Breasts, nursing mother exhaustion Health Dictionary

Breasts, Nursing Mother Exhaustion: From 1 Different Sources

Inability to cope with incessant demands of the child. Heaviness of shoulders and back. Headache, pains, possible anaemia, lack of energy, insomnia, mental depression. Usually a combination of invigorating herb teas suffices. Alcohol-based tinctures, liquid extracts, etc, are contra-indicated. Bananas, to counter potassium deficiency. Oatmeal porridge. Alternatives. Teas. Oats. Raspberry leaves. Ginseng, Wood Betony, Vervain.

Gerard tea. Equal parts: Raspberry leaves, Lemon Balm leaves, Agrimony leaves. Mix. Made as ordinary tea: 2-3 teaspoons to small teapot; infuse few minutes. Drink freely.

Fenugreek tea: consume seeds as well as liquor.

Gentian root. 2 teaspoons to cup cold water left to steep overnight. Half-1 cup before meals.


Diet. Oatmeal porridge. Honey.

Supplements. Multivitamins, B-complex, B6, B12. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Heat Exhaustion

Collapse of the circulation from exposure to excessive heat. Possible in the presence of diarrhoea, vomiting or excessive sweating (dehydration) or alcohol consumption.

Symptoms: heavy sweating, failure of surface circulation, low blood pressure, weakness, cramps, rapid heartbeat, face is pale, cool and moist. Collapse. Recovery after treatment is rapid.

Alternatives. Cayenne pepper, or Tincture Capsicum, to promote peripheral circulation and sustain the heart. Prickly Ash bark restores vascular tone and stimulates capillary circulation. Bayberry offers a diffusive stimulant to promote blood flow, and Cayenne to increase arterial force.

Decoction. Combine equal parts Prickly Ash and Bayberry. 1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half a cup (to which 3 drops Tincture Capsicum, or few grains red pepper is added). Dose: every 2 hours.

Tablets/capsules. Prickly Ash. Bayberry. Motherwort. Cayenne.

Tinctures. Formula. Prickly Ash 2; Horseradish 1; Bayberry 1. 15-30 drops in water every 2 hours. Traditional. Horseradish juice or grated root, in honey.

Life Drops. ... heat exhaustion

Barrier Nursing

The nursing of a patient suffering from an infectious disease in such a way that the risk of their passing on the disease to others is reduced. Thus, precautions are taken to ensure that all infective matter – such as stools, urine, sputum, discharge from wounds, and anything that may be contaminated by such infective matter (e.g. nurses’ uniforms, bedding and towels) – is so treated that it will not convey the infection. (See NURSING.)... barrier nursing


Breasts, or mammary glands, occur only in mammals and provide milk for feeding the young. These paired organs are usually fully developed only in adult females, but are present in rudimentary form in juveniles and males. In women, the two breasts over-lie the second to sixth ribs on the front of the chest. On the surface of each breast is a central pink disc called the areola, which surrounds the nipple. Inside, the breast consists of fat, supporting tissue and glandular tissue, which is the part that produces milk following childbirth. Each breast consists of 12–20 compartments arranged radially around the nipple: each compartment opens on to the tip of the nipple via its own duct through which the milk ?ows. The breast enlargement that occurs in pregnancy is due to development of the glandular part in preparation for lactation. In women beyond childbearing age, the glandular part of the breasts reduces (called involution) and the breasts become less ?rm and contain relatively more fat.

... breasts

Nursing Home

See “high dependency care facility”.... nursing home

Council For Nursing And Midwifery

See APPENDIX 7: STATUTORY ORGANISATIONS.... council for nursing and midwifery

Interim Nursing Home Care

Care provided in geriatric centres and acute hospitals to older persons who are in need of limited medical care and who are awaiting nursing home placement.... interim nursing home care


Nurses are the largest single group of sta? working in the health service. There are more than 330,000 quali?ed nursing posts in NHS trusts and primary care across the UK. Would-be registered nurses (RNs) do either a three-year diploma programme or a four-year degree. An increasing number of nurses are now acquiring degrees, either as their initial quali?cation or by studying part-time later in their career. This has led to an often heated debate over the nature of nursing and whether there is now too much emphasis on academic theory at the expense of hands-on care.

Nursing is changing rapidly, and today’s nurses are expected to take on an extended role – often performing tasks which were once the sole preserve of doctors, such as diagnosing, prescribing drugs and admitting and discharging patients.

