(Linn. f.) F. N. Williams.Synonym: B. hispada (L.) K. Sch. Spermacoce hispida Linn.Family: Rubiaceae.
Habitat: Throughout India, as a weed in cultivated and sallow lands and pastures.
English: Shaggy Button Weed.Ayurvedic: Madana-ghanti.Siddha/Tamil: Nathaichoori.Folk: Ghanti-chi-bhaaji (Maharashtra), Gatbhanjan, Satgathiyaa.Action: Herb—used in the treatment of headache. Root—prescribed as a mouthwash in toothache. Leaf— juice is given as an astringent in haemorrhoids. Seeds—used as demulcent in diarrhoea and dysentery.
The weed contains beta-sitosterol, ursolic acid and D-mannitol. It is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Isorham- netin, a flavonoid, is reported in the seeds.