are packed in. A few days later, the filling is removed and the canals are checked for infection. When no infection is detected the cavity is filled and the roots are sealed with cement. If the cavity is not filled completely, periodontitis may occur.

Treated teeth may turn grey but their appearance can be restored by bonding (see bonding, dental), fitting an artificial crown (see crown, dental), or by bleaching (see bleaching, dental).... root-canal treatment

Adam & Eve Roots

Love, Happiness... adam & eve roots

Ague Root

Protection... ague root

Autologous Blood Transfusion

See TRANSFUSION – Transfusion of blood.... autologous blood transfusion


See VENESECTION.... blood-letting

Blood, Diseases Of


Defective Blood Formation

This is the main cause of anaemia in infections. The micro-organism responsible for the infection has a deleterious e?ect upon the blood-forming organs, just as it does upon other parts of the body.

Toxins. In conditions such as chronic glomerulonephritis (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF) and URAEMIA there is a severe anaemia due to the e?ect of the disease upon blood formation.

Drugs. Certain drugs, such as aspirin and the non-steroidal anti-in?ammatory drugs, may cause occult gastrointestinal bleeding.... defective blood formation

Dorsal Root Ganglia

These are swellings on the dorsal roots of spinal nerves just proximal to the union of the dorsal and ventral nerve roots. They are situated in the inter-vertebral foramina and contain the cell bodies of sensory neurones. (See SPINAL COLUMN; SPINAL CORD.)... dorsal root ganglia

Dragons Blood

Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency... dragons blood

National Blood Authority

This body manages regional TRANSFUSION centres. Among its aims are the maintenance and promotion of blood and blood products based on a system of voluntary donors; implementing a cost-e?ective national strategy for ensuring adequate supplies of blood and its products to meet national needs; and ensuring high standards of safety and quality.... national blood authority

Rattlesnake Root

Protection, Money ... rattlesnake root

Root-cause Analysis

A process for identifying the basic or causal factor(s) that underlie variations in performance, including the occurrence or possible occurrence of an error.... root-cause analysis

Circulatory System Of The Blood

The course of the circulation is as follows: the veins pour their blood, coming from the head, trunk, limbs and abdominal organs, into the right atrium of the HEART. This contracts and drives the blood into the right ventricle, which then forces the blood into the LUNGS by way of the pulmonary artery. Here it is contained in thin-walled capillaries, over which the air plays freely, and through which gases pass readily out and in. The blood gives o? carbon dioxide (CO2) and takes up oxygen (see RESPIRATION), and passes on by the pulmonary veins to the left atrium of the heart. The left atrium expels it into the left ventricle, which forces it on into the aorta, by which it is distributed all over the body. Passing through capillaries in the various tissues, it enters venules, then veins, which ultimately unite into two great veins, the superior and the inferior vena cava, these emptying into the right atrium. This complete circle is accomplished by any particular drop of blood in about half a minute.

In one part of the body there is a further complication. The veins coming from the bowels, charged with food material and other products, split up, and their blood undergoes a second capillary circulation through the liver. Here it is relieved of some food material and puri?ed, and then passes into the inferior vena cava, and so to the right atrium. This is known as the portal circulation.

The circle is maintained always in one direction by four valves, situated one at the outlet from each cavity of the heart.

The blood in the arteries going to the body generally is bright red, that in the veins dull red in colour, owing to the former being charged with oxygen and the latter with carbon dioxide (see RESPIRATION). For the same reason the blood in the pulmonary artery is dark, that in the pulmonary veins is bright. There is no direct communication between the right and left sides of the heart, the blood passing from the right ventricle to the left atrium through the lungs.

In the embryo, before birth, the course of circulation is somewhat di?erent, owing to the fact that no nourishment comes from the bowels nor air into the lungs. Accordingly, two large arteries pass out of the navel, and convey blood to be changed by contact with maternal blood (see PLACENTA), while a large vein brings this blood back again. There are also communications between the right and left atria, and between pulmonary artery and aorta. The latter is known as the ductus arteriosus. At birth all these extra vessels and connections close and rapidly shrivel up.... circulatory system of the blood


Protection, Power, Divination... roots

Abscess Root

Sweat root. Polemonium reptans L. Root.

Action: diaphoretic, expectorant, alterative, astringent.

Uses: Feverish conditions, bronchitis, pleurisy, coughs, tuberculosis.

Preparation. Decoction: 1oz to pint water, gently simmer 20 minutes. Dose: half a cup every 2 hours for febrile conditions; otherwise thrice daily. ... abscess root

Coughing Of Blood

See: BLEEDING (haemoptysis). ... coughing of blood

Discover Oregon Grape Root Tea

If you want to try a special type of herbal tea, there’s Oregon grape root tea! It has a slightly bitter taste, but that shouldn’t discourage you. It also has plenty of health benefits which are bound to keep you healthy. Read to find out more about Oregon grape root tea! About Oregon Grape Root Tea Oregon grape root tea is made from the root of the Oregon grape. The plant is an evergreen shrub which grows along the North American west coast. The plant can grow up to 5m tall. The leaves are similar to those of holly, and the stems and twigs are thick and corky. The flowers are yellow-colored and bloom in late spring. The fruits are small, purplish-black, with a dusty appearance, and they contain large seeds. The Oregon grape is in no way related to normal grapes. The name of the tree comes from the similarity of its berries to the grapes’ berries. Constituents of Oregon Grape Root Tea It is not surprising that the root is used to make Oregon grape root tea. The root is actually the part of the tea which contains the most active constituents. A cup of Oregon grape root tea contains many alkaloids (berberine) and phytochemicals, as well as tannins. How to prepare Oregon Grape Root Tea It isn’t difficult to make a cup of Oregon grape root tea. Place one teaspoon of dried root in a cup filled with boiling water. Let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. Once the steeping time ends, remove the dried herbs from the cup. If Oregon grape root tea is too bitter for your taste, you can add honey or sugar to sweeten it. Oregon Grape Root Tea Benefits Thanks to its important constituents, Oregon grape root tea brings you many health benefits. First of all, Oregon grape root tea is used in the treatment for dyspepsia (indigestion) and diarrhea, and it helps you fight intestinal parasites. It also increases the speed to the flow of bile, which makes it useful in the treatment for gallbladder pain, gallstones, hepatitis, and jaundice. The alkaloids found in Oregon grape root tea help treat typhoid, tuberculosis in its early stage, and various digestive disorders. It can even help with small problems, such as stomach cramps and abdominal pains. It also works as a potential anti-carcinogenic, speeding up the recovery from chemotherapy and radiation therapies. Oregon grape root teacan work as a lymphatic and liver stimulating blood cleanser. It is good for your liver as it helps release stacked away iron from the liver into the blood stream. It might also help you fight tumors in the bladder and colon. Oregon grape root tea can help you even when it’s applied topically. It is useful when treating psoriasis, eczema, athlete’s foot, acne, and other fungal infections. It also helps in easing inflammation, irritation, and itching of the skin. Oregon Grape Root Tea Side Effects First, it’s not recommended that you drink Oregon grape root tea if you are pregnant. If you do, it might cause uterine contractions. It is also best that you not consume Oregon grape root tea if you’ve gotchronic gastrointestinal irritation or inflammation. It will only worsen the symptoms. Be careful with how much Oregon grape root tea you drink. Don’t have more than six cups of tea a day, and don’t drink for more than 7 consecutive days. If you drink too much Oregon grape root tea, you’ll get the following symptoms: headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats. Even if it has a slightly bitter taste, Oregon grape root tea shouldn’t be forgotten. Its many health benefits can help you, if needed.... discover oregon grape root tea