There are four main branches of nursing: adult, child, mental health and learning disability. Student nurses qualify in one of these areas and then apply to go on the nursing register. This is held by nursing’s regulatory body, the Council for Nursing and Midwifery. Nurses are expected to abide by the Council’s Code of Professional Conduct. The organisation’s main role is protecting the public and it is responsible for monitoring standards and dealing with allegations of misconduct. There are more than 637,000 quali?ed nurses on the Council’s register, and this is the main pool from which the NHS and other employers recruit.

The criticisms about nurses’ education being too academic, and persisting problems of recruitment of nurses into the NHS, were among factors prompting a strategic government review of the status, training, pay and career opportunities for nurses and other health professionals. The new model emphasises the practical aspects of the education programme with a better response to the needs of patients and the NHS. It also o?ers nurses a more ?exible career path and education linked more closely with practice development and research, so as to provide greater scope for continuing professional education and development.

About 60 per cent of RNs work in NHS hospitals and community trusts. But an increasing number are choosing to work elsewhere, either in the private sector or in jobs such as school nursing, occupational health or for NHS Direct, the nurse-led telephone helpline. Others have dropped out of nursing altogether. The health service is facing a shortage of quali?ed nurses and many trust employers have resorted to overseas recruitment drives. The government has launched a major nurse recruitment and retention campaign and is promoting family-friendly employment practices to lure those with a nursing quali?cation currently working outside the NHS back into the workforce. Nursing is a mainly female profession and a third of nurses work part-time.

Nurses’ pay has for long compared unfavourably with other professional employment opportunities, despite being determined by an independent Pay Review Body. With the recruitment of nurses a perennial problem, the government’s strategy, Making a Di?erence, is to set up a new pay system o?ering greater ?exibility and opportunities for nurses and other health-service sta?. In 2005, a newly quali?ed sta? nurse earned around £16,000 a year, while one of the new grade of consultant nurses could command an annual salary of between £27,000 and £42,000. Nurse consultants were introduced in spring 2000 as a means of allowing nurses to progress up the career ladder while maintaining a clinical role.

The nurse of today is increasingly likely to be part of a multidisciplinary team, working alongside a range of other professionals from doctors and physiotherapists to social workers and teachers. A further sign of the times is that many registered nurses are being asked to act in a supervisory role, delegating tasks to nonregistered nurses working as health-care assistants and auxiliaries. In recognition of the latter’s increasing role, the Royal College of Nursing, the main professional association and trade union for nurses, has now agreed to extend membership to health-care assistants with a Scottish/National Vocational Quali?cation at level three.

Midwifery Midwives (see MIDWIFE) are practitioners who o?er advice and support to women before, during and after pregnancy. They are regulated by the Council for Nursing and Midwifery (formerly the UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting). Registered nurses can take an 18month course to become a midwife, and there is also a three-year programme for those who wish to enter the profession directly. Midwifery courses lead to a diploma or degree-level quali?cation. Most midwives work for the NHS and, as with nursing, there are problems recruiting and retaining sta?.

Health visiting Health visitors are registered nurses who work in the community with a range of groups including families, the homeless and older people. They focus on preventing ill-health and o?er advice on a range of topics from diet to child behavioural problems. They are employed by health trusts, primary-care groups and primary-care trusts.... nursing

Breasts, Diseases Of

The female breasts may be expected to undergo hormone-controlled enlargement at puberty, and later in pregnancy, and the glandular part of the breast undergoes evolution (shrinkage) after the menopause. The breast can also be affected by many di?erent diseases, with common symptoms being pain, nipple discharge or retraction, and the formation of a lump within the breast.

Benign disease is much more common than cancer, particularly in young women, and includes acute in?ammation of the breast (mastitis); abscess formation; and benign breast lumps, which may be ?broadenosis – di?use lumpiness also called chronic mastitis or ?brocystic disease – in which one or more ?uid-?lled sacs (cysts) develop.

Women who are breast feeding are particularly prone to mastitis, as infection may enter the breast via the nipple. The process may be arrested before a breast abscess forms by prompt treatment with antibiotics. Non-bacterial in?ammation may result from mammary duct ectasia (dilatation), in which abnormal or

blocked ducts may over?ow. Initial treatments should be with antibiotics, but if an abscess does form it should be surgically drained.

Duct ectasia, with or without local mastitis, is the usual benign cause of various nipple complaints, with common symptoms being nipple retraction, discharge and skin change.

