Brahmi Tea Or Food For The Brain: From 1 Different Sources
Brahmi Tea isbest known in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for its role against motor and nerve disorders. It possesses a pungent and bitter flavor, being a tonic, a mild sedative and a diuretic.
Brahmi Tea description
Brahmi is a perennial creeping herb, commonly found in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and in the southern parts of the United States. It grows on wetlands and muddy shores.
Brahmi is medicinally and culinary used. It is known as “food for the brain”, brahmi being used since the 6
th century in Ayurvedic medicine as a cognitive enhancer. In India, the herb is still used by students and schoolchildren to help their brain functions.
Brahmi tea is the resulting beverage from brewing the abovementioned plant.
Brahmi Tea brewing
Brahmi tea can be made by immersing ½ teaspoon of dried brahmi herbs into one cup of boiling water.
Let it soak and steep it for about 5 minutes.
Drink it slowly.
Brahmi Tea benefits
Brahmi tea has proven its efficiency in:
- improving the memory and enhancing mental functions, agility and alertness (It is helpful in retention of new information)
- calming the mind and promoting relaxation
- improving motor learning ability
- promoting greater concentration and focus
- treating asthma
- treating epilepsy
- treating indigestion
Brahmi Tea side effects
High doses of
Brahmi tea may causeheadaches, nausea, dizziness and extreme drowsiness.
Pregnant and nursing women should not intake this beverage.
Brahmi tea is a medicinal beverage successfully used to enhance the memory processes and to promote relaxation. It is also efficient in dealing with indigestion, but not only.
This illness is characterised by vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, and results from eating food contaminated with metallic or chemical poisons, certain micro-organisms or microbial products. Alternatively, the foods – such as undercooked red kidney beans or ?sh of the scombroid family (mackerel and tuna) – may contain natural posions. Food poisoning caused by chemical or metallic substances usually occurs rapidly, within minutes or a few hours of eating. Among micro-organisms, bacteria are the leading cause of food poisoning, particularly Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens (formerly Cl. welchii), Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, and Escherichia coli O157.
Staphylococcal food poisoning occurs after food such as meat products, cold meats, milk, custard and egg products becomes contaminated before or after cooking, usually through incorrect handling by humans who carry S. aureus. The bacteria produce an ENTEROTOXIN which causes the symptoms of food poisoning 1–8 hours after ingestion. The toxin can withstand heat; thus, subsequent cooking of contaminated food will not prevent illness.
Heat-resistant strains of Cl. perfringens cause food poisoning associated with meat dishes, soups or gravy when dishes cooked in bulk are left unrefrigerated for long periods before consumption. The bacteria are anaerobes (see ANAEROBE) and form spores; the anaerobic conditions in these cooked foods allow the germinated spores to multiply rapidly during cooling, resulting in heavy contamination. Once ingested the bacteria produce enterotoxin in the intestine, causing symptoms within 8–24 hours.
Many di?erent types of Salmonella (about 2,000) cause food poisoning or ENTERITIS, from eight hours to three days after ingestion of food in which they have multiplied. S. brendeny, S. enteritidis, S. heidelberg, S. newport and S. thompson are among those commonly causing enteritis. Salmonella infections are common in domesticated animals such as cows, pigs and poultry whose meat and milk may be infected, although the animals may show no symptoms. Duck eggs may harbour Salmonella (usually S. typhimurium), arising from surface contamination with the bird’s faeces, and foods containing uncooked or lightly cooked hen’s eggs, such as mayonnaise, have been associated with enteritis. The incidence of human S. enteritidis infection has been increasing, by more than 15-fold in England and Wales annually, from around 1,100 a year in the early 1980s to more than 32,000 at the end of the 1990s, but has since fallen to about 10,000. A serious source of infection seems to be poultry meat and hen’s eggs.
Although Salmonella are mostly killed by heating at 60 °C for 15 minutes, contaminated food requires considerably longer cooking and, if frozen, must be completely thawed beforehand, to allow even cooking at a su?cient temperature.
Enteritis caused by Campylobacter jejuni is usually self-limiting, lasting 1–3 days. Since reporting of the disease began in 1977, in England and Wales its incidence has increased from around 1,400 cases initially to nearly 13,000 in 1982 and to over 42,000 in 2004. Outbreaks have been associated with unpasteurised milk: the main source seems to be infected poultry.