Gravel Root Tea

Gravel Root Tea is known for its diuretic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Gravel root (eupatorium purpureum) is a perennial plant that can grow up to 5 feet tall, having pointed oblong leaves and small pink flowers. It grows in North America, from southern Canada through Florida. The main constituents of gravel root are tannins, flavonoids and bitter principles. How To Make Gravel Root Tea To brew Gravel Root Tea, you will need to boil 1 teaspoon of gravel root in a cup of water. Let the mix stand for about 10 minutes. Optionally you can add sugar or honey, depending on your preferences. Gravel root tea can be drank 3 times a day! Gravel Root Tea Benefits
  • Helps prevent the formation of kidney and bladder stones.
  • Effective in treating gout.
  • Relieves fever by encouraging sweating.
  • Treats various urinary problems.
  • Helps relieve constipation.
  • Reduces stomach acidity.
  • In some cases, it can act as an anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling.
Gravel Root Tea Side Effects
  • Due to the fact that Gravel Root Tea contains chemicals called hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), it may block blood flow and cause liver damage.
  • Pregnant women should avoid drinking Gravel Root Tea since it can produce birth defects. Also, if you are breastfeeding, do not drink gravel root tea, because the chemicals (PAs) can affect the breast-milk and harm the baby.
  • Do not apply gravel root on wounds or broken skin. The chemicals can be absorbed quickly through broken skin and can lead to dangerous body-wide toxicity.
Gravel Root Tea makes and excellent choice, having a lot of health benefits. Just make sure you avoid drinking too much gravel root tea in order to stay away from its side effects!... gravel root tea

Crawley Root

Dragon’s claw. Corallorhiza odontorhiza, Nutt. Rhizome.

Keynote: fevers (early stages).

Action: febrifuge, diaphoretic, relaxant.

Uses: Once used widely in North American medicine for fevers, the rational being to induce a heavy sweat to reduce a high body temperature and relieve arterial excitement. Pleurisy. Typhoid fever. Preparations. Tea. Not given in this form, losing its strength on application of heat.

Tablets/capsules. 200mg. Two, every two hours, acute cases. Tincture. 30-60 drops. ... crawley root

Glentona Herbal Blood Purifier

Popular blood tonic of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Ingredients: Liquid Extract Liquorice 5 per cent, Infusion Gentian Co Conc 10 per cent, Infusion Senna Conc 5 per cent. And 25 per cent alcoholic extractive from Burdock 5 per cent, Red Clover 5 per cent, Queen’s root 2.5 per cent, Yellow Dock root 1.25 per cent, Poke root 2.5 per cent, Sarsaparilla 2.5 per cent. (Carter Bros) ... glentona herbal blood purifier

Krameria Root

Rhatany root. Krameria triandra. Dried root.

Action: anti-tubercle, haemostatic, powerful astringent, anti-microbial.

Uses: Basis of treatment for tuberculosis with Umckaloabo in the 1920s. See: UMCKALOABO. Spongy bleeding gums, bleeding piles, nasal polyps (powder used as snuff), haemoptysis, incontinence of urine. Preparations. Average dose, half-2g. Thrice daily.

Decoction. Half-l teaspoon to each large cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: one-third to half a cup.

Tincture Krameria BPC (1949). Dose 30-60 drops (2-4ml).

Liquid extract BPC 1923. Dose: 2-4ml. ... krameria root

Indigo Root Tea

Indigo Root Tea has been known for many years due to its antiseptic, astringent, antibiotic, emetic and antibacterial properties. Wild indigo (baptisia tinctoria) is a herbaceous annual plant that can be recognized by its branching stems and bluish green leaves. Its flowers usually bloom during May and September and they pose as bright yellow flowers. The constituents of Indigo Root Tea are flavonoids, isoflavones, alkaloids, coumarins and polysaccharides. They usually are active when the indigoo root is made into a decoction or used as a tincture. How To Make Indigo Root Tea If you want to make Indigo Root Tea, simply place a handful of indigo root in a cup of boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. After that, take it out of the heat and let it stand for about 3 minutes. Indigo Root Tea Benefits
  • Strenghtens the immune system.
  • Can speed recovery from the common cold.
  • Helps heal wounds and cuts.
  • Treats respiratory infections such as pharyngitis and tonsilitis.
  • Heals sore thorat.
  • Helps reduce fever.
  • Helps in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome when combined with echinacea.
Indigo Root Tea Side Effects
  • Taking in large doses, Indigo Root Tea can cause nausea, diarrhea, voming or asphyxiation.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid drinking Indigo Root Tea.
  • People with auto-immune disorders should not drink Indigo Root Tea.
Indigo Root Tea is an amazing tea with many health benefits. Just make sure you don’t drink too much indigo root tea, in order not to experience any of its side effects!... indigo root tea

Loss Of Blood

As a result of trauma. This is perhaps the simplest example of all, when, as a result of an accident involving a large artery, there is severe haemorrhage.