Breast lumps form the chief potential danger and may be either solid or cystic. Simple examination may fail to distinguish the two types, but aspiration of a benign cyst usually results in its disappearance. If the ?uid is bloodstained, or if a lump still remains, malignancy is possible, and all solid lumps need histological (tissue examination) or cytological (cell examination) assessment. As well as having their medical and family history taken, any women with a breast lump should undergo triple assessment: a combination of clinical examination, imaging

– mammography for the over-35s and ultrasonagraphy for the under-35s – and ?ne-needle aspiration. The medical history should include details of any previous lumps, family history (up to 10 per cent of breast cancer in western countries is due to genetic disposition), pain, nipple discharge, change in size related to menstrual cycle and parous state, and any drugs being taken by the patient. Breasts should be inspected with the arms up and down, noting position, size, consistency, mobility, ?xity, and local lymphadenopathy (glandular swelling). Nipples should be examined for the presence of inversion or discharge. Skin involvement (peau d’orange) should be noted, and, in particular, how long changes have been present. Fine-needle aspiration and cytological examination of the ?uid are essential with ULTRASOUND, MAMMOGRAPHY and possible BIOPSY being considered, depending on the patient’s age and the extent of clinical suspicion that cancer may be present.

The commonest solid benign lump is a ?broadenoma, particularly in women of childbearing age, and is a painless, mobile lump. If small, it is usually safe to leave it alone, provided that the patient is warned to seek medical advice if its size or character changes or if the lump becomes painful. Fibroadenosis (di?use lumpiness often in the upper, outer quadrant) is a common (benign) lump. Others include periductal mastitis, fat NECROSIS, GALACTOCELE, ABSCESS, and non-breast-tissue lumps – for example, a LIPOMA (fatty tissue) or SEBACEOUS CYST. A woman with breast discharge should have a mammograph, ductograph, or total duct excision until the cause of any underlying duct ectasia is known. Appropriate treatment should then be given.

Malignant disease most commonly – but not exclusively – occurs in post-menopausal women, classically presenting as a slowly growing, painless, ?rm lump. A bloodstained nipple discharge or eczematous skin change may also be suggestive of cancer.

The most commonly used classi?cation of invasive cancers has split them into two types, ductal and lobular, but this is no longer suitable. There are also weaknesses in the tumour node metastases (TNM) system and the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) classi?cation.

The TNM system – which classi?es the lump by size, ?xity and presence of affected axillary glands and wider metastatic spread – is best combined with a pathological classi?cation, when assessing the seriousness of a possibly cancerous lump. Risk factors for cancer include nulliparity (see NULLIPARA), ?rst pregnancy over the age of 30 years, early MENARCHE, late MENOPAUSE and positive family history. The danger should be considered in women who are not breast feeding or with previous breast cancer, and must be carefully excluded if the woman is taking any contraceptive steroids or is on hormone-replacement therapy (see under MENOPAUSE).

Screening programmes involving mammography are well established, the aim being to detect more tumours at an early and curable stage. Pick-up rate is ?ve per 1,000 healthy women over 50 years. Yearly two-view mammograms could reduce mortality by 40 per cent but may cause alarm because there are ten false positive mammograms for each true positive result. In premenopausal women, breasts are denser, making mammograms harder to interpret, and screening appears not to save lives. About a quarter of women with a palpable breast lump turn out to have cancer.

Treatment This remains controversial, and all options should be carefully discussed with the patient and, where appropriate, with her partner. Locally contained disease may be treated by local excision of the lump, but sampling of the glands of the armpit of the same side should be performed to check for additional spread of the disease, and hence the need for CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY. Depending on the extent of spread, simple mastectomy or modi?ed radical mastectomy (which removes the lymph nodes draining the breast) may be required. Follow-up chemotherapy, for example, with TAMOXIFEN (an oestrogen antagonist), much improves survival (it saves 12 lives over 100 women treated), though it may occasionally cause endometrial carcinoma. Analysis in the mid-1990s of large-scale international studies of breast-cancer treatments showed wide variations in their e?ectiveness. As a result the NHS has encouraged hospitals to set up breast-treatment teams containing all the relevant health professional experts and to use those treatments shown to be most e?ective.

As well as the physical treatments provided, women with suspected or proven breast cancer should be o?ered psychological support because up to 30 per cent of affected women develop an anxiety state or depressive illness within a year of diagnosis. Problems over body image and sexual diffculties occur in and around one-quarter of patients. Breast conservation and reconstructive surgery can improve the physical effects of mastectomy, and women should be advised on the prostheses and specially designed brassieres that are available. Specialist nurses and self-help groups are invaluable in supporting affected women and their partners with the problems caused by breast cancer and its treatment. Breast Cancer Care, British Association of Cancer United Patients (BACUP), Cancerlink, and Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund are among voluntary organisations providing support.... breasts, diseases of

Nursing Facility

Licensed facility that provides skilled nursing care and rehabilitation services to functionally disabled, injured or sick individuals.... nursing facility