ESCHERICHIA COLI O157 was ?rst identi?ed as a cause of food poisoning in the early 1980s, but its incidence has increased sharply since, with more than 1,000 cases annually in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s. The illness can be severe, with bloody diarrhoea and life-threatening renal complications. The reservoir for this pathogen is thought to be cattle, and transmission results from consumption of raw or undercooked meat products and raw dairy products. Cross-infection of cooked meat by raw meat is a common cause of outbreaks of Escherichia coli O157 food poisoning. Water and other foods can be contaminated by manure from cattle, and person-to-person spread can occur, especially in children.
Food poisoning associated with fried or boiled rice is caused by Bacillus cereus, whose heat-resistant spores survive cooking. An enterotoxin is responsible for the symptoms, which occur 2–8 hours after ingestion and resolve after 8–24 hours.
Viruses are emerging as an increasing cause of some outbreaks of food poisoning from shell?sh (cockles, mussels and oysters).
The incidence of food poisoning in the UK rose from under 60,000 cases in 1991 to nearly 79,000 in 2004. Public health measures to control this rise include agricultural aspects of food production, implementing standards of hygiene in abattoirs, and regulating the environment and process of industrial food production, handling, transportation and storage.... food poisoning
A functional, semi-permeable membrane separating the brain and cerebrospinal ?uid from the blood. It allows small and lipid-soluble molecules to pass freely but is impermeable to large or ionised molecules and cells.... blood brain barrier
The irreversible cessation of all functions of the brain, including the brainstem. (See also death.)... brain death
Bacopa monnieriScrophulariaceaeSan: Brahmi, Sarasvati;Hin: Barami, Jalnim;Ben: Boihim-sak;Mal: Brahmi , Nirbrahmi;Tam: Nirpirami, Piramiyapundu; Kan, Mar: NirbrahmiImportance: Brahmi or Thyme leaved gratiola is an important drug in Ayurveda for the improvement of intelligence and memory and revitalisation of sense organs. It clears voice and improves digestion. It is suggested against dermatosis, anaemia, diabetes, cough, dropsy, fever, arthritis, anorexia, dyspepsia, emaciation, and insanity. It dispels poisonous affections, splenic disorders and impurity of blood. It is useful in vitiated conditions of kapha and vata, biliousness, neuralgia, ascites, flatulence, leprosy, leucoderma, syphilis, sterility and general debility. The whole plant is used in a variety of preparations like Brahmighrtam, Sarasvataristam., Brahmitailam, Misrakasneham, etc. In unani Majun Brahmi is considered as a brain tonic.Distribution: The plant grows wild on damp places and marshy lands in the major part of the plains of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other tropical countries.Botany: Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Pennell. syn. Monniera cuneifolia Michx., Herpestis monniera (Linn.) H.B. & K. belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae. It is a prostrate, juicy, succulent, glabrous annual herb rooting at the nodes with numerous ascending branches. Leaves are simple, opposite, decussate, sessile, obovate-oblong or spatulate, entire, fleshy, obscurely veined and punctate. Flowers are pale blue or whitish, axillary, solitary, arranged on long slender pedicels. Fruits are ovoid, acute, 2-celled, 2-valved capsules and tipped with style base. Seeds are minute and numerous (Warrier et al, 1993).Agrotechnology: The plant grows throughout the warm humid tropics upto 1200m elevation. Brahmi gets established well in water logged fields. The plant is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings. Land is prepared by ploughing 2 or 3 times. Two to three tonnes/ha of cowdung or compost is applied and the field is again ploughed and levelled. Stem cuttings, 10cm long are spread at a spacing of 20cm. Waterlogging to height of 30cm is always required. Rooting may start within 15-20 days. It will spread over the field within 6 months. Regular application of organic manure will take care of the manurial requirement. Weeding once in a month is required. Care should be taken to maintain water level at a height of 30cm during the growth period. No serious pests or diseases are noted in this crop. Harvesting commences from sixth months onwards. Brahmi leaves can be collected once a month. After 3 years, the whole crop is harvested and removed. Fresh cultivation can be carried out in the same field.Properties and activity: Earlier workers have reported the isolation of the alkaloids brahmine and hespestine and