In?ammation of the LABYRINTH of the EAR. Usually caused by bacterial or viral infection, the former often the result of inadequately treated otitis media (see EAR, DISEASES OF – Diseases of the middle ear), or MEASLES. Symptoms are VERTIGO, nausea, vomiting, nystagmus (see EYE, DISORDERS OF), TINNITUS and loss of hearing. Bacterial infection needs treatment with ANTIBIOTICS; viral infection is usually self-limiting. ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS will help reduce the vertigo. Rarely, surgery may be required to drain the infection in bacteria-based labyrinthitis.... labyrinthitis
A diffuse growth of new, soft bone that forms as part of the healing process in a fracture. As healing continues, the callus is replaced by harder bone, and the original shape of the bone is restored.... callus, bony
n. a surgical procedure to ablate (see ablation) the structures of the *labyrinth, usually performed for cases of severe Ménière’s disease.... labyrinthectomy