Nursing Record

Data recorded by nurses concerning the nursing care given to the patient, including judgement of the patient’s progress.... nursing record

Royal College Of Nursing (rcn)

See APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS.... royal college of nursing (rcn)

Skilled Nursing Care

Daily nursing and rehabilitative care that can only be performed by, or under the supervision of, skilled nursing personnel.... skilled nursing care

Skilled Nursing Facility

Nursing homes that are certified to provide a fairly intensive level of care, including skilled nursing care.... skilled nursing facility

Specialized Nursing Care Needs

Nursing care needs that require the advanced and specialized clinical skills and knowledge of a registered nurse.... specialized nursing care needs

Breasts, Hard

To soften. Creams: Calendula, Chickweed, Aloe Vera, Evening Primrose. Castor oil (cold compress). ... breasts, hard

Breasts, Mastectomy

Surgical operation for removal of the breast. Follow-up treatment to promote healing with minimum scarring. Marigold, St John’s Wort (Hypericum), Oil of Evening Primrose. Vitamin E. Fenugreek seeds.

Alternatives. Tea. Equal parts: Marigold petals, St John’s Wort, Mullein. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup 3 or more times daily.

Tissue regeneration. Fenugreek tea.

Capsules. Oil of Evening Primrose: 2 × 250mg, 3 times daily.

Liquid Extract Blue Cohosh BHP (1983) 7-15 drops (0.5-1ml).

Topical. Oil of Evening Primrose. Comfrey dusting powder. Aloe Vera juice. Vitamin E cream. Diet. Lacto-vegetarian.

Information. BCC, Free Help Line. UK telephone: 0500 245345. ... breasts, mastectomy

Breasts, Mastitis

Inflammation of the breast. Maybe of the new born, of puberty; associated with mumps, abscess; or occurs during breastfeeding when a milk duct may become blocked and infected by bacteria – usually Staphylococcus aureus. Mothers should suckle the baby until the breast is completely empty. Chronic mastitis is known as fibro adenosis. Should acute mastitis get out of hand, abscess may form requiring more drastic treatment such as incision to release pus.

Symptoms. Local tenderness, feverishness, general agitation. Pain following mumps. Nipple discharge. Alternatives. Where there is feverishness add Elderflowers (one part).

Tea. Combine equal parts: Comfrey leaves. Wild Thyme. German Chamomile. Red Clover. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Drink freely.

Tablets/capsules. Poke root. Red Clover. Echinacea.

Powders. Formula: Echinacea 2; Red Clover 1; Poke root 1. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 2; Marigold 1; Agnus Castus 2; Poke root 1. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily, in water.

Poultice: (1) Fresh Plantain leaves beaten in pestle and mortar, applied cold. (2) Comfrey powder or Slippery Elm powder (or both) sprinkled on suitable material wrung out in boiling water and applied. (3) German Chamomile and Comfrey leaves. (Arthur Hyde, MNIMH) (4) Bring to boil, equal parts Chamomile flowers and Marshmallow leaves in milk and water. Remove when boiling point is reached. Saturate linen or suitable material. Apply every 12 hours. (Rev. John Wesley) (6) Bathe with juice of Houseleek. (Traditional, Norfolk villages)

Evening Primrose oil: internally and externally.

Poke root. An important ingredient of prescription for acute condition. ... breasts, mastitis

Breasts, Milk Excessive

To reduce.

Tea. Rosemary. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; dose – half-1 cup thrice daily. Tea. Sage. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; dose – half-1 cup thrice daily. Old hospital remedy: Epsom’s salts. ... breasts, milk excessive

Breasts, Nipple – To Harden

Bathe nipple with Vodka or gin. ... breasts, nipple – to harden

Breasts, Over Large

To reduce.

Internal:– Nettles, Agnus Castus, Poke root, Pipsissewa leaves. Teas, powders or tinctures thrice daily. External:– Engorgement from breast-feeding – massage with Calendula cream or Almond oil. ... breasts, over large

Breasts, Underdeveloped

To increase size and firm, native women of Costa Rica use Saw Palmetto berries. The traditional combination of Saw Palmetto, Kola and Damiana are available in tablet or capsule form.

Peruvian bark. Liquid Extract, BPC (1954), 0.3-1ml in water, thrice daily.