a mixture of 3 alkaloids from the leaves. Mannitol and saponins were reported later. Subsequent work described isolation of some C27, C29, and C31 hydrocarbons and betulic acid from this plant material. A systematic examination has resulted in the isolation and identification of two saponins designated as bacosides A and B. Bacoside A has chemical structure represented as 3-(-L-arabinopyranosyl)-O- - D-glucopyranoside-10, 20-dihydroxy-16-ketodammar-24-ene. The mixture of bacosides A and B on hydrolysis give four sapogenins, glucose and arabinose. The constitution of bacogenin A, has been established as 3 -30-dihydroxy-20(5)-25-epoxy-22-methyl-24-nor-dammar-22-en-16-one. Bacogenin A2 has been shown to be an isomer of bacogenin A, differing in configuration at C-20. Bacogenin A4 has been identified as ebelin lactone.The plant is reported to have shown barbiturate hypnosis potentiation effect. The plant is anticancerous and improves learning ability. It is used as a tranquilliser. The plant is astringent, bitter, sweet, cooling, laxative, intellect promoting, anodyne, carminative, digestive, antiinflammatory, anticonvulsant, depurative, cardiotonic, bronchodialator, diuretic, emmenagogue, sudorfic, febrifuge and tonic (Basu et al, 1947; Rastogi et al 1960).... brahmi
Cerebral hyperemia. See Poe, Edgar Allen... brain fever
See BRAIN INJURIES.... concussion of the brain
Mixture of substances containing CARBOHYDRATE, FAT, PROTEIN, VITAMINS, TRACE ELEMENTS and water consumed by animals, including humans, to provide the necessary nutrients to maintain the body’s METABOLISM.... food
An independent agency recently set up by the UK government. The aim is for the agency to protect consumers’ interests in every aspect of food safety and nutrition. The agency advises ministers and the food industry, conducts research and surveillance, and monitors enforcement of food safety and hygiene laws.... food standards agency
Most blows to the head cause no loss of consciousness and no brain injury. If someone is knocked out for a minute or two, there has been a brief disturbance of the brain cells (concussion); usually there are no after-effects. Most patients so affected leave hospital within 1–3 days, have no organic signs, and recover and return quickly to work without further complaints.
Severe head injuries cause unconsciousness for hours or many days, followed by loss of memory before and after that period of unconsciousness. The skull may be fractured; there may be ?ts in the ?rst week; and there may develop a blood clot in the brain (intracerebral haematoma) or within the membranes covering the brain (extradural and subdural haematomata). These clots compress the brain, and the pressure inside the skull – intracranial pressure – rises with urgent, life-threatening consequences. They are identi?ed by neurologists and neurosurgeons, con?rmed by brain scans (see COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY; MRI), and require urgent surgical removal. Recovery may be complete, or in very severe cases can be marred by physical disabilities, EPILEPSY, and by changes in intelligence, rational judgement and behaviour. Symptoms generally improve in the ?rst two years.
A minority of those with minor head injuries have complaints and disabilities which seem disproportionate to the injury sustained. Referred to as the post-traumatic syndrome, this is not a diagnostic entity. The complaints are headaches, forgetfulness, irritability, slowness, poor concentration, fatigue, dizziness (usually not vertigo), intolerance of alcohol, light and noise, loss of interests and initiative, DEPRESSION, anxiety, and impaired LIBIDO. Reassurance and return to light work help these symptoms to disappear, in most cases within three months. Psychological illness and unresolved compensation-claims feature in many with implacable complaints.
People who have had brain injuries, and their relatives, can obtain help and advice from Headwat and from and brain injuries
See brain syndrome, organic.... brain failure
Bleeding within or around the brain that is caused either by injury or by spontaneous rupture of a blood vessel. There are 4 possible types of brain haemorrhage: subdural, extradural, subarachnoid, and intracerebral. Extradural and subdural haemorrhages are usually the result of a blow to the head (see head injury). Subarachnoid and intracerebral haemorrhages usually occur spontaneously due to rupture of aneurysms or small blood vessels in the brain.... brain haemorrhage
These consist either of expanding masses (lumps or tumours), or of areas of shrinkage (atrophy) due to degeneration, or to loss of blood supply, usually from blockage of an artery.