Menstruation. The regular monthly loss of blood which women sustain as a result of menstruation always puts a strain on the blood-forming organs. If this loss is excessive, then over a period of time it may lead to quite severe anaemia.

Childbirth. A considerable amount of blood is always lost at childbirth; if this is severe, or if the woman was anaemic during pregnancy, a severe degree of anaemia may develop.

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. The best example here is anaemia due to ‘bleeding piles’ (see HAEMORRHOIDS). Such bleeding, even though slight, is a common cause of anaemia in both men and women if maintained over a long period of time. The haemorrhage may be more acute and occur from a DUODENAL ULCER or gastric ulcer (see STOMACH, DISEASES OF), when it is known as haematemesis.

Certain blood diseases, such as PURPURA and HAEMOPHILIA, which are characterised by bleeding.... loss of blood

Peripheral-blood Stem-cell Transplants

These have almost completely replaced BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT, used to treat malignancies such as LEUKAEMIA and LYMPHOMA for the past 20 years. The high doses of CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY used to treat these diseases destroy the bone marrow which contains stem cells from which all the blood cells derive. In 1989 stem cells were found in the blood during recovery from chemotherapy. By giving growth factors (cytokines), the number of stem cells in the blood increased for about three to four days. In a peripheral-blood stem-cell transplant, these cells can be separated from the peripheral blood, without a general anaesthetic. The cells taken by either method are then frozen and returned intravenously after the chemotherapy or radiotherapy is completed. Once transplanted, the stem cells usually take less than three weeks to repopulate the blood, compared to a month or more for a bone marrow transplant. This means that there is less risk of infection or bleeding during the recovery from the transplant. The whole procedure has a mortality risk of less than 5 per cent – half the risk of a bone marrow transplant.... peripheral-blood stem-cell transplants

Pleurisy Root

Asclepias tuberosa. N.O. Asclepiadaceae.

Synonym: Butterfly Weed, Tuber Root, Wind Root.

Habitat: Moist, loamy soil. Indigenous to U.S.A

Features ? Stem two to three feet high, contains milky juice. Root, wrinkled longitudinally, light brown outer surface, whitish internally ; fracture tough, irregular. Rootstock knotty, faintly ringed. Acrid taste.

Part used ? Root.

Action: Diaphoretic, expectorant, antispasmodic.

Chest complaints; acts directly on the lungs, and stimulates sweat glands. Relaxes capillaries, relieving strain on heart and lungs. Reduces pain and assists breathing in pleurisy. Infusion of 1 ounce of the powdered root with 1 pint of boiling water is taken in wineglass doses, to which a teaspoonful of composition powder (Myrica compound) may be added with advantage.... pleurisy root

Licorice Root

See: LIQUORICE ROOT. ... licorice root

Blood-clotting Tests

Tests to screen for and diagnose bleeding disorders, usually resulting from deficiencies or abnormalities of blood coagulation factors or of platelets (see blood clotting). Tests are also used to monitor treatment with anticoagulant drugs.... blood-clotting tests

Blood Culture

See culture.... blood culture

Blood Glucose

The level of glucose in the blood. Abnormally high blood glucose (sometimes called sugar) levels are an indication of diabetes mellitus. (See also hyperglycaemia; hypoglycaemia.)... blood glucose

Blood Smear

See blood film.... blood smear

Blood Transfusion, Autologous

The use of a person’s own blood, donated earlier, for blood transfusion. Autologous transfusion eliminates the slight but serious risk of contracting a serious infectious illness from contaminated blood. There is no risk of a transfusion reaction occurring as a result of incompatibility between donor and recipient blood. Up to 3.5 litres of blood can be removed and stored in several sessions at least 4 days apart and up to 3 days before planned surgery. Blood may be salvaged during surgery, filtered and returned to the circulation, reducing the need for transfusion of donated blood.... blood transfusion, autologous

Pleurisy Root Tea - Tea Of The Indigenous Indians

Pleurisy root tea is an aromatic herbal tea which you are bound to enjoy. The indigenous Indians used to drink it a lot, especially thanks to its health benefits. About Pleurisy Root Tea Pleurisy root tea is made from the roots of the pleurisy plant, also known as the butterfly weed. The plant grows in North America. It can grow up to 1m tall, with multiple stems and spirally-arranged, spear-pointed leaves that are 5-12cm long. Clusters of orange or yellow flowers bloom during summertime, attracting butterflies, insects and birds. The plant can be found growing on dry, open fields, under direct sunlight. How to prepare Pleurisy Root Tea If you want to enjoy a cup of pleurisy root tea, add a teaspoon of dried, chopped roots to a cup of freshly boiled water. Let it steep for 10-15 minutes before straining it to remove the herbs. Sweeten it with honey or fruit juice, if necessary. Pleurisy Root Tea Benefits Pleurisy root contains various active constituents, such as glycosides, resins, amino acids, volatile oil, glucosidal principal, lupeol, and alkaloids. They are transferred to the pleurisy root tea, as well. Because if this, the tea has lots of important health benefits. Pleurisy root tea is often included in treatments for various respiratory ailments and pulmonary infections, for example pleurisy, asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia. It helps alleviate pain and congestion by reducing the mucus thickness in the lungs and enabling the patient to expel the blockage. Drinking pleurisy root tea helps both with fevers and detoxification, as it stimulates sweating and perspiration. It is also useful as an herbal treatment for colds and influenza. You can also drink pleurisy root tea if you’ve got problems with diarrhea, dysentery, chronic rheumatism, colic, muscle tension and spasm. Pleurisy root tea can also be used topically. You can soak a clean cloth with the tea and use it to treat swellings, bruises, lameness, wounds and skin ulcers. Pleurisy Root Tea Side Effects If you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t drink pleurisy root tea. It may cause uterine contractions, which could lead to miscarriages. Also, it is safer not to drink this tea if you’re breast feeding. Children shouldn’t drink pleurisy root tea either, because of the small amount of cardiac glycosides. You should be careful with the amount of pleurisy root tea you drink if you’ve got cardiovascular problems or you’re taking cardiac glycosides. Also, if you’re taking any other medication, check with your doctor if it’s safe to drink pleurisy root tea. Don’t drink more than 3-4 cups of pleurisy root tea a day. If you drink too much, it might lead to symptoms such as intestinal cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Pleurisy root tea is ideal for an everyday beverage. It has many health benefits and only a few side effects. Once you try it, you’ll surely enjoy it!... pleurisy root tea - tea of the indigenous indians

Poke Root

Phytolacca decandra. N.O. Phytolaccaceae.

