British Approved Names (ban): From 1 Different Sources
The o?cially approved name for a medicinal substance used in the UK. A 1992 European Union directive required the use of a Recommended International Non-proprietary Name (rINN) for these substances. Usually the BAN and rINN were identical; where there was a difference, the rINN nomenclature is now used. An exception is adrenaline, which remains the o?cial name in Europe with the rINN – epinephrine – being a synonym.
Fertility, Potency, Prosperity... banana
Bath; common ingredients in baths include herbs, flowers, aguas (fragrant flower or plant essences, usually alcohol-based and artificially colored) and scented oils or perfumes; popular bath ingredients can be used individually or combined as a mixture of dried herbs and powders in packets or already prepared and infused in water. They are often sold at botánicas as packets or already prepared in liter-size bottles (usually recycled plastic soda bottles, juice jugs or milk containers). Bath preparations are used therapeutically for physical illness or as part of spiritual healing traditions to attract positive energy or dispel unwanted energy.... baño
A department in which blood products are prepared, stored, and tested prior to transfusion into patients.... blood bank
A strip or tube of fabric used to keep dressings in position, to apply pressure, to control bleeding, or to support a sprain or strain. Roller bandages are the most widely used. Tubular gauze bandages require a special applicator and are used mainly for areas that are awkward to bandage, such as a finger. Triangular bandages are used to make slings. (See also wounds.)... bandage
(Arabic) Having delicate fingertips... banan
Musa speciesDescription: These are treelike plants with several large leaves at the top. Their flowers are borne in dense hanging clusters.Habitat and Distribution: Look for bananas and plantains in open fields or margins of forests where they are grown as a crop. They grow in the humid tropics.Edible Parts: Their fruits are edible raw or cooked. They may be boiled or baked. You can boil their flowers and eat them like a vegetable. You can cook and eat the rootstocks and leaf sheaths of many species. The center or “heart” or the plant is edible year-round, cooked or raw.Other Uses: You can use the layers of the lower third of the plants to cover coals to roast food. You can also use their stumps to get water (see Chapter 6). You can use their leaves to wrap other foods for cooking or storage.... banana and plantain
Nutritional Profile
Energy value (calories per serving): Moderate
Protein: Low
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low Cholesterol: None Carbohydrates: High Fiber: Moderate Sodium: Low
Major vitamin contribution: B vitamins, vitamin C
Major mineral contribution: Potassium, magnesium
About the Nutrients in This Food
A banana begins life with more starch than sugar, but as the fruit ripens its starches turn to sugar, which is why ripe bananas taste so much better than unripe ones.* The color of a banana’s skin is a fair guide to its starch/ sugar ratio. When the skin is yellow-green, 40 percent of its carbohydrates are starch; when the skin is fully yellow and the banana is ripe, only 8 per- cent of the carbohydrates are still starch. The rest (91 percent) have broken down into sugars—glucose, fructose, sucrose, the most plentiful sugar in the fruit. Its high sugar content makes the banana, in its self-contained packet, a handy energy source.
Bananas are a high-fiber food with insoluble cellulose and lignin in the tiny seeds and soluble pectins in the flesh. They are also a good source of vitamin C and potassium.
One small (six-inch) banana or a half-cup of sliced banana has 2.6 g dietary fiber and 8.8 mg vitamin C (12 percent of the R DA for a woman,
10 percent of the R DA for a man), plus 363 mg potassium.
The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food
Fresh and ripe. Green bananas contain antinutrients, proteins that inhibit the actions of amylase, an enzyme that makes it possible for us to digest
* They are also more healt hful. Green bananas contain proteins t hat inhibit amy- lase, an enzyme t hat makes it possible for us to digest complex carbohydrates.
starch and other complex carbohydrates. Raw bananas are richer in potassium than cooked bananas; heating depletes potassium.
Buying This Food
Look for: Bananas that will be good when you plan to eat them. Bananas with brown specks on the skin are ripe enough to eat immediately. Bananas with creamy yellow skin will be ready in a day or two. Bananas with mostly yellow skin and a touch of green at either end can be ripened at home and used in two or three days.