Tumours All masses cause varying combinations of headache and vomiting – symptoms of raised pressure within the inexpansible bony box formed by the skull; general or localised epileptic ?ts; weakness of limbs or disordered speech; and varied mental changes. Tumours may be primary, arising in the brain, or secondary deposits from tumours arising in the lung, breast or other organs. Some brain tumours are benign and curable by surgery: examples include meningiomas and pituitary tumours. The symptoms depend on the size and situation of the mass. Abscesses or blood clots (see HAEMATOMA) on the surface or within the brain may resemble tumours; some are removable. Gliomas ( see GLIOMA) are primary malignant tumours arising in the glial tissue (see GLIA) which despite surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy usually have a bad prognosis, though some astrocytomas and oligodendronogliomas are of low-grade malignancy. A promising line of research in the US (in the animal-testing stage in 2000) suggests that the ability of stem cells from normal brain tissue to ‘home in’ on gliomal cells can be turned to advantage. The stem cells were chemically manipulated to carry a poisonous compound (5-?uorouracil) to the gliomal cells and kill them, without damaging normal cells. Around 80 per cent of the cancerous cells in the experiments were destroyed in this way.
Clinical examination and brain scanning (CT, or COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI) are safe, accurate methods of demonstrating the tumour, its size, position and treatability.
Strokes When a blood vessel, usually an artery, is blocked by a clot, thrombus or embolism, the local area of the brain fed by that artery is damaged (see STROKE). The resulting infarct (softening) causes a stroke. The cells die and a patch of brain tissue shrinks. The obstruction in the blood vessel may be in a small artery in the brain, or in a larger artery in the neck. Aspirin and other anti-clotting drugs reduce recurrent attacks, and a small number of people bene?t if a narrowed neck artery is cleaned out by an operation – endarterectomy. Similar symptoms develop abruptly if a blood vessel bursts, causing a cerebral haemorrhage. The symptoms of a stroke are sudden weakness or paralysis of the arm and leg of the opposite side to the damaged area of brain (HEMIPARESIS), and sometimes loss of half of the ?eld of vision to one side (HEMIANOPIA). The speech area is in the left side of the brain controlling language in right-handed people. In 60 per cent of lefthanders the speech area is on the left side, and in 40 per cent on the right side. If the speech area is damaged, diffculties both in understanding words, and in saying them, develops (see DYSPHASIA).
Degenerations (atrophy) For reasons often unknown, various groups of nerve cells degenerate prematurely. The illness resulting is determined by which groups of nerve cells are affected. If those in the deep basal ganglia are affected, a movement disorder occurs, such as Parkinson’s disease, hereditary Huntington’s chorea, or, in children with birth defects of the brain, athetosis and dystonias. Modern drugs, such as DOPAMINE drugs in PARKINSONISM, and other treatments can improve the symptoms and reduce the disabilities of some of these diseases.
Drugs and injury Alcohol in excess, the abuse of many sedative drugs and arti?cial brain stimulants – such as cocaine, LSD and heroin (see DEPENDENCE) – can damage the brain; the effects can be reversible in early cases. Severe head injury can cause localised or di?use brain damage (see HEAD INJURY).
Cerebral palsy Damage to the brain in children can occur in the uterus during pregnancy, or can result from rare hereditary and genetic diseases, or can occur during labour and delivery. Severe neurological illness in the early months of life can also cause this condition in which sti? spastic limbs, movement disorders and speech defects are common. Some of these children are learning-disabled.
Dementias In older people a di?use loss of cells, mainly at the front of the brain, causes ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE – the main feature being loss of memory, attention and reasoned judgement (dementia). This affects about 5 per cent of the over-80s, but is not simply due to ageing processes. Most patients require routine tests and brain scanning to indicate other, treatable causes of dementia.
Response to current treatments is poor, but promising lines of treatment are under development. Like Parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease progresses slowly over many years. It is uncommon for these diseases to run in families. Multiple strokes can cause dementia, as can some organic disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver.
Infections in the brain are uncommon. Viruses such as measles, mumps, herpes, human immunode?ciency virus and enteroviruses may cause ENCEPHALITIS – a di?use in?ammation (see also AIDS/HIV).