Synonym: Garget, Pigeon Berry.

Habitat: U.S.A. Cultivated on a sm.ill scale in England for medicinal purposes.

Features ? The root is obtainable in longitudinally split pieces or in transverse slices. Ringed, brownish-grey externally, hard and whitish inside; fibrous fracture. Berries purplish-black, nearly globular, ten carpels, each containing one lens-shaped seed.

Part used ? Root, berries.

Action: Alterative, cathartic.

Chronic rheumatism and skin diseases. Of some use in dyspepsia. Action of root stronger than berries. For rheumatism the root is often compounded with Black Cohosh and Wintergreen.

Preparation and dosage vary considerably with the condition of the root. Thurston, Hammer and other physio-medical practitioners recommend that only the green root should be used, owing to, rapid deterioration. These herbalists use the fresh root largely in hardening of the liver and reduced biliary flow.... poke root

Stone Root Tea Benefits And Side Effects

Stone Root Tea comes from a strong herb mainly used to treat kidney issues, but it is also renowned for its improvement in the heart function. Drink a pleasant Stone Root Tea cup to strengthen your heart and feel your body lighter and healthier. Description of Stone Root Tea Stone root is a perennially growing herb, which belongs to mint family; it bears a potent lemon aroma and it is native to North America. Benefits of Stone Root Tea Stone Root Tea is used as a diuretic in removing excess fluids from the body. It can treat urinary tract problems including bladder pain and swelling stones in the kidney. Therefore it is great in increasing urine flow that results in relieving water retention. It is also known that people use Stone Root Tea to treat stomach ache and intestinal problems like indigestion. Sometimes, Stone Root Tea is effective in the treatment of headaches, hemorrhoids, laryngitis, pharyngitis or even dysentery. Moreover, Stone Root Tea has a tonic action making it effective in atonic conditions of the heart muscles, on the walls of the veins and capillaries. Its fresh leaves can be used to heal cuts, bruises and sores. Side effects of Stone Root Tea Although Stone Root Tea is a perfect remedy for gastrointestinal and circulatory problems, it can bring some unpleasant side effects with it. Drank in large quantities can cause diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, painful urination, or stomach pain. Pregnant or nursing women should avoid taking this tea without the consult of their doctor. You should also use with caution if you have high blood pressure. Stone Root Tea is effective all the way, making your heart stronger and bringing relief in the whole body. No more pains and discomfort in your life, but more and more vitality. Stone Root Tea is making a change for you. ... stone root tea benefits and side effects

Blood Vessels

A general term given to arteries, veins, and capillaries (see circulatory system).... blood vessels

Coagulation, Blood

The main mechanism by which blood clots are formed, involving a complex series of reactions in the blood plasma (see blood clotting).... coagulation, blood

Faeces, Blood In The

See faeces, abnormal; rectal bleeding.... faeces, blood in the

Occult Blood, Faecal

The presence in the faeces of blood that cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be detected by chemical tests. Such tests are widely used in screening for cancer of the colon (see colon, cancer of). Faecal occult blood may also be a sign of a gastrointestinal disorder such as oesophagitis, gastritis, or stomach cancer; cancer of the intestine (see intestine, cancer of); rectal cancer (see rectum, cancer of); diverticular disease; polyps in the colon; ulcerative colitis; or irritation of the stomach or intestine by drugs such as aspirin. (See also rectal bleeding.)... occult blood, faecal

Tea For Blood Pressure

As a natural beverage, a cup of tea brings you many health benefits. One of them is related to blood pressure. Based on the type of tea you drink, it can help lower your blood pressure. Find out more about teas for blood pressure! Problems with blood pressure Blood pressure represents the pressure made by the circulating blood on the walls of the blood vessels. However, problems appear in the case of hypertension and hypotension. Hypertension is a medical condition caused by a high blood pressure, while hypotension is caused by a low blood pressure. Both can be treated with one of the various types of tea for blood pressure. Tea for high blood pressure If you’ve got problems with hypertension (high blood pressure), hibiscus tea can help, as it is known to lower blood pressure. You can also pick one of these herbal teas: chrysanthemum tea, flax tea, periwinkle tea, red root tea, self-heal tea, white peony root tea, valerian tea, or wild cherry bark tea. You can also drink hyssop tea, barberry tea, and rosemary tea, regardless of the blood pressure problem. These three teas will help regulate your blood pressure and reduce the risk of getting either high or low blood pressure problems. Tea for low blood pressure In the case of hypotension (low blood pressure), some of the teas you can try include lovage tea, ephedra tea, wu yi tea, cat’s claw tea, vervain tea, or wheatgrass tea. Black tea can help too, though you have to be careful with it as it has a high content of caffeine. Forbidden teas for blood pressure problems There are several teas which you should avoid drinking, no matter if you’ve got problems with high blood pressure or low blood pressure. The list of teas you shouldn’t drink includes arnica tea, black cohosh tea, gentian tea, juniper tea, lobelia tea, red ginseng tea, sage tea, stone root tea, and yohimbe tea. Also, generally it isn’t recommended to drink tea that lowers blood pressure if you’ve got hypotension, or tea that leads to high blood pressure if you’ve got hypertension. Whether you’ve got problems with high blood pressure or low blood pressure, try a more natural treatment: choose one of the many teas for blood pressure!... tea for blood pressure

Beth Root

Wake Robin. Lamb’s Quarter. Birth Root. Trillium erectum L. Part used: rhizome. Action. Genito-urinary anti-haemorrhagic; alterative; soothing tonic astringent. “Natural sex-hormone precursor” (D. Hoffman)

Uses: Used in American Indian medicine for excessive bleeding from the womb, and for easy childbirth. Bleeding from lungs, kidneys, bladder and uterine fibroids. Flooding of the menopause. Candida, leucorrhoea (decoction used as a vaginal douche).