Avoid: Overripe bananas whose skin has turned brown or split open. A grayish yellow skin means that the fruit has been damaged by cold storage. Bananas with soft spots under the skin may be rotten.
Storing This Food
Store bananas that aren’t fully ripe at room temperature for a day or two. Like avocados, bananas are picked green, shipped hard to protect them from damage en route and then sprayed with ethylene gas to ripen them quickly. Untreated bananas release ethylene natu- rally to ripen the fruit and turn its starches to sugar, but natural ripening takes time. Artificial ripening happens so quickly that there is no time for the starches to turn into sugar. The bananas look ripe but they may taste bland and starchy. A few days at room temperature will give the starches a chance to change into sugars.
Store ripe bananas in the refrigerator. The cold air will slow (but not stop) the natural enzyme action that ripens and eventually rots the fruit if you leave it at room temperature. Cold storage will darken the banana’s skin, since the chill damages cells in the peel and releases polyphenoloxidase, an enzyme that converts phenols in the banana peel to dark brown compounds, but the fruit inside will remain pale and tasty for several days.
Preparing This Food
Do not slice or peel bananas until you are ready to use them. When you cut into the fruit, you tear its cell walls, releasing polyphenoloxidase, an enzyme that hastens the oxidation of phenols in the banana, producing brown pigments that darken the fruit. (Chilling a banana produces the same reaction because the cold damages cells in the banana peel.) You can slow the browning (but not stop it completely) by dipping raw sliced or peeled bananas into a solution of lemon juice or vinegar and water or by mixing the slices with citrus fruits in a fruit salad. Overripe, discolored bananas can be used in baking, where the color doesn’t matter and their intense sweetness is an asset.
What Happens When You Cook This Food
When bananas are broiled or fried, they are cooked so quickly that there is very little change in color or texture. Even so, they will probably taste sweeter and have a more intense aroma than uncooked bananas. Heat liberates the volatile molecules that make the fruit taste and smell good.
How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food
Drying. Drying removes water and concentrates the nutrients and calories in bananas. Bananas may be treated with compounds such as sulfur dioxide to inhibit polyphenoloxi- dase and keep the bananas from browning as they dry. People who are sensitive to sulfites may suffer severe allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, if they eat these treated bananas.
Freezing. Fresh bananas freeze well but will brown if you try to thaw them at room tem- perature. To protect the creamy color, thaw frozen bananas in the refrigerator and use as quickly as possible.
Medical Uses and/or Benefits
Lower risk of stroke. Various nutrition studies have attested to the power of adequate potassium to keep blood pressure within safe levels. For example, in the 1990s, data from the long-running Harvard School of Public Health/Health Professionals Follow-Up Study of male doctors showed that a diet rich in high-potassium foods such as bananas, oranges, and plantain may reduce the risk of stroke. In the study, the men who ate the higher number of potassium-rich foods (an average of nine servings a day) had a risk of stroke 38 percent lower than that of men who consumed fewer than four servings a day. In 2008, a similar survey at the Queen’s Medical Center (Honolulu) showed a similar protective effect among men and women using diuretic drugs (medicines that increase urination and thus the loss of potassium).
Improved mood. Bananas and plantains are both rich in serotonin, dopamine, and other natural mood-elevating neurotransmitters—natural chemicals that facilitate the transmis- sion of impulses along nerve cells.
Potassium benefits. Because potassium is excreted in urine, potassium-rich foods are often recommended for people taking diuretics. In addition, a diet rich in potassium (from food) is associated with a lower risk of stroke. A 1998 Harvard School of Public Health analysis of data from the long-running Health Professionals Study shows 38 percent fewer strokes among men who ate nine servings of high potassium foods a day vs. those who ate less than four servings. Among men with high blood pressure, taking a daily 1,000 mg potas- sium supplement—about the amount of potassium in one banana—reduced the incidence of stroke by 60 percent.
Adverse Effects Associated with This Food
Digestive Problems. Unripe bananas contain proteins that inhibit the actions of amylase, an enzyme required to digest starch and other complex carbohydrates.
Sulfite allergies. See How other kinds of processing affect this food.
