Bolus Health Dictionary

Bolus: From 3 Different Sources

A soft mass of chewed food that is produced by the action of the tongue, teeth, and saliva. The term bolus is also used to describe a single dose of a drug that is rapidly injected into a vein.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A lump of food prepared for swallowing by chewing and mixing with saliva. The term is also used to describe the rapid intravenous injection of ?uid or a drug, as opposed to a slower infusion.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. 1. a soft mass of chewed food. 2. a large dose of a drug administered by rapid injection, as opposed to infusion.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Functions The Chief Uses Of The Tongue Are:

to push the food between the teeth for mastication, and then mould it into a bolus preparatory to swallowing;

as the organ of the sense of taste, and as an organ provided with a delicate sense of touch; and

to play a part in the production of speech. (See VOICE AND SPEECH.) It is usual to classify any taste as: sweet, bitter,

salt and acid, since ?ner distinctions are largely dependent upon the sense of smell. The loss of keenness in taste brought about by a cold in the head, or even by holding the nose while swallowing, is well known. Sweet tastes seem to be best appreciated by the tip of the tongue, acids on its edges, and bitters at the back. There are probably di?erent nerve-?bres and end-organs for the di?erent varieties of taste. Many tastes depend upon the ordinary sensations of the tongue.

Like other sensations, taste can be very highly educated for a time, as in tea-tasters and wine-tasters, but this special adaptation is lost after some years.... functions the chief uses of the tongue are:


This is a distensible, sac-like organ with an average adult capacity of 1·5 litres situated in the upper abdomen. It is positioned between the OESOPHAGUS and DUODENUM, lying just beneath the DIAPHRAGM to the right of the SPLEEN and partly under the LIVER. The stomach is a part of the gastrointestinal tract with its walls formed of layers of longitudinal and circular muscles and lined by glandular cells that secrete gastric juice. It is well supplied with blood vessels as well as nerves from the autonomic system which enter via the phrenic nerve. The exit of the stomach is guarded by a ring of muscle called the pyloric sphincter which controls the passage of food into the duodenum.

Function As well as the stomach’s prime role in physically and physiologically breaking down the food delivered via the oesophagus, it also acts as a storage organ – a function that enables people to eat three or four times a day instead of every 30 minutes or so as their metabolic needs would otherwise demand. Gastric secretion is stimulated by the sight and smell of food and its subsequent arrival in the stomach. The secretions, which contain mucus and hydrochloric acid (the latter produced by parietal cells), sterilise the food; pepsin, a digestive ENZYME in the gastric juices, breaks down the protein in food. The juices also contain intrinsic factor, vital for the absorption of vitamin B12 when the chyle – as the stomach contents are called – reaches the intestine. This chyle is of creamy consistency and is the end product of enzymic action and rhythmic contractions of the stomach’s muscles every 30 seconds or so. Food remains in the stomach for varying lengths of time depending upon its quantity and nature. At regular intervals a bolus of chyle is forced into the duodenum by contractions of the stomach muscles coordinated with relaxation of the pyloric sphincter.... stomach


Mineral. Combines with protein to give structural solidarity to bones and flesh. Given with benefit for all bone problems, delayed union after injury, brittleness in the elderly, delayed dentition and weakness in rapidly growing children. Cataracts. Rickets in children; osteomalacia in adults.

Other deficiencies. Muscle cramps, spasms, tremors, nervousness, insomnia, joint pains.

Body effects. Healthy teeth and bones, blood clotting, nerve and muscle resilience.

Calcium helps reduce risk of fracture particularly in menopausal women who may increase intake to 1500mg daily. Calcium citrate malate is regarded as more effective than calcium carbonate. Calcium and Magnesium are essentials.

Sources. Dairy products, fish, sardines, salmon, watercress, hard drinking water, spinach. Dried skimmed milk may supply up to 60 per cent of the recommended daily amount.

Herbs. Chamomile, Clivers, Dandelion, Horsetail, Coltsfoot, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, Plantain, Scarlet Pimpernel, Silverweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Toadflax. Taken as teas, powders, tablets or capsules.

Herbal combination to increase intake. Comfrey 3, Horsetail 6, Kelp 1, Lobelia 1, Marshmallow root 2, Oats 4, Parsley root 1. Tea: 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; 1 cup morning and evening.

Calcium tablet supplements should first be pulverised before ingestion and taken in honey, bread bolus, or other suitable vehicle. Vitamin D assists absorption – 400-800 international units daily. ... calcium


Seizure, fit. Muscular spasms with alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles arising from brain disturbance. Epilepsy. Occurs when serum calcium, serum magnesium, or blood sugar is low. Feverish conditions are responsible for most convulsions in children. This is where herbal anti- febrile agents are helpful: Chamomile, Peppermint, Catnep, etc. Many parents unwittingly help to provoke a febrile convulsion.