To strengthen female constitution.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Decoction. Half-2 grams to each cupful water simmered gently 10 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Liquid extract. 10-30 drops in water.

Tincture. BHP (1983) 1:5 in 40 per cent alcohol.

Dose: 1-4ml in water.

Powdered root. Half-2 grams in capsules.

Poultice: for bleeding ulcers: equal parts Beth root and Slippery Elm bark powder. Snuff: for nosebleed.

Douche (per vagina). 1oz to 2 pints water (decoction). Allow to cool; inject warm. ... beth root

Black Root

Culver’s root. Leptandra. Veronicastrum virginicum L. Part used: root, dried rhizome. Constituents: saponins and volatile oil.

Action. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, mild liver relaxant, promotes flow of bile, a laxative that acts without griping.

Uses: Chronic indigestion associated with liver disorder BHP (1983). Chronic liver congestion, non- obstructive jaundice, inflammation of the gall bladder.

Combination: with Dandelion (2) and Black root (1) an aid to liver function in cirrhosis.

History. Used by the Menominee Indians for internal purification.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Decoction: 1oz (30g) to 1 pint (500ml) water gently simmered 20 minutes: One-third to half a cup. Liquid extract: 10-60 drops in water.

Tincture BHP (1983): 2.5ml-10ml.

Powder. Mix sifted powder with pinch Cayenne: 1-4g. ... black root

Semen, Blood In The

A usually harmless condition in which a small amount of blood is present in the semen.

Occasionally, there is an underlying cause (such as an infection or, very rarely, cancer) that requires treatment.

Blood in the semen may also occur after a prostate biopsy.... semen, blood in the

Blood Cell

(blood corpuscle) any of the cells that are present in the blood in health or disease. The cells may be subclassified into three major categories, namely red cells (*erythrocytes); white cells (*leucocytes), which include granulocytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes; and *platelets (see illustration). The blood cells account for approximately 40% of the total volume of the blood in health; red cells comprise the vast majority.... blood cell

Donor’s Blood Group

Blood group of people donor can receive blood from... donor’s blood group

Blood Plasma See Plasma.

... blood plasma see plasma.

Blood Serum

see serum.... blood serum

Faecal Occult Blood Test

(FOBT) a noninvasive test used to identify microscopic blood (see occult) in faeces. It is widely used as a screening test for colorectal cancer.... faecal occult blood test

Heel-prick Blood Test

see Guthrie test.... heel-prick blood test

Nhs Blood And Transplant

(NHSBT) a *special health authority established in 2005 to provide a safe and reliable supply of blood, organs, stem cell services, and diagnostics to hospitals. NHSBT also provides specialist therapeutic apheresis services, which remove or replace a single component of blood (e.g. malignant white cells or low-density lipoprotein), at six sites in England.

NHS Blood and Transplant website... nhs blood and transplant

White Peony Root Tea Benefits

White Peony Root Tea is one of the most important herbs in Asian medicine, being used since ancient times to treat liver problems and to improve women’s general health. White Peony Root Tea can be made from a plant called Chinese peony or common garden peony, a perennial herb that grows in Eastern China, southern Tibet and Siberia. You can recognize it after its big white flowers and yellow stamens. The leaves are deep green and medium sized. White Peony Root Properties The best thing about White Peony Root Tea is that its properties contribute to a better general health of the human body, thanks to a high concentration of acids and amino-acids and also to a great alkaline conductivity. The main ingredient in White Peony Root Tea is paeoniflorin, a substance that has a high anti-spastic action in many areas of your system. The other active substances that can be found in this tea and enhance the paeonflorin’s effect are flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, tannins and polysaccharides. White Peony Root Benefits White Peony Root Tea has anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic and diuretic properties. This tea is a great help if you suffer from one of the following conditions: - Liver malfunction, by energizing it thanks to its alkaline property and helping it flush away all the toxins. - Bad blood circulation or poor blood nourishment. Also, White Peony Tea can lower your blood pressure. - Menstrual problems that consist of heavy bleedings and aggravated abdominal pain, by calming the affected area and by bringing relief. - Abdominal and chest pains, dizziness, headaches. - Epilepsy, by stopping seizures and convulsions and by nourishing your nervous system, so that the negative reaction can be eliminated. How to make White Peony Root Tea Infusion Preparing White Peony Root Tea infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of White Peony Root for every cup of tea you want to make. Put the herbs in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for 10 or 15 minutes (depending on the amount of water you’re using) and drink it hot or cold. Don’t take more than 3 cups per day. White Peony Root Tea Side Effects White Peony Root Tea is safe as long as you take it for a short amount of time. Taken in high dosages, it may cause rashes and problems of the nervous system. White Peony Root Tea is not to be taken unsupervised and it’s a medical treatment. Do not drink it as often as you drink your coffee! Also, a higher dosage will not make your general health improve any faster. Follow our recommendations and talk to a doctor before making any move. White Peony Root Tea Contraindications If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take White Peony Root Tea, because it may cause uterine contractions and blood clotting. But if you have the green light from your doctor, there’s no reason not to try White Peony Root Tea. Add it to your medicine cabinet, follow our instructions and enjoy the wonderful benefits of White Peony Root Tea responsibly!... white peony root tea benefits

Blood Purifiers

Alteratives. The blood is a fluid from which every variety of cell and tissue derives its special form of food for the repair of constant wastage resulting from functions they perform. When the blood becomes vitiated from lack of exercise, too little oxygen, debilitating personal habits and sophisticated foodstuffs the whole body suffers. The vital fluid then needs to be cleansed of its impurities. Nature’s blood purifiers are unique in the world of medicine, restoring biochemical balance and promoting healthy elimination.