Latex-fruit syndrome. Latex is a milky fluid obtained from the rubber tree and used to make medical and surgical products such as condoms and protective latex gloves, as well as rub- ber bands, balloons, and toys; elastic used in clothing; pacifiers and baby bottle-nipples; chewing gum; and various adhesives. Some of the proteins in latex are allergenic, known to cause reactions ranging from mild to potentially life-threatening. Some of the proteins found naturally in latex also occur naturally in foods from plants such as avocados, bananas, chestnuts, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, and food and diet sodas sweetened with aspartame. Persons sensitive to these foods are likely to be sensitive to latex as well. NOTE : The National Insti- tute of Health Sciences, in Japan, also lists the following foods as suspect: Almonds, apples, apricots, bamboo shoots, bell peppers, buckwheat, cantaloupe, carrots, celery, cherries, chestnuts, coconut, figs, grapefruit, lettuce, loquat, mangoes, mushrooms, mustard, nectar- ines, oranges, passion fruit, papaya, peaches, peanuts, peppermint, pineapples, potatoes, soybeans, strawberries, walnuts, and watermelon.
Food/Drug Interactions
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are drugs used to treat depression. They inactivate naturally occurring enzymes in your body that metabolize tyra- mine, a substance found in many fermented or aged foods. Tyramine constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. If you eat a food containing tyramine while you are taking an M AO inhibitor, you cannot effectively eliminate the tyramine from your body. The result may be a hypertensive crisis. There have been some reports in the past of such reactions in people who have eaten rotten bananas or bananas stewed with the peel.
False-positive test for tumors. Carcinoid tumors—which may arise from tissues of the endo- crine system, the intestines, or the lungs—secrete serotonin, a natural chemical that makes blood vessels expand or contract. Because serotonin is excreted in urine, these tumors are diagnosed by measuring the levels of serotonin by-products in the urine. Bananas contain large amounts of serotonin; eating them in the three days before a test for an endocrine tumor might produce a false-positive result, suggesting that you have the tumor when in fact you don’t. (Other foods high in serotonin are avocados, eggplant, pineapple, plums, tomatoes, and walnuts.)... bananas
(Irish) In mythology, a patron goddess... banba
(African) The second-born of twins Banjie, Banjey, Banjy, Banjee, Banjea, Banjeah... banji
(American) A decorative symbol Baner, Bannyr, Banyr, Bannor, Bannar, Bannir... banner
(Welsh) A woman sovereign... banon
(Indian) One who is musical Bansurie, Bansari, Banseri, Bansurri, Bansury, Bansurey, Bansuree, Bansurea, Bansureah... bansuri
Luck. Happiness... banyan
See APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS.... british dental association
See PHARMACOPOEIA.... british pharmacopoeia
An o?cially recognised measurement of heat: a unit is equal to the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by 1°Fahrenheit. One BTU is equivalent to 1,055 joules (see JOULE).... british thermal unit (btu)
A firmly-applied, broad, elastic bandage applied to a limb to prevent the spread of venom injected after certain bites or stings. The pressure is enough to compress veins and lymphatic vessels, but not to cut off arterial supply and so it can remain on indefinitely. The bandage is first applied directlyover the envenomated area, and then extended over the entire limb which is then immobilised in a splint.... compression/immobilisation bandage
A rubber bandage which is applied to a limb before surgery from below upwards, in order to drive blood from the limb. The bandage is removed after an in?ated pneumatic TOURNIQUET has been placed round the limb; the operation can then proceed.... esmarch’s bandage
Protection, Invisibility ... wolfs bane
Equal parts: Agrimony, Great Burnet, Meadowsweet, Raspberry leaves, Wood Betony. Infuse as domestic tea, as strong and as frequently as desired. ... british herb tea
1990 provides data complementary to each monograph in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia 1990. Sections on constituents and regulatory status, therapeutic action and indications for use. A valuable text for the practitioner, manufacturer and all involved in herbal medicine. Therapeutic Section records observations and clinical experience of senior practitioners (members of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists). Compiled by the British Herbal Medicine Association Pharmacopoeia Commission which includes scientists, university pharmacognosists, pharmacologists, botanists, consulting medical herbalists, and medical practitioners in an advisory capacity. See abbreviation BHC under preparations. ... british herbal compendium
Before the Medicine’s Bill proceeded to the Statute book to become the Medicine’s Act 1968, so great was the threat to the practice of herbal medicine and sale of herbal preparations, that the profession and trade were galvanised into mobilising opposition. Thus, the British Herbal Medicine Association was formed in 1964. In the ensuing struggle, important concessions were won that ensured survival.