Bacteria or viruses may infect the membrane covering the brain, causing MENINGITIS. Viral meningitis is normally a mild, self-limiting infection lasting only a few days; however, bacterial meningitis – caused by meningococcal groups B and C, pneumococcus, and (now rarely) haemophilus – is a life-threatening condition. Antibiotics have allowed a cure or good control of symptoms in most cases of meningitis, but early diagnosis is essential. Severe headaches, fever, vomiting and increasing sleepiness are the principal symptoms which demand urgent advice from the doctor, and usually admission to hospital. Group B meningococcus is the commonest of the bacterial infections, but Group C causes more deaths. A vaccine against the latter has been developed and has reduced the incidence of cases by 75 per cent.
If infection spreads from an unusually serious sinusitis or from a chronically infected middle ear, or from a penetrating injury of the skull, an abscess may slowly develop. Brain abscesses cause insidious drowsiness, headaches, and at a late stage, weakness of the limbs or loss of speech; a high temperature is seldom present. Early diagnosis, con?rmed by brain scanning, is followed by antibiotics and surgery in hospital, but the outcome is good in only half of affected patients.
Cerebral oedema Swelling of the brain can occur after injury, due to engorgement of blood vessels or an increase in the volume of the extravascular brain tissue due to abnormal uptake of water by the damaged grey (neurons) matter and white (nerve ?bres) matter. This latter phenomenon is called cerebral oedema and can seriously affect the functioning of the brain. It is a particularly dangerous complication following injury because sometimes an unconscious person whose brain is damaged may seem to be recovering after a few hours, only to have a major relapse. This may be the result of a slow haemorrhage from damaged blood vessels raising intracranial pressure, or because of oedema of the brain tissue in the area surrounding the injury. Such a development is potentially lethal and requires urgent specialist treatment to alleviate the rising intracranial pressure: osmotic agents (see OSMOSIS) such as mannitol or frusemide are given intravenously to remove the excess water from the brain and to lower intracranial pressure, buying time for de?nitive investigation of the cranial damage.... brain, diseases of
Usually associated with some loss of sensation and power in another part of the body. Taste, smell, hearing, sight and movement may be affected. The following are some of the disorders that may affect the brain. Each has a separate entry in this book.
Abscess, Alzheimer’s Disease, anoxia (oxygen starvation), coma, concussion, haemorrhage, Down’s syndrome, epilepsy, tumour, hydrocephalus (water on the brain), meningitis, multiple sclerosis, stroke (rupture of blood vessel), spina bifida, syphilis (general paralysis of the insane), sleepy sickness.
Poor circulation through the brain due to hardening of the arteries: Ginkgo, Ginseng. Ginseng stimulates the hypothalmic/pituitary axis of the brain and favourably influences its relationship with the adrenal glands.
Congestion of the brain – Cowslip (Boerwicke). Irritability of brain and spine – Hops. Oats. Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) as in viral infection, poliomyelitis, rabies, sleepy sickness, etc: Echinacea, Passion flower, Skullcap and Lobelia. Gelsemium acts as a powerful relaxant in the hands of a practitioner: Tincture BPC (1973): dose 0.3ml.
Brain storm from hysteria, locomotor ataxia, etc – Liquid Extract Lobelia: 5ml teaspoon in water when necessary (Dr Jentzsch, 1915, Ellingwood) Supplement with Zinc, Vitamins C and E.
Blood clot, thrombosis: Yarrow. Neurasthenia: Oats, Basil, Hops.
Brain fag and jet-lag: Chamomile, Skullcap, Oats, Ginseng, Ginkgo.
Tumour may be present years before manifesting: Goldenseal.
Mental state: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia.
Tea. Formula. Skullcap, Gotu Kola and German Chamomile; equal parts. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 10 minutes. Strain. 1 cup thrice daily.
Unspecified tensive state. Formula. Tinctures. Hops 1; Passion flower 2; Valerian 2. Dose: 2 teaspoons thrice daily until diagnosis is concluded.
Unspecified torpor. Formula. Tinctures. Ginseng 1; Kola 1; Capsicum quarter. 2 teaspoons in water thrice daily until diagnosis is concluded.
Brain weakness in the elderly: Ginkgo. See: ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.
Fluid on the brain: see HYDROCEPHALUS.
Abscess of the brain: see ABSCESS.