Blood tonic. Decoction, tablets, tinctures or fluid extracts:– Echinacea 3; Burdock 2; Goldenseal 1. See also: ALTERATIVES. ... blood purifiers

Blue Flag Root

Water flag. Iris versicolor L. and I. caroliniana Watson. French: Iris. German: Blaue Iris. Spanish: Mavi Susan. Italian: Giglio azzura. Dried rhizome, root.

Action: anti-inflammatory, astringent (liver), cholagogue, diuretic, laxative, stimulant, anti-emetic, blood and lymph purifier, anti-obesity. A powerful alterative for passive sluggish conditions involving the liver, gall bladder, lymphatics, veins and glandular system. Restores loss of tonicity to involuntary muscle structures.

Uses: Chronic liver conditions to increase flow of bile. Cirrhosis, psoriasis, eczema and scrofulous skin disorders, acne, shingles, anal fissure. Combines well with Yellow Dock, Red Clover. Poke root and Queen’s Delight for skin disorders BHP (1983). Soft goitre (persist for months). Migraine or sick headache of liver origin. Reported to be of value in thyroid deficiency. Jaundice (Dr M.L. Tyler). Uterine fibroids: combined with Goldenseal and Balmony (Priest). Promotes secretions of pancreas, intestines and salivary glands.

Traditional combination: With equal parts Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla as a powerful lymph cleanser. Henry Smith MD. “I use Blue Flag when there is any local disease involving the lymph glands. The vessels become enlarged and congested because of obstruction. Disease in these vessels is the forerunner of chronic skin disease. Blue Flag can be given in expectation of satisfactory results.”

Colonel Lydius, explorer. “The Indians take the root, wash it clean, boil it a little, then crush it between a couple of stones. They spread this crushed root as a poultice over leg ulcers. At the same time, the leg is bathed with the water in which the root is boiled. I have seen great cures by the use of this remedy. (Travels in North America, II. 606)

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Decoction: half a teaspoon to each cup water; simmer gently 15 minutes: dose – one-third cup. Liquid Extract, BHC Vol 1. 1:1, 45 per cent ethanol. Dose: 0.6-2ml.

Tincture, BHC Vol 1. 1:5, ethanol. Dose: 3-10ml. Powdered root. Half-2g.

Blue Flag is an ingredient of Potter’s Irisine Mixture.

Note: Tincture is best made from fresh root in early spring or autumn. ... blue flag root

Retrograde Root Canal Treatment

see apicectomy.... retrograde root canal treatment


n. 1. (in neurology) a bundle of nerve fibres at its emergence from the spinal cord. The 31 pairs of *spinal nerves have two roots on each side, an anterior root containing motor nerve fibres and a posterior root containing sensory fibres. The roots merge outside the cord to form mixed nerves. 2. (in dentistry) the part of a *tooth that is not covered by enamel and is normally attached to the alveolar bone by periodontal fibres. 3. the origin of any structure, i.e. the point at which it diverges from another structure. Anatomical name: radix.... root

Cotton Root

Gossypium herbaceum L. German: Baumwollenbaum. French: Cotonnier en arbre. Italian: Cotone arbusto. Arabian: Kuttun. Indian: Karpas. Iranian: Pambah. Dried root bark. Cotton fibre leaves.

Constituents: mucilage, flavonoids, fixed oil, resin, tannin.

Action: abortifacient. Parturient. Traditional male contraceptive (unproven). Oxytocic, (fresh gathered). Uses. For procuring abortion. Claimed to contract the womb after the action of Ergot, but safer. Alabama Indian squaws made a tea of the freshly-gathered roots to ease pains of childbirth. For absent or painful menstruation. Pain in ovaries. Morning sickness. Reduces sperm count and sexual urge in the male. Reference. Rats were made temporarily infertile without change of mating behaviour, without reducing the male hormone (testosterone) and without heart abnormalities. (Dr Yun-feng-Ren, People’s Republic of China)

Not used in pregnancy. Hypokalaemia may follow overdose. Preparations. Liquid Extract, BPC (1934). Dose, 2-4ml. Tincture BPC (1934). Dose 30-60 drops. ... cotton root

Ipecacuanha Root

Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) A. Rich. German: Brachwurzel. French: Ipecacuanha. Spanish: Ipecacuanha. Italian: Ipecaquana. Rhizome and root. Practitioner use only. Contains alkaloid and saponin emetine, glycosides, tannins.

Action: expectorant, diaphoretic, antiprotozal BHP (1983), emetic (large doses). Acts upon the pneumogastric nerve. Antispasmodic. Stimulant to mucous membranes.

Uses: to liquefy bronchial phlegm and promote expectoration. Sore throat, whooping cough, stubborn cough. Amoebic dysentery. Expulsion of mucus from the chest. Alternative to a stomach pump to induce vomiting.

Combinations: with Lobelia for respiratory disorders. With Tincture Myrrh for bowel infection, orally or by enema.

Preparations: Average dose, rhizome and roots: 25-100mg. Thrice daily. Dose more accurately controlled by use of liquid extract or tincture rather than infusion or decoction.

Liquid extract BP 1973: dose 0.025 to 0.1ml. Emetic dose – 0.5 to 2ml.

Tincture BP (1973). Dose 0.25 to 1ml. Emetic dose 5 to 20ml.

Cough mixtures: an ingredient of. (Potter’s Balm of Gilead) etc. Contra-indications: shock, heart disease. ... ipecacuanha root

Life Root

Squaw weed. Senecio aureus L. Dried herb. Keynote: menopause.

Constituents: sesquiterpenes, pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Action: Tonic for relaxed womb, emmenagogue, astringent, mild expectorant.

Uses: Hot flushes of the menopause with nervous instability. Absent, painful or profuse menstruation. Ovarian pain. Stone, gravel. Diarrhoea. Bleeding from mucous surfaces. Prostatitis.

Combinations: with Motherwort for suppressed menses. With Oats for menopause. Preparations. Average dose: 1-4 grams. Thrice daily.

Tea: half-2 teaspoons to cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Liquid Extract. Half-1 teaspoon, in water.

Powder: 1-4 grams.

Not now used internally. ... life root

Liquorice Root

The universal herb. Sweet root. Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Shredded or powdered dried root. Long history for strength and long life in Chinese medicine. Sweet of the Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt. Carried by armies of Alexander to allay thirst and as a medicine.