The BHMA is recognised by the Medicines Control Agency as the official representative of the profession and the trade. Its objects are (a) to defend the right of the public to choose herbal remedies and be able to obtain them; (b) to foster research in herbal medicine and establish standards of safety which are a safeguard to the user; (c) to encourage the dissemination of knowledge about herbal remedies, and (d) do everything possible to advance the science and practice of herbal medicine, and to further recognition at all levels.
Membership is open to all interested in the future of herbal medicine, including herbal practitioners, herbal retailers, health food stores, wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, pharmacists, doctors and research workers.
The BHMA produces the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Its Scientific Committee is made up of senior herbal practitioners, university pharmacologists and pharmacognosists. Other publications include: BHMA Advertising Code (1978), Medicines Act Advertising guidelines (1979), the Herbal Practitioner’s Guide to the Medicine’s Act (F. Fletcher Hyde), and miscellaneous leaflets on ‘Herbs and Their Uses’.
The BHMA does not train students for examination but works in close co-operation with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, and with the European Scientific Co-operative on Phytotherapy.
Chairmen since its inception: Frank Power, 1964-1969; Fred Fletcher-Hyde, 1969-1977; Hugh Mitchell 1977-1986; James Chappelle 1986-1990; Victor Perfitt 1990-.
During the years the association has secured important advantages for its membership, particularly continuity of sale of herbal medicines in health food shops. It continues to maintain vigilance in matterss British and European as they affect manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing, prescribing and dispensing.
See: BRITISH HERBAL PHARMACOPOEIA and BRITISH HERBAL COMPENDIUM. ... british herbal medicine association
World-accepted work. New edition published: 1990, fully revised and updated. Over 80 monographs. Official publication of the British Herbal Medicine Association to set and maintain standards of herbal medicine. Does not contain Therapeutic Section and index that appear in the 1983 edition, but describes macroscopical and microscopical characteristics. Quantitative standards, methods of identification, commercial form and source and description of the powdered form. BHP 1990 vol 1 is available from BHMA Publications, PO Box 304, Bournemouth, Dorset, England BH7 6JZ (£35). Abbreviation: BHP. ... british herbal pharmacopoeia
Published six-monthly by the School of Phytotherapy (Herbal Medicine), edited by Hein Zeylstra. Scientific journal for the professional. Enquiries: School of Phytotherapy, Bucksteep Manor, Bodle Street Green, near Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4RJ, UK. ... british journal of phytotherapy
Provides authoritative standards for the quality of many substances, preparations and articles used in medicine and pharmacy, and includes the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeias. A legally enforceable document throughout the UK, most of the Commonwealth and many other countries, and is an indispensable laboratory handbook for all concerned with the quality of medicines. Published on the recommendation of the Medicines Commission pursuant to the Medicines Act 1968. Published by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. The most useful BPC for the herbal practitioner is the BPC 1934. ... british pharmacopoeia, the
A broad, rubber bandage wrapped around the elevated limb of a patient to force blood out of the blood vessels towards the heart; this creates a blood-free area, enabling surgery to be performed more easily.... esmarch’s bandage
The persistent, rhythmic banging of the head against a wall or hard object. Head-banging is seen in some people with severe learning difficulties, particularly those who lack stimulation. It also occurs in some normal toddlers, often when they are frustrated or angry; most children grow out of the behaviour.... head-banging
ultrasound features of the *Arnold–Chiari malformation in fetuses with spina bifida. The banana sign refers to the shape of the cerebellum owing to caudal displacement; the lemon sign refers to the lemon-shaped head resulting from scalloping of the frontal bones. See illustration.... banana and lemon signs
a soft contact lens that can be useful in managing certain external eye disorders, including tiny perforations.... bandage lens
the deposition of calcium in the superficial layers of the cornea, usually as a horizontal band starting peripherally and moving centrally. It is associated with chronic eye disease, e.g. chronic *uveitis, particularly juvenile chronic uveitis. It is treated by application of EDTA (see edetate) or with an *excimer laser.... band keratopathy