Treatment would depend on diagnosis which may be one of a number of conditions: alcoholism, toxic drugs, meningitis, epilepsy, diabetic coma, dentition, expanding brain tumour, excessive crying or coughing – as in whooping cough, bowel irritation, emotional upset.

Symptoms. Aura, crying out, heavy breathing, loss of consciousness, rigidity, incontinence of urine and faeces.

Treatment. Cause the body to lose heat. For insulin coma give glucose, honey, or something sweet. Remove tight clothing. If the case is a child, lay on its side; sponge with cold water. If available, insert Valerian or other relaxant herb suppository. Catnep tea enema brings relief (Dr J. Christopherson).

Teas. Any one: German Chamomile, Hops, Lobelia, Motherwort, Passion flower, Skullcap, Wood Betony.

Decoctions. Any one: Cramp bark, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Skunk Cabbage, Valerian, Lady’s Slipper.

Tinctures. Any one: Cramp bark, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Lobelia, Valerian, Wild Yam, Lady’s Slipper. OR: Formula – Equal parts: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Valerian. Dose: 1 teaspoon in hot water, every half hour.

Camphor, Tincture or spirits of: 2-5 drops in honey or bread bolus offers a rapid emergency measure for adults. Inhalant also.

Peppermint, Oil. 1-2 drops in honey or milk.

Practitioner. Tincture Gelsemium BPC 1983. Dose: 0.3ml in water.

Supplements, for prevention: Calcium lactate 300mg 6 daily. Magnesium. Vitamin B6. ... convulsions

Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion

the administration of insulin by continuous infusion into the subcutaneous tissue via a small pump worn under the clothing and connected to the skin by a tube and a fine needle. The insulin is delivered at a precalculated background rate, but patient-activated *boluses can be administered at meal times. This method is particularly appropriate (as an alternative to regular injections) for patients with repeated or unpredictable episodes of hypoglycaemia.... continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion


Source of minerals for maintenance of nervous and muscle tissue. From deep-mined limestone. A supplement of magnesium and calcium for dietary deficiency. The two minerals work together to maintain normal growth of bone, healthy teeth, efficient heart function and sound collagen structures. Women have a special need of both.

Typical combination. Magnesium carbonate 200mg; Calcium carbonate 240mg. Uses. Mineral deficiencies, osteoporosis, to maintain healthy teeth.

Note: Not used by the elderly or those with digestive weakness.

Dolomite supplements should first be pulverised before ingestion, taken in honey, a bread bolus or other suitable vehicle. ... dolomite


The process by which food or liquid is conveyed from the mouth tothe stomach via the oesophagus. Once food has been chewed and mixed with saliva to form a bolus, the tongue pushes the bolus to the back of the mouth and the voluntary muscles in the palate push it into the throat. The rest of the swallowing process occurs by a series of reflexes. Entry of food into the throat causes the epiglottis to tilt down to seal the trachea and the soft palate to move back in order to close off the naval cavity. The throat muscles push the food into the oesophagus. Waves of contraction (peristalsis) along the oesophagus propel the food towards the stomach. swallowing difficulty A common symptom with various possible causes, including a foreign object in the throat; insufficient production of saliva (see mouth, dry); a disorder of the oesophagus such as oesophageal stricture; pressure on the oesophagus, for example from a goitre; a nervous system disorder such as myasthenia gravis or stroke; or a psychological problem such as globus hystericus.

Investigations of swallowing difficulty may include oesophagoscopy or barium swallow (see barium X-ray examinations).

Treatment depends on the cause.... swallowing


n. a condition in which bowel evacuations occur infrequently, or in which the faeces are hard and small, or where passage of faeces causes difficulty or pain. The frequency of bowel evacuation varies considerably from person to person. Constipation developing in a person of previously regular bowel habit may be a symptom of intestinal disease and may require further investigation. Recurrent or longstanding constipation is treated by increasing fluid intake, *dietary fibre (roughage), *laxatives, or *enemas, and by withdrawing medications that promote constipation (such as opiates). Faecal impaction, the end-result of chronic constipation (more common in the elderly and the very young), often requires manual removal of the faecal bolus (faecal disimpaction), sometimes under an anaesthetic.... constipation

Glucagon Stimulation Test

a test for *phaeochromocytomas not displaying typically high levels of plasma *catecholamines. An intravenous bolus of *glucagon is administered and the test is positive when there is a threefold increase in plasma catecholamine levels with a consequent rise in blood pressure. The test is now very rarely used due to safer and more sensitive screening tests, combined with modern tumour imaging techniques.... glucagon stimulation test

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