Bradykinesia Health Dictionary

Bradykinesia: From 2 Different Sources

Bradykinesia refers to the slow, writhing movements of the body and limbs that may occur in various brain disorders (see ATHETOSIS).
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


One of the antimuscarinic (see ANTIMUSCARINE) group of drugs used to treat PARKINSONISM. Acting by correcting the relative central cholinergic excess resulting from DOPAMINE de?ciency, the drug has a moderate e?ect, reducing tremor and rigidity but with little action on BRADYKINESIA. It has a synergistic (see SYNERGIST) e?ect when used with LEVODOPA and is useful in reducing SIALORRHOEA. Valuable in treating cases of Parkinsonian side-effects occurring with neuroleptic drugs. Tardive DYSKINESIA is not improved and may be made worse.

There are few signi?cant di?erences between the various antimuscarinic drugs available, but some patients may tolerate one drug better than another or ?nd that they need to adjust their drug regimen in relation to food.... benzhexol

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