Lymphoid tumour associated with Epstein-Barr (EB) virus. Especially common in malaria endemic areas, such as Africa and Papua New Guinea. May be associated with the immunosuppressive effects of the malaria infection.
Malignant LYMPHOMA in children previously infected with EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS. It occurs mainly in the jaw and abdominal organs. It is common in parts of Africa where MALARIA is endemic.
A neoplasia of the lymph tissue, such as Hodgkin’s Disease. Although it is frequently useful to stimulate immunity when a person is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, since the resultant immunosuppression is a major side effect of the treatment, in lymphatic cancer this the POINT of the therapy...let it be.... lymphoma
A cancer of lymph tissues that is characterized by tumours within the jaw and/or abdomen. It is confined almost exclusively to children living in low-lying, moist, tropical regions of Africa and New Guinea. Anticancer drugs or radiotherapy give complete or partial cure in about 80 per cent of cases. (See also lymphoma.)... burkitt’s lymphoma