Synonym: D. sativa Thumb auct. non L.D. versicolor Buch.-Ham ex Wall.
Family: Dioscoreaceae.
Habitat: Throughout tropical India, at 1,500-2,100 m.
English: Patoto Yam, Bulb-bearing Yam, Air Potato, Dog Yam.
Ayurvedic: Vaaraahi, Vaaraahikan- da, Grshti, Banaaalu, Suraalu, Raktaalu. Substitute for Vriddhi.
Unani: Baraahikand.
Siddha/Tamil: Kodi-kilangu, Pannu-kilangu.
Action: Dried and pounded tubers are used as an application for swellings, boils and ulcers; roasted tubers are used in dysentery, piles, venereal sores. Leaf—febrifuge.
The raw tubers are bitter due to the presence of furanoid norditerpenes (they lose their bitterness on roasting and are then eaten). The wild tubers contain nearly 83% starch and possess hunger-suppressing property. They contain certain poisonous alkaloids.The rhizomes afforded D-sorbitol, furanoid norditerpenes—diosbulbins A-D, 2,4,6,7-tetrahydroxy-9,10-dihy- drophenanthrene and 2,4,5,6,-tetra- hydroxyphenanthrene, diosgenin, lucein, neoxanthine, violaxanthin, zeax- anthin, auroxanthin and cyrptoxan- thin.... dioscorea bulbifera