Bryony Health Dictionary

Bryony: From 2 Different Sources

Bryonia alba. N.O. Cucurbitaceae.

Synonym: Bryonia, English Mandrake, Mandragora, Wild Vine.

Habitat: Hedges and thickets.

Features ? Stem rough, hairy, freely branched, climbs several feet by numerous curling tendrils. Leaves vine-like, five- or seven-lobed, coarse and rough. Flowers (May to September), white, green-veined, in axillar panicles. Berries scarlet when ripe. Branched root one to two feet long, white internally and externally. Not to be confused with American Mandrake (q.v.).

Part used ? Root.

Action: Cathartic, hydragogue.

Cough, influenza, bronchitis. Cardiac disorders resulting from rheumatism and gout. Is also used in malarial and zymotic diseases. Dose of the fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 drachm. Large doses to be avoided.
Health Source: Herbal Manual
Author: Health Dictionary
(English) Of the healing vine Briony, Brione, Brioni, Brionna, Brionne, Brionee, Bryonee, Bryoni, Bryone, Bryonie, Brionie, Bryani, Bryanie, Bryanee, Brionea, Bryonea, Brioneah, Bryoneah
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Bryony, Black

Blackeye root. Tamus communis L. French: Bryone douce a? fruits et a? racine noirs. German: Schwarzwurzel. Italian: Tamarro. Root. Not used internally.

Contains steroidal spirostane glycosides.

Action: rubefacient, bruise-healer. Resolvent.

Uses: Traditional: scraped root used externally as a rub for gout, rheumatism, and painful joints; and as a cold poultice for blackeye and bruises generally. Steeped in strong wine (teaspoon to 8oz wine) for 8 days – a lotion for chilblains. Berries steeped in gin used for the same purpose.

Preparations: Tincture: 1 part pulp to 5 parts alcohol. Macerate 8 days, strain, for external use.

Cream: Tamus cream or ointment. (Weleda, Nelson)

Pulped fresh root: as a poultice for chilblains or gout. ... bryony, black

Bryony, White

Wild vine. Bryonia alba L. French: Bryone blanche. German: Zaunru?be. Spanish: Brionia. Italian: Briona bianca. Contains cucurbitacins. Sliced dried root.

Action: diaphoretic, expectorant, powerful hydragogue, emetic, cathartic, anti-tumour, anti-rheumatic. Externally: as a rubefacient. Internal use, practitioner only.

Uses: Rheumatism worse from movement, rheumatic fever, acute arthritis. Heart disorder following rheumatic fever. For absorption of serous fluid as in pleurisy. Congested bronchi and lungs. Synovitis, malaria and zymotic diseases.

Combinations: With Black Cohosh for muscular pain. Also for tenderness of the spinal vertebre (an important indication). With Poke root for inflammation of the breast or testicles.

Preparations: Owing to difficulty of the layman to dispense accurately dosage of powder or decoction, use is best confined to liquid extract or tincture; small doses frequently repeated; large doses avoided. Liquid Extract: 10 drops in 4oz water; dose 1 teaspoon every half hour.

Tincture: dose; 2 teaspoons every half hour (acute) cases; thrice daily (chronic).

External. Tincture used as a lotion.

Note: Not used in pregnancy, lactation or in presence of piles. ... bryony, white

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