(banding) see oesophageal varices. See also gastric banding.... band ligation
see retraction ring. [L. Bandl (1842–92), German obstetrician]... bandl’s ring
a disorder in which enlargement and overactivity of the spleen occurs as a result of increased pressure within the splenic vein (see hypersplenism; splenomegaly). It arises primarily in children and occurs with *cirrhosis of the liver. [G. Banti (1852–1925), Italian pathologist]... banti’s syndrome
an apparatus for treating haemorrhoids in which a tight elastic band is applied across their base to cause ischaemic necrosis leading to sloughing off within a few days.... barron’s banding apparatus
(BMA) a professional body for doctors and also an independent trade union dedicated to protecting individual members and the collective interests of doctors. It has a complex structure that allows representation both by geographical area of work and through various committees, including the General Practice Committee (GPC), Central Consultants and Specialists Committee, Junior Doctors Committee, and the Medical Students Committee.... british medical association
(BNF) a reference source published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Group twice a year (in March and September). It contains comprehensive information on medications from various sources, including the manufacturer as well as regulatory and professional bodies, resulting in information that is relevant to practice and takes into account national guidelines.... british national formulary
(BSL) see sign language.... british sign language
a unit of heat equal to the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1° Fahrenheit. 1 British thermal unit = 1055 joules. Abbrev.: Btu.... british thermal unit
a form of *bariatric surgery in which a band is placed around the stomach to effectively reduce its size and therefore restrict the amount of food it can accommodate. Weight loss should result. The procedure can be performed either in open operation or laparoscopically. The bands can be of a fixed size or adjustable (to vary calorie intake) by means of a small reservoir situated under the skin into which fluid can be injected or removed by the patient.... gastric banding
a bandage consisting of padding and/or crepe and material containing elastic fibres that can stretch to up 300% of their original length. It is used in the treatment of venous leg ulcers and may be applied dry or as a cohesive layer. The fibres provide constant pressure and should not be worn overnight or during extended periods of rest.... long-stretch bandage
a flexible metal or plastic strip that is placed round a tooth to restore a wall, thus aiding the insertion of a dental filling to restore anatomical form and function.... matrix band
immunoglobulin bands found in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) taken at *lumbar puncture. Bands isolated only in the CSF and not in the serum indicate local synthesis and are seen in such conditions as multiple sclerosis.... oligoclonal bands
a technique for removing a stone from the ureter. It consists of ‘pushing’ the stone back into the renal pelvis, where it can be destroyed by *lithotripsy (‘bang’).... push-bang technique
a bandage that exerts low resting pressure. It is inelastic but can stretch by up to 60% of its original length and is used in the treatment of *lymphoedema and venous leg ulcers.... short-stretch bandage
a facility that collects, freezes, and stores human sperm for future use in *artificial insemination (see cryopreservation). Sperm is donated by men who relinquish legal rights to any future child, and donors’ identities are generally unknown to recipients. In some cases, men store their sperm for their own future use if they are to undergo a medical treatment that might leave them sterile.... sperm bank
a bandage wound round a part of the body, overlapping the previous section at each turn.... spiral bandage
n. a questionnaire used to predict patients who have *obstructive sleep apnoea. The name is an acronym of snoring, tiredness, observed apnoeas, high blood pressure, BMI, age, neck size, and gender.... stop-bang
a bandage arranged to support a hanging part of the body. Examples include a sling used to hold an injured lower jaw in position and a bandage used to support the scrotum in various conditions of the male genital organs.... suspensory bandage
a piece of material cut or folded into a triangular shape and used for making an arm sling or holding dressings in position.... triangular bandage
haemopoietic *stem cells collected from umbilical cord blood donated at birth, which can be stored indefinitely and used if a sibling or any other blood-compatible baby develops an illness (such as leukaemia) that could only be treated by cord-blood stem-cell transplantation. This facility is now available in the UK and the USA.... umbilical cord blood banked stem cells
see gastroplasty; stomach stapling.... vertical banded gastroplasty