Constituents: volatile oil, coumarins, chalcones, triterpenes, flavonoids.

Action: demulcent expectorant, glycogenconservor, anti-inflammatory, mild laxative. Adrenal restorative (has glycosides remarkably similar to body steroids). ACTH-like activity on adrenal cortex (Simon Mills). Female hormone properties (Science Digest). Regulates salt and water metabolism (Medicina, Moscow, 1965). Anti-stress. Anti-ulcer. Antiviral. Increases gastric juices up to 25 per cent, without altering pH. Aldosterone-like effect. Liver protective. Anti-depressive.

Use s. Adrenal insufficiency – sodium-retention properties suitable for Addison’s disease. Hypoglycaemia. Peptic ulcer – reduces gastric juice secretion. Inflamed stomach. Mouth ulcer. Duodenal ulcer. Respiratory infections: dry cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, lung troubles, catarrh. Tuberculosis (Chinese traditional). In the absence of more effective remedies of value in food poisoning. To prevent urinary tract infections.

Combinations: with Iceland Moss for wasting and cachexia to nourish and increase weight; with Lobelia for asthma and bronchitis: with Raspberry leaves for the menopause; with Comfrey for dental caries.

“Liquorice is recorded as a cancer remedy in many countries.” (J.L. Hartwell, Lloydia, 33, 97. 1970) Preparations. Average dose: 1-5 grams. Thrice daily before meals.

Decoction: half-1 teaspoon to each cup water, simmer 15 minutes. Half-1 cup.

Liquid Extract: 1:1. Dose: 2-5ml.

Sticks: for chewing.

Powdered root: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon).

Diet: Pontefract cakes – use in kitchen for adrenal failure; because of their sodium-retaining properties may be taken as sweets without added sugar. Low salt when taken.

Contra-indicated: In pregnancy, cirrhosis (liver) and in the presence of digitalis.

Note: If over-consumed may result in low potassium levels, high blood pressure and falls in renin and aldosterone. Where taken for a long period, increase intake of potassium-rich foods. May cause fluid retention of face and ankles which could be tolerated while primary disorder is being healed. ... liquorice root

Root End Resection

see apicectomy.... root end resection

Root Induction

(in *endodontics) a procedure to allow continued root formation in an immature tooth with a damaged pulp. See apexogenesis.... root induction

Rooting Reflex

a primitive reflex present in newborn babies: if the cheek is stroked near the mouth, the infant will turn its head to the same side to suckle.... rooting reflex

Umbilical Cord Blood Banked Stem Cells

haemopoietic *stem cells collected from umbilical cord blood donated at birth, which can be stored indefinitely and used if a sibling or any other blood-compatible baby develops an illness (such as leukaemia) that could only be treated by cord-blood stem-cell transplantation. This facility is now available in the UK and the USA.... umbilical cord blood banked stem cells

Blood Cells

Cells, also called blood corpuscles, present in blood for most or part of their lifespan. They include red blood cells, which make up about 45 per cent by volume of normal blood, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood cells are made in the bone marrow by a series of divisions from stem cells.

Red blood cells (also known as RBCs, red blood corpuscles, or erythrocytes) transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues (see respiration). Each is packed with haemoglobin, enzymes, minerals, and sugars. Abnormalities can occur in the rate at which RBCs are either produced or destroyed, in their numbers, and in their shape, size, and haemoglobin content, causing forms of

anaemia and polycythaemia (see blood, disorders of).

White blood cells (also called WBCs, white blood corpuscles, or leukocytes) protect the body against infection and fight infection when it occurs. The 3 main types of are granulocytes (also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes), monocytes, and lymphocytes. Granulocytes are further classified as neutrophils, eosinophils, or basophils, and each type of granulocyte has a role in either fighting infection or in inflammatory or allergic reactions. Monocytes and lymphocytes also play an important part in the immune system. Lymphocytes are usually formed in the lymph nodes. One type, a T-lymphocyte, is responsible for the delayed hypersensitivity reactions

White (see allergy) and Red blood blood cell is also involved in cell (neutrophil) protection against cancer. T-lymphocytes manufacture chemicals, known as lymphokines, which affect the function of other cells. In addition, the T-cells moderate the activity of B-lymphocytes, which form the antibodies that can prevent a second attack of certain infectious diseases. Platelets (also known as thrombocytes), are the smallest blood cells and are important in blood clotting.

The numbers, shapes, and appearance of the various types of blood cell are of great value in the diagnosis of disease (see blood count; blood film).... blood cells

Blood, Disorders Of

Disorders resulting from abnormalities in any of the components of blood or from infection. Disorders include types of anaemia, polycythaemia, bleeding disorders, and unwanted clot formation (thrombosis), hypoalbuminaemia (albumin deficiency) and agammaglobulinaemia (deficiency of gamma-globulin). Blood disorders such as sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemia, and haemophilia are inherited. Bone marrow cancers that affect production of blood components include leukaemia, polycythaemia vera, and multiple myeloma. Blood poisoning is usually due to septicaemia or a toxin such as carbon monoxide. Some drugs can cause blood abnormalities as a side effect. (See also anaemia, haemolytic; anaemia, iron-deficiency; anaemia, megaloblastic; malaria; hyperbilirubinaemia.)... blood, disorders of

Blood Donation

The process of giving blood for use in blood transfusion.

Donated blood is tested for a range of infectious agents such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C and antibodies to HIV. After being classified into blood groups, the blood is stored in a blood bank, either whole or separated into its different components (see blood products). Apheresis is a type of blood donation in which only a specific blood component, such as plasma, platelets, or white cells, is withdrawn from the donor. blood film A test that involves smearing a drop of blood on to a glass slide for examination under a microscope. The blood film is stained with dyes to make the blood cells show up clearly.

The test allows the shape and appearance of blood cells to be checked for any abnormality, such as the sickleshaped red blood cells characteristic of sickle cell anaemia.

The relative proportions of the different types of white blood cells can also be counted.

This examination, called a differential white cell count, may be helpful in diagnosing infection or leukaemia.

Blood films are also used in diagnosing infections, such as malaria, in which the parasites can be seen inside the red blood cells.