Brain restoratives. Black Haw, True Unicorn root, Galangal, Oats, Oatstraw, False Unicorn root, Kola, Hops. Vitamin B6. Magnesium.
Cerebral thrombosis. See entry.
Note: Cold water may help victims to survive: rapid loss of body heat protects the brain. (Child Health Department, University of Wales)
Treatment by or in liaison with general medical practitioner or hospital specialist. ... brain disorders
A like or dislike of a particular food or foods that is taken to extremes. A food fad may lead to undue reliance on, or avoidance of, a particular foodstuff. Fads are common in toddlers, adolescents, and in people who are under stress. When a food fad becomes obsessive or persistent, it may indicate a serious eating disorder. (See also anorexia nervosa; bulimia.)... food fad
A term applied to any food products thought to promote health.... health food
The treatment of food with ionizing radiation to kill bacteria, moulds, insects, and other parasites. It improves the keeping qualities of food and is a means of controlling some types of food poisoning. It does not destroy bacterial toxins, however, and may destroy vitamins. Irradiation does not render food radioactive.... irradiation of food
A hypothetical condition thought to account for behavioural and other problems in children for which no physical cause is found. It may be a cause of some learning difficulties, difficulty in concentrating, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity.... minimal brain dysfunction
Disorder of consciousness, intellect, or mental functioning that is of organic (physical), as opposed to psychiatric, origin. Causes include degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease; infections; certain drugs; or the effects of injury, stroke, or tumour. Symptoms range from mild confusion to stupor or coma. They may also include disorientation, memory loss, hallucinations, and delusions (see delirium). In the chronic form, there is a progressive decline in intellect, memory, and behaviour (see dementia). Treatment is more likely to be successful with the acute form. In chronic cases, irreversible brain damage may already have occurred. (See also psychosis.)... brain syndrome, organic
See brain syndrome, organic.... organic brain syndrome
A nonmedical term for hydrocephalus.... water on the brain
(ABR audiometry, brainstem evoked response audiometry, BSER) an objective test of hearing that measures the electrical activity in the auditory nerve and *brainstem following sound stimulation using repeated clicks or brief tones.... auditory brainstem response audiometry
(BNP) see natriuretic peptide.... brain natriuretic peptide
see auditory brainstem response audiometry.... brainstem evoked response audiometry
(DBS) a surgical treatment involving the implantation of a medical device that sends electrical impulses to specific parts of the brain. DBS in selected brain regions can provide benefits for treatment-resistant movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, tremor, and *dystonia.... deep brain stimulation
(FDA) in the USA, the federal agency within the *Department of Health and Human Services responsible for ensuring that foods are safely edible; that medications (for humans and animals), biological products, and medical devices are safe and effective; and that cosmetics and electronic products that emit radiation are safe. The FDA is also responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the advertisements and labelling related to these products.... food and drug administration
An inappropriate or exaggerated reaction of the immune system to a food. Sensitivity to cow’s milk protein is a fairly common food allergy in young children. Other foods most commonly implicated in food allergy are nuts, wheat, fish, shellfish, and eggs. Food allergy is more common in people who suffer from other forms of allergy or hypersensitivity, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema.Immediate reactions, occurring within an hour or sometimes minutes of eating the trigger food, include lip swelling, tingling in the mouth or throat, vomiting, abdominal distension, abnormally loud bowel sounds, and diarrhoea. Some serious allergies can cause anaphylactic shock, requiring immediate self-injection with adrenaline (epinephrine). The only effective treatment for food allergy is avoidance of the offending food. (See also food intolerance.)... food allergy
a device similar to a *cochlear implant except that the electrode stimulates the auditory parts of the *brainstem rather than the cochlea. It is used to restore hearing of profoundly deaf people who have had damage to both auditory nerves and are hence unsuitable for cochlear implantation. It consists of an electrode that is permanently implanted on the surface of the brainstem. An external device with a microphone and an electronic processing unit pass information to the electrode using radio-frequency waves. The implant is powered by batteries in the external part of the device. It is most commonly used in patients with *neurofibromatosis type II who have had bilateral *vestibular schwannomas.... auditory brainstem implant
(TBI) injury to the brain due to external force, such as occurs following falls, road traffic accidents, and violence. It is a major cause of death and chronic disability worldwide, especially in young males.... traumatic brain injury