Water horehound. Gipsywort. German: Gemeiner Wolfstrapp. French: Lycope. Italian: Licopo. Lycopus europaeus and Lycopus virginicus. Properties of both plants are the same. Dried herb. Action: “cardio-active diuretic, increasing force of myocardial contraction and reducing heart rate” BHP (1983). Palpitation, peripheral vasoconstrictor, antitussive, hypoglycaemic, sedative, anti-haemorrhagic, thyrostatic, narcotic (mild).
Mild contraceptive containing lithospermum acid which blocks gonadotropic hormones of the anterior pituitary (Rudolf F. Weiss MD)
Uses: To reduce rapid heart beat from over-active thyroid. Reduces high pulse rate in thyrotoxicosis with heart involvement. Raises blood sugar levels in diabetes. Internal haemorrhages, bleeding from the lungs, menorrhagia. High blood pressure.
Combinations. With Lily of the Valley (Bugleweed 2; Lily 1) for heart cases. With Elecampane (equal parts) for cough of tuberculosis. With Valerian 1 for thyrotoxicosis.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea: 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 10 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Tincture BHP (1983) 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 2-6ml in water.
Lycopus virginicus. N.O. Labiateae.
Synonym: Sweet Bugle, Water Bugle.
Habitat: Shady and damp places in the northern regions of U.S.A.
Features ? Stem smooth, square, up to eighteen inches high. Leaves opposite, short- stalked, elliptic-lanceolate, serrate above, entire lower down. Small white flowers, in axillary clusters. Bitter taste"Part used ? Herb.
Action: Sedative, astringent.
Coughs, pulmonary hemorrhage. Dose, frequent wineglasses of the 1 ounce to 1 pint infusion. England says, "Lycopus and Capsicum is the remedy for hemorrhage from the lungs."