The process by which a strong tie, both psychological and emotional, is established between a parent and newborn child.
The formation of a close, selective attachment between two individuals, as in the relationship between a mother and her baby.
n. 1. (in psychology) the development of a close and selective relationship, such as that of *attachment. Mother–child bonding is the supposed process that starts with physical contact between mother and child in the child’s first hours of life and continues throughout childhood. It promotes the mother’s loving and caring for her baby as well as the child’s sense of security. 2. (in dentistry) the attachment of dental restorations, sealants, and orthodontic brackets to teeth. Bonding may be mechanical (see acid-etch technique) or chemical, by the use of adhesive *cements or resins. Dentine bonding agents are increasingly used to attach dental fillings to dentine as well as to enamel. In certain artificial *crowns porcelain is bonded to a metal substructure to produce a bonded porcelain crown.