Blood films are usually carried out together with a full blood count.... blood donation

Blood Products

Donated blood that is separated into its various components: red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma (see blood donation). Each blood product has a specific lifespan and use in blood transfusion. Packed red cells (blood with most of the plasma removed) are used to treat patients with some forms of chronic anaemia and babies with haemolytic disease of the newborn. Washed red cells (with white blood cells and/or plasma proteins removed) are used when a person needs repeated transfusions because there is less risk of an allergy to any of the blood components developing.

Platelets may be given in transfusions for people with blood-clotting disorders. Patients who have life-threatening infections may be treated with granulocytes, a type of white blood cell. Fresh frozen plasma is used to correct many types of bleeding disorder because it contains all the clotting factors. Albumin, prepared from the plasma of whole blood, is used mainly to treat shock resulting from severe blood loss until compatible whole blood becomes available. Purified albumin preparations are used to treat nephrotic syndrome and chronic liver disease.

Concentrates of blood clotting factors and are used in the treatment of haemophilia and Christmas disease.

Immunoglobulins (also called antibodies), which are extracted from blood plasma, can be given by injection (see immunoglobulin injection) to protect people who are unable to produce their own antibodies or have already been exposed to an infectious agent, or to provide short-term protection against hepatitis A.

Immunoglobulins are given in large doses to treat certain autoimmune disorders.... blood products

Blood Tests

Analysis of a sample of blood to give information on its cells and proteins and any of the chemicals, antigens, antibodies, and gases that it carries. Such tests can be used to check on the health of major organs, as well as on respiratory function, hormonal balance, the immune system, and metabolism. Blood tests may look at numbers, shape, size, and appearance of blood cells and assess the function of clotting factors. The most important tests are blood count and blood group tests if transfusion is needed. Biochemical tests measure chemicals in the blood (see acid–base balance; kidney function tests; liver function tests). Microbiological tests (see immunoassay) look for microorganisms that are in the blood, as

in septicaemia. Microbiology also looks for antibodies in the blood, which may confirm immunity to an infection. blood transfusion The infusion of large volumes of blood or blood products directly into the bloodstream to remedy severe blood loss or to correct chronic anaemia. In an exchange transfusion, nearly all of the recipient’s blood is replaced by donor blood. Before a transfusion, a sample of the recipient’s blood is taken to identify the blood groups, and it is matched with suitable donor blood. The donor blood is transfused into an arm vein through a plastic cannula. Usually, each unit (about 500 ml) of blood is given over 1–4 hours; in an emergency, 500 ml may be given in a couple of minutes. The blood pressure, temperature, and pulse are monitored during the procedure.

If mismatched blood is accidentally introduced into the circulation, antibodies in the recipient’s blood may cause donor cells to burst, leading to shock or kidney failure. Less severe reactions can produce fever, chills, or a rash. Reactions can also occur as a result of an allergy to transfused blood components. All

blood used for transfusion is carefully screened for a number of infectious agents, including HIV (the AIDS virus) and hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

In elderly or severely anaemic patients, transfusion can overload the circulation, leading to heart failure.

In patients with chronic anaemia who need regular transfusion over many years, excess iron may accumulate (haemosiderosis) and damage organs such as the heart, liver, and pancreas.

Treatment with desferrioxamine to remove excess iron may be needed.... blood tests

Coughing Up Blood

A symptom, medically known as haemoptysis, that is caused by rupture of a blood vessel in the air-ways, lungs, nose, or throat. The coughed-up blood may appear as brightred or rusty-brown streaks, clots in the sputum, a pinkish froth, or, more rarely, blood alone. In all cases, medical assessment is needed. Many disorders can cause haemoptysis. The most common are infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis; and congestion in and rupture of blood vessels in the lungs due to heart failure, mitral stenosis, or pulmonary embolism. A cancerous tumour can also produce haemoptysis by eroding the wall of a blood vessel.

Investigations into coughing up blood include chest X-ray, and, in some cases, bronchoscopy. In about a 3rd of cases, no underlying cause is found. Treatment depends on the cause.... coughing up blood

Vomiting Blood

A symptom of bleeding from within the digestive tract. Vomiting blood may be caused by a tear in the lower oesophagus (see Mallory–Weiss syndrome), bleeding from oesophageal varices, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, or, rarely, stomach cancer. Blood can also be vomited if it is swallowed during a nosebleed. Vomited blood may be dark red, brown, black, or may resemble coffee grounds. Vomiting of blood is often accompanied by the passing of black, tarry faeces.

The cause of vomiting blood is investigated by endoscopy of the oesophagus and stomach, or by barium X-ray examinations. If blood loss is severe, blood transfusion, and possibly surgery to stop the bleeding, may be required.... vomiting blood

Blood Coagulation

(blood clotting) the process whereby blood is converted from a liquid to a solid state. The process may be initiated by contact of blood with a foreign surface (intrinsic system) or with damaged tissue (extrinsic system). These systems involve the interaction of a variety of substances (*coagulation factors) and lead to the production of the enzyme thrombin, which converts the soluble blood protein *fibrinogen to the insoluble protein *fibrin, forming the blood clot. Finally, fibrin is broken down by the action of *plasmin. Anticoagulants and tissue plasminogen activators act by inhibiting or activating various pathways in this cascade (see illustration). Blood coagulation is an essential mechanism for the arrest of bleeding (*haemostasis). See also platelet activation.... blood coagulation

Blood Group

any one of the many types into which a person’s blood may be classified, based on the presence or absence of certain inherited antigens on the surface of the red blood cells. Blood of one group contains antibodies in the serum that react against the cells of other groups.

There are more than 30 blood group systems, one of the most important of which is the ABO system. This system is based on the presence or absence of antigens A and B: blood of groups A and B contains antigens A and B, respectively; group AB contains both antigens and group O neither. Blood of group A contains antibodies to antigen B; group B blood contains anti-A antibodies or *isoagglutinins; group AB has neither antibody and group O has both. A person whose blood contains either (or both) of these antibodies cannot receive a transfusion of blood containing the corresponding antigens. The table illustrates which blood groups can be used in transfusion for each of the four groups.

Blood group... blood group

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