Diet. Adequate protein is essential for a healthy-looking bust. Fenugreek seed tea. Favourable results reported. ... breasts, underdeveloped

Breasts, Weaning

 Aloe Vera. From time immemorial women of Northern Ethiopia have applied to their nipples raw juice of Aloe Vera to discourage the child from suckling. European tradition favours Rosemary, internally and externally. ... breasts, weaning

Nervous Exhaustion

See: EXHAUSTION. ... nervous exhaustion

Chief Nursing Officer

the UK government’s chief nursing adviser, who is responsible for providing an expert professional contribution and advice on nursing, midwifery, and health visiting matters to ministers and senior officials. There are separate Chief Nursing Officers appointed to advise the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.... chief nursing officer

Breasts, Milk Scanty

To promote milk production: Alfalfa, Aniseed, Borage, Caraway, Centuary, Balm, Dill, Fennel, Goat’s Rue, Holy Thistle, Nettles, Burnet Saxifrage, Bitter Milkwort, Marshmallow root, Raspberry leaves, Vervain. John Parkinson (1640) recommended Agnus Castus. Formula (1). Fenugreek seeds 2; Aniseeds 1. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup water gently simmered 2 minutes in a covered vessel. Dose: 1 cup 3 or more times daily. Consume seeds.

Formula (2). Equal parts: Goat’s Rue, Raspberry leaves. Mix. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. Dose: 1 cup 3 or more times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Agnus Castus, Fenugreek, Borage. ... breasts, milk scanty

Breasts, Nipples, Discharge

Due to a number of causes. Unlike colostrum secreted during breast-feeding after delivery. A pathological nipple discharge is non-milky, recurs from time to time, and is usually only from one nipple. It may be watery or a sticky yellow, staining being detected on bra or pyjamas. When blood-flecked it should be promptly investigated by a competent authority.

When the discharge is yellow, indicating pus, an infection is suspected which may develop into an abscess. Herbal treatment can be effective but if, after a week, the condition has not improved surgical exploration may be necessary to remove the affected duct.

Alternatives. Clivers, Goldenseal, Fenugreek, Marigold, Poke root, Queen’s Delight, Wild Indigo. Taken as tea, powder, liquid extract or decoction.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Red Clover, Clivers, Gotu Kola. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Powders. Formula. Wild Indigo 1; Echinacea 2; Poke root 1. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Poke root 1. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily.

Topical – for sore nipples. Wheatgerm oil, Evening Primrose oil. Lotions: Goldenseal, Marigold, distilled extract of Witch Hazel. Nipples to be washed before a child is again put to the breast. Cracked nipples: Comfrey – pulp from fresh plant, or equal parts powder and milk as a paste.

Minerals: magnesium, zinc. ... breasts, nipples, discharge


Extreme fatigue. May follow stress conditions or limited powers of endurance, surgical operations, exposure or prolonged illnesses. Physical Exhaustion, (Ginseng). Nervous Exhaustion, (Hops). Mental Exhaustion, (Capsicum, Peppermint, Life Drops). Heart Exhaustion, (Hawthorn). Jet fatigue (Passion flower).

Alternatives. Teas. Gotu Kola, Ginseng, Sage, Oat husks, Wood Betony, Hyssop, Agrimony, Wormwood, Angustura, Hops, Chamomile, Hibiscus flower, Hawthorn blossoms.

Gentian. 1 teaspoon to each cup cold water; allow to steep overnight. Half-1 cup before meals.

Tablets or capsules. Iceland Moss, Alfalfa, Gentian, Siberian Ginseng, Damiana, Pollen.

Life Drops. See entry.

Tinctures. Equal parts: Siberian Ginseng and Hawthorn – one 5ml teaspoon in water thrice daily. Aromatherapy. Oil Rosemary massage. 6 drops in 2 teaspoons Almond oil or other vegetable oil.

Diet. Oats (porridge, etc). Emphasis on protein. Bee pollen. Honey.

Nutrients. Vitamins A, Vitamin B12, B-complex, Folic acid, C, D. Chromium, Molasses (iron), Manganese, Zinc. Kelp for minerals. Biostrath.

Note: ME (Myalgic encephalomyelitis) is the end result of nervous exhaustion. Specific treatment on the heart, with adequate sleep and rest have proved of benefit. ... exhaustion

Nursing And Midwifery Council

(NMC) a statutory body that regulates the nursing and midwifery professions in the public interest. See nurse.... nursing and midwifery council

Surrogate Mother

a woman who becomes pregnant (by artificial insemination or embryo insertion) following an arrangement made with another party (usually a couple unable themselves to have children) in which she agrees to give the child she carries to that party when it is born. Surrogacy arrangements are made on the understanding that no payment is involved between either parties although reasonable expenses can be paid. See also section 30 order.

Details of surrogacy at the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority website... surrogate mother

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